Name - University of Wyoming


University of Wyoming/Casper College Center

Wyoming Teacher Education Program

Total credit requirement: 121 minimum

48 credit hours must be upper division 

Program effective: Fall 2012

Biological Sciences Education (BSSE) Bachelor of Arts

UW/CC Advising Office: ph. 268.2635

With Concurrent Major in Biology

Name: ________________________________________________ Evaluated by: ___________________________________


Student ID#____________________________



If transfer from WY CC, USP Core Complete? Y___ N___

Intellectual Community (1 course, 1-3 credits)

____ (I )_______________________________________

Not required if transferring 16 or more credits to UW/CC from any institution.

Writing 1 (1 course, minimum 3 credits)

____ (WA) ENGL 1010 (3)

Quantitative Reasoning (2 courses, 6-8 credits)

____ (QA): MATH 1400 or MATH 1405

____ (QB): STAT 2050 (must be this course)

Natural Sciences (8 credits) (SB & SP)

____ (SB): BIOL 1010 (part of Major Content)

____ (SP):

Cultural Context (3 courses, 9 credits)

(3 hours from CH, CS, and CA; can substitute C for ONE area)

____ (CH): Humanities: ________________________

____ (CS): Social Science: _____________________

____ (CA): Arts: ____ _________________________

Oral Communication (1 course, 3 credits)

____ (O): EDST 3000

Date: _________________________________________


Professional education courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.

____ PSYC 2300 Child Psychology (3)*

____ EDFD 2100 Educational Psychology

____ Sophomore standing (30+ credits)

Phase I

Equiv. EDST 2450

____ EDUC 2100 Public School Practicum*

____ EDFD 2020 Foundations of Education (3)*

EDST 2480

____ ITEC 2360 Teaching with Microcomputers (3)*

____EDEX 2484 Introduction to Special Education (3)*

____ C or better in QA

____ C or better in WA

____ Current Wyoming Substitute Teaching Permit

____ 2.75 UW Total Institutional GPA

____ Junior standing (60+ credits)

____ Application due one semester prior to enrollment

The above criteria and application packet must be met and completed prior to enrollment in WTEP Phase II


Phase II

____ EDST 3000

(6) Teacher as Practitioner

____ 2.75 GPA UW Total Institutional GPA

____ 2.5 GPA (content) effective Fall 2005

____ EDST 3550

(2) Educational Assessment

____ Application due one semester prior to enrollment

US & Wyoming Constitution (1 course, 3 credits)

____ (V) POLS 1000, ECON 1200, HIST 1211, 1221, or 1251

Physical Activity & Health (1 course w/ 2 parts, 1 credit)

____ (P) PEAC 1001_____________________________


May be part of another course (ordinarily a 3 credit course) or in courses dedicated solely to this component

Information Literacy (1 course)

_____ (L): ITEC 2360

Writing 2 & 3 (2 courses)

_____ (WB): EDST 3000, Teacher as Practitioner

_____ (WC): EDEL 4275; Methods II: Sec. Sci. Ed.

Global Awareness (1 course)

____ (G) ______________________________________

The above criteria and application packet must be met and completed prior to enrollment in WTEP Phase III


Phase III

Phase IIIa: Methods and Practicum

_____ EDSE 3275

(3) Methods I: Sec. Sci. Ed.

_____ EDSE 4275

(3) Methods II: Sec. Sci. Ed

PHASE IIIb: Residency

_____ EDSE 4500

(15) Residency in Teaching

Diversity in the United States (1 course)

____ (D): ______________________________________

* Casper College, UW OR or UW/CC Courses


59 HOURS (minimum)

Minimum 2.5 GPA required in major content. All major content courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.



