TIME BASED PERSUASIVE CUED CLICK-POINTS (TPCCP) Neenu Mol M.Tech Student Department of Computer Science and Engineering Malabar College of Engineering and Technology, Trissur neenuvinay@gmail.com Abstract— Varieties of authentication techniques are available passwords are difficult to remember by the user. From in recent times. Text based passwords are most commonly these it is concluded that a password authentication system used for authentication, but they are highly sensitive to several should encourage strong passwords while maintaining the kinds of attacks. Another type of authentication technique is based on graphical passwords. Graphical memorability. So a new alternative authentication method password has been proposed using pictures as passwords. authentication techniques are more useful and unsusceptible In graphical passwords [1] the user has to work with compared to text passwords, because human can remember images better than texts. This paper presents a graphical images, i.e. user performs some events on pictures like password authentication technique that enables users to select clicking, secure based authentication techniques gain more importance because authentication scheme minimizes the chance of capture Human brain has remarkable ability to remember thousands attacks like shoulder surfing. This product encourages user of images with detail. Whereas it difficult to keep text in choices and also influences users to select strong passwords. memory. and memorable passwords. This time The time based approach is more secure since password dragging, moving mouse etc. Graphical This paper proposes a time based graphical password authentication is based on both time and click points. The authentication scheme, called time based persuasive cued proposed scheme has a much higher password space than the click-points that encourages user choices and also allows other graphical authentication schemes. The scheme is very them to choose a strong password. In this system the task of convenient to use. selecting weak passwords is more tedious. This click-based Keywords- Graphical password authentication, Text based graphical authentication scheme influence users to set a passwords, Shoulder surfing, Password space. strong password which cannot be guessed by the attackers. I. It covers all usability and security issues. It is effective at INTRODUCTION reducing hotspots (areas of the image where users are more In knowledge-based authentication techniques, we likely to select click-points) and avoiding patterns formed usually prefer text based passwords. The major issue by click-points within a password, while still maintaining related with the text based passwords is that they are the usability. vulnerable to be hacked. The attackers can easily guess the II. passwords with other details of the system. In order to BACKGROUND avoid this problem system can assign strong passwords, Authentication techniques can be categorized into three which the attackers cannot guess. But the system assigned main areas: Token based, Biometric based and Knowledge 1 based authentication. In token based authentication A. PassPoints schemes a token is provided to the user, which contains In PassPoints a single password involves a sequence of data created by the server. The server uses this information five different click points on a given image. During to identify a particular user. Bank cards, Smart cards, and e- registration user may select any pixels as click points. At passports are examples of the tokens for authentication. In the time of login the user has to choose the click points in Biometric based authentication user is identified by his/her correct order within the system defined tolerance square of physical or behavioural traits. It is based on shape of the the original click points. body such as fingerprint, face, palm print, DNA etc. The major problem associated with this password scheme Knowledge based authentication technique can be is hotspots. Hotspots are areas of the images that have subdivided into two major categories: Alphanumeric and higher likelihood of being selected by users as password Graphical passwords. In Alphanumeric or Text based click points. Attackers who gain knowledge about these passwords user has to provide some text/characters from hotspots can build attack dictionaries and more easily guess keyboard or any other input device. Alphanumeric the passwords are susceptible to dictionary attacks [10], discretization square is used, which is the tolerance area guessing, brute force attack and shoulder surfing. In view around the original click point. The user should click on the of shortcomings of text based passwords Graphical discretization area. Here, the system does not have any techniques are gaining importance. influence over the selection of the click points. Since it is Graphical Passwords [2] can be of two types: PassPoints passwords. For correct validation, being very simple, it can easily be attacked. Recognition based and Recall based. For recognition based B. Cued Click-Points technique a user is presented with a collection of images Cued Click-Points (CCP) [4] was developed to overcome from which they are able to select pictures, icons or the shortcomings of PassPoints. That means it was designed symbols. At the time of authentication process, the user is to reduce patterns and hotspots problems. Rather than five required to recognize their registration choice from among click points on one image CCP uses five click points on a set of images. five different images in sequence as a single password. Recall based technique can be of two types: Pure recall While creating a password the user can choose these five based and Cued-recall based. For pure recall based click-points on five different images. technique, a