PLATO Science Preparation Management

PLATO Science Preparation Management
Letter of Intent
Please fill in this letter of intent. Only people which submitted such a letter of intent can be listed in the official
PLATO documents and are formal members of the PLATO Science Preparation Management (PSPM)
Please mail this letter of intent to the PSPM office:
Philipp Eigmüller (
Deadline: 31st of March, 2011
If you have questions please contact the corresponding leader of the working package you are interested in:
WP 10X XXX: PSPM Coordination
WP 11X XXX: Exoplanet Science
*WP 12X XXX: Stellar Science
WP 13X XXX: Target/Field Characterization
WP 14X XXX: Follow-Up Coordination
WP 15X XXX: End-To-End Simulator
*WP 16X XXX: Additional Science
H. Rauer
D. Pollacco
M.J. Goupil
S. Udry
W. Zima
W. Weiss
Contact Information:
First Name
Last Name
I intent to work on the Working Package (WP number):
(The WP structure can be found at
Give a short description of the work you intent to do:
Provide an estimate of the fraction of your time you hope to allocate to the work covered by the present letter of
Further Comments:
* No need to reply for the work-packages 12X XXX and 16X XXX, if you have already responded to the corresponding Letters of
Intent for Stellar Science Plan Management or for Additional Science.
PSPM WP 100000
Title: PSPM Coordination
Leader: H. Rauer
Objectives: Overall coordination of PLATO Science Preparation activities.
PSPM WP 101000
Title: PSPM Project Office
Leader: R. Titz-Weider
Objectives: Support coordination of the PSPM activities.
PSPM WP 102000
Title: Education and Public Outreach (EPO) Office Coordination
Leader: U. Koehler
Preparation to obtain maximum visibility for PLATO and its scientific mission objectives
Providing organizational and presentational (web site) structures to serve properly media and educational requests
PSPM WP 102100
Title: Web-page maintenance
Leader: I. Pagano
Objectives: Preparation to obtain maximum visibility for PLATO and its scientific mission objectives
PSPM WP 102200
Title: Editorial office
Leader: U. Koehler
Objectives: Preparation to obtain maximum visibility for PLATO and its scientific mission objectives
PSPM WP 102300
Title: Education & Public Outreach - Visualisation Material
Leader: A. Norton & C. Haswell
Objectives: To produce resources to engage with and educate the public about the science behind PLATO.
PSPM WP 103000
Title: PSPM Coordination Team
Leader: H. Rauer
Objectives: Coordinate and review PSPM and PDC activities
PSPM WP 111000
Title: Coordination of tools for lightcurve filtering
Leader: N. Lanza
Objectives: To coordinate work packages looking at noise sources (both astrophysical and instrumental) in the PLATO photometry.
PSPM WP 111100
Title: Specification of tools for lightcurve filtering
Leader: S. Aigrain
Objectives: To review and understand the effect of stellar noise on the photometric signal. Critically review mitigation techniques currently
developed and propose developments that can be optimized for PLATO data.
PSPM WP 111200
Title: Specification of tools for detecting and filtering instrumental noise
Leader: F. Faedi
Objectives: To review and understand the effect of systematic noise arising in the PLATO instrument itself. Critically review mitigation
techniques currently developed and propose developments that can be optimized for PLATO data.
PSPM WP 112000
Title: Specification of transit detection tools
Leader: J. Cabrera
Objectives: Coordination of sub-work packages related to transit detection algorithms.
PSPM WP 112100
Title: Transit detection tools
Leader: J. Cabrera
Objectives: Review the currently available transit detection algorithms and compare and contrast their abilities with different types of data.
This should include a preliminary investigation of the complexities of transit detection for binary and multiple stars.
PSPM WP 112200
Title: Detection of single transit events
Leader: D. Pollacco
Objectives: Review of the difficulties (and mitigation) in the detection of small and/or long period planets.
PSPM WP 112300
Title: Detection of Exoplanet systems via reflected light
Leader: I. Snellen
Objectives: Detection of planets through orbital phase variations. Review of which types of systems will be detectable in this way in PLATO
PSPM WP 112400
Title: Other Detection Methods
Leader: R. Silvotti
Objectives: To use PLATO photometry to detect planets by indirect means e.g. Transit Timing Variations. Extension of PLATO discovery
space to potentially very small planets and to relatively unexplored types of stars.
