AMCP WGC5/WP6 REV1 AERONAUTICAL MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS PANEL (AMCP) Working Group C – 5th meeting Kobe, Japan 15 – 25 October 2002 Proposed new Chapter 11 of report to AMCP/8 Presented by Philippe Renaud AMCP WGC5/WP6 REV1 11.0 Scenarios Comments to: This section identifies potential scenarios for the future communication infrastructure balancing the investment already done, and adaptation of the systems to the services and topologies. The proposed scenarios are hereinafter illustrated by a temporal diagram describing how the infrastructure would evolve in the next 15 years (around up to 2015). The diagrams are accompanied with a description, the advantages and drawbacks identified as well as the migration and the general issues The proposed scenarios have been established in the light of analysis and validation results and with the best knowledge of experts who feel them credible enough to be proposed for consideration. However, it has to be highlighted that all the potential issues have not yet been identified and therefore cleared for each of the proposed scenario. Therefore, under identification of the preferred scenario(s), a careful identification of the potential remaining issues and their clarification will need to be undertaken to be sure the preferred scenario(s) meet all the ATM requirements before any final commitment decision. The scenario description is limited to high level considerations without going into details. All scenarios assume implementation of ADS-B. The number of scenarios has been limited to a minimum. However, some variants could be added. It has to be highlighted that a scenario will be viable only if the migration from the current infrastructure to the next infrastructure is feasible without identified blocking points. This is especially true considering that, during the overlapping period (which could last for some time), systems (the system being withdrawn and the new system) have to be simultaneously operated with consequences on spectrum availability for both especially if they operate in the same band. Another important aspect for the viability of a scenario is the economical aspect that needs to be investigated and convincing. General aspects for the scenario Two main scenarios have been created (Scenario 1 and Scenario 2). They differ in types of subnetworks which are considering different association of systems. For each scenario, Voice and Data services are addressed separately (with a clear distinction between Surveillance services and Communication). Note: it has however to be noticed that, even if for editorial reasons, services are presented separated, some systems may support several services, and integration of service/supporting-systems could be amplified in the future. For each scenario and for each service, four main regions are considered. In the following description the scenarios are referred as “Scenario X - Y m” where: “X” stands for the scenario: 1 or 2, AMCP WGC5/WP6 REV1 “Y” stands for the service: V for Voice or, D” for Data m stands for the area: a Oceanic b Low/medium traffic density regions where limited terrestrial communication infrastructure exist c Low/medium traffic density regions where largely terrestrial communication infrastructure can be deployed d High density (terrestrial) regions Standardised ICAO systems Standardised ICAO systems only locally available in the considered region Not (yet) standardised ICAO systems Note: colours have no special meaning x Trigger to operate an additional system Meaning of the trigger: • Capa: Increase of the telecommunication infrastructure capacity • Qua: Improve the Quality of the voice exchanges • Cov: Improve the coverage • ATSAW: Air Traffic Situatin AWarness Datalink Service • COSEP: COperative SEParation Datalink Service • AUTOPS: AUTonomous OPerationS Datalink Service • FANS 1: FANS 1 Datalink applications • Build 1A: Build 1 and Build A Datalink applications • Build 2: Build 2 Datalink applications • ARINC 623: DCL/PDC and ATIS datalink applications character oriented Terminal, airports & specific Routes Type of airspace where the system is supporting an ATS services AMCP WGC5/WP6 REV1 SCENARIO 1 Scenario 1 - DESCRIPTION This scenario is based on the extension of the 8.33 systems for voice services and, beyond VDL Mode 2, on the introduction of VDL Mode 4 to support data communication services and surveillance services in complement to Mode S extended Squitter and UAT which could progressively replace Mode S extended squitter. In a more longer time frame further improvements will be provided through the introduction of satellite-based system providing a global service availability as well as through wide band system providing large capacity in the terminal areas where a large traffic is expected. Voice Communication services In regions where it is not economically viable or feasible to implement a terrestrial-based system (Scenario 1 - V a - e.g. oceanic, desert), voice communications will continue to be based on long range systems i.e. current satellite system and HF. If there is requirement to