HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY SEMINAR (ANG 5175) SYLLABUS FALL 2005 Dr. Judy Bense SEMINARS Seminars will be critical review and discussion sessions of assigned readings on specific concepts and information. Readings are assigned for each week and a student discussion leader will conduct the discussions and review of the readings. Each student must lead at least one seminar. Student discussion leaders will be graded on a 20 point scale based on preparation, organization, leadership, and knowledge. The use of handouts, chalk board, overheads, projected images, and bringing additional outside information to the seminar is encouraged. The grade for the discussion leadership makes up 10% of the grade for this course. Students who lead more than one seminar will have their points averaged for this portion of their grade. General participation in the discussions of readings is also important to this seminar. Ten percent of your grade will be determined by your level of participation as a discussant in the seminars. PREPARATION/ANNOTATIONS Every student must be prepared every class period to discuss the assigned readings. This means annotating every reading and bringing them to class. Because volunteerism has not worked I will require you to email me (jbense@uwf.edu) your annotations (ca 100-300 words) of each assigned reading by 5:00 PM on Sundays preceding class on Tuesdays. This will give you Monday and Tuesday to review your notes and give me time to review your annotations. Your synopses account for 15% of your grade. I will scan all your annotations and read two in detail and provide feedback each week. If you do not submit annotations I will deduct 1% of your point total for the course each time. Include in the annotations: What is the author’s main point(s)? What are the key concepts? How are key words defined? What are the author’s assumptions, both explicit and implicit? How does this author criticize (or less often, praise) other authors’ works? How does this author propose to overcome perceived shortcomings? With what other readings/authors would you align this work? To what other readings/authors does this author seem to be opposed? ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY An annotated bibliography on a specific pre-approved topic is due on the last day of this course. It is a good idea to select a topic related to your thesis research or main interest. The annotated bibliography includes A five page double spaced summary or overview of the references and it should include how and what the sources contribute to the research topic and a critique of the sources 1 20 annotated primary sources (original research usually found in journals, monographs, original historical documents, or research books); each annotation should be 200-300 words in length summarizing the source as it relates to the research question 10 annotated secondary sources (summaries, and overviews based on primary documents); each annotation should be 400-500 words in length summarizing pertinent information as it relates to the research question and a critique of the usefulness of the source. FINAL EXAM: A comprehensive final essay exam will be required in this course and it will make up 35% of the grade GRADE DETERMINATION: 10% 15% 15% 25% 35% Discussion leadership Annotations Participation Annotated Bibliography Final Exam 2 3 HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY SEMINAR (ANG 5175) SYLLABUS FALL 2005 Revised 9/13/05 Discussion Leader Snacks 8/23 ORIENTATION AND OVERVIEW 9/6 THEORY Jim C. Shane 9/13 METHODS Nickie Dean (9/20 ETHNOHISTORY Krista Chris 9/27 CONTACT ARCHAEOLOGY Julie Kendra 10/4 MISSIONS Anna? Jim G Jim G Jim C 10/11 COLONIAL SETTLEMENTS (9AM) 10/18 PLANTATIONS Nick TOPIC APPROVAL DEADLINE FOR ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Siska 10/21 SHIPWRECKS (Friday 1 PM) Shane Chris 10/25 FARMSTEADS Kendra Nick 10/28 POST-COLONIAL TOWNS AND CITIES (Friday 9 AM) Siska Anna 11/15 ETHNICITY Chris Krista 11/22 GENDER Anna Julie 11/29 INTERNATIONAL ARCHAEOLOGY ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIES DUE Dean Nickie 12/5 FINAL EXAM 4 READING ASSIGNMENTS Week 2: THEORY Little 1994 People