WP 112410 - TTV/TDVs - V. Nascimbeni
WP 112420 - EB Timing - S. Dreizler & S. Shuh
WP 112430 - Pulsation Timing - R. Silvotti
WP 112440 - Other methods - R. Silvotti
PSPM WP 112500
Title: Multi-body Systems
Leader: S. Desidera
Objectives: Review of planet occurrence in multi-body systems (either binary or multiple stars, or multiple planets). Potential effect on
detectability in photometric and spectroscopic data.
WP 112510 - Photometric detection of circumbinary planets - H. Deeg
WP 112520 - Planets in trojan orbits - F. Marzari
WP 112530 - Exomoons and binary planets - G. Szabo
WP 112540 - Other multiple systems - S. Desidera
PSPM WP 113000
Title: Specification of procedure to rank planet candidates
Leader: M. Deleuil
Objectives: Coordination of sub-work packages related to planet ranking procedures and algorithms.
PSPM WP 113100
Title: Define procedure to rank planet candidates
Leader: A. Collier Cameron
Objectives: To review the scientific literature in this area, comparing and contrasting the different procedures used by different ground and
space based projects. To produce a preliminary ranking procedure showing expected dependencies.
PSPM WP 113200
Title: Specification for Space based false positive identification through Centroid Lightcurves
Leader: M. Deleuil
Objectives: To improve the quality of PLATO planet candidates by rejection of imposters as determined by their centroided positions and
PSPM WP 113300
Title: Astrophysical False Positives
Leader: A. Collier Cameron
Objectives: To identify the list of astrophysical phenomena that can minim a planetary transit. To produce a procedure to identify those
objects effected.
PSPM WP 114000
Title: Specification of Transit Fitting Tools
Leader: M. Gillon
Objectives: Coordination of sub-work packages related to transit fitting algorithms.
PSPM WP 114100
Title: Specify transit curve modeling tools
Leader: S. Csizmadia
Objectives: Specify the tools used in transit modeling.
PSPM WP 114200
Title: Specify tools for accurate orbital period determination
Leader: M. Deleuil
Objectives: Assessment of published period finding techniques and procedures for the generation of orbital ephemeris for single and multiple
PSPM WP 115000
Title: Development of PLATO Specific Science
Leader: D. Pollacco
Objectives: Development of exoplanet science topics that impact on the interpretation
of PLATO data.
PSPM WP 115100
Title: Spectroscopic noise sources and their impact on RV determination
Leader: C. Watson
Objectives: Understanding the effects that star spots, granulation etc has on the radial velocity determination especially for systems with low
mass planets. Outline of mitigation procedures
PSPM WP 115200
Title: Improved planetary system characterisation
Leader: A. Sozzetti
Objectives: Review of the potential of data from other sources (e.g. Gaia) that can be used alongside PLATO data to improve planetary
system parameters. Assessment of expected improvements.
PSPM WP 115300
Title: Planet-Star Interactions
Leader: S. Mathis
Objectives: Preliminary investigation into the observed and predicted effects induced on the stellar surface by the proximity of the planetary
companion. Resultant effect on the light curve.
PSPM WP 115400
Title: M-dwarfs as planet hosts
Leader: P. Wheatley
Objectives: Evaluation of the M-dwarf population to be observed by PLATO. Estimation of planetary frequency and their potential for
follow up with instruments likely to be available in the next decade.
PSPM WP 116000
Title: Development of PLATO Interpretation Specific Science
Leader: H. Rauer
Objectives: Development of exoplanet science topics that impact on the interpretation
of PLATO data.
PSPM WP 116100
Title: The Mass-Radius relationship for gas giants
Leader: T. Guillot
Objectives: Understand the expected impact of PLATO photometry on the mass vs radius relationship of gas giants and its implications for
their structure.
PSPM WP 116200
Title: The Mass-Radius relationship for terrestrial planets
Leader: F. Sohl
Objectives: Use of PLATO photometry and ground based spectroscopy to produce a mass vs radius plot for terrestrial planets and hence infer
their internal structures.
PSPM WP 116300
Title: Planetary formation and orbital evolution
Leader: R. Nelson
Objectives: Assessment of the importance of orbital evolution and migration to the likely PLATO planet population.
PSPM WP 116400
Title: The environments of PLATO habitable zones planets
Leader: H. Lammer
Objectives: Evaluation of likely environmental conditions for habitable zone planets typical of those expected in the PLATO surveys.
PSPM WP 116500
Title: Atmospheres of PLATO planets
Leader: F. Selsis
Objectives: Examination of current exoplanet model atmospheres especially for the expected population of terrestrial planets that PLATO
will be sensitive to. Estimation of the likelihood of detection with other facilities such as the e-ELT or the JWST.
