Priority projects

The Bulgarian contribution to the drafting of the
EU Strategy for the Danube Area
The integrated priority areas and specific projects within them mentioned below show the
Bulgarian national position in the preparation and implementation of the EU Strategy for the
Danube Area. They comply with the main areas of cooperation adopted by the European
Commission and they reflect the needs and intentions of all stakeholders, participants in the
creation of the Bulgarian contribution to the Danube Strategy. The conclusions and
recommendations obtained during public discussions serve as the basis to determine the overall
vision, objectives and priorities and the scope of interventions (projects) for their
Within the Danube Strategy, Bulgaria proposes to implement integrated projects in the following
main areas:
Development of Pan-European Transport Corridor No 7 by improving the navigation in the
Danube River, upgrading the port infrastructure, promoting intermodal transport, providing
cross-river links and connecting transport infrastructure and developing information systems;
Priority development of transport infrastructure (road and railway) along the Pan-European
Transport Corridors 4, 9 and 10 as part of the direction Central Europe – the Aegean Sea;
Preservation of river waters and its biodiversity;
Using the Danube River as a driver of revival of the Danube Area, of overcoming the
negative economic and demographic trends and development of Danubian villages,
municipalities and districts;
Large-scale exhibition and socialization of the exceptionally rich cultural heritage and
integration on the Danubian cultural corridor with clear European content and meaning;
Development of a complete tourist product with its specificity and tourist marketing of the
Danube River and the Danube Area based on the specific natural and cultural landscape
and historical environment;
Development of the Danubian settlements in organic unity and harmony with the river
applying a new approach in territorial planning which will improve the quality of the
architectural environment and create a special air and colour of Bulgarian Danubian villages;
Development of territorial cooperation with the countries in the Danube Area.
Cooperation area “Connectivity”
This priority comprises of a set of measures related to the development and modernization of
the railway, road and port infrastructure, bridges and ferries on the Danube River, waterways
and navigation systems, as well as the functional connections ensuring logistics (intermodal
terminals), sustainable mobility and transport safety and security. These measures are
integrated in complex project areas under the main Trans-European transport corridors and
important national transport axes.
Complex project area №1: Development and upgrade of the infrastructure along the
Trans-European Transport Corridor № 7:
Elements (specific projects):
- Construction of a bridge across the Danube River at Silistra – Călăraşi (“Danube Bridge III”)
o Construction and renovation of the access infrastructure to the “Danube Bridge
III”, change of the route and operation capability of the existing railway line,
change in the dimensions and bearing capacityта of route I-7;
- Construction of a bridge across the Danube River at Oryahovo – Becket (the “Danube
Bridge IV”);
- Development, reconstruction and modernization of ferry lines:
o Creation of a ferry line Lom – Rast;
o Improvement of the transport infrastructure connected to the operation o the
newly-built ferry line Nikopol – Turnu Magurele;
o Creation of an eastern road to connect the ferry line Oryahovo with the country
by providing for the division of the car flow to the two destinations of Pleven and
- Development, reconstruction and modernization of the port infrastructure:
o Development and reconstruction of the infrastructure of the Port of Silistra;
o Development and reconstruction of the infrastructure of the Port of Nikopol;
o Development and reconstruction of the infrastructure of the Port of Lom;
o Creation of a passengers’ port and a ferry line between Tutrakan and Altenitsa;
o Improvement of cross-border mobility in the area of Svishtov – Zimnicea by
improving the access to the transport infrastructure.
- Improvement of ship navigation on the Danube River:
o Setting up a river information system in the Bulgarian Danube Area (BulRIS);
o Commissioning the information system for the management of the traffic of
vessels – third stage (VTMIS-3);
o Improvement of navigation in the joint Bulgarian – Romanian section of the
Danube Area from 530th km to 520th km – Batin and from 576th km to 560th km –
o Improvement of navigation systems and topographic and hydrographic surveys
on the Danube River;
o Delivery of technical equipment for traffic control;
o „IRIS Europe II -2008-EU-700000-S” – in the area of Trans-European Transport
Networks (TEN-T);
- Creation of the Danube Panoramic Road - reconstruction and repair works of the road
sections parallel to the river from Vidin to Silistra:
o Reconstruction and rehabilitation of the panoramic road ІІ-52 (Russe – Veliko
Tarnovo) – Pirgovo – Mechka – Novgrad – Svishtov from 0+000- 34+000 km.;
o Rehabilitation of Road ІІ-11 Vidin - Lom;
o Creation of a road section from РП ІІ-81 "Entrance to the town of Lom" from
0+000 to 4+720 construction km.