improve the voice quality or to decrease the operating cost, a new global voice satellite-based system would be used. In regions where the aeronautical traffic is low or medium and where it is economically viable and feasible to install local (Scenario 1 - V b) or large-scale (Scenario 1 - V c) terrestrial systems, the voice communications are supported by the VHF 25 kHz DSB-AM system, In some areas, for reasons of voice quality and/or operating cost issues, a new satellite system could progressively replace or complement the VHF DSB-AM systems. In regions which experience congestion (Scenario 1 - V d), voice services will migrate to the VHF 8.33 kHz DSB-AM system starting in the upper En-Route airspace and major TMAs however avoiding any airspace where aircraft flies under VFR condition. Alternatively or in complement (pending on its availability) satellite based services could be used to relax congestion especially where the saturated systems are not spectrum efficient (e.g. the VHF in the very upper airspace) as well as wide-band based technology in the terminal areas Data Communication services In the oceanic airspace, FANS1/A over AMSS will continue up to the availability of the new satellite services supporting voice as well. In region where the aeronautical traffic is low or medium and where it is economically viable and feasible to install local (Scenario 1 - D b) or large-scale (Scenario 1 - D c) terrestrial systems, VDL Mode 2 will provide services to support CPDLC Phase 1 services and CPDLC Phase 2 services up to limit of the VDL mode 2 performance. When CPDLC Phase 2 requirements will not be met due to traffic increase, the scenario for High density regions (Scenario 1 - D d) would apply. In the high density (terrestrial) regions (Scenario 1 - D d), ARINC 623 services currently supported over VHF/ACARS, will be migrated over AOA for spectrum efficiency. To support CPDLC Phase 1 applications, full VDL Mode 2 services will continue to be provided. For the introduction of CPDLC Phase 2 applications, VDL Mode 4 point-to-point capabilities will be used. VDL Mode 4 will also support Build 1/A applications. The choice of the system by an a/c will be on the basis of equipage. To minimise the pressure on the VHF spectrum, new satellite systems and wide-band based systems could be used to complement the terrestrial systems (Scenario 1 - D d). Satellite systems could also be used in region with a non-existing or poor terrestrial infrastructure (Scenario 1 - D a and 1 D b). DATA surveillance services AMCP WGC5/WP6 REV1 Surveillance ADS-B applications supporting ATSAW, COSEP and AUTOPS concept will be provided over the Mode S extended squitter which progressively could be replaced by the UAT, when the performance of Mode S ES is not sufficient. Mode S extended squitter will be complemented with VDL Mode 4 broadcast services where Mode S does not meet all the requirements. Scenario 1 - V a Voice Services Oceanic Regions Qua New Satellite Generation AMSS HF Scenario 1 - V b Voice Services Low/medium traffic density regions where limited terrestrial communication infrastructure exist Cov, Qua Except Terminal, airports & specific Routes Except Terminal, airports & specific Routes New Satellite Generation AMSS Except Terminal, airports & specific Routes HF Terminal, airports & specific Routes 25 kHz DSB-AM Scenario 1 - V c Voice Services Low/medium traffic density regions where largely terrestrial communication infrastructure can be deployed Qua New Satellite Generation 25 kHz DSB-AM AMCP WGC5/WP6 REV1 Scenario 1 - V d Voice Services High density (terrestrial) Regions Capa, Qua Very upper En Route New Satellite Generation Capa En-Route and main terminal VDL Mode 3 8.33 kHz DSB-AM Upper En-Route airspace Everywhere applicable Lower En Route, Terminal & airports Minor Terminal 25 kHz DSB-AM Capa, Qua Wide Band Reaching limit of capacity Note: limits may not be reached at the same time in different regions (e.g. 1999 in Europe, 2009 in US) Scenario 1 - D a Terminal, airports Data Services Oceanic Regions ATSAW, AUTOPS MS Ext Sq FANS 1/A CPDLC Ph 1/2 New Satellite Generation AMSS AMCP WGC5/WP6 REV1 Scenario 1 - D b Data Services Low/medium traffic density terrestrial regions where full terrestrial communication infrastructure does not exist ATSAW, COSEP, AUTOPS MS Ext Sq Cov, CPDLC Ph 1/2 New Satellite Generation Terminal, airports & specific Routes CPDLC Ph 1/2 VDL Mode 2 Scenario 1 - D c Data Services Low/medium traffic density terrestrial regions where full terrestrial communication infrastructure exists ATSAW, COSEP, AUTOPS MS Ext Sq CPDLC Ph 1/2 VDL Mode 2 AMCP WGC5/WP6 REV1 Scenario 1 - D d Data Services High density (terrestrial) Regions ATSAW, COSEP MS Ext Sq + VDL M4 Capa, CPDLC Ph 1 Complement of the terrestrial CPDLC Ph 1 New Satellite Generation Arinc 623 CPDLC Ph 2 VDL Mode 4 ACARS AOA VDL Mode 2 Wide Band Capa Terminal, airports Capa, CPDLC Ph 2 SCENARIO 1 - AVANTAGES/DRAWBACKS While the communication infrastructure is improved by the introduction of better voice-quality systems (new satellite replacing the poor voice quality HF system), this