Miss Jennifer’s Dance Studio Located at Kids America Mailing: 800 Sara Drive Coshocton, OH 43812 740-622-3423 www.missjennifer.com email - missjennifer@roadrunner.com Orientation Memo & Studio Policies 2015-2016 (Please read the following information carefully - and keep this memo for future reference.) Class Schedule – If you need to make changes to your schedule, please contact the office. Teaching Staff - We have a wonderful staff to serve you including Catrina Crider, Kendrajo Fry, Skylar Hasseman, Shelby Kestler, Jennifer Nelson, Samantha Servais, Kirstin Slusser, Morgan Unger and Casey Varian. Office Staff - We have an office staff to help answer all your questions, register for classes, order dance shoes and much more. The office staff includes Christi Fauver, Shari Lonsberry and Stephanie Murray. Social Media – Follow us on Facebook & Instagram! We love it when you “Like” or “Share” our posts! Kids America - The dance studio is an independent business from Kids America. We are fortunate to be located in this sports facility and I’m sure you will appreciate everything it has to offer. You do NOT need to be a member of Kids America to take classes at Miss Jennifer’s Dance Studio. If you would like to use the facility, you need to be a member. Activities such as basketball, soccer, aerobics, fitness room and the walking/running track are to be used by members only. The concession area and locker rooms are open to everyone. If you are interested in membership information, please stop by the KA front desk. You may purchase walking passes and aerobic passes if you are not a member. Daily passes are $6. Kids America Sign-In - All dancers, parents & guests must sign in at the Kids America front desk upon entering the building. Thanks for your cooperation! Restrooms - We use the restrooms at Kids America located in the locker rooms. The locker rooms are in the Concession Stand area. Since the restrooms are down the hallway, we encourage parents to have your child use the potty before class. Waiting Area - Parents, siblings & guests are to wait in the studio’s waiting area or concession area. Please do not sit in the hallway outside the dance studio doors.. Registration Forms - ALL students need to fill out a new registration form each year. Registration Fee - A $10 registration fee is due per student per year. Many of you already paid this fee when you registered. If you haven’t paid it, you may add it to your tuition payment. If you are unsure if you paid it, ask the office staff to check the list. Tuition - Tuition payments are due the first week of each month. Please place all payments in the box at the studio or send by mail. Cash payments can be placed in an envelope with the student’s name. If you need a receipt, please see the office staff. Please include the student’s name on the memo line of checks. The tuition is based on the entire year. Some months you will have 3, 4 or 5 classes, but your monthly fee does not change. It all evens out by the end of the year. Full monthly tuition is due for all 10 months from September 2015 through June 2016. Late Fees - A $10 late fee will be charged if tuition payments are not paid by the 30th of the month. A $25 fee will be charged on all returned checks. Payment Booklets - Each family can pick up a Payment Booklet at the studio. It is a booklet with envelopes for monthly tuition and costume payments. On the back of the booklet, you will find a Monthly Tuition Chart to determine your monthly payment fee. E-mail addresses - Feel free to contact me at missjennifer@roadrunner.com. I check my emails more often than my voice mail. For updates and information about the studio, please submit your email address to Miss Jennifer or the office staff. Parent Watching - Frequently, we will “show” the parents what we have been learning at the end of the class. Throughout the year, we will schedule “Parent Watch Days” when the parents can come in and view the entire class. Make-up Classes - If a dancer must miss class, please refer to our Make-up Class Schedule. Full monthly tuition is due whether the dancer attends all classes or not. Dancewear & Shoes - Please wear appropriate dance attire to class. We believe that “if you look like a dancer you will act like a dancer.” NO jeans allowed. The proper shoes must be worn to class. We prefer black tap shoes, pink ballet shoes and black jazz shoes (if you have another color--that’s OK). NO GUM in dance class! Ballet students are asked to wear a black leotard, pink tights and their hair up off their neck. Dance Shoes for Sale - We sell a great line of dance shoes at the studio. We have sample shoes to try on and the shoes will be delivered one week after ordering. All shoe orders must be paid in advance. KA Dress Code - Please do not walk in the hallways with tap shoes. Shoes are to be worn at all times inside Kids America - no bare feet (or footundeez) in the hallways. No sports bras in the KA hallways – please wear a shirt. Donation Box - We have a Donation Box in the office for used dance shoes to be passed down to other dancers. If you have a pair, leave them. If you need a pair, take them. Message Board - All announcements will be posted on the white message board in the waiting area. Please check this board on a weekly basis. Also, all memos/handouts will be available in the waiting area. Group Emails – Miss Jennifer will frequently send information regarding the dance studio through our group email list. It’s a wonderful way to communicate with parents. If you would like to receive these emails…please let us know! June Recital 2016 - Our annual recital will be held June 3rd-5th, 2016. Dress Rehearsal will be Friday, June 3rd. Please mark your calendars... Costume deposits ($45 per costume) will be due November 1st and costume balances will be due February 15th, 2016. Studio Closed - The studio will be closed for Trick-or-Treat Night on Thursday, October 29th and for Thanksgiving on Thursday, November 26th. We will be closed from December 18th - January 3rd for the holiday break. The studio will re-open on January 4th, 2016 after the holidays. Snow Days - Please listen to WTNS radio for studio closings due to bad weather. In general, if all three county schools are canceled, we will close the dance studio. We will put an announcement on WTNS by noon if we plan to cancel classes for that evening. A group email message will be sent also,