- Creation of a bike route and bike lanes along the Danube River from Vidin to Silistra – the
Danube Bike Lane (part of the Trans-European Bike Lane along the Danube River.
Rationale – benefits and value added for Bulgaria and the countries from the Danube
- Improvement of transport connectivity and accessibility of the areas in the Danube macroregion;
- Expansion of economic and cultural cooperation within the macro-region;
- Joint solution of issues of common interest including business such as providing access in
global terms for both the area of the macro-region and other EU regions (for instance of
transport nodes the Baltic Sea – the Black Sea), the EU – Middle East (Asia);
- Carrying out common policy on intermodal transport and development of environmentally –
friendly transport means;
The use of the public - private – partnership mechanism to develop new transport
routes on the Danube River between Bulgaria and Romania such as new ferry lines,
a third bridge, etc.;
Upgrade of ports pursuant to the drafted National Programme for the Development
of Public Infrastructure Ports by 2015 and the Strategy for Transport Infrastructure
Development of the Republic of Bulgaria by 2015;
Improved navigation in the Bulgarian and Romanian section of the river.
Complex project area №2: Development and modernization of the infrastructure along
the Trans-European Transport Corridor № 4
Elements (specific projects):
- Creation of a second bridge across the Danube River at Vidin - Calafat (underway - ISPA);
- Reconstruction and rehabilitation of a fist-rate road (Е79) Vidin – Montana – Vratsa –
- Rehabilitation and reconstruction of Sofia North Ring Road (the Northern tangent);
- Construction of Lyulin Highway (underway);
- Construction of Struma Highway;
- Reconstruction and upgrade of the railway line Vidin – Sofia – Kulata.
Rationale – benefits and value added for Bulgaria and the countries from the Danube
- Improvement of transport connectivity and accessibility of the areas in the Danube macroregion;
- Expansion of economic and cultural cooperation within the macro-region;
- Joint solution of issues of common interest including business such as providing access in
global terms for both the area of the macro-region and other EU regions – direct connection
of the EU Member States with Thessaloniki Port;
- Carrying out common policy on intermodal transport and development of environmentally –
friendly transport means.
Complex project area №3: Development and modernization of the infrastructure along
the Trans-European Transport Corridor №9:
Elements (specific projects):
- Reconstruction and upgrade of “the Danube Area -1” Ruse – Giurgiu and the adjoining
railway line;
- Creation of an intermodal terminal in Ruse;
- Creation of a southern – south-eastern bypass of Ruse (from the main road І-5 Ruse –
Veliko Tarnovo, via the main road І-2 Ruse – Varna to the main road ІІ-21 Ruse – Silistra;
Improvement of the access of the European region Ruse – Giurgiu to the Pan-European
Transport Corridor №9;
Rehabilitation of the transport infrastructure for the development of cross-border cooperation
in the area of Giurgiu - Ruse (R.O.A.D. GIURGIU – RUSE)
Reconstruction and development of a four-lane road І-5 Ruse – Veliko Tarnovo from 6+600
to 65+200 km.”;
Design and construction of a tunnel below Shipka.