PSPM WP 117000
Title: Specificatians for interface to other work packages and PDC
Leader: N. Santos
Objectives: To specify required data needed from other (primarily stellar) work packages and its method of retrieval and use. Assessment of
required data accuracy to reach mission goals.
PSPM WP 120000
Title: Stellar Science coordination
Leader: M.J. Goupil
Objectives: Coordination of the work packages WP121000 to WP127000.
No need to reply for the following work-packages (12X XXX) if you have already responded to the Letter
of Intent of the SSPM
PSPM WP 121000
Title: Stellar modeling
Leader: A. Weiss
Objectives: adapted to low mass, main sequence stars.
PSPM WP 121100
Title: 1D Stellar models
Leader: Y. Lebreton
Objectives: To provide grids of high quality 1D stellar models and an automated
evolutionary code specifically adapted to low mass, main sequence stars
PSPM WP 121110
Title: Very low mass stars
Leader: S. Cassisi
Objectives: To provide an extended and updated grid of state-of-the-art evolutionary
models for stellar structures in the Very Low Mass Stars regime (M<0.5 solar mass) for any specified chemical composition. These models
will be computed from the Pre-Main Sequence to the Main Sequence.
PSPM WP 121120
Title: Low mass stellar models
Leader: J. Montalban
Objectives: Provide grids of high quality 1D stellar models for low mass, main sequence stars
PSPM WP 121130
Title: Dedicated evolutionary code
Leader: TBD
Objectives: Provide grids of high quality 1D stellar models for low mass, main sequence stars
PSPM WP 121200
Title: Transport processes
Leader: S. Talon
Objectives: To model several transport processes, beyond classical convective heat
transport, that are known or expected to play an important role in determining stellar structure and influence stellar evolution. Formulations
for transport of heat, chemical elements and angular momentum induced by motions such as convection, rotation, turbulence or waves will
be improved or developed with the objective of implementation in a 1D stellar evolutionary code.
PSPM WP 121300
Title: PMS evolution
Leader: F. Palla
Objectives: To build a computation tool that provides PMS stellar models with rotation profiles and initial conditions as realistic as possible.
PSPM WP 121400
Title: 2D/3D Stellar evolution models
Leader: M. Rieutord
Objectives: The objective of the WP is to deliver very precise 2D stellar models.
Indeed, the determination of the bulk parameter of a star (Age, Mass, etc.) from seismic data needs a very good preliminary model of the star.
Such good models require at least two spatial dimensions to properly include the effects of rotation. We therefore propose to deliver models
at the state-of-the-art level, which can be combined to the best oscillations codes out of which the most precise stellar parameters can be
PSPM WP 121500
Title: Binarity
Leader: S. Mathis
Objectives: considered star has a stellar companion (star or a compact object). Second, as it will be the case in PLATO, the studied star hosts
a planetary system with one or several planets. In each case, if the companion (stellar or planetary) is closed enough, the system evolution is
modified by tidal interactions. First, a large-scale torque due to the equilibrium tide is exerted on the convective envelope of solar-type stars.
Then, low-frequency stellar oscillations (inertial in convection zones and gravito-inertial in radiation zones) are excited by the tidal potential:
this is the dynamical tide. Each type of tide induces a supplementary transport of angular momentum in stellar interiors, which couples with
those treated in the single star case (meridional circulation, turbulence, magnetic field, and internal gravity waves excited by the convection).
This of course modifies the studied star internal evolution and mixing. Furthermore, this also induces the evolution of the companion orbit
(Keplerian elements) and angular momentum (synchronism, obliquity), which in turn leads to a new tidal potential that modifies once again
the system evolution. The orbital and spin state of the system then gives strong constraints on the age of the system. The study of binarity
will thus be very important both for close binary stars and for star-planets studies in PLATO.
PSPM WP 122000
Title: Model atmosphere
Leader: T. Morel
Objectives: Define general objectives of WG and assess means to achieve them. Define tasks of the four working subgroups (3D NLTE
model atmospheres and stellar chemical composition, determination of Te, L and BC, determination of limb darkening, atmospheres of M
PSPM WP 122100
Title: 3D NLTE model atmospheres
Leader: M. Asplund
Objectives: Assess reliability of 1D LTE model atmospheres (e.g., temperature-optical depth relation) for FGK dwarfs and the impact that
the neglect of granulation may have on the stellar parameters derived for the host stars. Derive chemical compositions of very and low mass
PSPM WP 122200
Title: HR diagram and chemical abundances
Leader: C. Allende Prieto
Objectives: Assess limitations and accuracy of current methods for the determination of Te and BC in FGK dwarfs. Based on the
expectations for the GAIA data, estimate the accuracy on the radius of the stellar host that is presently achievable. Provide these quantities
and their uncertainties as input to the others SPM WP.
