Laboratory Medicine - Kuwait Institute for Medical Specialization

Kuwait Institute for
Medical Specialization
Ministry of Health, Kuwait
Kuwait Institute for Medical Specialization (KIMS) is
the authority of the Ministry of Health, State of Kuwait,
that is responsible for planning all aspects of
postgraduate training of medical and other health
professionals in Kuwait. It organises the internship
training of recently qualified medical graduates, and
speciality level and continuing education programmes
for all health professionals.
In fulfilling its aim of providing speciality level training
in the different fields of medicine, KIMS has
established a number of Faculties and Committees,
which initiate and coordinate postgraduate training.
They are in Internal Medicine, Surgery, Paediatrics,
Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Family Medicine,
Laboratory Medicine, Radiology, Nuclear Medicine,
Anaesthesia and Radiology, and Dentistry. This booklet
gives an outline of the training programme in
Laboratory Medicine. Registration in the programmes is
open to doctors practising in Kuwait as well to those
based in institutions in the other GCC countries subject
to availability. Interested readers are requested to
contact KIMS, for additional information on the
programme described here, or for details of other
activities organised in the speciality.
Introduction ---------------------------------------
Diploma -------------------------------------------
MRCPath Programme ---------------------------
Objectives -----------------------------------------
Admission to Programme -----------------------
Training Programme -----------------------------
Monitoring of Programme and
Programme Effectiveness -----------------------
Laboratory Medicine serves a central role in all fields of
medical science - patient care, medical education and
basic and applied health research. Rapid advances in
various scientific technology make this role all the more
important and crucial. Since patient management
strategies are largely determined by the exact
pathological abnormalities and the stage of the disease,
for proper patient care the clinician has to lean heavily
on advice from Consultants in laboratory medicine and
constantly interact with them. Opinions by specialists in
different branches of laboratory medicine are essential
in proper diagnosis, management and prognosis of
diseases encountered in the entire spectrum of
community health care - primary to tertiary. In any
health care team therefore, specialists in laboratory
medicine constitute a vital component.
As in other branches of clinical medicine, specialization
in laboratory medicine to higher specialist level
(consultant) requires spending adequate time in a
properly structured residency training programme of
acceptable international standard. Currently, Kuwait
Institute for Medical Specialization, KIMS makes
available in Kuwait such a programme recognised by
the Royal College of Pathologists (RCPath) of the UK.
Physicians in the programme are eligible to appear at
the RCPath. examinations and for the award of the
The specialization diploma in different fields of
laboratory medicine is called Membership of the Royal
College of Pathologists, UK (MRCPath.), and is offered
by the College in the following areas of specialization:
 Chemical Pathology*
 Clinical Immunology*
 Forensic Pathology/Medicine
 Genetics
 Haematology*
 Histocompatibility
 Histopathology* including cytopathology
 and paediatric pathology
 Microbiology *
 Neuropathology
 Oral pathology
 Toxicology
 Transfusion Medicine*
 Veterinary pathology
 Virology
*approved programmes in Kuwait.
The MRCPath is recognised
internationally for
appointment to consultant staff position in high level
tertiary care hospitals, academic institutions and
research organisations.
The MRCPath Programme is a 5-year high level
apprenticeship training geared to develop professionally
qualified physicians who practise as consultants in
various fields of laboratory medicine in tertiary care
hospitals, academics and as researchers.
The first three years of training is at a general specialist
level and is certified by success in a Part I examination
comprising a set of theory papers which the candidate
must pass to be eligible to later sit the practical and oral
examinations in the UK. Successful candidates at the
Part I examination are admitted as Diplomates of the
Royal College of Pathologists and are eligible for
appointment as Senior (specialist) Registrar in the UK.
The last two years of training is at a Higher Specialist
level. At this time the candidate may opt to train in a
subspecility or go on a research tract usually along a
subspeciality, or train further as a general specialist. The
programme is completed by a Part II examination that
comprises Orals and Practicals. Candidates who
successfully pass the Part II examinations are admitted
as Members of the Royal College of Pathologists and
are appointable as Consultants in the UK. The
MRCPath is thus an Exit Specialist Diploma, awarded
on Completion of general and Higher Specialist
The MRCPath holder thus possesses sufficient clinical,
scientific information, statistics, epidemiological and
administrative skills to function as a Consultant.