Rationale – benefits and value added for Bulgaria and the countries from the Danube
- Improvement of transport connectivity and accessibility of the areas in the Danube macroregion;
- Expansion of economic and cultural cooperation within the macro-region;
- Joint solution of issues of common interest including business such as providing access in
global terms for both the area of the macro-region and other EU regions – the connection of
the North – East Europe with the Aegean Sea;
Complex project area №4: Development and modernization of the infrastructure along
the Trans-European Transport Corridor №10:
Elements (specific projects):
- Construction of Sofia – Kalotina Highway;
- Construction of the Northern tangent of Sofia;
- Construction of Maritsa Highway
Rationale – benefits and value added for Bulgaria and the countries from the Danube
- The construction of the railway tunnel beneath the Bosphorus as well as the currently
upgraded railway link between Bulgaria and Turkey create new prospects for intermodal
transport in broader terms by ensuring the integration of the Danube macro-region with the
fast-developing markets of commodities and raw materials in the middle East and Central
Complex project area №5: Development and modernization of the transport
infrastructure in the direction the Danube – the Black Sea (Ruse – Razgrad – Shoumen –
Elements (specific projects):
- Reconstruction and development of a four-lane road І-2 Ruse – Razgrad - Varna from
12+208 to 37+300” km.;
- Road I-2 Ruse - Razgrad from 54+700 to 61+053 km. and from 63+420 to 69+300 km.
- Road І-2 Razgrad - Shumen from 88+010 to 92+700 km.
- Reconstruction of the project parameters of the railway line Ruse - Varna
Rationale – benefits and value added for Bulgaria and the countries from the Danube
- Ensuring access of the macro – region to the Black Sea Economic Area;
- The Bulgarian region has modern Black – Sea ports with good specifics and traditional
Danube ports with developed railway links to them, which are a good premise for
participation in schemes for intermodal transport in the Danube macro-area and the EU in
Complex project area №6: Development of Hemus Highway and reconstruction and
upgrade of first-rate roads from the highway to the ports on the Danube River:
Elements (specific projects):
- Development of Hemus Highway from Yablanitsa to Shumen;
- Development and reconstruction of first-rate road links from the highway to the ports of
Nikopol and Svishtov.
Rationale – benefits and value added for Bulgaria and the countries from the Danube
- The prospects for better transport communication will create conditions for increased
flexibility on the labour market in the region and increased number of small and mediumsized companies (SMEs) with joint capitals.
- The completion and commissioning of new transport links between the economic and
administrative centres along the Danube River will be important for greater cooperation.
This project comprises of a set of initiatives and measures aiming at regional integration through
joint transnational energy initiatives including the establishment of cross-border electrical paths;
development of the missing links in the energy system, modernization, establishment of a
common regulatory framework, security systems, financial models, photovoltaic electrical power
plants for renewable power sources as well as implementation of energy efficiency measures.
Complex project area №7: Energy efficiency and development of plants for renewable
energy sources
Elements (specific projects):
- Development of a photovoltaic power plant in Belogradchik Municipality
- Development of a photovoltaic power plant in Mizia Municipality
- Development of a photovoltaic power plant in Gigen Municipality
- Development of a photovoltaic power plant in Pavkikeni Municipality
- Implementation of energy efficiency measures of residential and public buildings
- Creation of a demo village with zero energy consumption
Rationale – benefits and value added for Bulgaria and the countries from the Danube
- Increased energy independence of the macro-region by means of developing new networks
and connecting networks in operation for transit transportation of natural gas;
- Increased share of the power generated from RES based on the specific potential of the
- Setting up and operation of a common energy market in the Danube macro-region including
the development of new and upgrade of existing inter-system connection of the electricity
transmission networks in the country.
- Increased energy efficiency and reduced energy consumption in the household and
industrial sector.
Complex project area №8: Gasification
Elements (specific projects):
Gasification of the region Dobrich - Silistra;
Construction of a gas power plant (in Montana Distrit).
Rationale – benefits and value added for Bulgaria and the countries from the Danube
- Increased degree of gasification in the household and industrial sector of the Bulgarian part
of the Danube macro-region in order to limit the use of fossil fuels;
- Development of an infrastructure for transit transportation of natural gas via Bulgaria to the
other countries in the region;
Cooperation Area “Environment and Risk Prevention”
This project reflects the measures relating to integrated planning and management of the river
zone with a number of interventions on the infrastructure and environment protection
technologies such as treatment plants, waste management, sewerage, soil treatment, water
treatment and drinking water supply. It shows the need of investment, modernization,
establishment of sufficient capacity and implementation of training measures, delivery of
technical equipment for efficient river waters pollution control, environmental management
systems for ports in the Bulgarian section of the Danube river (ECOPORT8), integrated water
management, waste treatment and management infrastructure, as well as number of projects
relating to the use of Danube water for irrigation purposes.
