Mr. Stephens Oceanography Week 13 Lessons (12/11-12/15) Unit 6-Seawater Chemistry Due: Day in Year Day in Week Nothing 62 2 Students can use the periodic table to determine the number of elementary particles in an element in seawater. Periodic Table Output 63 3 Students explain the origins of the oceans salt and saltwater’s impact on the environment. Salinity Output/Investigations 64 4 Learning Target (Objective) Investigation Data 61 1 Students conduct an investigation at Malibu Lagoon State Park. California Standard Students conduct a meaningful investigation. The periodic table displays the elements in increasing atomic number and shows how periodicity of the physical and chemical properties of the elements relates to atomic structure. The periodic table displays the elements in increasing atomic number and shows how periodicity of the physical and chemical properties of the elements relates to atomic structure. Students know how to use the pH scale to characterize acid and base solutions. Review Assessment Field Trip Worksheet Periodic table output Salinity Review Questions Article Discussion Oceanography so far project Warm-up MB-20 Questions object MB-Would a steel ball (20c) travel faster through water at 25c or -5c or would it travel at the same speed through each? MB-A fishing boat is lying in the harbor. There is a rope ladder hanging over the side with its end touching the water. The rungs of the ladder are 1 meter apart and the tide is rising at 50 centimeters an hour ∙MB-Kerry Novel was a professional writer. He was writing one day during a terrible lightning storm when suddenly he died. How did he die? MB-There are 3 Light bulbs in one room, three switches in the other room. You can only go into the room with the light bulbs once to check. How do you find out which switch goes with which lightbulb? TOTD-4400 Children die daily from unsafe and unsanitary water. TOTD-“All the ants on the planet taken together have a biomass greater than that of humans. Ants have been incredibly industrious for millions of years, yet their productiveness nourishes plants animals and soil. Human industry has been in full swing for little over a century, yet it has brought about a decline in almost every ecosystem on the planet. Nature doesn’t have a design problem, people do.”Cradle to Cradle Agenda (APK-First) (EPK) ∙Review Field Trip Worksheet ∙Field trip feedback-next trip ∙Send Pictures ∙Photorelease!!! ∙Work time for lab report from Malibu investigations (due Thursday-bring one paper copy for your group and post your conclusion on nicenet-everyone) ∙Pass out periodic tables ∙Color metals, non-metals, metalloids ∙Periodic Table-Focus on seawater elements ∙Find protons, neutrons, electrons, valence electrons ∙Make element flashcards ∙How is the periodic table organized? At the end of 6 hours, how many of the rungs will be covered if there are 10 rungs? Students summarize the importance of stable pH to the world’s oceans. TOTD-Spanish is the second most commonly spoken language in the world. Chemical Imbalance Output 65 5 Review TOTD-Can you name the top 5 websites in terms of visitation? TOTD- “The planet's population continues to explode: from 1 billion in 1820, to 2 billion in 1930, 3 billion in 1960, 4 billion in 1974, 5 billion in 1988, and 6 billion in 2000.” Source: CIA Factbook ∙Review periodic table ∙Introduction to sea water chemistry- salinity p 174-177 ∙Read as a class ∙Answer review questions related to salinity ∙Salinity test demonstration (hypothesis)-venice beach water vs river water. ∙Where did the salt come from? ∙Present investigations ∙Make list for notebook/binder check ∙Introduce Oceanography So Far..project-This could be a poster, PowerPoint, paper, concept map, image map, brochure, book, or other innovative project that shows your knowledge of oceanography so far. Homework Lab Report Due Thursday Periodic Table output notes Materials Nothing Periodic tables KeyAPK-Accessing Prior Knowledge EPK-Extending Prior Knowledge Hyperlinks to documents only work on the school server Hyperlinks to internet work anywhere Differentiation -Laptops enable students to work at their own pace Salinity Output Investigation/Chemical Imbalance Output Computers or printouts Oceanography So Far Project