With History: An Update on Historical Archaeology in the United States. In Images of the Recent Past, by Orser 1996, Altamira Press (42-78). Deagan 1982 Avenues of Inquiry in Historical Archaeology. In Orser 1996, Images of the Recent Past, Altamira Press (6-41) 1991 Historical Archaeology’s Contribution to Our Understanding of Early America. In Historical Archaeology in Global Perspective. Edited by Lisa Faulk. Marquardt 1992: Dialectical Archaeology. In Archaeological Method and Theory Volume 4, Edited by Michael Schiffer. Pogue 2000 Transformation of America: Georgian Sensibility, Capitalist Conspiracy or Consumer Revolution, Historical Archaeology 35(2) Bedell 2001 Delaware and the Revolutionary 18th Century. Historical Archaeology 35(4) Week 3: METHODS South 1977 Method and Theory in Historical Archaeology. Academic Press. (Whole book) Deetz 1996 Remember Me as You Pass By. In Small Things Forgotten. By James Deetz, Anchor Press. Miller 1991 A Revised Set of CC Index Values for Classification and Economic Scaling of English Ceramics from 1787 to 1880. Historical Archaeology 25:(1 )1-26. Brenner and Monks 2002 Detecting Economic Variability in the Red River Settlement. Historical Archaeology 36(2) Purses1992 Oral History and Historical Archaeology. In Text-Aided Archaeology, CRC Press. Edited by Barbara Little. Week 4: ETHNOHISTORY Galloway 1991 The Archaeology of Ethnohistorical Narrative. In Columbian Consequences. Vol 3 ed. Thomas Lightfoot 1995 Culture Contact Studies: Redefining the Relationship between Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology. American Antiquity 60(2): 199217. Deagan 1990 Accommodation and Resistance: The Process and Impact of Spanish 5 Colonization in the Southeast. In Columbian Consequences. Vol 2 ed. Thomas Wood 1990 Ethnohistory and Historical Method, In Archaeological Method and Theory, Vol 2, ed by Schiffer. Johnson 2000 Politics of Poverty. In Interpretations of Native North American Life, Edited by Nassaney and Johnson. Price and Price 1981 Investigation of Settlement and Subsistence Systems in the Ozark Border Region of Southeast Missouri During the First Half of the 19th Century: Widow Harris Cabin Project. Ethnohistory 28(3)237-258 Lightfoot, K. G., 1995 Culture Contact Studies: Redefining the Relationship Between Prehistoric and Historical Archaeology. American Antiquity 60:119217. Week 5: CONTACT ARCHAEOLOGY Smith and Hally 1992 Chiefly Behavior: Evidence from 16th Century Spanish Accounts. In Lords of the Southeast: Social Inequality and the Native Elites of Southeastern North America. Archaeological Papers of the AAA No. 3 Scarry 1992 Political Offices and political Structure: Ethnohistoric and Archaeological Perspectives on the Native Lords of Apalachee. In Lords of the Southeast: Social Inequality and the Native Elites of Southeastern North America. Archaeological Papers of the AAA No. 3 Deagan 1990 16th Century Spanish-American Colonization in the Southeastern U.S. and Caribbean In Columbian Consequences. Vol 2 ed. D. H Thomas. Larsen et.al. 1992 Population Decline and Extinction in La Florida. In Disease and Demography in the Americas ed by Verano and Ubelaker. Smithsonian Press Reff 1992 Contact Shock in Northwestern New Spain. In Disease and Demography in the Americas ed by Verano and Ubelaker. Smithsonian Press Smith 1989 Aboriginal Population Movements in the Early Historic Period in the Interior Southeast. In Powhatan's Mantle ed by Waselkov and Hatley Week 6: MISSIONS Thomas 1990 The Spanish Missions of La Florida: An Overview. In Columbian Consequences Volume 2 ed by Thomas (357-397) 6 Bushnell 1990 The Sacramental Imperative: Catholic Ritual and Indian Sedentism in the Provinces of Florida. In Columbian Consequences Volume 2 ed by Thomas (475-490) Marrinan 1991 “Archaeological Investigations at Mission Patale, 1984-1991.” Florida Anthropologist 44(2-4)228-254 McEwan 199 “Hispanic life on the 17th Century Florida Frontier” Florida Anthropologist 44(2-4)255-267. Bushell 1994 Situado and Sabana, Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History, Number 74. Jones and Pendergast 1991 The Native Context of Colonialism in Southern Mesoamerica and Central Americs: An Overview. In