Virtual Quake

Virtual Quake
Virtual Quake is a pre-designed, inquiry-based activity in which students act as
virtual seismologists to locate an earthquake epicenter and determine its magnitude on the
Richter scale. In completing the activity, students also study measuring devices, and
various earthquake waves. Virtual Quake is valuable interactive visualization software
that promotes reasoning and critical thinking, both important in constructivist learning.
Problem-based/inquiry learning is the key medium in which reasoning is encouraged by
this activity. Students work in teams to solve the problem of mapping an epicenter.
Completing the activity necessitates they learn about seismic wave travel in order to map
the earthquake epicenter. The activity challenges students to think critically and
collaborate. The collaboration and social negotiation is important for retention of material
and gives students opportunity to view multiple perspectives. According to Bruner
(Driscoll, 2005), social negotiation is an important prerequisite to learning. Selfregulation (also a key component of constructivism) is encouraged by having students
keep journals to record hypotheses, observations, measurements, and conclusions. Also,
the mission provides clear and concrete goals to be achieved and provides a task
environment where learners learn and practice target skills (Schank et al., 1993/1994).
This compels learners to acquire and apply knowledge and skills.
While students could perform similar activities without technology as in the Nelson
Canada textbook used by some schools (Bisset, Colin, et al, 1996), the online
demonstrations contributing to their understanding of how earthquake waves travel are
essential to this part of the lesson; this is much more effective using a virtual simulation.
According to Bates and Poole (2003), the type of media is important in the delivery of the
message. Multimedia “allows for representation of knowledge in a variety of ways” (p.
60), and this is one reason for using animation to simulate earthquake wave travel.
Virtual Quake is particularly effective because it fosters a learn-by-doing approach.
Students form concepts through a natively scientific and explorative process. Although
the activity is guided, it permits considerable variation in input, allowing students to
investigate, and form and test hypotheses. For example, once an earthquake is generated,
students draw rings around seismic reporting stations, choosing appropriate radii to
triangulate the epicenter. This requires careful consideration of the information provided.
If they develop inappropriate conceptual constructs, the program uses a trial-and-error
process that allows them to test their ideas. Unsuccessful measurements result in
erroneous epicenter calculations. When this occurs, the student returns to the information,
examines the input and tries again. Trial and error strategies like these are more powerful
than simply telling them what they have doing wrong, such as on a multiple-choice test
(Tomas, Neilson, 1995). Simulations such as the Virtual Earthquake enable students to
manipulate variables to see an immediate relationship between variables and their effects.
This makes learning more tangible, encourage higher order thinking and give students an
opportunity to construct their own knowledge. Abstract concepts such as S, P, and Love
waves are studied in a more concrete, hands-on fashion. Students vary the intensity and
duration of the waves and observe the characteristic effects of each. In making these
concepts more concrete, more students receive an opportunity to learn the material. It is
important to note that rote knowledge is insufficient to complete Virtual Quake. To finish
the activity, students must not only understand fundamental concepts; they must apply
concepts in experimental, problem-based situations. This facilitates authentic learning.
Perhaps the greatest strength of Virtual Quake is that each activity requires
comprehension of basic concepts, and pushes students to analyze and synthesize
information, applying knowledge to complete each assignment. At the conclusion of
Virtual Quake, students can triangulate earthquakes, identify wave patterns, and gauge
earthquake intensity.
Finally, it is important to recognize the role of the teacher during Virtual Quake.
The instructor’s role becomes that of facilitator, and students are given greater
responsibility for their learning, which is believed to provide greater motivation,
ownership, and reflection of their learning.
Virtual Quake is an effective learning activity because it relies on investigative
scientific inquiry, and collaborative work between students. The constructive approach to
problem-based learning is delivered using a simulation that is easy to use, relevant,
informative, and appealing.
Bates, A.W. and Poole, G. (2003). Effective Teaching with Technology in Higher
Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Bisset, Colin et al., Science Probe 10, 2nd edition, 1996, Nelson Canada, p 291293.
Driscoll, M. (2000). Psychology of Learning for Instruction. Needham
Massachusetts: Allyn & Bacon. Schank, R.C., et al. (1993/1994). The Design of Goal-based Scenarios. Journal of
Learning Sciences, Vol 3, pp. 305-346.
Tomas, R. & Neilson, I. (1995). Harnessing Simulations in the Service of Education:
Interactive Simulation Environment. Computers Education 25(1/2), 2129.
Virtual Courseware. (2002). Virtual Quake. Retrieved June 20, 2006, from
