- SOGS EVENTS - JOIN DOWNTOWN "CAMP-OUT" FOR JORDAN RIVER LANDS, 15 NOV - SOGGIES IN THE NEWS: NEEDHAM, SZUSTER - CARTOGRAPHICA ONLINE ARTICLES - GRAD STUDIES OPPORTUNITIES - JOBS SOGS EVENTS: "Getting to Grad Studies", Nov 18, 4-5:30pm, SSM A120 Dr. Ian Walker (Geog Grad Advisor) will be presenting with 4 grad students at different points in their graduate degree. Do you have any questions you'd like us to ask (jcoccola@uvic.ca)? There will also be an open forum. There will be pizza and this is a really interesting event for anyone wants is even thinking about grad studies. Facebook event page: http://www.facebook.com/editevent.php?new&gid=2213245694&step=2&eid=182 820702312#/event.php?eid=171886556159&ref=mf Bake Sale: Nov 19 in S&M lobby. PLEASE Bake And/Or Sign Up. This is an important fundraiser so we really appreciate (and remember) any baked goods or time spent. Geocache Meeting: Nov 20 11:00-3:00. There will be 20 GPS units for loan (but these are old) so bring your own if you can - 3 in foyer of S&M, party starts! Band and cash bar. Prizes: Drink Prizes!! GPS for Car! Day Kayak rentals! MEC rentals! Food Service Car! ( http://www.facebook.com/editevent.php?new&gid=2213245694&step=2&eid=182 820702312#/ical/event.php?eid=182820702312 ) GIS (Geography in schools) December 2. Neetu would appreciate anyone who wants to get involved in GIS to email her (ukbassi@uvic.ca). Join the CAG - funded by Geography Department Soggies who want to join the Canadian Association of Geographers ( http://www.cag-acg.ca/), download the form and bring it to John for verifying your student status: Click here for a PDF version of the 2010 CAG membership form. SOGS facebook group: Society of Geography Students (SOGS) SOGS HOMEPAGE: http://www.geog.uvic.ca/dept2/undergrad/sogs/sogshome.html * * * * * JOIN DOWNTOWN "CAMP-OUT" FOR JORDAN RIVER LANDS, 15 NOV Soggie Michelle (delepine@uvic.ca) invites soggies: Our beloved Juan de Fuca coast (from Sooke to Port Renfrew) is under attack. Shortsighted bylaws are threatening to turn much of the rural landscape into unsustainable, suburban sprawl*. At the end of the month, members of the Capital Regional District (CRD) will be voting on two critical bylaws and we want to make sure they make the right choice. Join us at the Centennial Square 3:00 on Sunday, November 15th to tell the CRD that we want long-term, sustainable solutions. We've got an afternoon filled with opportunities to share your vision for the future of our Wild Coast, and voice your opinions to the CRD. But that's not all… If you really want to make some waves, stay for the night! We're cooking up a huge free dinner and then camping out on the CRD lawn to hand-deliver everyone's messages the next morning. Here are the details: Sunday November 15th, at 3:00 pm (Sharp!) Centennial Square, Downtown Victoria Google Map Location: http://maps.google.ca/maps?q=Centennial%2BSquare&ie=UTF8&hl=en&view=ma p&cid=6485479629639466066&iwloc=A&ved=0CBAQpQY&sa=X&ei=AFb8SpaVF5 7AswOGq6ixBw You and all your friends are invited Powerful, creative, student led action - the subject of a UVic film studies mini documentary, and the opportunity to take action on a critical local issue! Not only do we want to see you there, but we're hoping you'll bring your tent, stay for the night, and deliver messages with us the next morning too. Without your help, some of the last natural areas on Vancouver Islands South Coast will disappear. Come down and tell the CRD we won't stand by and let them sacrifice our Wild Coast! Join the Facebook Event: CRD Camp-Out! http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=210185321507&ref=share If you want to learn more about the Juan de Fuca situation or to make your voice heard, check out Dogwood's campaign: http://www.dogwoodinitiative.org/campaigns/save-jordan-river * * * * * SOGGIES IN THE NEWS: NEEDHAM, SZUSTER Mark and Brian were both UVic geography grad students some years ago: Researchers study perceptions of saving coral reef ecosystems in Hawaii University of Hawai i at M noa Contact: Charissa Minato, (808) 956-7479 Mark Needham, 541-737-1498 Posted: Nov. 5, 2009 An analysis done in Hawai‘i over several years by researchers from the University of Hawai‘i at M noa and Oregon State University (OSU) found that most people visiting the state’s coral reef ecosystems enjoy them and care deeply about them, and will generally endorse whatever management is needed to protect them. This is among the first studies to ever examine what tourists and recreationists actually think about coral reef ecosystems in the islands. The survey suggests that such coral reef ecosystems are so stunningly beautiful that almost everyone wants them protected, making any potential controversies over human use versus environmental conservation to be a rare exception. The core belief is often so strong, in fact, that if it means visitors must be