Texas A&M University--Central Texas Math 303 -- 110 Concepts of Mathematics I Tuesday, Thursday 11:30am to 1:00pm Instructor : Mienie de Kock (Ph.D) Office: Founders Hall Room 217--‐N Email: dekock@ct.tamus.edu Office Hours: Tuesday 4:00pm --‐ 6:00pm, 9:00pm – 10:00pm Thursday 4:00pm to 6:00pm, 9:00pm – 10:00pm The office hours will be online from August 27th –September 26th. After September 26th the office hours will be both face--‐to--‐face and online. If you want to schedule an online appointment, e--‐mail me and we can set up a blackboard collaborate or skype session. Skype name: mienie123 Access information for Blackboard: https://tamuct.blackboard.com Access information for Mymathlab:http: http://www.pearsonmylabandmastering.com/global/?cc 1.0 Course Overview and description: This course is designed for elementary and middle school teachers and aims to improve students’ knowledge on the Number Systems, logic and patterns. It covers both the content and methods of teaching basic math concepts. Students will be expected to present and demonstrate understanding by using manipulatives and technology. Mathematical Concepts I is the first course in a series of 3 classes for prospective elementary--‐and middle school teachers. 2.1 Student outcomes: Students will become thoroughly proficient in the following areas, which are covered on the TExES teacher certification exam: • Problem Solving, • Numeration systems and sets, • Whole numbers, • Number Theory, • Integers. • Rational numbers • Proportions • Decimals 3.0 Required Reading and Textbook: Purchase an access code from mymathlab (Pearson) for CourseCompass ID: dekock82673. The name of the course is: “Math 303 Fall 2013”. elementary school teachers”, online homework, tests, lecture videos, e--‐manipulatives, etc. 4.1 Course Requirements: Homework: • Homework will be assigned using mymathlab and the due date will be provided with the assignment. • Late homework will be accepted only in extremely exceptional cases Possible examples (student will be required to provide documentation) o Death in the immediate family o Legal proceedings o Sudden deployment (with no advance warning) Class Participation: • Students will be expected to present problems by using technology e--‐manipulatives and/or 3D manipulatives in order to explain abstract mathematical concepts. Tests: • All tests will be online on mymathlab. • Questions will be similar to those on the homework assignments. Online discussions: • Three online discussions will be posted. Students are expected to respond to the discussion in no less than 20 sentences. • No text--‐speak. Your discussion must reflect traditional grammar. • Use credible references. Final: • The final will be cumulative (Chapters 1--‐8) and proctored. 5.0 Grading Criteria Rubric and Conversion Homework Presentations (4 x50) Tests (5 x 50) Online discussions (3 x 50) Final TOTAL (150 points) (200 points) (250 points) (150 points) (250 points) (1000 points) 15% 20% 25% 15% 25% 100% 90--‐100%=A 80--‐ 89%= B 70--‐ 79%= C 60--‐ 69%= D Below 60 % =F Complete Course Calendar Week # Start Date Content covered Assignments #1 8/27 1. Face--‐to--‐face 2. Guest lecture on Chapter 1.1,1.2 3. Hand out syllabus. 1. Chapters 1.1, 1.2 8/29 1. Online class 9/3 1. Online Class 1.Watch lecture video on Chapter 1.3 2. Homework on Chapter 1.1 due 1. Homework on Chapter 1.2 due 2. Watch online lecture videos on Chapters 2.1 3. Online discussion 1 is due. 9/5 1. Online Class #3 9/10 1. Online class #4 9/12 9/17 Online class 1. Online class 1.Online Test 1 on Chapters 1--‐2. 1.Watch online lecture videos on Chapters 3.1 and 3.2 2.Homework on Chapter 3.1 and 3.2 due. 3. Online discussion 2 due. 9/19 1. Online class 9/24 1. Online class 1.Watch the online lecture videos on Chapters 3.3 and 3.4 2. Homeowork on Chapters 3.3 and 3.4 due. 3. Practice Test 2 on Chapter 3 due. 1.Online Test 2 on Chapter 3. 9/26 1.Face--‐to--‐face 10/1 1. Online 10/3 1. Face--‐to--‐face #2 #5 #6 1.Watch online lecture video on Chapter 2.Homework on Chapter 1.3 and 2.1 due. 1. Homework on Chapters 2.2 and 2.3 due 2. Watch online lecture video on Chapter 2.3. 3. Practice Test 1 on Chapters 1--‐2 due. 1.Chapter 3.5 2.Presentation 1 3.Base--‐ten blocks 1.Watch the online lecture video on Chapter 4.1 2.Homework on Chapter 3.5 due 3. Online discussion 3 due 1.Chapters 4.2 and 4.3 2.Homework on Chapters 4.1 and 4.2 due. 3. Presentation 2 #7 #8 #9 10/8 Face--‐to--‐face 1.Chapter 5.1 2.Homework on Chapter 4.3 due. 3.Presentation 2 due.(continued) 10/10 Face--‐to--‐face 10/15 Online 1. Chapter 5.2 2.Homework on Chapter 5.1 due 3. Practice Test 3 on Chapter 4 due. 1.Online Test 3 on Chapter 4. 