Complex project area №9: Integrated water treatment and management
Elements (specific projects):
- Design and development of infrastructure for the disposal and treatment of waste water in
settlements with over 10 000 residents and gradual preparation for the development of
Urban Waste Water Treatment Plants in settlements with 2000 to 10 000 residents in the
Danube Area for basin management;
o Reconstruction of the water supply and sewage network and development of a
waste water treatment plant in the town of Polski Trambesh
o Integrated water treatment and management in Lom
o Integrated water treatment and management, development of drinking water and
waste water treatment plants (16 projects in Pavlikeni, Kubrat, Suhindol, Nikopol,
Gabrovo District, Vidin District);
o Development and reconstruction of the water-supply and sewage network (14
projects in Kubrat, Apriltsi, Vidin District);
o Reconstruction of a main water pipeline (1 project in Kubrat);
o Integrated projects for the water cycle in some settlements (6 projects in Lovech
- Setting up systems and networks for quality and quantity monitoring and control of waters
and provision of data for the efficient management of water resources.
o Creation of centres for the monitoring of the quality and cleanliness of the waters
at the state borders along the Danube River (1 project, Vidin District);
o Delivery of technical controls for taking samples (sampling) in case of any
suspected pollution of the Danube River
o Setting up an integrated operational centre for the monitoring, management and
prevention of crises, disasters and accidents (1 project in Ruse).
Rationale – benefits and value added for Bulgaria and the countries from the Danube
- Use of common approaches and mechanisms for environment management in the border
parts of the Danube River including by means of developing joint plans;
- Creation of a common system for the monitoring of the cleanliness of the air, waters and
soils in the border areas;
- Sustainable management of water resources in the Danube River Area;
- Implementation of Article 13 (3) of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/ЕС and the
Management Plan of the Danube river basin comprising measures with effect on everyone.
Complex project area №10: Improvement of waste management systems and restoration
of polluted areas and natural landscapes:
Elements (specific projects):
- Development of a processing and recycling plant for municipal solid waste (2 projects in
Silistra Municipality);
- Construction of municipal solid waste dumps (1 project in Vidin Municipality);
- Cleaning of the river beds of the adjacent rivers which flow later into the Danube Area (1
project in Gabrovo District);
Rationale – benefits and value added for Bulgaria and the countries from the Danube
- Achievement of sustainable development of the area in which urban and economic
intervention are not at the expense of the environmental status.
This priority area shows the measures relating to the rehabilitation of wetlands ad biodiversity
protection along the Danube River to achieve environmental balance; mapping and determining
of the environment protection status of natural habitats and species, reduced negative impact of
nvading species and rehabilitation of natural habitats by afforestation with local species ,
supporting and rehabilitating measures for the protected areas and the development and
application of trans-national strategies for the protection of the natural heritage of the Danube
River to achieve sustainable management of natural resources.
Complex project area №11: Rehabilitation of wetlands and biodiversity protection along
the Danube River
Elements (specific projects):
- Development of new and updates of existing plans for management of protected areas
along the Danube River and implementation of the steps provided for in them;
- Creation of a network of protected areas under Natura 2000 and gradual drafting of
management plans for protected areas along the Danube River;
- Implementing steps about endangered animal and plant species, typical of the area along
the Danube River;
- Implementation of projects on the rehabilitation of wetlands along the Danube River:
o Biodiversity protection and monitoring in Persina Natural Park (1 project);
o Afforestation of non-arable land (1 project);
Creation of eco-urban areas in the European Region of the Lower Danube River (1 project
in Veliko Tarnovo);
Creation of a park upon the Danube River in Belene (1 project);
Reconstruction of the Northern Urban Park in Razgrad (1 project);
Rationale – benefits and value added for Bulgaria and the countries from the Danube
- Protection of the exceptional biodiversity in the Danube macro-region as a European natural
- Sustainable management of natural resources and protected areas along the rivers in the
Southeastern European countries
- Increased efficiency and integration of Natura 2000 and Water Framework Directive in the
Danube River countries under the Transnational Programme for the Southeast Europe
(SEE Progaramme 2007 – 2013).
