- GateWorld, Version 2.00 - DESCRIBE.DOC G A T E W O R L D ------------------Version 2.00 -------------D E S C R I P T I O N A N D -------------------------------A U T H O R I N F O R M A T I O N -------------------------------------Last updated: May, 1994 This file includes sample descriptions which you may use to describe the GateWorld package. Disk Vendors and Distributors please refer to the VENDOR.DOC text file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------Program Information: ---------------------------------------------------------------------File Name(s) for BBSs: ---------------------For consistency and to help users locate the files, please use the following file names: If the programs and documentation are in separate archive files, please use the following names (both must be posted): FileName.ZIP File/Program Title and Version Number FileName.ZIP File/Program Title and Version Number If the programs and documentation are contained within a single archive file, please use the following name: FileName.ZIP File/Program Title and Version Number If the program is compressed using some other file compression method, then please use the name "FileName" with the appropriate extension (PAK, ARC, LZH, ZOO, etc.). BBS SYSOP Information Page 1 of 3 - GateWorld, Version 2.00 - DESCRIBE.DOC Keywords: ~~~~~~~~~ adlib,arcade,game,gateworld,homebrew,vga Category: ~~~~~~~~~ games Program Name, Category, Keywords: --------------------------------GateWorld arcade game. homebrew,vga. Keywords: adlib,arcade,game,gateworld Short Description: -----------------GateWorld By HomeBrew Software! Captian Klondike meets the G.O.R.G. machine inside an asteriod in "GateWorld: The Seed Ship". Over 2 megabytes of compressed 256-color graphics in each part of this trilogy. MIDI soundtrack. Joystick support. VGA, 560K RAM required. Long Description: ----------------GateWorld By HomeBrew Software! Captian Klondike meets the G.O.R.G. machine inside an asteriod in "GateWorld: The Seed Ship". Over 2 megabytes of compressed 256-color graphics in each part of this trilogy! Full MIDI soundtrack. Support for over 12 different sound cards. Story and epilogue sequences, demo mode, loading and saving of game during levels, hints, preview and MORE! Three skill levels. Joystick support. Requires VGA, 560K RAM, 386 or better. Sound card and joystick optional. Quotes from Reviews, Articles and Users: ---------------------------------------"Thar's Gold in that thar GateWorld." "Action gamers...will find HomeBrew Software's GateWorld a pleasant diversion." - Computer Gaming World, August 1993 "Great game!! Keep up the good work!" - L.B. Annandale, VA BBS SYSOP Information Page 2 of 3 - GateWorld, Version 2.00 - DESCRIBE.DOC Registration Information: ------------------------Registered users get the latest version of the complete GateWorld trilogy (containg over 30 levels) along with a story sheet, actor cast, and cheat modes. For complete user registration information please refer to the REGISTER.DOC text file. Author/Publisher Information: ----------------------------HomeBrew Software was started by two programmers who used to work at Epyx. Some commercial titles we have worked on are: "California Games", "The Games: Summer Edition", and "Defender Of The Crown" for the IBM PC; "Rescue On Fractalus" and "Koronis Rift" for the Tandy Color Computer; "World Games" for the Apple ][. At HomeBrew Software we believe that the PRIMARY purpose of business is service, not profit. This concept is fundamental to our approach to product development, production and marketing. HomeBrew Software has been producing top quality computer software at reasonable prices since 1992. Please feel free to contact me (Ken Rogoway) at any time if you have any questions, comments or suggestions. I can be reached by mail at the following address: Ken Rogoway HomeBrew Software 807 Davis Street, Suite E Vacaville, California 95687 U.S.A. I can also be reached by voice or electronically as follows: Voice: FAX: (707) 451-9653 (707) 451-2500 CompuServe: 74150,3523 Internet: hbsoftware@aol.com GEnie: K.ROGOWAY2 AOL: HBSoftware BBS SYSOP Information Page 3 of 3