At the end of the 5-year of training in the MRCPath
programme the physician will :
1. Possess enough skill and knowledge to correctly
diagnose most diseases using laboratory techniques
in his/her own speciality.
2. Be able to advise on the optimal management of
diseases on the basis of the laboratory results and
3. Be able to advise on the correct and optimal use of
laboratory tests, their interpretation and limitations
4. Have sound knowledge of the etiology,
pathogenesis, pathology and sequelae of diseases in
the area of specialty
5. Understand the importance of research in the
practice of medicine and the contribution of
laboratory medicine to research.
6. Be competent in organising, administering and
monitoring the quality of the particular laboratory
A. Requirements
Medical graduates of Kuwait University and other
recognised universities who have completed the
Internship training as specified by KIMS after
graduation are eligible to apply for admission into
the programme. Prior experience in the speciality of
Laboratory Medicine or any other Clinical Speciality
is not mandatory.
B. Selection
After review of the applications short-listed
candidates will be interviewed as arranged by the
Selection Committee of KIMS Faculty of
Laboratory Medicine.
C. Training Centre
Staff of the Departments of Pathology and
Microbiology of the Faculty of Medicine Kuwait
University direct and supervise the training at the
laboratories of the Mubarak Al-Kabeer Teaching
Hospital. However trainees are obliged to rotate
through laboratories in other hospitals recognised by
the RCPath for training purposes: Amiri, Sabah,
KCCC, Ibn Sina.
The MRCPath Programme in Kuwait is a residency
programme and residents are required to work as fulltime laboratory physicians throughout their training
period and get trained on the job rather than through
formal teaching courses. Learning should be achieved in
a continuous stepwise but all-round manner with
acquirement of skills and expertise through personal
experience, exposure to experience of seniors in the
field and simultaneous reading of texts and literature.
Continuous documentation of experience is mandatory
and for this purpose all residents are supplied with Log
Books in which they record their training experience.
The Training Record must be kept safely and up to date.
1.1. Working hours
1.1.1 Working hours are normally those of
Faculty of Medicine - that is 8 AM to 4
Saturday through Wednesday. Residents
however on mandatory emergency or
duties as for other physicians.
1.1.2 Vacation time is as for other Ministry of
Public Health employees subject to the
approval of the Head of the Training Unit and
the Director of the Programme. Records of
duty attendance and vacation time are
1.2. Professional Training
1.2.1 Rotational postings in subspecialties and
elsewhere are organised by the consultants in
the specialty as per guidelines of the RCPath.
1.2.2 The principal modus of teaching and learning
is on-the-job experience and case discussions
with Senior Registrars and consultants,
supplemented by relevant day-to-day reading
of general and specialised texts.
1.2.3 Attendance at all professional intra- and
interdepartmental conferences is mandatory
since these are ideal learning experiences.
1.2.4 Residents
Immunology and Chemical Pathology have
direct responsibility for patient care and are
required to attend clinics and perform ward
duties. Residents in these specialities are
encouraged to spend rotational periods in
internal medicine or paediatrics, and to
acquire or, already hold basic specialist
certificates in these areas eg. MRCP.
1.3. Academic Exposure
1.3.1 Residents are required to attend and actively
participate in Journal Clubs, Seminars,
Symposia, Special Courses, Guest Lectures
and other academic activities organised or,
recommended by the Department.
1.3.2 Resident doctors are required to attend
practical classes for medical students as
honorary demonstrators and wherever
possible participate in graduate lectures and
1.4. Research Exposure
Participation in research projects of consultants
and faculty staff is to be greatly encouraged.
Whenever possible residents who have passed the
Part I examinations will be encouraged to take a
project for a PhD/MD dissertation along with their
Higher Specialist training.
Continuous monitoring of learning and other
achievements of all residents is undertaken by
supervising consultants and results reported regularly to
the Council of the Faculty of Laboratory Medicine.
2.1. In addition to the on-job assessment of residents
each training unit conducts periodic written
practical and oral examinations based on the
general pattern of the MRCPath examinations for
each resident doctor.
2.2. The first year of training is probationary and new
entrants into the programme are required to
achieve satisfactory performance during this
period. Residents whose performances are
unsatisfactory may have to leave the programme.
2.3. Resident doctors in the programme are required to
a. On successful completion of Parts I and II
b. If they fail to pass the Part II examinations
after 8 years.
c. If they fail to pass the Part I examinations after
5 years.
d. If the performance in the first year of probation
is unsatisfactory.