Complex project area №12: Monitoring of the quality of environmental factors in the
municipalities in the Danube Area
Elements (specific projects):
- Feasibility studies for the implementation of the necessary steps to fight desertification of
South and North Dobrudja (Bulgaria and Romania);
- Partnership project for joint actions against climate change (Tsenovo Municipality - Bulgaria
and Comana - Romania);
Rationale – benefits and value added for Bulgaria and the countries from the Danube
- Sustainable management of natural resources and protected areas along the rivers in the
Southeastern European countries
- Increased efficiency and integration of Natura 2000 and Water Framework Directive in the
Danube River countries under the Transnational Programme for the Southeast Europe
(SEE Progaramme 2007 – 2013).
The scope of this priority comprises of “soft measures”, aiming at improved monitoring and
control systems and preparedness of the area for joint actions and infrastructural elements of
protective nature and basic infrastructure for integrated operational management and prevention
of crises, disasters and accidents. The planned measures are targeted at raising the security of
the area and reduce the impact of possible crises as well as complement the protection of the
environmental status and natural resources in the area.
Complex project area №13: Integrated operational management and prevention of crises,
disasters and accidents.
Elements (specific projects):
- Creation of revetments, dykes and embankments, strengthening the coastline (9 projects in
Byala, Belene River, Vidin District);
- Efficient management of emergency situations in the cross-border area of Giurgiu - Ruse (1
project, Byala);
- Landslide prevention in the area of the town of Mizia and the village of Saraevo;
- Embankment of the right bank of the Danube River in the area of Belene, Belene
Municipality, Pleven District;
Strengthening the river bed of the east flow of Belenska River in Byala Municipality;
Mounting an embankment – a dyke in Kozloduy Municipality;
Cleaning of the river beds of the rivers in the area which flow into the Danube River to
prevent the consequences of large volumes of water and reduce industrial pollutants;
Rehabilitation of the irrigation and drainage system in the Danube Area (plan 2011 – 2013,
2014 – 2020)
Rationale – benefits and value added for Bulgaria and the countries from the Danube
- Setting up a single early alert system, flood prevention, with simulations of the damages at
critical points along the Danube River and the development of a single action plan for floods
covering the area of several cities, municipalities or states along the Danube Area.
Complex project area №14: Setting up a single system for natural and technological risk
prevention, including early alert systems.
Elements (specific projects):
- Flood risk assessments, developing of maps of the areas at risk of flooding in the Danube
area. The methods for mapping such areas and evaluating their vulnerability to floods
developed under the project FLOODRISK can be applied for the whole Danube area;
- Increased control and ensuring environmentally – friendly use of water facilities for
extraction of inert materials in the Danube Area;
- Creation of a geo-protection system for flood risk prevention (2 projects – Nikopol and
Turnu Magurele);
Rationale – benefits and value added for Bulgaria and the countries from the Danube
- Setting up a single system for natural and technological risk prevention, including early alert
This priority reflects the overall European concept of sustainable development, the Goteborg
principles and the Kyoto Protocol tailored to local policies and it comprises of a set of measures
targeted at increased role of education for the promotion of the sustainable development
principles. There are measures promoting energy diversification and the use of renewable
energy sources as well as the policies for their implementation.
