Key Focus Area 1 - Cultural Diversity

South Lincoln Resident Advisory Committee Issues with
City/DHA/CBO Responses 12-05-07
Green – Opportunity in plan concepts (Physical Design Elements)
Orange – Opportunity in redevelopment scenarios (DHA policies/programs/behaviors)
Blue – Share with appropriate agency/individuals (DPS/DPD/DPL)
Violet – Resident ownership/opportunity (Fellow neighbors behaviors)
Key Focus Area 1 - Cultural Diversity
Issue 1: Neighbors – Recognizing and maintaining strengths of community
1. Expand recreation center (La Alma) to meet future growth/demand
Plan has provided for potential expansion, will set meeting to review and discuss with
Denver Parks & Rec for their future planning efforts
2. Schools: Greenlee K-8 and West High School - more after-school and cultural
programming for students, expanded/upgraded programs to attract enrollment
Will set meeting to review and discuss with DPS
3. Families who have built economic opportunity through social networks and carefully
crafted ways to access childcare, education and employment must remain in their
community to continue their success path
DHA will pursue an alternate approach to relocation to avoid/minimize the effects of the
process. This approach will be reviewed openly with the RAC if redevelopment is to
Issue 2: Diversity- Background, Income & Interests
1. Keep a diversity of income levels by providing a significant amount of low-income
housing opportunities
10th & Osage & South Lincoln Homes Vision has provided a model for a mix of housing
and income types through the redevelopment scenario, DHA has committed to
maintaining affordable housing choices and providing a mix of incomes should
redevelopment occur.
2. More outreach and access to existing financial literacy resources and education
“Assets for Independence” Grant Provides Matches for Denver Families’ Savings
Accounts and Money Management Training. OED’s Division Housing and
Neighborhood Development fund a variety of non-profit organizations which teach
financial literacy through home buyer counseling curriculum. The Denver Asset Building
Coalition provides free tax preparation, financial education, and financial services
through accessible sites in Denver to help the underserved build for the future and
become economically stable.) Additionally Making Connections - Denver can work with
existing partners and CBOs to provide a referral network to these services.
Issue 3: Cultural Identity – Maintaining social history
1. Respect historic character of existing buildings and homes
All design aspects of any redevelopment will be shared with the designated reviewing
body (RAC or RAC approved committee, etc.). DHA will communicate this issue to all
architects/design professionals involved if redevelopment were to occur. Approach used
in other redevelopment efforts has been to be considerate and respectful of existing
neighborhood character, but not by simple replication but through design cues and
2. Create historic district for the surrounding neighborhood
Historic Districts are created through neighborhood action, will share interest in district
along to La Alma Lincoln Park Planning Group & share with Denver Historic
Preservation Staff.
3. Annual diversity fair sponsored by DHA to bring together residents and reduce
isolation – [DHA funded, neighbor organized]
DHA can be a major sponsor of a neighborhood organized event that encourages
4. Display of cultural heritage and leaders from everywhere and cultural programming in
the new community center
Making Connections - Denver can assist in identifying potential grant funding
opportunities to support this and offer technical assistance, if needed. Denver Office of
Cultural Affairs may be an additional contact.
5. Cultural pictures in the park – cultural walk nights
Making Connections - Denver can assist in identifying potential grant funding
opportunities to support this and offer technical assistance, if needed. Denver Office of
Cultural Affairs may be an additional contact.
Issue 4: Family, Youth, Disabled & Senior Friendly
1. Senior center located in South Lincoln
10th & Osage & South Lincoln Park Homes Vision has provided locations for a potential
senior center, will need to determine feasibility through redevelopment and Parks & Rec
along with other potential sponsors – Denver Health?
2. Family-oriented character building, anti-gang, and cultural awareness programs
OED’s Division of Housing and Neighborhood Development can fund Public Service
Projects. Making Connections - Denver can assist residents in obtaining small
neighborhood grants to support these meetings.
3. More gatherings
Making Connections - Denver can assist residents in obtaining small neighborhood grants
to support these meetings.