scenario shall challenge the critical onboard integration and the simultaneous operation of several VHF systems (2 mandatory radio supporting voice, VDL Mode 2 radio, VDL Mode 4 radio to support ATN-ATC traffic and possibly separate VDL Mode 4 radios to support ADS-B. The provision of Communication and Surveillance services supporting critical functions (e.g. contributing to the aircraft separations) on the same frequency band suffers from relying on the availability of the necessary VHF spectrum and on potential safety issues (e.g. frequency jamming, single mode of failure). SCENARIO 1 - MIGRATION At the voice point of view, the infrastructure will offer two types of systems: Systems operating in a broadcast mode with non-perceived establishment time and transit delay i.e. VHF AMCP WGC5/WP6 REV1 Systems requiring addressing function and with an establishment time and transit delay which could be perceived by the operators (Pilots and Controller) i.e. HF, Satellite This will involve modifications of the procedures when Air/Traffic Services will migrate from one system to the next one. The pilots will experience different ways of operating different systems when crossing between areas operating the two types of systems. In the high traffic density regions, for data services, the migration feasibility will depend on the sufficient spare VHF capacity supporting simultaneous operation of the “legacy” and of the newly introduced systems during the transition phase which could last a long period. SCENARIO 1 - ISSUES TO BE INVESTIGATED • Multiple VHF systems to be integrated on-board (Analogue voice, VDL Mode 2, VDL Mode 4 for ADS-B, VDL Mode 4 for ATN) and to be operated simultaneously. • On-board architecture and integration of multiple systems (multiple VHF systems, satellite, wide band, and Mode S transponder and UAT). • Suitability of the Extended Squitter to support the traffic expected beyond 2010 • Availability of the required VHF spectrum (including supporting legacy and new systems during the transition phase) • Operational consequences of voice systems with different system behaviours • Operation of voice communication systems with perceivable transit and establishment time and different addressing method • Availability of satellite services at an affordable cost. • Availability of spectrum to satisfy the VHF frequencies requirements to support the various services and systems operating in the VHF band while considering the transition period during which VDL Mode 2 and VDL Mode 4 will operate simultaneously requiring dedicated channels for each system. Furthermore the consequence of the decision to accept or not to accommodate on the same system and/or frequencies AOC and ATS traffic need to be assessed in term of impact on spectrum availability. AMCP WGC5/WP6 REV1 SCENARIO 2 Scenario 2 - DESCRIPTION This scenario assumes the implementation of either VDL Mode 3 or 8.33, based on regional decisions, for voice services and, beyond VDL Mode 2, on VDL Mode 3 for time critical applications. To decrease the pressure on the VHF spectrum, as much as possible datalink services will be supported over non-VHF systems (Mode S + UAT, L Band satellite) Voice Communication services In region where there is no capacity issue (Scenario 2 - V a, 2 - V b and 2 - V c), voice communications will continue to be based on current systems (VHF and HF). In regions which experience congestion (scenario 2 - V d), on regional choice, VHF 8.33 kHz DSB-AM or VDL Mode 3 systems will be implemented. Deployment will start in the upper En-Route airspace and major TMAs however avoiding any airspace where aircraft flies under VFR condition. Note: for regions having implemented one of these systems, there is no transition steps foreseen to migrate to the other system (e.g. implementing 8.33 then VDL Mode 3) due to the difference in channelisation of both systems. Data Communication services In the oceanic airspace, FANS1/A over AMSS will continue up to the availability of the new satellite services. In region where the aeronautical traffic is low or medium and where it is economically viable and feasible to install local (Scenario 2 - D b) or large-scale (Scenario 2 - D c) terrestrial systems, VDL Mode 2 will provide services to support CPDLC Phase 1 services and CPDLC Phase 2 services up to limit of performance of VDL Mode 2. Where VDL Mode 2 is not uniformly deployed (scenario 2 - D b), VDL Mode 2 will be complemented by satellite services. When Build 2 requirements will not be met due to traffic increase, the scenario for High density regions (Scenario 2 - D d) would apply. In the high density (terrestrial) regions, ARINC 623 services currently supported over VHF/ACARS service, will be migrated over AOA services for spectrum efficiency. To support CPDLC Phase 1 applications, full DL Mode 2 services will be provided. For the introduction of CPDLC Phase 2 applications, VDL Mode 3 will be deployed. For capacity reason, the VDL systems will be complemented in the terminal areas (where large traffic is expected) by wide band systems and by satellite system (which will ensure a