PPG 3-2-1 DSS Policy and Procedure Guide Division 3: Child Welfare Chapter 02: General Administration Item 01: Quality Supervision Suggested changes send to: DSS PSOA Mailbox Issued: March 7, 2011 References: Replaces Issue: New Policy It is the policy of the Department of Social Services (DSS) that all child welfare supervisors utilize an approach called Quality Supervision in supporting child welfare social workers to implement and strengthen the following child welfare teaming/engagement practices: Icebreakers, Team Decision Making and Permanency Teaming. Quality Supervision is the use of specific practice guides/tools in reflective supervision and bi-annual case reviews with child welfare social workers. Purpose Child welfare supervisors have four primary roles: manage, administer, support and educate. The Quality Supervision approach promotes the supervisor’s educational function. The purpose of Quality Supervision is to encourage and guide dialogue driven reflection between supervisors and social workers to foster greater reliance on the social workers’ own critical thinking skills. Given the complexity of situations faced regularly in child welfare, cultivating critical thinking through supervision is crucial to improving child welfare social workers’ decision making, engagement and teaming skills. Definition Quality Supervision - refers to the method through which Fresno child welfare supervisors pursue regular and frequent reflection with child welfare social workers about their approach to the teaming/engagement practices of Icebreakers, Team Decision Making and Permanency Teaming. Assumptions Quality Supervision assumes that all child welfare staff embrace the following principles: We are driven by a desire to provide the highest quality services to our families and youth, while not losing site of our case management mandates. We want to create a consistent and intentional process for developing staff at all levels of our organization that mirrors our work with families—honest, strength-based and non-punitive. We need to keep the experiences of our families, children and youth front and center at all times. We want to be an anti-racist, learning organization. We all want to grow in our knowledge and skills. While our knowledge and skills advance with effort and time, we can always continue to grow. We need to take time to publicly celebrate individual and collective growth and success. Page 1 of 4 PPG 3-2-1 Procedure Quality Supervision has two parts: 1) ongoing reflective supervision; and 2) case review. Ongoing Reflective Supervision Reflective supervision is an ongoing process of reflection through dialogue. It can and should occur in all formal and informal interactions between supervisors and social workers. The following qualities of the supervisors/social workers relationship are critical to the success of Quality Supervision: 1) frequent interaction; 2) trust; and 3) establishment of a tone that invites difficult conversations. Supervisors are expected to be well-versed in the four practice areas and key elements of the Quality Supervision Practice Guide (see Attachment A) and to reflect frequently with their workers on the quality of engagement/teaming practice. Supervisors are expected to guide dialogue, asking open-ended questions that encourage social workers to process through complex situations and arrive at solutions. Following every monthly conference, supervisors should note areas of strength and areas for development on the Quality Supervision Reflection Notes form (see Attachment B) and attach this form to the monthly Conference Summary Report to be provided to the Program Manager. Case Review Frequency of Review Two cases (referrals for ER) per year will be reviewed for each social worker, one every 6 months Case Selection Process Quality Assurance will randomly select cases Basic Information Gathered Review of CWS/CMS data and hard copy of case file Interviews Observations Who Conducts Review Current supervisor for the case should conduct interviews and observations A minimum of three interviews should be conducted per case Interviews Page 2 of 4 PPG 3-2-1 Individuals to interview may include the child, parent(s), caregiver, other extended family, CASA, SB163 team, therapist, FFA social worker, school personnel, etc. The caregiver, parent, and child/youth should be the (three) parties interviewed whenever appropriate. Other individuals to interview may include other extended family, cultural broker, CASA, SB163 team, therapist, FFA social worker, school personnel, etc. Supervisors will use their discretion to determine whether it is appropriate to interview the child given the child’s age or level of trauma. Use the Interview Tool to conduct interviews (see Attachment C). Observations Whenever possible, observations should be done of an Icebreaker, TDM or PTM meeting. Other observations could include an individual or joint meeting/engagement with a family or youth. Supervisors should try to observe a proactive meeting/engagement and a reactive meeting/engagement for each case. Use the Quality Supervision Practice Guide for observations (see Attachment A) and document your findings using the Observation Tool (see Attachment D). Reflective Consultation Supervisors will meet with the social workers in a supervision consultation meeting to review their assessment, talk with the social workers about their own reflections and discuss implications for development. Documentation Supervisors will complete a summary of the review (use the Case Review Rating Summary, see Attachment E), including findings from the observation and interview. There will be no scores. Supervisors will complete a bi-annual report (every six months) for their Program Manager, summarizing the aggregate themes from all of the reviews in the sixth month period (see Attachment F). After discussing the summaries with their supervisors, each Program Manager will write a report to the Child Welfare Deputy summarizing the aggregate themes across their program. Use of Findings Twice a year, DSS Director, Child Welfare Deputy Director and Program Managers will dedicate a Management Team Meeting to discussing the findings from the reviews. The team will discuss and document steps/actions needed to support further staff development. Periodic Review of Quality Supervision Process Child Welfare Quality Assurance (QA) will do a 6 month interim review of the quality supervision process and a 12 month comprehensive review. QA will develop a report for the Supervisory and Management Teams, recommending improvement to the quality supervision process. Page 3 of 4 PPG 3-2-1 Roles Management Consistently communicate our focus and stay on track Provide constructive feedback and make sure the information gleaned from the reviews is useful and is used Clarify expectations and support for all Model practice and affirm good work Celebrate publicly Hold supervisors and workers accountable Supervisors Do reflective dialogue and case reviews Be open and honest with workers Lift up issues/challenges/concerns to managers Set clear expectations for staff Hold workers accountable Celebrate publicly Distinguish case review from performance review and help staff understand how the two relate to each other Workers Welcome coaching and feedback which is designed to enhance effectiveness Receive help in managing stress Practice time management Make sure case information is current Lift up issues/challenges to supervisors Page 4 of 4