kept out to preserve them, so be it. “It was really quite astonishing, almost shocking, how much people wanted this resource protected for its own sake,” said Mark Needham, an assistant professor of forest ecosystems and society at OSU and an adjunct professor of geography at UH M noa. “Our surveys found overwhelmingly that people visiting coral reef areas did not think that human use and access were the most important issues when it came to these areas. And, if anything was to have a deleterious effect on reef ecosystems, they would want it stopped.” That attitude was also of interest, Needham said, because Hawai‘i’s coral reef ecosystems-like at Hanauma Bay-are a major draw for the visitor industry. Added Dr. Michael Hamnett, principal investigator with the Hawai‘i Coral Reef Initiative, UH M noa Social Science Research Institute, “This excellent study reinforces the conclusion of a previous study on the value of coral reef ecosystems. There is widespread public concern about the future health of our coral reefs in Hawai‘i, and there is public support for further protection by our resource management agencies.” The studies were supported by the Hawai‘i Coral Reef Initiative and State of Hawai‘i Division of Aquatic Resources. Needham is now working with Brian Szuster, an assistant professor of geography at UH M noa, to examine this topic in other areas of the state and internationally. The final reports from some of this research are available online at http://www.hawaii.edu/ssri/hcri/research/needham.html. http://www.hawaii.edu/news/article.php?aId=3229 * * * * * CARTOGRAPHICA ONLINE ARTICLES http://utpjournals.metapress.com/content/120327/?p=1c226b12ffb046fcae53107 bc9ec0cf8&pi=8 Recently added to Volume 44, Number 3 / 2009 Introduction: Cognitive Issues in Geographic Information Visualization Applications of Signal Detection Theory to Geographic Information Science fMRI and Human Subjects Research in Cartography Naïve Cartography: How Intuitions about Display Configuration Can Hurt Performance Navigation Tasks with Small-Display Maps: The Sum of the Parts Does Not Equal the Whole Issues of Change Detection in Animated Choropleth Maps Kirk Goldsberry and Sarah Battersby Colour-Enhanced Star Plot Glyphs: Can Salient Shape Characteristics Be Overcome? * * * * * EVENTS > Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference 2010 Registration > > It is that time of year again to start registering for the Pacific Ecology > and Evolution Conference (PEEC). Some of you might be wondering what PEEC > is. PEEC is an annual conference for graduate and advanced undergraduate > students as well as post-doctoral fellows who are conducting ecological > and evolutionary research at Western Canadian and American universities. > This conference provides a forum for presenting current research advances > in the fields of ecology and evolution, and gives students an excellent > opportunity to make contacts, obtain feedback, and exchange ideas with > their peers. This year it will be held at the Bamfield Marine Sciences > Centre, Vancouver Island BC. For more information please visit > http://web.uvic.ca/~serg/PEEC/ or email the PEEC 2010 team at > peec2010@gmail.com. > > Registration begins November 15th 2009 until February 8th 2010. All you > need to do is go to our website, print and fill out the registration form > and mail it along with a cheque, made payable to "University of Victoria", > c/o Valerie Mucciarelli School of Environmental Studies, University of > Victoria, PO Box 3060 STN CSC, Victoria, BC. Canada V8W 3R4. > Your registration fee of $195 will cover transportation from Port Alberni to > Bamfield and back aboard the vessel Francis Barkley, accommodation and > food at Bamfield from Friday night to Sunday morning, conference > facilities and evening festivities including beverages. Often students can > receive travel grants from their home university to cover conference > registration costs. > > If you are wishing to present at the conference (oral or poster) please > follow the directions on the website and send your abstract via email to > peec2010@gmail.com before February 8th 2010. Please note there are a > limited number of presentation spots and will be based on a first come > first serve policy. > > We are looking forward to an exciting and stimulating conference and hope > you can make it. If you are wanting to be a representative for your school > to advertise this conference (email and poster distribution) please let us > know. > > Ashley Park and Valerie Mucciarelli > University of Victoria, School of Environmental studies > PEEC 2010 Organizers ---------------------Root Solutions Dialogue Thursday, Nov. 12, 7PM Michelle Pujol Room, SUB Imagine the strategies of a movement that collaborates to overcome the root causes of environmental destruction and social inequity. We call these root solutions. Does it feel