PSPM WP 122300
Title: Determination of limb-darkening
Leader: A. Claret
Objectives: to determine with precision the limb-darkening distribution of the host stars. Identify and quantify the sources of uncertainties in
masses, radii and effective temperatures of the host stars.
PSPM WP 122400
Title: Model atmospheres of M dwarfs
Leader: I. Hubeny
Objectives: M dwarfs are particularly suited to detect planets. It is therefore mandatory to understand properly the physics of the atmospheres
of these cool stars and their relation to planetary transits and to provide high quality model atmospheres.
PSPM WP 123000
Title: Stellar activity and rotation
Leader: A.F. Lanza
Objectives: a) To measure the level of stellar magnetic activity, the rotation period, and the latitudinal differential rotation. They will be input
to modeling of stellar structure and evolution, stellar atmospheres, and hydromagnetic dynamo action; b) to predict magnetic field effects on
stellar eigenfrequencies; c) to predict the radial velocity perturbations arising from magnetic perturbations of surface convection and
photospheric brightness inhomogeneities this is of fundamental importance to confirm telluric planets and measure their mass. The measure
of the rotation period, in combination with models of stellar angular momentum evolution, can be used to estimate the age of planet-hosting
stars in the field through the methods of gyro-chronology. A knowledge of stellar rotation is fundamental also to study tidal effects in
planetary systems with close-in planets. The level of stellar magnetic activity controls the photo-evaporation of the atmosphere of close-in
planets and the space weather in planetary systems having late-type stars with winds coming from magnetically controlled coronae.
PSPM WP 123100
Title: Spot models
Leader: B. Mosser
Objectives: To provide methods and algorithms for the measurement of spot distributions, in close relation with the stellar activity
PSPM WP 123200
Title: Surface convection (1D & 3D)
Leader: F. Kupka
Objectives: This WG must provide information on the properties of surface activity of the host stars. In particular, it is dedicated to
determine the properties of surface convection (granulation,) in function of the spectral type using both 3D numerical simulations and 1D
models of convection.
PSPM WP 123300
Title: Global angular momentum of evolution
Leader: M. Pinsonneault
Objectives: Testing of theoretical models of stellar angular momentum loss, internal angular momentum transport, and the associated mixing.
There are two distinct applications: understanding of stellar physics and applications to stellar population studies. Examples of the former
would include asteroseismic tests of dynamo models and distinguishing between magnetic, wave-driven, and hydrodynamic transport
processes in stellar interiors. Examples of the latter would include exploring rotation as an age indicator for low mass stars and synthesizing
connections between stellar activity (chromospheric and coronal), rotation, age, and mass for habitability studies.
PSPM WP 123400
Title: Dynamos and differential rotation
Leader: A.S. Brun
Objectives: Most stars rotate and exhibit a large diversity of magnetic fields. It is believed that dynamo action, i.e the complex, nonlinear
interplay between, convection, large scale flows (differential rotation and meridional circulation) and magnetic fields, is the source of the
magnetism of solar like stars and M dwarfs, the main stellar targets of PLATO. Being able to constrain all these MHD processes is crucial to
our understanding of stars and their impact on their environment. Seismic inversions of the extent of convective envelope, the surface and
internal profiles of large scale flows and of proxies of the magnetic activity will help reaching this goal.
PSPM WP 123500
Title: Stellar rotation from photometry
Leader: S. Messina
Objectives: To derive the stellar rotation period from the stellar flux rotational modulation. The latter is induced either by surface
temperature inhomogeneities that are carried in and out of view by the stellar rotation or eclipses in close binary systems. Different
algorithms (e.g., Fourier-based methods, phase dispersion minimization, amplitude of variance) will be used to analyze the photometric time
series, to assign a quality flag to each inferred rotation period, and to estimate their confidence level. Possible rotation period variations
related to surface differential rotation will be also investigated.
PSPM WP 123600
Title: Rotation and planetary transits
Leader: A. Silva-Valio
Objectives: Modelling of starspots occulted by the planet during its transits and estimate of the rotation rate at the occulted latitude using
starspots as tracers. In combination with the out-of-transit light curve modelling, this allows us to estimate stellar differential rotation.
