Labour Department`s employment services for people with disabilities

「殘疾歧視條例」 - 十年努力、開拓未來研討會
“Our Ten Years under the DDO – Moving Forward, Changing Cultures” Seminar
Abstract of Mr. Danny LAU
Labour Department’s Employment Services
for People With Disabilities
Mr. Danny LAU
Senior Labour Officer
Selective Placement Division
Labour Department
The Selective Placement Division (SPD) of the Labour Department provides free
recruitment service to employers and free personalized employment service to help place
people with disabilities in open employment.
A placement officer will be assigned to each registered disabled job seekers.
Apart from providing vocational guidance, assessment, job matching and referrals services
to disabled job-seekers, placement officers will also help prepare them for interviews,
accompany them to attend interviews when necessary, and provide them with at least 3
months post placement service as well.
In 2007, the SPD provided placement service for 3 666 disabled job-seekers and
successfully helped 2 619 of them secure employment.
The SPD has launched different employment programmes to promote the
employment opportunities for people with disabilities, including:
Work Orientation and Placement Scheme (WOPS)
The WOPS was launched by the SPD in April 2005 to enhance the employability
and competitiveness of people with disabilities through comprehensive
pre-employment training and work trial placement.
Under the Scheme, a 2-day
「殘疾歧視條例」 - 十年努力、開拓未來研討會
“Our Ten Years under the DDO – Moving Forward, Changing Cultures” Seminar
Abstract of Mr. Danny LAU
pre-employment training programme is available to disabled job-seekers for
enhancing their job-searching skills, interviewing techniques, communication and
interpersonal skills, etc. For each disabled person engaged, a financial incentive,
equal to half of the actual wages paid to the disabled employee and subject to a
ceiling of $3,000 per month, will be paid to participating employers for up to three
months. Employers are also encouraged to assign an employee as a “mentor” to
assist their disabled employees on trial in adapting to the new job and each mentor
will receive a cash award of $500. As at 31.12.2007, the Scheme has achieved
908 work placements.
Self help Integrated Placement Service (SHIPS)
 The SHIPS is introduced to encourage and help disabled job-seekers to be more
proactive and independent in the search for jobs. Under the SHIPS, the SPD
provides group counselling sessions to the participating disabled job-seekers in
order to improve their job-searching skills and interview techniques. Computer
facilities (including internet browsing), telephones and fax machines, and access to
updated careers information are made available to them in the SPD’s
employment offices. Apart from the continual placement service rendered by the
SPD, these disabled job-seekers are also encouraged by the LD to search and apply
for suitable jobs on their own initiative.
“Interactive Selective Placement Service” Website
The “Interactive Selective Placement Service” website enables people with
disabilities to register for the SPD’s placement service or to renew their previous
registrations through which they can use its placement service, to browse the
vacancies available and to perform preliminary job-matching. It also enables
employers to place vacancy orders with the SPD, to identify suitable disabled
job-seekers to fill their vacancies, or to request the SPD to refer candidates to them
for selection interview.
「殘疾歧視條例」 - 十年努力、開拓未來研討會
“Our Ten Years under the DDO – Moving Forward, Changing Cultures” Seminar
Abstract of Mr. Danny LAU
Public Education and Publicity Activities
The SPD regularly organises public education and publicity activities to promote
public acceptance of people with disabilities by the community and enhance their
employment opportunities.
These activities include special promotional
campaigns to targeted trades to canvass vacancies, TV/radio programmes,
newspaper/ bus advertising, seminars and exhibitions, etc.