____ LIFE 1010 (4) General Biology (SB*)

____ LIFE 2022 (4) Animal Biology * (BIOL 2020 can substitute)

____ LIFE 2023 (4) Plant and Fungal Biology (Spring only at CC)*

____ MOLB 2021/MICR 2021 (4) General Microbiology* OR

BIOL 3000 (3) Microbial Diversity and Microbial


____ LIFE 3050 (4) Genetics++* OR

LIFE 3500 (3) Evolutionary Biology++ *

____ LIFE 3400 (4) Ecology* (Spring only at UW/CC)

ELECTIVE COURSES: 15 additional hours in the

Biological Sciences

Electives may be from one or more of the areas of emphasis below; 8 hours minimum must be upper division (3000-level or above).

Microbial Emphasis:

____ LIFE 4400 (3) Microbial Ecology

____ LIFE 3600 (3) Cell Biology * (Fall only @ UW/CC)

____ LIFE 3000 (3) Microbial Diversity and Molecular


____ MOLB 2220 (4) Pathogenic Microbiology

____ MICR 4140 (4) Soil Microbiology

____ MOLB 2021/MICR 2021 General Microbiology

Plant and Fungal Emphasis:

____ LIFE 3600 (3) Cell Biology * (Fall only @ UW/CC)

____ BOT 3100 (3) Plants and Civilization

____ BOT 3200 (3) Plant Anatomy

____ BOT 4300 (4) Mycology

____ BOT 4330 (3) Cultivation of Edible & Medicinal


____ BOT 4400 (4) Plant Physiology

____ BOT 4640 (3) Flora of the Rocky Mountains* OR

BOT 4680 (4) Taxonomy of Vascular Plants*

____ CROP 4520 (3) Plant Breeding

____ PLNT 2025 (3) Horticultural Science

____ RNEW 2100 (3) Forest Management


Prerequisite Courses: CHEM 1000 or 1020 and LIFE 1010

++Prerequisite Courses: LIFE 1010 and one of LIFE 2022 or LIFE 2023


Animal Emphasis:

____ ANSC 3010 (4) Comp. Anat. & Phys. of Domestic


____ LIFE 3600 (3) Cell Biology*

____ ENTO 4684 (4) Classification of Insects

____ KIN/ZOO 2040 (3) Human Anatomy*

____ ZOO 2450 (3) Principles of Fish and Wildlife


____ KIN/ZOO 3120 (3) Human Integrative Physiology

____ KIN 3021 (4) Physiology of Exercise

____ KIN/ZOO 3115 (3) Human Systems Physiology

____ ZOO 3600 (3) Principles of Animal Behavior

____ ZOO 4330 (3) Ichthyology*

____ ZOO 4350 (3) Ornithology*

____ ZOO 4370 (3) Mammalogy*

____ ZOO 4380 (3) Herpetology

____ ZOO 4540 (4) Invertebrate Zoology

Ecology Emphasis:

____ LIFE 3410 (2) Introduction to Field Ecology

____ LIFE 4400 (3) Microbial Ecology

____ BOT 4700 (4) Vegetation Ecology

____ RNEW 2100 (3) Forest Management

____ ZOO 4300 (3) Principles of Wildlife Ecology & Mgmt.

____ ZOO 4400 (3) Population Ecology

Genetics and Evolution Emphasis:

____ MOLB 4440 (3) Molecular Genetics

____ MOLB 4450 (3) Cell and Developmental Genetics

____ CROP 4520 (3) Plant Breeding


REQUIRED ELECTIVES: 20 hours (minimum)

_____ STAT 2050 (4) Fundamentals of Statistics

_____ CHEM 1000 (4) Intro Chemistry OR

CHEM 1020 (4) General Chemistry I


PHYS 1110 (4) General Physics

One course from three of the following areas: 8 hours (minimum)

Earth & Space Science (ASTR 1080 Astronomy counts)

Environmental Science

Range Mgmt



Natural Science

____ ________________________________________

____ ________________________________________

____ ________________________________________

____ ________________________________________

* Casper College, UW OR or UW/CC Courses