Columbian Consequences Volume 3 ed by Thomas (161-185) Weeks and Black 1991 Mercedarian Missionaries and the Transformation of Lenca Indian Society in Western Hondouras 1550-1700. In Columbian Consequences Volume 3 ed by Thomas (245-261). Week 7: COLONIAL SETTLEMENTS South 1988: Santa Elena: Threshold of Conquest In The Recovery of Meaning by Leone and Potter Deagan 1995 After Columbus: the 16th Century Spanish-Caribbean Frontier. In Puerto Real: The Archaeology of a 16th Century Spanish Town in Hispaniola. Deagan, editor (420-456). Williams 2003 The Evolution of the Presidio in Northern New Spain. Manuscript for Historical Archaeology Bense 2003 Presidio Santa Maria de Galve in Spanish West Florida. Manuscript for Historical Archaeology Deagan 1983 The Archaeological Manifestations of Spanish St. Augustine. In Spanish St. Augustine by Deagan (231-271). Brown and Samford 1994 Waselkov 2002 Current Archaeological Perspectives on the Growth and Development of Williamsburg . In Historical Archaeology of the Chesapeake (231-246). French Colonial Archaeology at Old Mobile: Introduction. Historical 7 Archaeology 36(1) Week 8: SHIPWRECKS Muckelroy 1978 Introducing Maritime Archaeology and Archaeology of Shipwrecks Chapters 3 and 25 in Maritime Archaeology Ed by Babits and Van Tilburg 1998 Lenihan and Murphy 1981 Considerations for Research Design in shipwreck Archaeology Chapter 21 in Maritime Archaeology Ed by Babits and Van Tilburg 1998. Bass 1988 Ships and Shipwrecks of the Americas ed Ch 3 Shipwrecks of the Explorers Kieth Ch 5 Treasure Ships of the Spanish Main: Iberian-American Empires Smith Ch 11 Civil War at Sea Watts Smith et. al 1998 The Emmanuel Point Ship: Archaeological Investigations 1996-1997. Florida Department of State Division of Historical Resources. Bureau of Archaeological Research. Gould 2000 Archaeology and the Social History of Ships. Chapter 1 Interpreting the Archaeological Record) Chapter 28 Ships and the Great Age of Sail Chapter 12 The Future of Underwater Archaeology. Bruseth 2005 From a Watery Grave: The Discovery and Excavation of La Salle’s Shipwreck, La Belle. Texas A & M University Press. Week 9: PLANTATIONS Singleton 1991 The Archaeology of Slave Life. Archaeology (141-165) Wheaton and Garrow 1985 Armstrong 1985 In Orser Readings in Historical Acculturation and the Archaeological Record in the Carolina Lowcountry. In Archaeology of Slavery and Plantation Life by Singleton (239-259) An Afro-American Slave Settlement: Archaeological Investigations at Drax Hall. In Archaeology of Slavery and Plantation Life by Singleton (261-87) 8 Joseph 1993 White Columns and Black Hands: Class and Classification in the Plantation Ideology of the Georgia and South Carolina Low Country. Historical Archaeology 27(3). Weisman 2000 The Plantation System of the Florida Seminole Indians and Black Seminoles During the Colonial Era. In Colonial Plantations and Economy in Florida. University Presses of Florida. Miller and Wood 2000 Oakland Plantation: Subsurface Investigation. Southeast Archaeology Center, National Park Service, Tallahassee. Week 10: Stine 1990 FARMSTEADS Social Inequality and Turn-of-the-Century Farmsteads: Issues of Status, Ethnicity, and Class. Historical Archaeology 24(4)37-49 Wettstaed 2004 19th Century Frontier Occupations of the Missouri Ozarks. Historical Archaeology 37 (4). Friedlander 1991 House and Barn: Wealth of Farmers. Historical Archaeology 25:15-29. Joseph, Reed, Cantley 1992 We're Just Dirt Farmers. Synthesis of South Carolina Archaeology Trinkley 1983 Let Us Now Praise Famous Men--If Only We Can Find Them. Southeastern Archaeology 2(1)30-36 Orser and Holland 1984 Friedlander 1991: Price 1985 Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, Accurately: Towards an Understanding of Postbellum Southeastern Agricultural Practices. Southeastern Archaeology 3(2)111-120. House and Barn: The Wealth of Farmers: 1795-1815. Historical Archaeology 25(2): 15-29 Patterns of Cultural Behavior and Intrasite Distributions of Faunal Remains at the Widow Harris Site. Historical Archaeology 19(2)40-56 Week 11: POST-COLONIAL TOWNS AND CITIES Cressey, et. al 1982 The Core-Periphery Relationship and the Archaeological Record in Alexandria, VA. In Archaeology of Urban America Garrow 1984 Identification and Use of Context Types in Urban Archaeology. Southeastern Archaeology 3(2)91-96. 