Minutes of Brisbane Stakeholders Meeting #1, 23 February 2006

Thursday 23 February 2006
Auditorium 2, DPI Building, Ann Street, Brisbane
Department of Corrective Services: Frank Rockett, Michael Airton, Ross McSwain, Fiona Rafter, Di
Taylor, Lee Nolan and John Guy.
Department of Housing: Anne Coleman and Maree O’Dempsey.
Stakeholders: Matilda Alexander, PLS; Irene Opper, ECCQ; Krishna Heffernan, Drug Arm Australasia;
Heather Den Houthing, Uniting Church Synod; Phillipa Carr, WLS; David Gardiner and Rory Downey,
ATSILS; Gavan Palk, Aust Psychological Society Qld; Bruce Buckmaster, Prison Chaplaincy; Jan Davis,
Prison Fellowship Australia; Debbie Kilroy, SI; Sally-ann Upton, Boystown; Mark Conway, ATSILS;
Richard Wortley, Aust Psychological Society Qld; Rebecca Goddard, CPM; Kay Vogler, PTG; John
McCarthy, PTG; Fiona Caniglia, QCOSS; Jeanette McGuire, Disabilities Qld; Shane Cowan, Career
Employment Aust; Judi Vickers, Liferaft; Ian Sexton, State Chaplaincy Board; Fiona Terry, Prisoner
Support Service.
1. Opening (Ross McSwain)
The Director, Media and Communications, Ross McSwain, opened the meeting at 2.00pm and welcomed
stakeholders to the first Brisbane meeting for 2006. There was a change to the order of the meeting and the
Director-General, Frank Rockett commenced his presentation first.
Emerging Issues – Strategic Projects 2006 (Presentation by Frank Rockett)
Frank spoke about the Department’s strategic projects for 2006 and outlined the status of each project.
Legislation Review (Presentation by Fiona Rafter)
Fiona gave an update on the legislation review including proposed changes to security classifications,
separation of prisoners, victims of crime and appointment of official visitors and inspectors.
Homelessness Strategy (Presentation by Anne Coleman, Department of Housing)
Anne gave an overview of the Department of Housing’s Response to Homelessness.
Stakeholders raised concerns that inmates, and especially sex offenders, have problems accessing
accommodation upon release. Anne advised that this will be addressed in the transitions program. Debbie
Kilroy spoke about concerns that women who have a debt with Department of Housing cannot be placed on
the housing list. Anne responded that women who have a debt with the Department will be encouraged to
work it through.
Anne invited DCS stakeholders to contact her if they wished to discuss their concerns further. Anne advised
that she would be taking up a new position at the beginning of April 2006, and that she could be contacted
on telephone 3225 1370 or via email at anne.coleman@housing.qld.gov.au until 31 March 2006.
Stakeholder agenda items and other business
No stakeholder agenda items were received prior to the meeting.
Offender Programs
Due to time constraints, it was agreed to hold this agenda item over to the next Brisbane Stakeholders
Action: Stakeholder Liaison Officer to include Offender Programs presentation on the meeting
agenda for Thursday 25 May 2006.
Ross thanked Stakeholders for attending and closed the meeting at 4.15pm.