Complex priority area №15: Promotion of environment protection and the effects of
climate change
Elements (specific projects):
- Development of eco-urban areas in the European Region of the Lower Danube River –
sustainable urban development models (І stage – feasibility studies for design and
- Promotion of environment protection, climate change and its effects on the cross-border
area of Vidin - Dolj;
- Increased capacity of municipal and district authorities and NGOs in respect of the
sustainable development of the area. Organization of debates, discussion fora, round tables,
business exhibitions, etc. (Developed project, 2011-2013)
Rationale – benefits and value added for Bulgaria and the countries from the Danube
A single strategy to fight climate change and measure to reduce its negative impact on the
Development of research, promotion of investments for the generation and use of “green
Cooperation area “Social and Economic Development,
Human Capital and Intercultural Dialogue”
This priority includes a number of measures aiming at the enhancement of the transnational
research and scientific exchange, establishment and development of research centers and
programs, projects for support of cooperation between universities, professional schools, etc.
within the European context as well as improvement of interaction between educational
institutions and research and innovation centers, establishment of partnership networks and
stimulation of the public-private partnerships while taking into account the heterogeneous
nature, needs and potential of all levels within the Danube region
Complex project area №16: Enhancement of the transnational research and scientific
exchange, establishment and development of research centers and programs
Elements (specific projects):
- Setting up of an international college and a research institute in Vidin for transfer of
knowledge, technologies and development of science related to the utilization of the
potential of the River Danube (economy, transport, ecology, tourism, agriculture) for the
preparation of specialists who will make a career in the Danube areas;
- Setting up of an International Centre for Information and Cooperation in Ruse which will
become a forum for contacts with the local and regional authorities, exchange of experience,
collection, processing and provision of data about the Danube macro-region.
- Founding an advisory regional centre for planning and programming activities implemented
along the Danube River (Vidin Municipality)
- Development of information and communication technologies
o Building an e-bridge for cooperation: E-BRIDGE (1 project in Pleven).
Rationale – benefits and value added for Bulgaria and the countries from the Danube
- Development of innovation and activities which will boost the competitiveness of the Danube
Area in the long run;
- Founding Danube Research Area;
- Accelerating the economic and social cohesion of the regions by building sustainable
partnerships between them.
This priority comprises of initiatives supporting entrepreneurship, increased capacity for efficient
financial and investment policy at the local level, initiatives stimulating business cooperation and
development of the small and medium-sized businesses as well as infrastructure measures to
secure territorial positioning and logistical support for companies such as the establishment of
industrial and technological parks and transport and logistical exhibition centers.
Complex project area №17: Establishment of industrial and technological parks and
transport and logistical exhibition centers
Elements (specific projects):
- Establishment of industrial parks (2 projects – Nikopol, Vidin Municipality);
- Creation of a technological park (1 project – Polski Trambesh);
- Creation of a commercial and transport logistical site (3 projects – Lom - Dabuleni, Nikopol,
Polski Trambesh);
- Completion of an industrial zone (1 project, Dolna Mitropolia);
- Participation in the development of a Common Strategy for Sustainable Territorial
Development of the Cross-Border Areas in Bulgaria and Romania” (1 project);
- Stimulation of sustainable development of SMEs in the cross-border area (1 project);
- Creation and reconstruction of business incubators in the cross-border area;
- Creation and development of a municipal business area (1 project);
- Creation of Danube High-tech Cluster (1 project – Gabrovo District);
- Founding of Cross-border Media Centre “Danube – South” – an information bridge between
Bulgaria and Romania” (1 project – Svishtov) .
Rationale – benefits and value added for Bulgaria and the countries from the Danube
- Overcoming interregional inequalities within the macroeconomic framework of the Danube
Area by supporting entrepreneurship, increased capacity for efficient financial and
investment policy at the local level, initiatives stimulating business cooperation and
development of the small and medium-sized enterprises
This priority identifies multidisciplinary projects for the creation and development of educational
and qualification centers, R&D bases as well as projects for the marketing of the labor market
and student mobility. In this context the development of human resources within THE Danube
macro-region is based on partnership and transfer of knowledge and good practices.
Complex project area №18: Creation and development of educational and qualification
Elements (specific projects):
- Foundation of an advisory regional centre for planning and programming activities
implemented along the Danube River (1 project in Vidin Municipality);
- Setting up of a centre for cross-border business cooperation (District administration of
- Boosting the capacity of municipal and district authorities and NGOs related to the
sustainable development of the region (3 projects);
Rationale – benefits and value added for Bulgaria and the countries from the Danube
- Improved education quality meeting the labour market demand, created opportunities for
improved qualifications and conditions for the development of applied scientific and research
work with a view to knowledge and know-how transfer.