4. Art wall for youth
Plan has provided potential location for art wall, would need community support and
organization to take lead should redevelopment occur and project become a reality.
Making Connections - Denver can assist residents in obtaining small neighborhood grants
to bring project to completion.
Key Focus Area 2 - Public Safety
Issue 1: Activity – Recreation - Playgrounds & Parks
1. Playgrounds without sand/gravel. Foam mats instead.
Need clarification is this a comment from DHA or Parks & Recreation?
2. Skate park and additional basketball courts, playing fields
Have provided potential locations in plan, will set meeting to review and discuss with
Parks & Recreation
3. Fenced and remodeled playgrounds, equipment for younger children as well as olderon each block
If Redevelopment – Age appropriate, thoughtfully designed playgrounds will be
incorporated into redevelopment plan. This would be part of a design review process with
If Existing – There is no current plan for remodeled playgrounds. Is this a current
4. Park maintenance-Fix broken equipment in parks/upgrade to safer materials. Keep
parks and playgrounds clean, better maintenance
See answer to #3 above if this is for subject redevelopment property. If this is for the
South Lincoln Park this commitment cannot be made since this is managed by Denver
Parks Department. However, DHA and the City will schedule a meeting with Parks
before June 2008 to review this issue.
5. More senior services. Inside heated pool
Need clarification – is this envisioned in a new senior center as part of expanded rec
Center? Will set meeting to review and discuss with Parks & Recreation
6. Encourage special events in public outdoor spaces that bring people to the outdoors
Making Connections - Denver can assist residents in obtaining small neighborhood grants
and/or technical assistance to support this.
Issue 2: Neighbors - eyes on street & active community response to make change – police
relationships & commitment to community (homeless included)
1. No public drinking in playgrounds/parks & provide clear communication and
enforcement of DHA guidelines around alcohol and public drinking
Will set meeting to review and discuss with Denver Police Department & DHA
2. New dumpsters in locations away from public view, lighting at trash dumpsters and in
public areas
Any redevelopment would ensure that dumpsters would be thoughtfully addressed to
minimize public view and promote safety while still being accessible to trash pick-up
service. Examples can be reviewed on tour in 2nd quarter 2008.
3. Resident driven public safety programs: Neighborhood Watch program, community
anti-gang initiatives, safety educational initiatives, anti-drug trafficking/dealing
OED’s Division of Housing and Neighborhood Development can fund public safety
programs. Making Connections - Denver can assist residents in obtaining small
neighborhood grants and/or technical assistance to support this program(s).
4. Onsite COP Shop
Making Connections - Denver can assist residents in obtaining small neighborhood grants
and/or technical assistance to support this activity.
5. Build better relationships between neighborhood residents and police officers
OED’s Division of Housing and Neighborhood Development can fund public safety
programs. CPD will set meeting to review and discuss with Denver Police Department
Issue 3: *Safe Gathering Space - Multi-Purpose Community Center - Meeting Rooms,
Childcare, Seniors, etc. – Building is fully accessible –
Will set meeting to review and discuss with Parks & Recreation
1. Programs and space for them- Expanded childcare, Allow residents to provide licensed
home childcare on site (create community space for this), ages infant-5, babysitting,
parenting resources, Little Munchkins expanded, after school programs, Bridge Project
expanded to include more residents and to work at Bridge project
OED’s Division of Housing and Neighborhood Development’s Non-Profit Facilities
Program can fund community based organizations. Making Connections - Denver can
work with existing partners and CBOs to provide a referral network to these services.
DHA can include this request in redevelopment process to try and create space. It would
require partners to provide structure.
2. Food pantry co-located with senior center
DHA has done food pantries associated with senior buildings before. The viability of a
senior only building will be determined by the redevelopment feasibility review process.
Food pantries are difficult to manage if not tied to senior building.
3. Computer lab
DHA promotes computer lab in redevelopment. Would need to work with partners for
feasibility. Don’t want to duplicate services of other partners.