like the movement's solutions don't match the problems? Does it feel like the movement's strategies are not changing social and political realities fast enough to change the physical realities? With denialism on the one side and doomerism on the other we need to break through to strategies that will cure the disease instead of treating the symptoms, and we need to energize people for practical and transformative changes. This is the second part of Common Energy's Imagine Radical Innovation Dialogue Series, and is co-hosted by the Sierra Club of BC. This dialogue will include quick presentations to frame up the challenges and opportunities from the following: 1. James Rowe, Environmental Studies Instructor - Solar economy 2. Colin Campbell, Scientist for the Sierra Club of BC - Disconnect between climate science and solutions 3. Tria Donaldson, Project Manager for goBeyond - Environmental justice 4. Jamie Biggar, Co-Founder of Common Energy and Chair of the Sierra Club of BC's Executive Committee - Political economy of climate change The presentations will be follwed by a collaborative dialogue to explore the root causes of environmental destruction and social inequity with a focus on begining to develop strategies for action. We are committed to making this session empowering, practical and results-focused. Root Solutions Dialogue Thursday, Nov. 12, 7PM Michelle Pujol Room, Student Union Building We've set up a facebook group for the series to extend the dialogue outside of the events http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=185636188754 -------------------------COUNTDOWN to COPENHAGEN! Climate RALLY and INFO NIGHT Come out and send a clear message to the Canadian government that YOU expect strong climate leadership for an effective international climate treaty - not more obstructions, delays, and excuses! Tuesday, November 17, 2009 7:30-9:00 pm Presentations, Q and A Doors open 6:30 pm, visit booths of environmental groups 720 Douglas St., Victoria Conference Centre hall By donation Presentations by Canada’s foremost Climate Leaders: Elizabeth May – Co-author of "Global Warming for Dummies", former Executive Director of the Sierra Club of Canada, and current Green Party of Canada Leader Dr. Andrew Weaver – Author of "Keeping our Cool", Professor at the UVic School of Earth and Ocean Sciences, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) member Nobel Laureate winner Guy Dauncey – Author of "The Climate Challenge: 101 Solutions to Global Warming", President of the BC Sustainable Energy Association Jamie Biggar (Common Energy), Tria Donaldson (Powershift), and Maia Green (Youth Delegation coordinator) - Canadian Youth Delegation to Copenhagen Find out about the science, policies, and politics surrounding the most important global summit of the 21st century, the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Copenhagen from December 7 to 18, 2009. Climate change is the #1 threat to our planet, killing our forests, acidifying our oceans, intensifying storms, diminishing food supplies, threatening mass extinctions, and becoming a driver of resource scarcity, massive dislocation of populations, and wars. Copenhagen presents the most crucial opportunity at a pivotal time in the planet’s future to create a successor treaty to the Kyoto Accord to move the planet towards a solution before runaway global warming takes effect. YOUR participation at this event will help to ensure that the Canadian government is forced to become a climate leader, not an international laggard and obstructionist. Organized by the Green Climate Committee If you are able to volunteer to make this event a success, please contact us. The Green Climate Committee is a climate working group of the Green Party of Canada in the Capital Regional District that is open to the participation of the wider community and non-party members who support the campaign for strong targets and want real climate leadership by the Canadian government. Currently volunteers are needed to help postering, phoning supporters, giving out handbills, and helping on the day of the event. Contact Ken Wu at greenclimatecommittee@gmail.com to get involved. ------------------------- Sustainability Education Imagine a learning environment that connects disciplines to create more complete perspectives, and contributes to solutions for local problems. We call this sustainability education. When: November 18, 7:00PM, Where: Room 125, Engineering and Computer Science Building http://www.uvic.commonenergy.org/wiki/Imagine_Radical_Innovation ----------------------> A Story with Two Ends > > Award-winning Canadian authors Andrew Nikiforic and Ian McAllister embark on speaking tour highlighting how Alberta Tar Sands developments are set to collide with BC's remarkable coastline. Tuesday, Nov 24 2:30pm SSM A110 FREE > Join Ian McAllister, Conservation Director of Pacific