Grade 3 Term 2 SPELLING HOMEWORK Each week you will need to make a list of eight words in your homework book that feature the weekly phonogram. Then you will choose a spelling activity to complete that will help you practice the word feature. Over the term you need to have completed each of the activities. Please ensure your work is presented neatly and that your words are spelt correctly! Wk2 Vowels and Consonants Write each spelling word using blue for the consonants and red for the vowels. Draw a picture ~ draw a picture for each of your spelling words. Make your words ~ make your words using plasticine, play dough or cut them out of paper. Definitions ~ use a dictionary to find a definition for each of your words. Write them down in your homework book. Make a story ~ create a short story that includes all of your spelling words. Inlcude a picture. Games ~ make two copies of your list on flashcards, use the cards to play snap, concentration or go fish. Syllables ~ break your words into syllables and write them down in your homework book. Numerical value ~ work out the numerical value of each of your spelling words. Eg. A=1, B=2... Z=26. Mnemonics Write a hint that will help you remember how to spell each word. Because- Big elephants can add up sums. Signed Wk3 Wk4 Wk5 Wk6 Wk7 Wk8 Wk9 Wk 10 20th April 2015 Dear Parents/Guardians, The Year Three team would like to inform you that there will be a few changes regarding the operation of our spelling program. We will continue to provide an inquiry based and systematic spelling program that allows students to see how spelling features and patterns operate. We will continue the Words Their Way Spelling program but will now spend a fortnight instead of a week on the particular spelling feature/pattern that is identified in the word sort. In the first week the focus is hearing the word, sounding out and looking for spelling patterns. In the second week follow up multi-sensory activities to reinforce the particular spelling feature(s) will take place. In addition to the above program we will also implement our weekly whole school spelling and grammar program. Every fortnight the students will be tested on ten unseen words that feature the whole-school weekly spelling focuses and the word sort feature(s) covered in those two weeks. Home learning: Each week students will need to generate their own word list that features the whole school spelling (phonogram) focus for that week. They will then choose a spelling activity from their Spelling Menu to work on. The Homework book will need to be brought it on the Monday to be checked by the teacher. The Home learning grid will be handed out to students every Monday. The Maths home learning will take the form of Mathletics and other open-ended problem solving tasks that reflect the learning intentions and strategies for that week. Reading homework will consist of nightly reading that needs to be recorded in the Home reading log. Thank-you, The Year Three Team