PSPM WP 124000
Title: Seismic diagnostics
Leader: S. Basu
Objectives: To deliver inverse and forward procedures to the PDC and associated validated numerical codes which are able to provide
precise mass, age radius and other information on the host stars.
PSPM WP 124100
Title: Forward approaches
Leader: M. Cunha
Objectives: To test and compare forward procedures that can deliver total mass, radius, age, and other information on the host stars. The
adopted procedures will focus on low mass, main sequence stars from F to M spectral types.
PSPM WP 124200
Title: Inversion methods
Leader: M. Thompson
Objectives: To develop inverse methods that can provide total mass, internal density profile and other information on the host stars, The
adopted procedures will focus on low mass, main sequence stars from F to M spectral types.
PSPM WP 125000
Title: Determination of stellar parameters
Leader: J. Christensen-Dalsgaard
Objectives: Coordinate the definition of the work in WP 125100, 125200, 125300 and 125400, such that it will result in the establishment of
procedures to determine masses, radii, composition and other relevant properties with a precision required by the exoplanet WPs. Maintain
close coordination with the activities under WP 121000 (Stellar models) to ensure that reliable modelling tools will be available for use in the
analysis of the data. Maintain close coordination with WP122000 to ensure that optimal modelling tools will be available for use for
determination of 'classical' parameters under WP125200.
PSPM WP 125100
Title: Scaling laws
Leader: A. Miglio
Objectives: Provide procedures to compute mass, radius, and other relevant quantities from asteroseismic and non-asteroseismic data,
through the application of scaling laws and other relevant relations between the observed quantities, in particular frequencies and power
distribution, and the stellar properties. This must include procedures for full statistical analysis,allowing determination of error properties of
the inferred quantities.
PSPM WP 125200
Title: Incorporating classical parameters
Leader: S. Feltzing
Objectives: Prepare procedures to incorporate reliable information about classical stellar properties in the analysis to determine stellar
parameters. These properties include effective temperature, luminosity, radius, composition from ground-based photometry and spectroscopy
and, in particular, from the Gaia observations, expected to be available when PLATO is launched. The analysis must include use of optimal
stellar atmosphere modelling for the interpretation of the observations. Procedures must be included for full statistical analysis, allowing
determination of error properties of the inferred quantities.
PSPM WP 125300
Title: Seismic Parameters
Leader: C. Karo
Objectives: Based on procedures from 125100 and 125200, combine the results in procedures to determine the desired properties of the stars
(mass, radius, age, composition, ...) in an optimal fashion, including also a study of the benefit of including individual frequencies in the
analysis. Procedures must be included for full statistical analysis, allowing determination of error properties of the inferred quantities. As a
side benefit, information should be extracted which documents, in a statistically solid fashion, errors in the underlying stellar models, to be
used in updating the modelling and hence reducing the systematic errors in the inferred stellar parameters.
PSPM WP 125400
Title: Open Clusters
Leader: S. Basu
Objectives: Based on procedures from WP125100 and WP125200, and using input from WP125300, identify and develop the procedures
that make use of the specific information provided from the fact that stars are members of open clusters. This includes specific requirements
on the 'classical' information under WP125200. Procedures must be included for full statistical analysis, allowing determination of error
properties of the inferred quantities. As a side benefit, information should be extracted which documents, in a statistically solid fashion,
errors in the underlying stellar models, to be used in updating the modelling and hence reducing the systematic errors in the inferred stellar
parameters, noting that internal consistency amongst cluster stars may be particularly relevant for this.
PSPM WP 126000
Title: Mode Physics
Leader: K. Belkacem
Objectives: The mode physics WP126000 to WP126400 are designed to provide realistic determinations of mode amplitudes and linewidths, in relation with WP123000. The objectives are to provide realistic stellar lightcurves including oscillations as well as an estimation
and modeling of sub-surface effects (e.g. turbulent pressure, granulation, magnetic effects) on mode parameters. These developments will
benefi t from the CoRoT and KEPLER legacy.
PSPM WP 126100
Title: Mode amplitude and surface effects on mode parameters
Leader: R. Samadi
Objectives: The first objective is to prepare and provide effcient tools that give us access to a realistic determination of mode amplitudes
across the HR-diagram by using semi-analytical modeling as well as 3D hydrodynamic simulations. Using CoRoT and Kepler observations
will test the results. The second objective is to investigate one specific contribution to what is commonly called surface e effects, e.g. the
effect of turbulent pressure.