4. Expanded resource center for the Local Resident Council – including jobs,
volunteering & homeownership, healthcare issues, education, food bank/community
This request encompasses more than the LRC. It appears the request is for a resource
center that accomplishes multiple things that the LRC can use also. It would be the goal
of a redevelopment effort to provide a resource center through a strategic partner. DHA
will work to bring forward potential partners (one or many) that can consider the above
topics. DHA can commit that to a full feasibility study to see if a resource center can be
funded/supported with a redevelopment effort.
5. Multiple meeting rooms of various sizes – 10 to 300 & others in between
There cannot be multiple multi-use buildings created through a redevelopment effort.
DHA can commit to a full feasibility study to see if a resource center/multi-use facility
can be funded/supported with a redevelopment effort.
Issue 4: Pedestrian Safety (lighting, connections & sidewalks)
1. Security cameras
Security measures will be incorporated into redevelopment.
2. Fully wheelchair accessible – housing, parks, etc (ground floor units/elevator/2
bedroom & bathrooms on single level) – visit-ability
Any redevelopment will comply with City code requirements for accessible units, FHA,
ADA and 504 regulations. DHA has a goal of 100% visitability in feasible units.
3. Lights – provide assistance for bulbs – energy & weatherization
Any redevelopment would seek to utilize multiple energy & weatherization programs,
seek funding dollars for energy upgrades and achieve an E-star rating and pursue LEED
certifications. Assistance for light bulbs will be provided.
4. Lighting on playgrounds and walkways
Any redevelopment would have a comprehensive lighting program for all common and
open spaces that promotes safer sites.
5. Bike Police patrol
Will set meeting to review and discuss with Denver Police Department
6. Audible crosswalk indicators
Will set meeting to review and discuss with Denver Public Works
7. Parking connections & lighting
Any redevelopment would have a comprehensive parking and lighting program site-wide
that promotes efficient use of site land and safe travel distances and pedestrian friendly
8. Emergency call boxes
Need to research.
9. Alert 911 pull cords – seniors
Need to research.
10. Immediate snow & ice removal
Will set meeting to review and discuss with Public Works, may need to coordinate with
DHA as well.
Key Focus Area 3: Land Use & Economic Opportunity
Issue 1: *Affordable Home ownership opportunities
1. More government assistance and grants for low-income homeownership, resources
Division of Housing and Neighborhood Development provides project-based financing to
Habitat for Humanity who assists low-income homebuyers. Contact Division of Housing
and Neighborhood Development or Habitat for project specifics.
2. Program for residents to transition into homeownership opportunities
Division of Housing and Neighborhood Development provides project-based financing to
Habitat for Humanity who assists low-income homebuyers. Contact Division of Housing
and Neighborhood Development or Habitat for project specifics. Making Connections Denver can work with existing partners and CBOs to provide a referral network to these
Issue 2: Residential types – what kinds of housing rental/ownership, single family, multi
family, disabled
1. Outdoor amenities: private outdoor space with landscaping and fencing, private storage
space, garages
Plan has envisioned potential outdoor amenities as part of redevelopment
2. In-unit amenities: washers and dryers, air conditioning, more closet space, more
kitchen and bathroom storage
Any redevelopment would include washer and dryers and air conditioning in the unit.
Unit designs will be reviewed with the RAC design review group with each architect.
3. Sound-proof walls
Any redevelopment would comply with minimum ST standards by code.
Issue 3: Affordable options for low to moderate income residents - Small business
opportunities, employment & jobs
1. Incentives for businesses to go to community residents first when hiring
Committed to supporting approach. Program would have to be developed that provides
incentives to businesses to encourage this with a potential collaborative effort between
2. Opportunities for work/sell, micro business, entrepreneurial opportunities, small
business incubator, link with neighborhood food production
OED’s Small Business Lending Program can provide loans for small business to provide
services in the neighborhood.
3. Small business assistance for low-income business owners
OED’s Small Business Lending Program can provide loans for small business to provide
services in the neighborhood.
Issue 4: Services – what does the community need?
1. Shopping and employment – affordable restaurants and health food store, laudrymat –
Plan has provided for retails uses, will need to work with potential developer to help
attract appropriate businesses. OED’s Small Business Lending Program can provide
loans for small business to provide services in the neighborhood.
