8 Week Blended Syllabus Template Spring 2010 Drury is an independent University, church-related, grounded in the liberal arts tradition and committed to personalized education in a community of scholars who value the arts of teaching and learning. Education at Drury seeks: to cultivate spiritual sensibilities and imaginative faculties as well as ethical insight and critical thought, to liberate persons to participate responsibly in and contribute to life in a global community, to foster the integration of theoretical and practical knowledge. Course Title and Number: Required Texts: Course Description: (from catalog) Course Objectives: (extremely important: these are the objectives that upon successful completion of the course students should have mastered) (Also be thinking about your objectives with relation to the IDEA evaluations at the end of the semester, they should match with your course objectives.) Course Location: (for face-to-face meetings and http://druryonline.blackboard.com for online portion) Face-to-Face Meeting Dates: Instructor’s Name: Contact Information: Availability: Instructor’s Bio: Participation: Be specific about face-to-face attendance and online participation like the example below: Attendance/participation: Blended classes require consistent attendance and participation, especially in a condensed 8-week course such as this one. Please make every attempt to be in class on Tuesday nights, ready to begin at 5:20 p.m. If you cannot make it please call or email me prior to the start time of class. Much of the learning experience occurs when students share with each other. When you are absent (class or online) the learning experience is diminished and all are affected. You can earn 25 points each week for attendance/participation, thus you will lose 25 points for each class missed. However, you cannot pass this course if you miss more than three times. Even if you turn in the written assignments, do your posts/replies, and take the quizzes, you cannot pass this course if you have four absences. Blackboard Postings: By Tuesday evening, I will put up the course materials for the coming week. This will give you the opportunity to examine the next week’s reading and learning objectives before our next “seated” class session. In each week’s folder I will include the week’s objectives, reading assignments, discussion activities, etc. Student online activities are to be posted on the class discussion board, under the appropriate forum (no later than 11:55 P.M. on Thursday night). By the following Monday (no later than 11:55 P.M.), students will reply to one another on the discussion board with deeper probing of each other’s original assignment. Students are required to read the discussion board fully each week for collaborative learning. To repeat: · · · . Tuesday evening: Instructor posts course materials / assignments Thursday: Student Discussion Post due (NLT 11:55 P.M.) Monday: All Replies to each other due (NLT 11:55 P.M.) Total of 3-4 substantive posts each week to earn full discussion points You will be asked to answer the question or write an analysis regarding the assignment in a 150-word minimum, essay format. Using the strategies, techniques, theories and concepts from the book, you will relate personal and professional work and life experiences in your answers. These will not be graded for accuracy but you MUST back up your stance with class materials to earn full points. Responding to Classmates’ Postings: Each week you are required to post replies to a minimum of two other classmates’ postings. If someone responds to you, then you need to reply back to that person. I would prefer for EVERYONE to ask a question during the responses so that the “conversation” can continue. You should read every student’s postings and engage in active discussions/replies. An active reply would be more than only “great idea” or “I agree with what you are saying.” It would discuss application, further ideas, challenge positions, etc. (If a classmate asks you a question, you should respond to it. Failing to respond to a classmate’s question can result in a loss of points.) I will be expecting to see a deeper level of exploration in each posting. Written Work: Please include your expectation for written work. For example: All papers are to be college level papers: typed, spell-checked and grammar checked, well written with a logical flow of thought. All papers are to be APA style, double spaced, in Times New Roman font size 12. Rubrics will be provides for each written assignment. In addition how do you want the students to submit written work: hard paper copy, via BB in message, BB as attachment, BB drop box, etc. Late Work: Please include your policy on late work. Be specific. Weighting of Assignments: ASSIGNMENT Participation (cannot be more than 30% of grade, needs to include online and face-toface activities) Quizzes and Homework Paper Presentation PERCENTAGE Grading Scale: PERCENTAGE 100-94% 93-90% 89-87% 86-84% 83-80% 79-77% 76-74% GRADE A AB+ B BC+ C 73-70% 69-67% 66-64% 63-60% Less than 59% Grade A B C D S F I U CD+ D DF Criteria and Guidelines A grade of “A” involves a level of performance that is completely excellent in the factors indicated in the definition of “B”. A grade of “B” indicates a higher level of performance than the satisfactory standard defined for a grade of “C”. It involves excellence in some aspect of work, such as completeness, accuracy, detail of knowledge, or effective independent work. A grade of “C” represents a satisfactory level of performance which can be expected of any Drury student who gives a reasonable amount of time, effort and attention to the work of the course. Such satisfactory performance should include familiarity with the concept of the course as shown by an acceptable mastery of the information, concepts of skills involved and regular participation in the work of the class. A grade of “D” indicates below standard performance; it is acceptable toward graduation only if offset by superior work in other courses. A grade of “S” (satisfactory) indicates the attainment of a “C” level or better. A grade of “F” indicates an unacceptable level of performance. A grade of “I” is given for incomplete work only if illness or other unavoidable causes prevent the student from completing the course. The student is responsible for contacting the instructor and determining what must be done to remove the “I” grade. Coursework must be completed and the “I” grade replaced with a letter grade within six weeks after the beginning of the semester immediately following the semester in which the “I” was received, please see CGCS catalog for complete I grade policy. A grade of “U” (unsatisfactory) indicates an unacceptable level of performance. IP, DR, DP, DF, WP,WF Please see CGCS catalog Note: Drury does not give an A+ grade as a final, end of semester, grade. Assignments: The instructor reserves the right to change the listed assignments. Students will be given at least one week notice if the listing of course assignments changes. Course Standards: Drury University maintains the highest standard for academic honesty and trusts that each student will perform ethically and professionally when preparing required work for this course. Each assignment must represent the student’s original work, even for work designated as group work. Although Drury encourages collaboration between students and faculty, in the sharing of ideas and experiences, individual work needs to represent the student’s original thought and be distinguishably different from other student’s work. Academic Honesty: Academic dishonesty undermines the values of Drury University as well as the education endeavor. Dishonesty and theft of any kind are not to be tolerated, but the act of cheating in academic work is detrimental to the educational process and ultimately cheats both the student involved and the entire community of scholars. All instances of academic dishonesty will be reported to the dean of the college. Please refer to the CGCS catalog for more thorough review of the university’s academic dishonesty policy. ADA Students: Assignments: Week 1 In class: Online: Week 2 In class: Online: Week 3 In class: Online: Week 4 In class: Online: Drury University is committed to providing a hospitable environment to academically qualified students with disabilities and to complying fully with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Accommodations will be determined, based on documentation, and communicated to faculty each semester by the College of Graduate and Continuing Studies, with the consent of the student. The dean of the College of Graduate and Continuing Studies is the first person to be contacted by a student requesting a review of accommodations or services. Services for students with disabilities enrolled in Continuing Studies are coordinated by Teresa Montgomery in academic advising. To begin the process of planning for success, students are encouraged to present appropriate and current documentation well in advance of their first semester of classes. The instructor cannot make any accommodations unless directed to do so by the university. Week 5 In class: Online: Week 6 In class: Online: Week 7 In class: Online: Week 8 In class: Online: This syllabus subject to modification.