global service availability). DATA surveillance services Surveillance ADS-B applications supporting ATSAW, COSEP and AUTOPS concept will be provided over the extended squitter of the Mode S. It will be complemented with UAT where Mode S does not meet all the requirements. AMCP WGC5/WP6 REV1 Scenario 2 - V a Voice Services Oceanic Regions Qua New Satellite Generation AMSS HF Scenario 2 - V b Voice Services Low/medium traffic density regions where limited terrestrial communication infrastructure exist Cov, Qua Except Terminal, airports & specific Routes Except Terminal, airports & specific Routes New Satellite Generation AMSS Except Terminal, airports & specific Routes HF Terminal, airports & specific Routes 25 kHz DSB-AM Scenario 2 - V c Voice Services Low/medium traffic density regions where largely terrestrial communication infrastructure can be deployed Qua New Satellite Generation 25 kHz DSB-AM AMCP WGC5/WP6 REV1 Scenario 2 - V d Voice Services High density (terrestrial) Regions Capa, Qua Very upper En Route New Satellite Generation Regional decision Capa En-Route and main terminal or VDL Mode 3 Upper En-Route airspace 8.33 kHz DSB-AM Everywhere applicable Lower En Route, Terminal & airports Minor Terminal 25 kHz DSB-AM Capa, Qua Wide Band Reaching limit of capacity Terminal, airports Note: limits may not be reached at the same time in different regions (e.g. 1999 in Europe, 2009 in US) Scenario 2 - D a Data Services Oceanic Regions ATSAW, AUTOPS MS Ext Sq FANS 1/A CPDLC Ph 1/2 New Satellite Generation AMSS AMCP WGC5/WP6 REV1 Scenario 2 - D b Data Services Low/medium traffic density terrestrial regions where full terrestrial communication infrastructure does not exist ATSAW, COSEP, AUTOPS MS Ext Sq Cov, CPDLC Ph 1/2 New Satellite Generation Terminal, airports & specific Routes CPDLC Ph 1/2 VDL Mode 2 Scenario 2 - D c Data Services Low/medium traffic density terrestrial regions where full terrestrial communication infrastructure exists ATSAW, COSEP, AUTOPS MS Ext Sq CPDLC Ph 1/2 VDL Mode 2 AMCP WGC5/WP6 REV1 Scenario 2 - D d Data Services High density (terrestrial) Regions Capa ATSAW, COSEP MS Ext Sq Capa, CPDLC Ph 2 UAT Complement of the terrestrial CPDLC Ph 1 Regional decision Arinc 623 CPDLC Ph 2 New Satellite Generation and/or VDL Mode 3 ACARS AOA VDL Mode 2 Wide Band Capa Terminal, airports Capa, CPDLC Ph 2 SCENARIO 2 - AVANTAGES/DRAWBACKS Scenario 2 minimises the pressure on VHF by operating non-VHF systems (mainly for data services) and separates communication services and surveillance services over different spectrum bands (avoiding single mode of failure in case of frequency jamming). However, several VHF systems shall be integrated on-board (VHF DSB-AM, VDL Mode 2, VDL Mode 3 supporting voice and/or data traffic), some of them being operated simultaneously. The voice quality in some region is not improved (still provided over HF (quality) or AMSS (access time and delay)). SCENARIO 2 - MIGRATION At the voice point of view, the infrastructure will offer two types of systems: • Systems operating in a broadcast mode with non-perceived establishment time and transit delay (VHF) • Systems requiring addressing function and with an establishment time and transit delay which could be perceived by the operators (Pilots and Controller) - HF, Satellite This will involve modifications of the procedures when Air/Traffic Services will migrate from one system to the next one. The pilots will also experience different ways of operating different systems when crossing between areas operating the two types of systems. For the transition between the VHF systems, sufficient spare spectrum capacity will have to be made available to ensure simultaneous operation of the “legacy” and the newly-introduced systems during the transition phase (which could last a long period). AMCP WGC5/WP6 REV1 SCENARIO 2 - ISSUES TO BE INVESTIGATED • Multiple VHF systems to be integrated on-board (Analogue voice, VDL Mode 2, VDL Mode 3) with combinations of these systems to be operated simultaneously. • On-board integration of multiple systems (Voice, VDL Mode 2, VDL Mode 3,Extended Squitter, UAT, wide band, satellite). • Availability of the required VHF spectrum (supporting legacy and new systems during the transition phase) • Suitability of VDL Mode 3 to meet the expected datalink requirements • Suitability of the Extended Squitter to support the traffic expected beyond 2010 • Operational consequences of voice systems with different system behaviours • Operation of voice communication systems with perceivable transit and establishment time and different addressing method • Availability of satellite services at an affordable cost. • Clarification of the voice communications (2) and data VDL Mode 3 and VDL Mode 2 links to be established at the same time (VDL Mode 2 being assumed to be operated for a long time at least for AOC) and consequence on the airborne architecture and on the management of the communications (and the impact on number of simultaneous frequencies required). Migration of VDL Mode 2 to VDL Mode 3 (Business case for Service Providers vis-à-vis Mode 3 for AOC).