Wild, and journalist Andrew Nikiforuk as they describe the beauty and complexity of British Columbia's Great Bear Rainforest and look at how Canada's dirty oil industry threatens BC and our nation. > > Ian and Andrew are outlining the stories surrounding both ends of the proposed Enbridge pipeline, from the Alberta Tar Sands to Kitimatâ™s pristine waters. This compelling muti-media presentation will provide an in-depth and intimate view along the pipeline and tanker route. > > Bios: > For the last two decades, Andrew Nikiforuk has written about energy, economics and Western North America for a variety of Canadian publications including The Walrus, Maclean's, Canadian Business, The Globe and Mail, Chatelaine, Georgia Straight, Equinox and Harrowsmith. His latest book, Tar Sands: Dirty Oil and the Future of the Continent, has won him the Rachel Carson Environment Book Award and the W.O Mitchell City of Calgary Book Award. Nikiforuk lives with his wife and three sons in Calgary, Alberta. Whether speaking or writing about melting glaciers, educational shams, peak oil, or the destruction of the boreal forest, Nikiforuk has earned a reputation as an honest and provocative voice in Canadian journalism. > > Ian McAllister is a leading advocate for BC's wild places. His conservation efforts have won Time Magazine's "Leader for the 21st Century Award." His photography was recently awarded the North American Photography Associations Vision Award and both his books on the BC coast have won the BC Booksellers Choice Award. He is a co-founder of the BC -based wildlife conservation group Pacific Wild, a nonprofit dedicated to wildlife research, public education and informed advocacy. He lives on the central coast of BC with his wife and two children. --------------------------Gorge Waterway Initiative presents a free public talkTHE GORGE:THE LAST25,000 YEARS. Grant Keddie, RBCM Curator of Archaeology Thursday, November 26, 2009 7:30 –9:00 pm Pearkes Recreation Centre Owens Room 3100 Tillicum Road, Victoria Grant presents an over-view of the changing human and natural landscape of the waterway from the Ice Age to Fort Victoria. Refreshments will be served. For more information contact 250.360.3065 or visit www.gorgewaterway.ca * * * * * GRAD STUDIES OPPORTUNITIES PhD Research Opportunity in Human/Social Geography Built Environments and Aging Canada’s Major Prairie Cities An opportunity is available for PhD students to join our research team investigating built environments and aging. Over the next 20-40 years, Canada’s baby boomers will age and are expected to do so in suburban environments. The purpose of this research programme is to engage multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary personnel in the geographies of aging in the suburban areas of Canada’s major prairie cities. As some of the least-dense and fastest-growing regions of the country, prairie cities will be faced with the ‘wicked problem’ of low population density, increasing service demands of older adults, and the challenges of long, cold winters. Potential solutions to these challenges can only be met through collaboration and integrated problem-solving across sectors and disciplines, and by bridging the research-practice divide. We are looking for active, independent and enthusiastic students interested in joining our rapidly-growing research team. Qualified students should: · hold a master’s degree with a first-class (A-) academic standing in geography, gerontology, public health, or another relevant discipline · have experience working with communities and partner organizations and collecting data at the community level (qualitative and/or quantitative) · be an independent worker with excellent organizational and communication skills · have a keen interest in engaging with older adults, community partners and policymakers University of Alberta’s Human Geography program is located in the Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences and provides full funding to graduate students through a combination of teaching assistantships (TAs), research assistantships (RAs) and scholarships. Students are also encouraged to apply for additional scholarships and awards based on eligibility. Information on the Human Geography program can be found at http://hg.eas.ualberta.ca/ and departmental application materials are available at http://easweb.eas.ualberta.ca. The University of Alberta hires on the basis of merit. We are committed to the principle of equity in employment. We welcome diversity and encourage applications from all qualified women and men, including persons with disabilities, members of visible minorities, and Aboriginal persons. In advance of application, interested students should contact: Dr. Theresa Garvin, Associate Professor-Human Geography Community, Health & Environment Research Centre Theresa.Garvin@ualberta.ca Dr. Candace Nykiforuk, Assistant