Pebbles, Sand and Silt **This calendar is based on the assumption that science experiences are occurring in 40 to 50 minute sessions, 4 days a week, as a minimum amount of time to teach the unit in its entirety. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Introduction to the Investigation 1: First Investigation 1: First Investigation 1: First Investigation 1: First Rocks Rocks Rocks Rocks unit – Read: If You Find a Rock by Peggy Christian Prepare Science Notebooks Part 1: Three Rocks Part 2: Washing Three Part 3: First Sort Part 4: Sorting Games Rocks Rocks, Minerals, and Fossils Options: Chapter 1: A Rocky 1. Set up a field trip World, pages 4–7 or 4-9 to the Fossil Gorge in Coralville (additional sections will be used later in the unit) 2. Order the brick materials Read: Rocks in His Head 3. Gather books about the Three Little Pigs for literature study Read: Peter and the Rocks (in kit) Read: Everybody Needs a Rock Down to Earth, Page 3, pages 19 – 25, and pages 29-30 (the rest of this book will be used later in the unit) Rocks, Minerals, and Fossils, page 28 Collecting Rocks Read: Big Book Exploring Rocks after students have completed this investigation. Day 6 Investigation 1: First Rocks Day 7 Investigation 2: River Rocks Day 8 Investigation 2: River Rocks Day 9 Investigation 2: River Rocks Day 10 Investigation 2: River Rocks Part 5: Start a Rock Collection Part 1: Screening River Rocks Part 2: River Rocks By Size Part 3: Sand and Silt Part 3: Sand and Silt (observing vials) Day 11 Day 12 Investigation 2: River Investigation 2: River Rocks Rocks Day 13 Investigation 3: Using Rocks Day 14 Investigation 3: Using Rocks Day 15 Investigation 3: Using Rocks Part 4: Exploring Clay Part 4: Exploring Clay (observing vials) Part 1: Rocks in Use Part 2: Looking at Sandpaper Day 16 Investigation 3: Using Rocks Day 17 Investigation 3: Using Rocks Day 18 Investigation 3: Using Rocks Day 19 Day 20 Investigation 4: Soil Investigation 4: Soil Explorations Explorations Part 4: Clay Beads Part 5: Making Bricks Part 5: Making Bricks (Using the bricks and Assessment) Part 1: Homemade Soil Part 3 Sand Sculptures Part 1: Homemade Soil (screen soil) Down to Earth, pages 29-30 (the rest of this book will be used later in the unit) Day 21 Investigation 4: Soil Explorations Day 22 Investigation 4: Soil Explorations Day 23 Investigation 4: Soil Explorations Day 24 Investigation 4: Soil Explorations Part 1: Homemade Soil (observing vials) Part 2: Soil Search Part 3: Studying Local Soil Part 3: Studying Local Soil Day 25 End of Module Assessment This calendar is just a guide for your use with this unit offered by teachers that found this schedule to work for them. It reflects a minimum amount of time needed. Most book suggestions come from VAST Mediagraphies available at Revised June 7, 2008