PSPM WP 126200
Title: Mode line-width
Leader: M.A. Dupret
Objectives: This WP aims to improve the theoretical determination of mode line-width. A quantitative estimation of mode line-widths of
solar-like stars across the HR diagram will be provided. It is an important objective since the line-width determines the mode detectability.
PSPM WP 126300
Title: Relation Intensity-Velocity
Leader: G. Houdek
Objectives: Relation between mode Intensity and velocity: the CoRoT mission taught us that a correct modeling of mode amplitude and linewidth is not sufficient to reproduce the observations. Indeed, the ratio between mode intensity (luminosity) and velocity amplitudes is also
needed. To progress on the knowledge of this ratio, dominated by non-adiabatic effects, ground-based spectroscopic as well as photometric
observations are needed on the same targets. In addition, this work package aims to investigate the effect of adopting various stellar
atmospheres on the superadiabatic outer stellar layers and consequently mode amplitude ratios.
PSPM WP 126400
Title: Seismology of magnetic activity
Leader: L. Gizon
Objectives: The main objective is to characterize and parameterize the influence of magnetic field on mode parameters.
PSPM WP 127000
Title: Interfaces
Leader: F. Baudin
Objectives: Interface between Stellar Science and other WPs, specifically PDC and Exoplanet WPs.
PSPM WP 130000
Title: Target/Field characterization and selection
Leader: G. Piotto
Objectives: Coordinate all the WPs to deliver first PLATO field position, assessment
of the PLATO target selection parameters and algorithms
PSPM WP 131000
Title: Target characterization
Leader: C. Moutou (10%)
Objectives: Coordinate the WP 131100, 131200 and 131300 work
PSPM WP 131100
Title: Gaia Catalogue Analysis
Leader: A. Sozzetti
Objectives: The objective of this WP is to coordinate the analysis of all available information (astrometric, photometric, and spectroscopic)
from detailed simulations of Gaia observations, to provide realistic estimates of the degree of cleanliness with which it will be possible to
populate the Plato Input Catalogue with a reservoir of well-classified nearby dwarf stars.
PSPM WP 131110
Title: Astrometric Analysis
Leader: M.G. Lattanzi
Objectives: Use of the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium GOG (Gaia Object Generator) and AGISLab software interfaces for a
robust assessment of the quality of Gaia astrometry at the level of early data release for the purpose of the definition of a PLATO Input
Catalogue with a high degree of completeness (i.e., minimizing the contamination from distant giants), and for the optimization of the
PLATO fields of view.
PSPM WP 131120
Title: Photometric analysis
Leader: S. Hodgkin
Objectives: Understanding in detail how Gaia photometry can be used towards the optimal selection of targets in the PLATO fields (and how
it can even help fine tuning the PLATO
elds selection themselves). To this purpose, this WP will examine the outputs of the Data Processing and Analysis Consortium GOG (Gaia
Object Generator) software interface.
PSPM WP 131130
Title: Spectroscopic analysis
Leader: A. Recio-Blanco
Objectives: Understanding in detail how Gaia spectroscopy can be used towards the optimal selection of targets in the PLATO fields (and
how it can even help fine tuning the PLATO fields selection themselves). To this purpose, this WP will examine the outputs of the Gaia/RVS
Generalized Stellar Parametrizer-spectroscopy (GSP-spec) algorithm of the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium.
PSPM WP 131200
Title: Other catalogue analysis
Leader: R. Claudi
Objectives: The objective of this WP is to coordinate the analysis of available photometric, astrometric and stellar activity catalogues to
estimate the feasibility of the extraction of the five PLATO samples of targets and the M-dwarf targets, and the completeness and level of
contamination of the extracted targets. Analysis of the catalogs for the selection of PLATO
PSPM WP 131210
Title: Analysis of photometric and astrometric catalogues
Leader: V. Nascimbeni (20%)
Objectives: Evaluate the feasibility of an all-sky classification of every possible candidate target for the Plato Stellar Samples 1, 2, 3, 5, using
data from photometric and astrometric catalogues. Assess the completeness and the contamination fraction of such classification. Provide
input for the WP 132100 in order to select the Plato long duration and step&stare fields.
PSPM WP 131220
Title: M-dwarf selection
Leader: L. Prisinzano
Objectives: extract a subsample of M-dwarfs to be used for the Plato Stellar Sample 4 by using data from existent photometric catalogues
and theoretical evolutionary stellar models. Provide the subsample of M-dwarfs to be used within the WP 131000 in order to select the Plato
long-duration and step&stare fields.