Professor Centre for Health Promotion Studies, Faculty of Public Health Candace.Nykiforuk@ualberta.ca * * * * * JOBS City Green Solutions Administrative Assistant City Green Solutions, a Victoria based social enterprise, is seeking to hire a motivated and organized administrative assistant to join our Energy Efficiency Services team. The successful candidate must have an aptitude for data entry, multitasking and the flexibility to take on a wide variety of administrative tasks. Responsibilities Work within client and file management data bases. Provide office administration and phone reception support. Provide administrative support to other City Green staff and energy advisors as required. Provide phone support when required. Qualifications Personal and professional fit with City Green’s vision and mission. Self-directed, motivated with an ability to multi task. Ability to work in a dynamic and fast paced environment. Knowledge of building construction, building science and/or energy efficiency applications an asset, but not required. Excellent computer skills (database, MS Office suite or equivalent) required. Preferred Skills/Experience Office administration experience an asset. Strong computer skills (database, outlook, MS Office suite and excel) required. Diploma/degree in relevant field or combination of relevant experience an asset. Writing and editing skills an asset. Additional oral/written language skills a strong asset (for example, Mandarin, Cantonese or Spanish). Other Information Job training provided. This position is temporary with potential to become permanent City Green offers a flexible work environment (in respect to work hours, office dress and vacation time), a comprehensive health and dental benefits package, learning opportunities and an opportunity to help shape and grow a dynamic environmentally focused social enterprise. E.I/Worksource eligible applicants are encouraged to apply. For more information: www.citygreen.ca Please submit resume and cover letter via email to outreach@citygreen.ca prior to 12 Noon on November 23, 2009. The start date for this position is flexible. While we truly appreciate all applications, only those selected for interview will be contacted. No phone calls or office visits please. More about City Green: City Green is the only non-profit provider of the ecoENERGY energy efficiency service in British Columbia. Our mission consists of 3 interrelated parts: Service Mission: To excite, inspire and motivate British Columbians to take both practical and extraordinary steps to reduce energy use in homes and buildings. Economic Mission: To operate as an enterprising non-profit organization that balances financial viability, community reinvestment and provision of opportunities for training and career growth for our employees and team. Social Mission: To invest our time, resources and profits into creative solutions that bring the economic, environmental and social benefits of energy efficiency to the affordable housing sector. City Green was co-awarded a finalist position for the 2007 Premiers Award for Partnership and awarded the 2007 EcoStar Award for Climate Change. ---------------------VIU Spring, 2010 Geography 211 Atmospheric Environments An introduction to the earth’s atmospheric characteristics and interactions. Topics include meteorology, global climatic patterns and climatic change. Labs cover methods of measuring and analyzing meteorological and other geophysical phenomena on global and local scales. (2:0:2) Two hours lecture, two hours lab. 2 sections with combined lecture (max 54 students) scheduled for: lectures Monday 9-10, Wednesday 10-11, labs Friday 11:30-3:30 Geography 228 Spatial Analysis A lab-based introduction to a range of maps used in urban and natural resource analysis, including the interpretation of topographic and thematic maps and remotely sensed images. Challenges in representing information cartographically are fundamental components of this course. (2:0:2) Two hours lecture, two hours lab. 1 section (max 17 students) scheduled for: lecture Monday 2:30-4:30, lab Wednesday 12:30-2:30 Salary per section $7746 These courses and others will be available for the 2010-2011 academic year as well. Minimum requirement M.A./M.Sc. Send CV or inquiries to the Geography Department Chair, michael.tripp@viu.ca ----------------------University of Victoria Faculty of Social Sciences Department of Geography Assistant Professor in Geography The Department of Geography, University of Victoria, invites applications for a tenure track position in the area of climatology. The appointment, effective July 1, 2010, will be made at the rank of Assistant Professor. The successful candidate will be expected to teach introductory to advanced courses in climatology. An ability to teach introductory hydrology is an asset. Research specialty is open but an interest in some