10/17 Face--‐to--‐face 10/22 Face--‐to--‐face 10/24 Face--‐to--‐face 1.Chapter 6.1 2. Homework on Chapter 5.2 due 1.Chapter 6.2 2.Homework on Chapter 6.1 due. 3. Presentation 3 1.Chapter 6.3 2.Homework on 6.2 due. 3. Presentation 3 (continued). #10 10/29 10/31 Face--‐to--‐face 1.Chapter 6.4 2.Homework on 6.3 due Face--‐to--‐face 1. Chapter 7.1 2. Homework on 6.4 due 3. Practice Test 4 on Chapter 5 due. 1.Online Test 4 on Chapter 5 #11 11/5 Online #12 11/7 11/12 Face--‐to--‐face Face--‐to--‐face 11/14 Face--‐to--‐face 11/19 Face--‐to--‐face 11/21 Face--‐to--‐face #14 11/26 Online class 1.Chapters 8.2 and 8.3. 2. Homework on 8.1 due. 3. Practice Test 5 on Chapter 6. 1.Online Test 5 on Chapter 6. #15 11/28 Thanksgiving No class #16 12/3 Face--‐to--‐face Review 12/5 Face--‐to--‐face Proctored Final exam. #13 1.Chapter 7.2 2.Homework on 7.1 due. 1.Chapter 7.3 2.Homework on Chapter 7.2 due. 3.Presentation 4. 1. Chapter 7.4 2. Homework on Chapter 7.3 due. 3. Presentation 4 (continued) 1. Chapter 8.1 2.Homework on Chapter 7.4 due. 7.0 Drop Policy If you discover that you need to drop this class, you must go to the Records Office and ask for the necessary paperwork. Professors cannot drop students; this is always the responsibility of the student. The record’s office will provide a deadline for which the form must be returned, completed and signed. Once you return the signed form to the records office and wait 24 hours, you must go into Duck Trax and confirm that you are no longer enrolled. Should you still be enrolled, FOLLOW--‐UP with the records office immediately? You are to attend class until the procedure is complete to avoid penalty for absence. Should you miss the deadline or fail to follow the procedure, you will receive an F in the course. 8.0 Academic Integrity Texas A&M University --‐ Central Texas expects all students to maintain high standards of personal and scholarly conduct. Students found responsible of academic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary action. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating on an examination or other academic work, plagiarism, collusion, and the abuse of resource materials. The faculty member is responsible for initiating action for each case of academic dishonesty and report the incident to the Director of Student Affairs. More information can be found at www.ct.tamus.edu/StudentConduct. 9.1 Disability Support Services Texas A&M University – Central Texas complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. TAMUCT promotes the use of the Principles of Universal Design to ensure that course design and activities are accessible to the greatest extent possible. Students who require reasonable accommodations based on the impact of a disability should contact Gail Johnson, Disability Support Coordinator at (254) 501--‐5831 in Student Affairs, Office 114E. The Disability Support Coordinator is responsible for reviewing documentation provided by students requesting accommodations, determining eligibility for accommodations, helping students request and use accommodations, and coordinating accommodations. 10. Tutoring Tutoring is available to all TAMUCT students, both on--‐campus and online. Subjects tutored include Accounting, Finance, Statistics, Mathematics, and Writing (APA and MLA). Tutors are available at the Tutoring Center in Founder’s Hall, Room 204, and also in the Library in the North Building. Visit www.ct.tamus.edu/AcademicSupport and click “Tutoring Support” for tutor schedules and contact info. If you have questions or if you’re interested in becoming a tutor, contact Ryan Thompson at 254--‐519--‐5796 or by emailing rthomp8@ct.tamus.edu. Tutor.com is an online tutoring platform that enables TAMU--‐CT students to log--‐in and receive FREE online tutoring and writing support. This tool provides tutoring in Mathematics, Writing, Career Writing, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Spanish, Calculus, and Math 404—Fall 2013 access Tutor.com, click on www.tutor.com/tamuct. If you have trouble logging in, contact Ryan Thompson at 254--‐519--‐5796 or rthomp8@ct.tamus.edu. 11. Library Services INFORMATION LITERACY focuses on research skills which prepare individuals to live and work in an information--‐centered society. Librarians will work with students in the development of critical reasoning, ethical use of information, and the appropriate use of secondary research techniques. Help may include, yet is not limited to: exploration of information resources such as library collections and services, identification of subject databases and scholarly journals, and execution of effective search strategies. Library Resources are outlined and accessed at. http://www.tarleton.edu/centraltexas/departments/library/