PSPM WP 131230
Title: Active stars
Leader: I. Pagano
Objectives: The final objective is the production of a catalogue of data useful to assess the activity level of the PLATO candidate targets. The
objective of the present phase is a preparatory study to assess the content of the catalogue, the number of stars for which the required
information is present in literature and the strategies to acquire new data if required.
PSPM WP 131240
Title: Additional observations
Leader: K.G. Strassmeier
Objectives: We will determine whether new (photometric) observations of the PLATO field(s) are necessary for successful target
characterization, in particular for targets fainter than V 11mag. If yes, a proposal shall be made how this could be achieved.
PSPM WP 131250
Title: Characterisation from ongoing photometric surveys
Leader: R. West
Objectives: To assess the usefulness of on-going photometric surveys in delivering variability information to the input catalogue.
PSPM WP 131300
Title: Spectroscopic characterization
Leader: J.C. Bouret
Objectives: Coordinate the preparation of the spectroscopic catalog, with the analysis of the various spectroscopic data. Define the
parameters that might be used for the target selection and that will have to be implemented in the PDC data base. Define analysis tools
PSPM WP 131310
Title: Spectra archive and spectroscopic catalog analysis
Leader: M. Deleuil
Objectives: Analyze the existing spectroscopic archives and the derived stellar atmospheric and fundamental parameters. Estimate the
reliability of the data and the need for complementary analysis. Provide specifications for the final catalog to be implemented in the PDC.
PSPM WP 131320
Title: RAVE Contribution
Leader: U. Munari
Objectives: Provide assistance in the definition of strategies leading to the selection
of fields and targets during the PLATO implementation phase
PSPM WP 131330
Title: Additional Spectroscopic Characterization
Leader: T. Zwitter
Objectives: The objective is to prepare for a high-intensity one year campaign with the UK Schmidt telescope at the Australian Astronomical
Observatory. So the instrument could be used in 2012 for the PLATO input catalogue preparations. The objective is a spectroscopic
verification of the PIC primary targets, upgrading the existing RAVE observations.
PSPM WP 132000
Title: Field and Target selection
Leader: R. Claudi
Objectives: Coordinate all the WPs to deliver first PLATO field position, assessment of the PLATO target selection parameters and
PSPM WP 132100
Title: Field selection
Leader: G. Piotto
Objectives: Deliver first PLATO field
PSPM WP 132200
Title: Target Parameters
Leader: C. Moutou
Objectives: validate the parameters for target characterization
PSPM WP 132300
Title: Scientific Target selection and characterization
Leader: S. Ortolani
Objectives: Study the best strategy to use output of WP131000 for the PLATO target selection
PSPM WP 132400
Title: PIC scientific validation
Leader: G. Piotto
Objectives: Coordinate the PIC scientific validation activities.
PSPM WP 133000
Title: Interface with other WP and Data Center
Leader: S. Desidera
Objectives: The objective of this WP is to coordinate the activities of the Interface WP
PSPM WP 133100
Title: Interface with other Science WP
Leader: S. Desidera
Objectives: The objective of this WP is to coordinate the interfaces with the other science WPs
PSPM WP 133200
Title: Interface with PDC
Leader: P.M. Marrese
Objectives: The interface team will coordinate the exchange of data, information, requirements and progress reports between the PIC Science
team and the PDC (Plato Data Center). It will provide a method to formally document and track this exchange. The principal activity will be
to coordinate and document the exchanges between the PIC Science team (G. Piotto, WP 130 000) and 1) the Input Catalogue team (IC, P.
Giommi, WP 340 000) and 2) the Ancillary Database Content Management (AD, M. Deleuil, WP 350 000). The main activity will be an
initial investigation of the interface tasks and design.
PSPM WP 133300
Title: Interface GAIA-PLATO
Leader: N. Walton
Objectives: This WP will define the interfaces required by PLATO to Gaia and investigate options to be developed in the implementation
phase to ensure these relevant science data interfaces.