2. Library, expand existing hours and services not just for kids, in more central location
Will shared with Denver Public Libraries
3. Social service office located in neighborhood
Will share with social services
4. Non-governmental rehab and AA meetings
Making Connections - Denver can work with existing partners and CBOs to provide a
referral network to these services.
5. Health clinic located on site
Plan has provided potential locations, will share with local health providers – Denver
Health, possibly others???
6. Continue and provide in the future on site ESL and GED classes
Making Connections - Denver can work with existing partners and CBOs to provide a
referral network to these services.
7. Local volunteer opportunities
Making Connections - Denver can work with existing partners and CBOs to provide a
referral network to these services.
8. Housing the homeless - families and individuals
Division of Housing and Neighborhood Development partners with Denver Health &
Human Services and nonprofit developers to increase the supply of shelter beds,
transitional housing and permanent low-income rental units in the city. Contact Division
of Housing and Neighborhood Development or Denver's Road Home program through
DDHS. Division of Housing and Neighborhood Development also provides rental
assistance vouchers the Colorado Coalition for the Homeless and Catholic Charities.
9. Community services offered (see services)
CLARIFICATION: Can we remove this reference?
Issue 5: Senior services & needs
1. Keep senior and disability housing near open space
Would be part of overall site plan review done with RAC at time of redevelopment.
2. Provide senior only & integrated housing options for seniors – “I like some of the
Buildings; but I would not like to live with family member with children because I am a
senior older person”
Would be consideration of redevelopment. A lot would depend of financing options.
This would be part of RAC program review process.
Key Focus Area 4 - Transition &/or Relocation Process
Issue: Recognize history in community and need to maintain social connections
1. Create a community asset map to capture who is here now – neighborhood leaders
Making Connections - Denver can assist residents in obtaining small neighborhood grants
and/or technical assistance to support this effort.
2. Consideration given to promote housing purchasing by families that have lived here
DHA would include a homeownership program as part of overall redevelopment plan that
includes affordable purchase opportunities for affordable families.
3. Track DHA residents and provide means for them to stay connected during and after
Need to have centralized communication system. Will decide on optimal means of
achieving goals with RAC. Would website work?
4. Have service resources (tutoring, professional support) to mitigate disruptive impact of
transition on youth – school to school program
Need to develop a relocation plan that minimizes disruption through shorter relocation
terms or phased development within the site. Hard issue that will be reviewed openly
with RAC.
5. Case management support to minimize disruption of social and educational
Need to develop a relocation plan that minimizes disruption through shorter relocation
terms or phased development within the site. Hard issue that will be reviewed openly
with RAC.
Issue: Respect and provide for needs of the community – financial and logistical assistance
1. Physical packing and moving assistance for those with physical limitations in moving
DHA will provide moving assistance for any relocated residents.
2. Moving stipend (relocation assistance $) for everyone that includes moving out and
moving back
DHA will provide moving assistance for any relocated residents.
3. Provide employment opportunities for residents to participate in redevelopment itself
(e.g. Section 3 - but not limited to)
DHA promotes Section 3 program and will organize dedicated effort for resident hiring.
4. Formal (certification) job training for transitioning residents (e.g. environmental
Office of Economic Development provides training opportunities through Workforce
Development program.
5. Directory of available services to assist with transition and return
Needs to be developed with RAC.
6. Relocation “concierge” to help expedite process (utilities, cable, moving)
Great idea. Scope of services to be developed with RAC.
Issue: Identify key issues for a future DHA transition and/or relocation plan
1. Clear and advance communication (60-90 days) about stages and impacts of process
Centralized, easily accessed communication system. Website?
2. Specify the duration of transition so that residents can make informed decisions
3. Residents get to do “walk through” when first occupying new units
Agreed. Also have first right to return.
4. Residents have choices in where they relocate “out” to (neighborhoods, units,
condition of unit)
Residents can be given multiple choices of relocation units if moved “out”.
Issue: Right to return (acknowledged DHA 1 for 1 commitment)
1. Clarity around what might contribute to or impact the right to return so no surprises
Commitment to clear communication method approved by RAC.
