Time Line 1920

Canadian History 1920s & 1930s
TIMELINE: Smart Ideas
Students will gain an understanding of the important events of the 1920s and 1930s in Canada.
Time line mapping allows students to better analyze and understand ideas through visual
multilevel interactive maps.
Using SMART IDEAS, students will select a minimum of 15 events / terms and summarize key
ideas from the 1920s and 1930s using the Smart Ideas Timeline
-Prime Minister: Mackenzie King
-Spanish Flu
-Winnipeg General Strike
-League of Indians
-Chinese Exclusion Act
-Group of Seven
-Branch Plants
-Person’s Case
-Foster Hewitt & Hockey Night in Canada
-Prime Minister: R.B. Bennett
-On to Ottawa Trek
-CBC- Canadian Broadcasting Company
-Statute of Westminster
-SS. St. Louis
-New Deal
-Assembly Line
-Black Tuesday
-Five Cent Speech
Criteria for Timeline
 summarize key events (5W + H) and historical significance
 illustrate clear interrelationships / connections in applicable areas (military, political,
social, economic, political, cultural, religion, arts, legacies, key figures / people, historical
importance etc.)
 includes subtopics and detailed examples
 presents information in an organized fashion with clear themes / patterns
 includes relevant quotes, images and links to maps and scholarly websites
 uses interactive clip art, connectors, patterns, images and colours
The computer lab has the required software. There is a free trial of SMART IDEAS:
Timeline Rubric
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Timeline demonstrates
strong conceptual
understanding of key ideas
because it is comprehensive
and accurate.
Timeline demonstrates solid
conceptual understanding of key
ideas because it is mostly
comprehensive and accurate.
Timeline demonstrates adequate
conceptual understanding of key
ideas because it is somewhat
comprehensive and accurate.
Timeline fails to demonstrate
adequate conceptual understanding of
key ideas because it is not
comprehensive or accurate.
Content Coverage
All primary concepts are
Most primary concepts are
included on the timeline and included on the timeline and
depict accurate associations. most depict accurate
Most primary concepts are
included on the timeline, but
many are depicted by inaccurate
Several primary concepts are missing
and many of those included are
depicted by inaccurate associations.
Branching &
The timeline uses frequent
branching yet depicts
accurate hierarchical
relationships among the
The timeline uses branching;
however, the hierarchical
relationships among the concepts
are often inaccurate or neglected.
The timeline fails to use branching
and the hierarchical relationships
among the concepts are often
inaccurate or neglected.
Cross Linking
Cross links are frequent and Cross links are used and show
Cross links are used and usually
show logical interlogical inter-relationships among show logical inter-relationships
relationships among the
the concepts.
among the concepts.
Linking Words
Linking words are
consistently present and
strongly enhance the
communication of the
concept to concept
Linking words are usually
present and enhance the
communication of the concept to
concept relationships.
Linking words are sometimes
Linking words are usually absent and
present and sometimes enhance fail to enhance the communication of
the communication of the
the concept to concept relationships.
concept to concept relationships.
Sub concepts and examples
are frequent, relevant and
demonstrate depth of
conceptual understanding.
Sub concepts and examples are
included, are usually relevant
and demonstrate some degree of
conceptual understanding.
Sub concepts and examples are
included, but are often irrelevant
and fail to demonstrate some
degree of conceptual
Sub concepts and examples are
frequently missing, are typically
irrelevant and fail to demonstrate
conceptual understanding.
Interactivity &
Map is an excellent resource
bank that links to a variety
high quality websites.
Positioning and
organization of links is
Map is an solid resource bank
that links to quality websites.
Positioning and organization of
links is sound.
Map is a resource bank.
Positioning and organization of
links is satisfactory
Map does not contain useful links
and needs a great deal of work to be
The timeline uses branching and
usually depicts accurate
hierarchical relationships among
the concepts.
Cross links are not often used and fail
to show logical inter-relationships
among the concepts.