user has to reproduce her password without At the time of authentication the user has to click the being given any reminder, hints or gestures. Cued-recall chosen click points in sequence within the defined based technique is based on reminders, hints and gestures tolerance square of the original click points. Here the next that assists the user to reproduce their password or to make image displayed is based on the user’s previous click as a reproduction more accurate. shown in Fig 1. When logging on, seeing an image they do Click-based graphical passwords [3] are a type of not recognize alerts users that their previous click-point knowledge based authentication systems, in which users was incorrect and users may restart password entry. identify and target previously selected locations within one In this scheme user is free to select the password without or more images. The images act as memory cues to aid system’s intervention. So the attackers can easily guess the recall. Example systems include PassPoints and Cued hotspots. CCP is a secure authentication scheme than Click- Points (CCP). Passpoints. During login, when user sees an unseen image, he knows that his previous click-point was incorrect. 2 But CCP is also vulnerable to hotspot problem, because user must choose the five click points on five different the user is free to select the password without the system’s images in sequence within the defined tolerance square of guidelines. In this case attackers can guess the hotspots in the original click points. The invalid click-points lead to the images and also can log in to the system easily. Here incorrect image sequence. Hence the user cannot login the authentication failure is indicated after the final click- successfully. point. So it protect against the guessing attacks. Fig. 1. A user navigates through images to form a CCP password. Each click determines the next image. Fig. 2. PCCP Create Password interface. The viewport highlights part of C. Persuasive Cued Click-Points the image. Persuasive Technology was first articulated by Fogg [5]. Persuasive technology allows users to select strong PCCP [7] operates in two dimensions; x and y positions passwords and do not impose system assigned passwords. from the top left corner of the image are used for the login Persuasive Cued Click-Points (PCCP) [6] was designed by process. The sequence of five click-points on five different adding the persuasive feature to the CCP. At the time of images of PCCP password increases its security. It is registration images are shaded except for a viewport as difficult for attackers to guess these click-points. PCCP shown in Fig 2. The viewport is located at random, which reduces the formation of patterns and also minimize hotspot enables to avoid the hotspots problem. problems. It eliminates most of the drawbacks of Cued The user must choose the click points within this Click-Points (CCP). viewport and also cannot click outside of the viewport. But they are susceptible to capture attacks like shoulder Here a shuffle button is used to reposition the viewport. surfing [8]. Shoulder surfing means act of obtaining private These viewport and shuffle buttons are displayed only information through direct observation. So that observing during password creation. the approximate location of click points may reduce the During login images are displayed normally and user number of guesses to determine the password. may click anywhere on the images. The viewport and the shuffle button are absent at the time of authentication. Then 3 III. the other parts of the image are shaded, so that the user can TIME BASED PERSUASIVE CUED CLICK- POINTS (CCP) click only inside the view port. The view ports are selected encourages users to select more arbitrary click-points, by the system randomly for each image to create a hence more secure passwords. As PCCP [9], TPCCP uses a graphical password. It will be very hard for the attackers to sequence of five click-points on five different images as a guess the click point in all the images. The users are single password. When user creates a password all the allowed to click anywhere in the view port. There is an images are faintly shaded except for a viewport. The option for changing the viewport position also. This option viewport is situated at random during the password creation is called the Shuffle. There is a limit on the number of to avoid the known hotspots. times the shuffle option to be used. Persuasive feature in Cued Click-Points A shuffle button is used to shift the viewport arbitrarily. While users may shuffle as often as desired, this The viewport and the shuffle button are present only during significantly slows password creation. The viewport and the registration phase. At the time of password creation the shuffle button appear only during password creation. user should select the threshold time for each click-point, During later password entry, the images are displayed while login, the users have to click on image within the normally, without shading or the viewport, and users may threshold time selected here. Else they don’t have click anywhere on the images. During login click-points permission to login. must be within the defined tolerance squares of the original points and must be clicked within the threshold time. At the time of authentication, the images are sported normally without any shading, users may allow to click Like PCCP, TPCCP implements centered discretization, anywhere on the images. Then the user must choose the in which the approximately correct click-points to be click-points within the chosen threshold time as shown in accepted by the system. In centered discretization each Fig. 3. In the case of incorrect click-points and the selection image is divided into square tolerance areas and then