9 Yamin 1998 Lurid Tales and Homely Stories of New York’s Notorious Five Points. In Historical Archaeology 32(1)74-85. Cheek and Seifert 1994 Neighborhoods and Household Types in 19th Century Washington D.C.: Fannie Hill and Mary McNamara in Hooker's Division. In Historical Archaeology of the Chesapeake Bower and McHargue 1998 Part I: Historic Preservation, the Public, and the “Big Dig”: “The Central Artery/Tunnel Project Preservation Program” and “Great Expectations.” Historical Archaeology (32(3)1-23. Week 12: ETHNICITY Orser 1999 Challenge of Race to American Historical Archaeology. American Anthropologist 100(661-668) Singleton 1991: Archaeology of the Plantation South: A Review of Approaches and Goals. Historical Archaeology 24(4) Singleton 1999: I, Too, an America, in Archaeological Studies of African-American Life, Theresa Singleton, editor (pg 1-17). University of Virginia Press. Deetz 1997: Parting Ways and the African-American Experience. In Small Things Forgotten. (Chapters 7; Parting Ways and 8: African American Past). Thomas 1995 Source Criticism and Interpretation of African-American Sites Southeastern Archaeology 14(2)149-157 Landers 1990 African Presence in Early Spanish Colonization of the Caribbean and Southeastern Borderlands, In Columbian Consequences, vol 2, edited by D.H. Thomas. Cusick 2000 Creolization and the Borderlands. Historical Archaeology 34(3):46-55 Loren 2000 The Intersections of Colonial policy and Practice: Creolization on the 18th Century Louisiana/Texas Frontier. Historical Archaeology 34(3): 85-98. Week 13 (11/24): GENDER Seifert 1991 Gender in Historical Archaeology, Volume 25, Number 4 (read all articles) Clements 1993 The Cultural Creation of Gender, Historical Archaeology, Vol 27, No. 4. McEwan 1991 Archaeology of Women in the Spanish Word. Historical Archaeology, 25(4) 10 Sorenson 2000 Archaeology of Gender Polity Press. Whole book Wall 1994 Archaeology of Gender, Plenum Press. Select chapters WEEK 14 INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL ARCHAEOLOGY OVERVIEW Skrowneck 1998 The Spanish Philippines: Archaeological Perspectives on Colonial Economics and Society. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 2(1) Deagan 2003 Colonial Origins and Cultural Transformations in Spanish America Historical Archaeology 37(4) Lightfoot 2003 Russian Colonization: Implications of Mercantile Colonial Practices in the North Pacific. Historical Archaeology 37(4) McGhee 1984 Contact Between Native North Americans and the Medieval Norse: A Review of the Evidence American Antiquity 49(1). Shire 1991 Historical Archaeology of the Impact of Colonialism in 17th Century South Africa In Historical Archaeology in Global Perspective edited by L. Faulk Ritchie 2003 “In-Sites,”Historical Archaeology in Australia: Some Comparisons with the American Colonial Experience Historical Archaeology 37(1) Staniforth 2003 Annales Informed Approaches to the Archaeology of Colonial Australia Historical Archaeology 37(1) Gibbs 2003 Archaeology of Crisis: Shipwreck Survivor Camps in Australia Historical Archaeology 37(1) 11 On Reserve at Library Thomas 1990: Columbian Consequences Volumes 2 and 3 Hahn 1987, Apalachee: Land Between the Rivers by Hahn (24-70) Schackel and Little 1994, Historical Archaeolgoy of the Chesapeake Deagan 1995, Puerto Real: The Archaeology of a 16th Century Spanish Town in Hispaniola Deagan 1983, Spanish St. Augustine Cotter, Roberts, Parrington 1993, The Buried Past: Archaeological History of Phildelphia. Dickens 1982, Archaeology of Urban America Thomas 1989, Fort Toulouse Singleton 1985, The Archaeology of Slavery and Plantation Life Deetz 1996, In Small Things Forgotten Verano and Ubelaker 1992, Disease and Demography in the Americas Waselkov and Hatley 1989, Powhatan's Mantle Beaudry 1988, Documentary Archaeology in the New World Preucel 1991, Processual and Postprocessual Archaeology Leone and Potter 1988 The Recovery of Meaning, Smithsonian Press Journals in the Library: Historical Archaeology, American Antiquity, Southeastern Archaeology 12