NQF #0209 Pain Measure Quality Indicator Data Collection, Recording and Calculation Protocol Introduction: Description of Quality Indicator Outcome Measure: Collection process: How often reported: Data Elements: Benchmark or Target: Pain Measure Pain was brought to a comfortable level within 48 hours of initial assessment after hospice admission Percentage of patients whose pain was brought to a comfortable level within 48 hours of initial hospice pain assessment. 1. Every patient during the initial pain assessment will be asked “Are you uncomfortable because of pain?” 2. Each patient who answered “yes” to the above question, will be contacted between 48 hours and 72 hours (3rd day of admission) after initial pain assessment to ensure accuracy of data 3. This contact can be by a clinician or nonclinician, in person or by telephone 4. RN completing the initial pain assessment and the interviewer completing the follow-up evaluation MUST determine that the patient is able to understand the questions and reliably self-report. Data should be compiled monthly and reported quarterly 1. Total number of patients admitted per month/quarter 2. Numerator: patients who replied “yes” to the question “was your pain brought to a comfortable level (as defined by the patient) within 48 hours after initial pain assessment. 3. Denominator Patients who replied “yes” when asked if they are uncomfortable because of pain at the initial pain assessment (after admission to hospice) No benchmarks available Target to be determined based on first year data Population included in the measure: Inclusions: Exclusions: Patients able to self-report on service who are 18 years of age or older with length of stay more than 2 days and with pain present on initial admission assessment. All pediatric patients and adults with length of stay of 2 days or less and patients without pain on initial admission assessment. Data collection and recording procedures: 1. All admitting RN’s are responsible for obtaining the date on their admission pain assessment. 2. All admitting RN’s are to report the initial positive screenings for pain to the (determined by each agency) to ensure that the follow-up pain assessment is completed 48 hours after the initial pain assessment. 3. The follow-up question must be asked no earlier than 48 hours after initial pain assessment and no later than midnight of the third day after the initial pain assessment. 4. Follow-up interviewer can be clinician or nonclinician. Contact can be in person or by phone. (determined by each agency) Data Variables – Categorical Variable Name 1. Screened for pain (1) Allowable values: 2. Date of first screening Variable Question Was patient screened for pain at any time during the initial admission pain assessment? Y N Unable to self report Not documented MM/DD/YYYY 3. Was patient uncomfortable or in pain? Did the patient say yes to the question “Are you uncomfortable because of pain?” Allowable values: Y N Unable to report 4. Pain Treatment Allowable values: If the patient screened positive, did the patient receive pharmacological and/or nonpharmacological treatment for pain? Y N Not documented 5. Follow up assessment for patient’s responding yes to pain measure on initial assessment Did the patient say “yes” to the question? “Was your pain brought to a comfortable level within 48 hours? Allowable values: Y N Not documented—indicate reason; i.e. Discharged due to death Discharged alive Can no longer speak due to disease process www.VNAA.org 6. Time frame for rescreening pain Allowable values: Was the patient contacted no earlier than 48 hours after initial pain assessment and no later than midnight of the third day after the initial pain assessment? Y N Calculation of the quality indicators Numerator: All patients who responded yes to the second question “Was your pain brought to a comfortable level within 48 hours of the start of hospice care? Denominator: Total number of patients who responded yes to the first question “Are you uncomfortable because of pain?” on initial pain assessment after admission to hospice. Formula: Numerator/Denominator x 100% www.VNAA.org