15th Annual Texas Breeder’s Classic Elite Futurity The Longest Standing Two Year Old Futurity to date… May 2016 John Justin Arena * Ft Worth, Texas 2016 Payment Schedule1st Payment - $200 Postmarked by June 1, 2015 2nd Payment - $200 Postmarked by September 15, 2015 3rd Payment - $300 Postmarked by December 15, 2015 4th Payment - $300 Postmarked by March 15, 2016 (MUST NAME BULL WITH THIS 4TH PAYMENT, ONCE BULL HAS BEEN NAMED THERE ARE NO SUBSTITUTIONS!!) 5th Payment - $500 Postmarked by April 15, 2016 Penalty Payment $5000 per bull Total Payments = $1500 ** IF YOU MISS A PAYMENT YOU FORFEIT YOUR SLOT AND PAYMENTS WILL START OVER WITH THE PENALTY! Bar F Productions PO Box 867 – Canton, TX 75103 – 903-848-4150 www.barfproductions.com 15th Annual Texas Breeder’s Classic Elite Futurity TBC ELITE FUTURITY PAYMENT / ENTRY FORM **Payment # 1$200.00 Must be postmarked by June 1, 2015 OWNER NAME: ________________________________________ PHONE: _________________________OR: ____________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________ CITY: _____________________ STATE: _______ ZIP: _______________ EMAIL: ___________________________________________________ # of Bulls Entering: _____Total Payment: __________ TBC Incentive Bull: Yes __ No __ CC# _____________________________________ Exp Date _______ Code ________3.5% charge – MC, VISA, AMEX **ANY PAYMENTS AFTER POSTMARK DATE, SLOTS WILL BE FORFEITED!! By signing below, the said party agrees to the terms and conditions of said event and to abide by and follow all Standing Rules. Owner and/or Agent Signature: __________________________________________ Date: _______________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TBC ELITE FUTURITY PAYMENT / ENTRY FORM **Payment # 2$200.00 Must be postmarked by September 15, 2015 OWNER NAME: ________________________________________ PHONE: _________________________OR: ____________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________ CITY: _____________________ STATE: _______ ZIP: _______________ EMAIL: ___________________________________________________ # of Bulls Entering: _____Total Payment: __________ TBC Incentive Bull: Yes __ No __ CC# _____________________________________ Exp Date _______ Code ________3.5% charge – MC, VISA, AMEX **ANY PAYMENTS AFTER POSTMARK DATE, SLOTS WILL BE FORFEITED!! By signing below, the said party agrees to the terms and conditions of said event and to abide by and follow all Standing Rules. Owner and/or Agent Signature: __________________________________________ Date: _______________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TBC ELITE FUTURITY PAYMENT / ENTRY FORM **Payment # 3$300.00 Must be postmarked by December 15, 2015 OWNER NAME: ________________________________________ PHONE: _________________________OR: ____________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________ CITY: _____________________ STATE: _______ ZIP: _______________ EMAIL: ___________________________________________________ # of Bulls Entering: _____Total Payment: __________ TBC Incentive Bull: Yes __ No __ CC# _____________________________________ Exp Date _______ Code ________3.5% charge – MC, VISA, AMEX **ANY PAYMENTS AFTER POSTMARK DATE, SLOTS WILL BE FORFEITED!! By signing below, the said party agrees to the terms and conditions of said event and to abide by and follow all Standing Rules. Owner and/or Agent Signature: __________________________________________ Date: _______________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------TBC ELITE FUTURITY PAYMENT / ENTRY FORM **Payment # 5$500.00 Must be postmarked by April 15, 2016 OWNER NAME: ________________________________________ PHONE: _________________________OR: ____________________________________ ADDRESS: ______________________ CITY: _____________________ STATE: _______ ZIP: _______________ EMAIL: ___________________________________________________ # of Bulls Entering: _____Total Payment: __________ TBC Incentive Bull: Yes __ No __ CC# _____________________________________ Exp Date _______ Code ________3.5% charge – MC, VISA, AMEX **ANY PAYMENTS AFTER POSTMARK DATE, SLOTS WILL BE FORFEITED!! By signing below, the said party agrees to the terms and conditions of said event and to abide by and follow all Standing Rules. Owner and/or Agent Signature: __________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Bar F Productions PO Box 867 – Canton, TX 75103 – 903-848-4150 www.barfproductions.com 15th Annual Texas Breeder’s Classic Elite Futurity FUTURITY NOMINATION / ENTRY FORM **Payment # 4 $300.00 **Must Name Bull with this payment!! Must be postmarked by March 15, 2016 (Please use one form per bull entered) OWNER NAME: ________________________________________________ (Please list how checks need to be made) PARTNERSHIP NAME: _____________________________________________________ PHONE: ________________________________ OR ________________________________ ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________ CITY: ________________________ STATE: ______________ ZIP: _____________________ SOCIAL SECURITY #_______________________ BULL REGISTRATION #: __________________________ BULL BRAND / ID #: ________________________________ BULL NAME: _______________________________________________________________ BULLS DESCRIPTION: ______________________________________________________ BULL DATE OF BIRTH: ___________BULL CHUTE DELIVERY: Left ______ Right _______ TOTAL ENTRY FEE PAID: $ _____________________ 3.5% charge CC# _____________________________________ Exp Date ____________ Code ________ TBC INCENTIVE BULL: ROBINSON INCENTIVE BULL: YES _______ YES _______ NO __________ NO __________ ONCE BULL HAS BEEN NAMED, THERE WILL BE NO SUBSTITUTIONS ALLOWED!!! **ANY PAYMENTS AFTER POSTMARK DATE, SLOTS WILL BE FORFEITED!! As a condition to acceptance of this entry the undersigned hereby releases and will hold harmless, The Texas Breeder’s Classic, Bar F Productions, any attending veterinarian or affiliate, its officers, directors, employees, owners, sponsors, from any and all loss, claims, damages or suits arising from or related to any accident, death or injury, including resulting from NEGLIGENCE OR GROSS NEGLIGENCE to any person or livestock associated with this entry or involved with this entry, including any injury to any rider in this event. In addition, I understand that all bulls arriving at the Texas Breeder’s Classic Futurity must have their horns tipped to the size of a quarter, or I will face disqualification and could forfeit all entry fees. It is agreed and understood that Bar F Productions have full rights to any photos or media taken by bulls entered, both now and in the future. I understand that the NBBA prohibits the use of anabolic steroids, drug masking agents, diuretics or any performance enhancing drugs that may chemically enhance the performance of a bull in a manner that may affect the outcome of a competition and has the right to test any bull at any time using accepted scientific methods in the industry. In the event my bull is tested and tests positive for anabolic steroids, drug masking agents, diuretics or any performance enhancing drugs that may chemically enhance the performance of a bull in a manner that may affect the outcome of a competition, I agree the NBBA exclusively owns all rights to any and all test results and that NBBA Standing Rules will be enforced. By signing below, the said party agrees to the terms and conditions of said event and to abide by and follow all Standing Rules. Owner and/or Agent Signature: __________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Bar F Productions PO Box 867 – Canton, TX 75103 – 903-848-4150 www.barfproductions.com