PSPM 140000
Title: Follow-Up Coordination
Leader: S. Udry
PSPM 141000
Title: Strategy and operation preparation
Leader: D. Pollacco
PSPM 141100
Title: Target repartition requirements
PSPM 1412100
Title: Optimized RV-measurement requirements
PSPM 141300
Title: Photometric and imaging follow-up requirements
PSPM 142000
Title: RV follow-up
Leader: F. Bouchy
PSPM 142100
Title: RV computation tools
Leader: D. Segransan
PSPM 142200
Title: First Screening (>20m/s)
Leader: E. Guenther
PSPM 142300
Title: Moderate precision (5-10m/s)
Leader: C. Moutou
PSPM 142400
Title: High-precision RV measurements (1-3m/s)
Leader: D. Queloz
PSPM 142500
Title: Ultra-high RV precision on quiet stars (<1m/s)
Leader: F. Pepe
PSPM 142600
Title: Infrared RV measurements
Leader: P. Figueira
PSPM 143000
Title: Imaging and photometric follow-up
Leader: I. Skillen
PSPM 143100
Title: On/Off Photometry
Leader: R. Alonso
PSPM 143200
Title: Higher angular resolution imaging
Leader: S Desidera
PSPM 144000
Title: Spectroscopy
Leader: A. Hatzes
PSPM 144100
Title: Activity indicators and Doppler Information for active stars
Leader: C. Lovis
PSPM 144200
Title: Spectroscopy of early-type dwarfs
PSPM 144300
Title: Infrared spectroscopy
PSPM 145000
Title: Planet Characterization follow-up
Leader: X. Bonfils
PSPM 145100
Title: Transmission spectroscopy
Leader: D. Ehrenreich
PSPM 145200
Title: Secondary eclipse and phase functions
Leader: R. Alonso
PSPM 145300
Title: Techniques for atmosphere characterization
Leader: X. Bonfils
PSPM 145400
Title: rossiter-McLaughlin effects
Leader: G. Hebrard
PSPM 145500
Title: Long term follow-up and TTV
PSPM 146000
Title: Interface to other WP and PDC
Leader: S. Udry
PSPM 146100
Title: Non-european participation
Leader: D. Latham
PSPM WP 150000
Title: End-to-End CCD Simulator Development
Leader: W. Zima
Objectives: Assess and verify various aspects of the updated PLATO Mission Design through realistic simulations of the expected
observational data with the End-to-End CCD Simulator.
PSPM WP 151100
Title: Modelling of space-based CCD photometry
Leader: W. Zima
PSPM WP 151200
Title: End-to-End Simulator Software Implementation
Leader: W. Zima
PSPM WP 152100
Title: Modelling of target intrinsic behaviour
Leader: W. Zima
PSPM WP 152200
Title: Modelling of target vicinity simulations
Leader: W. Zima
PSPM WP 160000
Title: Additional Science
Leader: W.W. Weiss
Objectives: The “Additional Science” work packages focus on nonstellar Targets observed by PLATO as well as on stars of spectral type F
or hotter (excluding planet hosting stars and solar like pulsation), and on evolved stars of more than about 2 solar mass.
No need to reply for the following work-packages if you have already responded to the circular
distributed on January 27, AND if you have received an acknowledgement.
PSPM WP 161 000
Title: Data preparation
PSPM WP 161 100
Title: Merging light curves and homogenization
PSPM WP 161 200
Title: Photometric calibration
PSPM WP 162 000
Title: Global stellar characterization of stars addressed by Additional Science:
PSPM WP 162 100
Title: Stellar Evolution
PSPM WP 162 200
Title: Rotation
PSPM WP 162 300
Title: Activity & Accretion
PSPM WP 162 400
Title: Granulation
PSPM WP 162 500
Title: Surface imaging & magnetic field
PSPM WP 162 600
Title: Clusters & Stellar Associations
PSPM WP 163 000
Title: Stellar Variability (excluding stars which (also) pulsate):
PSPM WP 163 100
Title: EB
PSPM WP 163 200
Title: Novae & Cataclysmic Binaries
PSPM WP 163 300
Title: AGN
PSPM WP 163 400
Title: Microlensing
PSPM WP 164 000
Title: Stellar pulsation of stars addressed by Additional Science:
PSPM WP 164 100
Title: PMS
PSPM WP 164 200
Title: Beta Ceph
PSPM WP 164 210
Title: SPB
PSPM WP 164 300
Title: Delta Scuti
PSPM WP 164 310
Title: roAp
PSPM WP 164 320
Title: Gamma Doradus
PSPM WP 164 330
Title: Hybrids
PSPM WP 164 400
Title: Cepheids
PSPM WP 164 500
Title: Red Giants
PSPM WP 164 600
Title: RR Lyr
PSPM WP 164 700
Title: AGB
PSPM WP 164 800
Title: Compact pulsators
PSPM WP 165 000
Title: Moving targets
PSPM WP 165 100
Title: Asteroids
PSPM WP 165 200
Title: Cometary nuclei
PSPM WP 165 300
Title: Kuiper belt objects
PSPM WP 166 000
Title: Ground based support