2. Phased relocation highly desirable
Plan has envisioned for potential of phased relocation
3. Encompassing # of units, # of bedrooms, “people capacity” of current housing stock
Plan has envisioned replacement of existing housing stock with potential addition to total
number of affordable units
Key Focus Area 5 - What do the Buildings Look Like & How are they
Connected to Transit?
Issue: What are the housing types? Townhomes? Apartments?
1. Town homes – keep the brick look
Plan has envisioned a variety of housing types
2. Not like 22nd & Cleveland keep - front and back doors (private entrances) –
Plan vision includes some townhome housing as well as multi-story units
3. If multi-floor, ensure elevators, access, wide doors, etc.
Building design and floor plans will be reviewed with RAC design committee for
4. Maybe “split level” new homes
Plan vision includes townhomes
5. Mixed offerings for the differently-abled
Plan vision and redevelopment would provide for ADA access
Issue: Connections (access to all) to Santa Fe (arts, commercial, services, healthcare and
1. Better RTD connections to local services (hospital, shopping) new bus route, free
Will share with RTD
2. Specific free shuttle to Denver Health
CLARIFICATION: Will share with Denver Health & any other local service providers.
3. Bike enabling resources - lanes, racks, and lockers
Plan envisions bike connectivity and support resources
4. Increase # of “50 route” runs
Will share with RTD
5. Bike/hike path along light rail easements
Plan identifies Osage as an urban bike/walkway
[6. Expand “first ride” runs] - ???? – NEED CLARIFICATION
7. “Shopping day” shuttle – high saturation of transport available on set schedule for
certain days of the week
NEED CLARIFICATION Is this RTD or other entity?
Issue: Pedestrian connections - accessibility
1. Way for SLH residents to reach light rail station without having to cross thoroughfares
Plan envisions safe crossings between potential redevelopment and station area
2. Have pedestrian friendly corridors (wide sidewalks, well lit)
Plan envisions safe crossings between potential redevelopment and station area
Issue: Building entries – access and character
1. If multi-floor, don’t go over 4 stories
Plan envisions a variety of building heights
2. If multi-floor, vertical transitions should be graduated to avoid eye sore (e.g. Mariposa)
Plan envisions a variety of building heights and graduated changes in height
3. Parking shouldn’t ruin sight lines
Plan vision incorporates parking into the buildings
4. Try to have taller buildings factor in what they are facing
Plan envisions buildings to the west oriented to the mountain views
5. Create visually distinct building facades in a tight rhythm that is a pleasure to look
when on a walk through the neighborhood on a nice evening. Quality!
Plan envisions a high quality redevelopment where affordable and market rate units are
indistinguishable from on another
6. It would be so nice to see courtyards sitting areas where people can enjoy get to know
your neighbor
Plan envisions courtyards in many of the taller buildings if redevelopment occurs
Key Focus Area 6 - Environmental Health & Safety
1. Utilize safer materials and “green” options in construction of the units (e.g. paint)
All construction will comply with code and additional efforts will be made for “green”
buildings. Will be reviewed with RAC design committee.
2. Sustainable design and constructions as well as utilities and appliances
Agreed. Will be reviewed with RAC design committee.
3. Soil testing and remediation if needed
Must be done by code.
4. Ensure redevelopment does not leave harmful after effects in environment
Must be done by code.
5. Evaluate safety condition of natural gas lines and electrical systems and drinking water
Must be done by code.
6. Install air quality monitoring stations\
Do not think this would be done as part of redevelopment. Need more information on
7. Noise study
Must be done by code if deemed necessary. Will achieve minimum ST standards by
8. Traffic safety study
Must be done as part of building department review process.
9. Cross check efforts with other environmental protection efforts underway
10. Do periodic “state of the environment” review
No catalyst for doing this in an ongoing fashion. Need more information on request.
11. Provide recycling bins for homes & apartments, recycling waste bins for blocks
Will coordinate with trash pick-up services.
12. Educate residents in how to maintain the environment and conservation
Agree with benefits of concept. Will need partner to execute.