of click-points beyond the threshold time are leads to determines whether the login click points falls within this invalid image sequence. Like PCCP, it provides the tolerance area of original click-point. For each click-point, feedback about the correctness of the password in every this fixed sized square area is set around the original click- attempt. point during the registration. At the time of login, the system checks the acceptability of each click-point. IV. IMPLEMEMTATION ISSUES For each password PW, the system hashes the username Persuasive Cued Click-Points (PCCP) is works in two W, and the following details for each click-point Ci dimensions i.e. x and y positions from top left corner of the (i=1….5): its grid offset (Gxi;Gyi), a tolerance area image are used for authentication. Besides these, the identifier Txi; Tyi (indicating the exact square containing TPCCP take into consideration the time interval (threshold the click-point), threshold time ti and its image identifier Ii. time) for each click-point. While registering the password, The system stores additional information Aw such as Gx, user should also choose the time interval for the particular Gy for each click-point and a random seed Sw to determine clicks point. At the time of authentication each click must collection of images for a user. These components are be performed within the chosen time interval. The described as following sections describe several practical design and Pw = h( [C1,….Ci], W ) implementation choices in building the TPCCP. In TPCCP, when the image is displayed the randomly Ci = ( Ii, Txi, Tyi, Gxi, Gyi, ti ) Aw = ( [ Gx1, Gy1,………Gxi, Gyi ], Sw ) selected grid called the view port only clearly seen out. All 4 In order to improve the security of the system the In TPCCP, each image displayed is based on a number of click-points used for a single password can be deterministic function increased. To increase the memorability of the user, an audio support Ii+1 = f( Sw, Ci, ti). can be used, i.e. each valid click-point is associated with an audio sound. So that for invalid click-points user can be i.e. During login the first image loaded is I1 =f(SW; 0). Sw alarmed by a different sound. is generated during the password creation and is The password strength is increased with the password regenerated during the authentication process. Each time a space. The effective password space is determined by the password is changed a new Sw is formed. area of the viewport. So for creating a strong password, the Human eye is visible to small portion of images at a time. viewport should be larger. It increases security of the So the viewport must be large enough to satisfy the user’s password, but decreases the memorability of the password. choice, but small enough to distribute the click-points This system can be improved by including better image across the image. As PCCP this system uses a 75×75 size features. viewport. This viewport is positioned randomly on the VI. CONCLUSIONS image. During password creation TPCCP uses a shuffle Since click based graphical passwords are secure and button to arbitrarily relocate the viewport. In TPCCP the random, the attacker cannot guess it. Also these passwords chance of shuffle is restricted to three. are very easy to remember. The purpose of good authentication system is to provide a strong and effective password space. By the use of random viewport the system can generate more robust password. The use of shuffle during password creation is restricted here. Thus the registration process will be faster. This system allows user choice while increasing the password space. The time interval associated with each click-point helps the user to fast login. In the case of hacker, who doesn’t know the correct time interval cannot make login successfully. The major advantage of time based persuasive cued click point scheme is its large password space since the entire image is used for creating the password and the viewport limits the possibility of hotspots. Thus it provides high security. TPCCP is based on the time interval for each click-point. While choosing small time interval (threshold time) during Fig. 3. TPCCP Login interface. the password creation, the problem of shoulder surfing is greatly reduced. V. FUTURE WORK In Time based PCCP, user choice is allowed and also the The following aspects can be added to the concept system direct their selection. That means it guides users for discussed above: 5 making strong passwords by the use of viewport during password creation. It makes secure choices rather than vague instructions such as “pick a password that is hard to guess.” The use of persuasive technology increases the randomness of the password. It reduces the formation of patterns and hotspots, thus the effective password space is increased. VII. REFERENCES [1] “Graphical Password Authentication Schemes: Current Status and Key Issues” Harsh Kumar Sarohi1, Farhat Ullah Khan. [2] R. Biddle, S. Chiasson, and P. van Oorschot, “Graphical Passwords: Learning from the First Twelve Years,” to be published in ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 44, no. 4, 2012. [3] S. Chiasson, R. Biddle, and P. van Oorschot, “A Second Look at the Usability of Click-Based Graphical Passwords, ” Proc. ACM Symp. Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), July 2007. [4] S. Chiasson, P. van Oorschot, and R. Biddle, “Graphical password authentication using Cued Click Points,” in European Symposium On Research In Computer Security (ESORICS), LNCS 4734, September 2007, pp. 359–374. [5] “Persuasive Cued Click-points:Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Knowledge-Based Authentication Mechanism”, Sonia Chiasson, Elizabath Stobert, Alain Forget, and Paul C. Van. 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