- Improved opportunities for education, re-training and life-long learning in the area focusing
on the protection and development of the natural and cultural heritage of the Danube Area;
This priority allows for integrated interregional, cross-border and transnational projects aiming at
the establishment of a single Danube tourism strategy, development of a single tourism market
and a set of projects for the development of the Danube tourist product in the field of cultural,
wine, rural and cruise tourism in the Danube Area.
Complex project area №19: Integrated interregional, cross-border and transnational
Elements (specific projects):
- Improved status of historical and natural landmarks of national importance and the related
infrastructure (3 projects – Nikopol, Montana District);
- Creating tourist information centres (8 projects, Vidin Municipality);
- Tourist accessibility, promotion and museum exhibitions, cultural and ethnographic tourism
(16 projects - Kubrat, Razgrad, Nikopol, Montana District);
- Development of wine-making tourism (1 project - Suhindol);
- Creating facilities for ecotourism, sport hunting and fishing in the Danube River (2 projects –
Nikopol, Dolna Mitropolia);
- Creation of facilities for recreation, tourism and sports – stadiums, restoration of parks,
green areas and playgrounds (3 projects - Kubrat);
- Cross-border tourism development (6 projects in Veliko Tarnovo);
- Creation of complex tourist facilities located along the path of the fortress wall of Kaleto
(Vidin Municipality);
- Building a SPA complex in the proximity of the mineral springs (Vidin Municipality);
- Design and development of an international exhibition centre (Vidin Municipality).
- Promotion and modernization of an Antique Ceramics Centre in the town of Pavlikeni.
Rationale – benefits and value added for Bulgaria and the countries from the Danube
- Uniting the potential for tourism development in the whole Danube Area, creating single
tourist products and a promotion policy;
- Complementing the implementation of all the above priorities from infrastructural
development via economy and ecology to human resources.
This priority includes number of projects related to intercultural exchange, innovative cultural
networks, establishment and transfer of cultural products and their promotion, increase of
interpersonal skills in intercultural environment and organization of joint cultural events. These
projects are based on the understanding that cultural diversity is one of the advantages of the
Danube Area.
Complex project area №20: Creation and transfer of cultural products and their
Elements (specific projects):
- Research of the Roman heritage in the Danube Area and tourism development (developed
project, 2011-2013);
- Organization of an annual festival of the fish and fishermen’s customs and crafts and
tourism promotion along the Danube River (conceptual project, 2011-2013);
- Cross-border networks for the development of cultural tourism (CUL-TOUR-NET).
Rationale – benefits and value added for Bulgaria and the countries from the Danube
The promotion of intercultural dialogue is the path to tolerant mutual understanding which
allows the European Community to be united in diversity.
Accelerated economic and social cohesion of the regions via building sustainable
partnerships between them;
Cooperation Area “Management”
The measures identified within this priority are targeted at boosting the administrative capacity,
optimization of management practices, trans-national cooperation at the administration level,
involvement of the NGO sector to guarantee the participation of the civil society in the
implementation of the policies.
Elements (specific projects):
- Increased capacity of municipal and district administration and NGOs in relation to the
sustainable development of the region. Organization of debates, discussion fora, round
tables, business exhibition, etc.;
- European Region Ruse – Giurgiu – Operational decisions – Master Plans for integrated
management of the development prospects.
Rationale – benefits and value added for Bulgaria and the countries from the Danube
- Improvement of the institutional capacity and management mechanisms and procedures as
well as their harmonization at a supranational level with a view to the implementation of
large-scale projects of common interest.
- Strengthening capacity and internal potential at a regional and local level, which shall
promote the taking of more active and appropriate steps towards the participation in the
Danube Strategy.
- Increased partnership approach and exchange of good practices.
11 March 2010
Architect Belin Mollov