Breeding Attachment Animal Care and Use Committee (ACUC) Office for Animal Care and Use (OACU) (510) 642-8855 Instructions for Completion If you are breeding animals, please fill out the information accordingly and submit this form along with your MAUP to Breeding any species must comply with ACUC guidelines, which are available on the ACUC website. NOTE: Animals used for breeding or being held, but not directly used in research or teaching, falls under USDA’s Pain Category B (e.g., breeders and culls from breeding colonies). Breeding colony includes parents and offspring. 1. CONTACT INFORMATION: PRIMARY INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBLE FOR CARE AND MAINTENANCE OF THE BREEDING COLONY Name (Last, First, Middle): Home Department: Office Phone: Email Address: Lab Phone: Emergency Phone: NOTE: In the event the PI cannot be reached by Office of Laboratory Animal Care staff (OLAC) to make decisions about treatment or euthanasia of animals in pain, distress or discomfort, or for weaning issues, the individual responsible for colony maintenance will be called. 2. BREEDING COLONY JUSTIFICATION. Provide a scientific justification for establishing and maintaining a breeding colony of animals at UCB. (NOTE: Cost is not considered adequate justification for breeding). a. How will the colony contribute to the overall objectives of your research? b. Explanation for why animals from commercial vendor sources are not appropriate. c. If breeding is proposed solely to maintain a line for future use, include a discussion about why cryopreservation techniques are not appropriate. 3. BREEDING LOCATION AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY a. Locations. Please indicate the campus building(s) where you will be breeding your animals. (NOTE: Room number should not be included) Campus Location(s): b. Animal Husbandry. OLAC provides routine husbandry and care PI and lab personnel are requesting to provided husbandry and care Please provide justification for PI-managed husbandry: Last Name: RXXX-XXXX Page 1 of 4 Last Approved: XX/XX/XXXX 4. RECORD KEEPING. Please provide the following information: a. Breeding Scheme. What breeding scheme will be used? Monogamous Pairing – 1 male, 1 female Other If OTHER, please describe and provide justification: b. Colony Management. Please describe how the census of the entire colony is managed and recorded other than the use of required cage cards. In the space provided below, please briefly describe the details. Required: Cage cards with accurate and up-to-date information (e.g., number of pups per cage) Database Spreadsheet Other If OTHER, please describe and provide justification: c. Phenotypes. Describe any known or expected phenotypes of animals in the colony (e.g., behavioral, anatomical, physiological). If the phenotype are known and may adversely affect the health and welfare of the animals, describe how this phenotype will be mitigated (e.g., longer monitoring, delayed weaning). If the phenotype and adverse health effects are currently unknown, please indicate “Unknown” under “Expected Phenotype”. NOTE: As soon as the phenotype becomes known and there is an adverse effect on the health and welfare of the animal, please revise the breeding attachment and AUP to include this information. Strain Expected Phenotype Mitigation d. Animal Identification. How are animals identified? Check one or more of the boxes. In the space provided below, please briefly describe the details of the procedure. Ear notch Ear tag Tattoo Microchip implant Cage card only Elastomer Please describe: Other If OTHER, please describe and provide justification: Last Name: RXXX-XXXX Page 2 of 4 Last Approved: XX/XX/XXXX 5. GENOTYPING AND OTHER PROCEDURES. Indicate how animals in the breeding colony will be identified genetically and the age of the animals for genotyping. For Method of Identification, please briefly describe the details of the procedure in the spaces provided. a. Age of Animals for Genotyping Up to 21 days (pre-weaning) 22 days and older (weaning to adult post-weaning) Other If OTHER, please describe and provide justification: b. Method of Identification Ear notch Tail clip Anesthetic used for animals over 21 days of age: Blood sample Blood collection procedure: Volume of blood sample: Anesthetic method (if applicable): Other If OTHER, please describe and provide justification: c. Breeder Manipulations Ovulation agents used? Experimental compounds used? In-utero therapies/therapeutics? Yes Yes Yes No No No d. Breeding Experimental and Therapeutic Agents. Please complete the table below if any ovulation agents, experimental compounds and/or therapeutics will be used in the breeding process. AGENT DOSE (e.g., mg/kg body mass) ROUTE FREQUENCY PURPOSE 6. ANIMAL NUMBERS TO ESTABLISH AND MAINTAIN THE COLONY. Complete the table below with the information requested regarding numbers of animals needed for each species and strain. NOTE: The total number of animals should be calculated for a THREE (3) YEAR PERIOD. Please add rows if necessary. COMMON NAME OF SPECIES Example: Mouse STRAIN Example: BALB/c Last Name: RXXX-XXXX Number of Animals Required for Breeding Over 3 years Number of Offspring Expected Over 3 years Page 3 of 4 Number of Offspring to be Used in Research Procedures Number of Offspring that will Not be Used in Research Last Approved: XX/XX/XXXX a. Please provide a rationale for why animals in the last column cannot be utilized. b. Please describe what will be done to minimize the number of offspring that cannot be used. c. Please describe the ultimate disposition for retired breeders and the offspring that cannot be used (e.g., transfer, euthanasia). This information should also be included in the “Method of Euthanasia or Other Disposition of Animals” section of the MAUP. NOTE: Whenever possible, animals that cannot be used should be made available to other researchers. Prior OLAC approval is required for the transfer of animals between investigators. Contact OLAC for more information. Last Name: RXXX-XXXX Page 4 of 4 Last Approved: XX/XX/XXXX