aspect of applied climatology is highly desirable. The University of Victoria is a leading institution in the study of climate variability and change and includes the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS), Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium (PCIC) and the Water and Climate Impacts Research Centre (WCIRC) which is housed in the Department of Geography. The successful applicant will have a PhD (or be close to completion) preferably in Geography, outstanding research potential, a dedication to teaching and the ability to work synergistically both within the Department and in collaboration with other units on campus. Letters of application should include a curriculum vitae, a statement outlining teaching and research interests, and evidence of research and teaching ability. Applicants should arrange for three letters of reference to be sent prior to the closing date. Completed applications must be received by 30 December 2009. E-mailed and faxed applications will not be accepted. All queries and applications should be directed to: Chair Department of Geography University of Victoria P.O. Box 3060 Victoria, BC V8W 3R4 Canada Telephone: 250-721-7325 E-mail: chair@mail.geog.uvic.ca Web: http://www.geog.uvic.ca/ ------------------------------------------CUSO -VSO PLACEMENTS REMINDER: APPLICATION DEADLINE IS TOMORROW We’re looking for experienced professionals to start placements in early 2010. There are more than 30 high-impact placements open in our 2009-2010 Partnership Recruitment Drive. All volunteers are eligible for CUSO-VSO’s comprehensive training and support package, which covers the costs of volunteering overseas. You’ll also be invited to one assessment day and two pre-departure training courses, held at our Ottawa office and training centre. Application Deadline: Friday, November 13, 2009 ETHIOPIA - Starting February 2010 * Special Needs Teacher Trainer * Special Needs Teacher Trainer * E-Learning Specialist * Teacher Trainer: Continuing professional development program * English Language Education Advisor * Non-Formal Education Advisor Emacs! GUYANA - Starting February 2010 * Science and Math Education Advisor * Resource and Literacy Advisor * Chemistry Teacher Trainer * Education Management Advisor * Educational Media Advisor Emacs! NIGERIA - Starting February 2010 * Organizational and Administrative Advisor * Librarian * Coalition Development Advisor * Secondary Teacher Trainer * Facilities Management Advisor * Organizational Development Advisor * Organizational Development Advisor * Fundraising and Development Advisor * Strategic Management Advisor * Rural & Community Development Advisor * Advocacy Advisor - Climate Change Policy * Cimate Change Communications and Outreach Advisor LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN - January and February 2010 * Database Specialist - Jamaica * Gender-based Analyst - Jamaica * Knowledge Management and Learning Advisors - Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Costa Rica (English and Spanish Required) * Resource Development Advisor - Bolivia (Spanish Required) * Victim Support Advisor - (Psychologist / Counsellor) - Peru (Spanish Required) * Agent de développement et d’implantation d’un programme de coaching - Peru (French and Spanish Required) Visit our website to apply or to learn more about other opportunities to volunteer with CUSO-VSO. CUSO-VSO is a leading independent international-development organization that works through volunteers. As the North American member of the VSO Federation, we recruit skilled volunteers to work directly with partner organizations in more than 40 developing countries around the world. WWW.CUSO-VSO.ORG – QUESTIONS@CUSO-VSO.ORG – APPLY ONLINE BY NOVEMBER 13 ------------------------------------GEOMATICS CANADA JOBS: http://www.geomaticscanada.com/jobs.cfm GISJOBS.COM: http://www.gisjobs.com/ ---------------------------------------BC urban planning jobs: http://www.pibc.bc.ca/classified/index.php?action=listings&catid=24 --------------------------------- RENEWABLE ENERGY & GREEN JOBS: Canada Green Building Council: http://www.cagbc.org/job_postings/index.php Canadian Council for Human Resources in the Environmental Industry: http://www.cchrei.ca/portal/default.aspx?lang=0 Eco-Canada: http://www.eco.ca/Portal/jobSeeker_viewJobs.aspx?utm_source=ViewJB_en&utm_ medium=Newsletter&utm_campaign=JIB GoodWork Canada: http://www.planetfriendly.net/goodwork.html Green Engineering Jobs: http://www.greenengineeringjobs.com/ WorkCabin: http://workcabin.ca/ ----------------------View employment, internship and volunteer listings from across Canada, or subscribe to our national or regional lists: http://www.GoodWorkCanada.ca ----------------------------RNS SITE: http://www.uvcs.uvic.ca/restore/resources.aspx#newsletter ----------------"JOBS-FER-JOGFERS": http://www.geog.uvic.ca/dept2/jobs.html * * * * *