Geology Outline (and other key issues)
Key Issues
With whole site:
-units need to be standardized across site
-need periodic table of elements
-need metric conversion table
-need powers of 10 presented
With Geology section:
-whole section needs basic definitions of terms used
-pictures are not great! Need detailed pictures of specimens (Art W. pictures??)
-chemical formulas need to be standardized, including subscripting
-g/cm^3 needs to be standard for density
-need periodic table of elements
-weathering v. erosion wrong, rock v. mineral is wrong, rock listing includes elements, rocks, minerals, chemicals, adjectives, formica and so on…
Interior and Surface Navigation Page
Interior Structure
• Elements, minerals and rocks
Plate Tectonics
Volcanoes, Mountains, and Earthquakes
Weathering and Erosion
Geological Time
Image Archive
Black = 1st tier of development
Green = 2nd tier of development
Pink = 3rd tier of development
I. Elements, minerals and rocks
A. Elements (defn of an element and then links to below) (Dave)
1. periodic table - applet that would highlight elements important to life
(plant and animal), important in rock building, solid, liquid, gas, metal, non metal, metalloid elements (Dave and Ryan)
-elements to support life (plant v. animal) (Dave)
- elements important in rock forming (Dave)
- solid, liquid, gas – explanation (Dave)
-metal, non metal, metalloid – explanation (Dave)
2. listing of elements (alphabetical) (Jenn)
3. list of elements by atomic number (Jenn)
4. 8 most common elements in Earth’s crust (Dave)
a. Oxygen (Dave) b. Silicon (Dave) c. Aluminum (Dave) d. Iron (Dave) e. Calcium (Dave) f. Sodium (Dave) g. Potassium (Dave) h. Magnesium (Dave)
5. Structure of an atom (Dave) a. models page (Dave, Jenn, Parker) b. atomic numbers (Dave) c. ????????
6. Bonding a. covalent versus ionic
B. Minerals (defn of what a mineral is (include 4-5 bullets on what needs to be there to be a mineral) – building blocks of rocks, explain mineral is either native element or compound, about 4,000 minerals but most of are interest only to collectors, small number are important, some are used in construction, some are used for everyday purposes, link to below)
1. common native elements a. Copper (Parker) b. Gold (karats) (Parker) c. Platinum (story of Isabelle and Ferdinand) (Parker) d. Silver (Parker) e. Sulfur (Parker) f. Carbon – graphite and diamond (Parker) g. Table of minerals (Jenn)
2. rock-forming minerals (list rock-forming minerals, linking to individual pages on these minerals , these individual pages would mention mineral families ) a. Quartz b. Feldspar(s) c. Mica(s) d. Amphiboles (Augite, Hornblende) e. Pyroxene f. Calcite (Aragonite) g. Table of minerals (Jenn)
3. minerals of economic importance (list these minerals, linking to individual pages on these minerals , these individual pages would mention mineral families )
a. Gems (diamonds, emeralds & aquamarine are beryl, rubies& sapphires are corundum, topaz, jade & opal are quartz) b. Metallic minerals - Iron, Zinc, Lead, Nickel, Titanium, Tin,
Aluminum, Mercury, Copper Ores (hematite, liminite, magnetite, lodestone, siderite) c. Construction materials - gypsum, calcium carbonate in cement, clay minerals in bricks and adobe, glass d. other –halite and salt, health – vitamins and minerals, paint pigments e. Table of minerals (Jenn)
4. mineral properties and identification (Discovery stations) a. color b. crystal shape c. streak d. cleavage e. hardness f. specific gravity g. acid test h. host of other mineral properties, e.g. radioactivity, refraction, magnetism, malleability
5. Crystalline structures
6. Our composite listing of minerals (Jenn)
7. Mineral Groups???
C. Rocks (defn of what a rock is, 3 of types of rocks)
1. igneous a. Basalt ----(Andesite)----Granite
Scoria, Basalt, Gabbro -----Pumice, Obsidian, Rhyolite, Granite,
Pegmatite (dependent on cooling time)
2. metamorphic a. Contact metamorphism – quartzite and marble (non-foliated) b. Regional/dynamic metamorphism– slate, phyllite, gneiss, schist? (foliated)
3. sedimentary a. clastic/detrital – shale, silt, sandstone, conglomerate, (arkose), breccia
1. glues – carbonates, silicates, iron b. chemical/evaporates/precipitates – compact limestone, gypsum, halite, (flint, chert) c. organic/biogenic – limestone, coquina, shell limestone, fossiliferous, coal series (ferns, peat, lignite, bituminous,antracite)
4. block diagrams from AGI