1140 – 1200 Mapping of global precipitation with satellite

Workshop on the Evaluation of High Resolution Precipitation Products
World Meteorological Organization
Geneva, Switzerland
December 3-5, 2007
Draft Agenda
Monday, 3 December 2007
0830 – 0900
0900 – 0910
0910 – 0920
0920 – 0930
WMO Welcome
IPWG Welcome
Logistics, Agenda
J. LaFeuille, WMO
R. Ferraro/C. Kidd
P. Arkin/J. Turk
Session 1: Precipitation Products I, Chair, Kazumasa Aonashi
0930 – 0950
0950 – 1010
1010 – 1030
1030 – 1050
1050 – 1120
The Hoaps Climatology: Precipitation
Intercomparison of Satellite and Model Data
A. Andersson.
GSMaP Passive Microwave Precipitation
Retrieval Algorithms
K. Aonashi
Characteristics of the TMPA and
Input Datasets
G. Huffman
Kalman filter approach to CMORPH: A skill
and error assessment of instantaneous
and propagated passive microwave
estimated rainfall
R. Joyce
Session 2: Precipitation Products II, Chair, Axel Andersson
1120 – 1140
An In-Situ Snowfall Validation Data Set for
Oceanic Precipitation Retrievals
C. Klepp
Mapping of global precipitation with satelliteborne microwave and infrared radiometer
using Kalman filter
T. Ushio
1200 – 1220
1220 – 1350
1140 – 1200
Session 3: Regional Validation I, Chair, Paul Kucera
1350 – 1410
1410 – 1430
1430 – 1450
1450 – 1510
1510 - 1540
Multi-scale validation of high resolution
precipitation products
B. Ebert
Validation of Rainfall Estimation Algorithms
for South America
C. Angelis
Validation of High-Resolution Precipitation
Products over the U.S.
J. Janowiak
Validation of Satellite Precipitation Estimates
Using High-Resolution Surface Rainfall
Observations in West Africa
P. Kucera
Session 4: Regional Validation II, Chair, Beth Ebert
1540 – 1600
Daily Validation Over South Africa for Evaluation
Of High Resolution Precipitation Products
M. Nekvalivhe
1600 – 1620
Evaluation of High Resolution Precipitation
Products in Northwest Mexico during the
North American Monsoon Experiment (NAME) S. Nesbitt
1620 – 1640
A. Pereira
GPM Ground Validation Implementation:
Plans and Status
W. Peterson
1640 – 1700
1730 – 1830
Tuesday, 4 December 2007
Session 5: Regional Validation III, Chair, Augusto Pereira
0830 – 0850
0850 – 0910
0910 – 0930
0930 – 0950
0950 – 1020
Asian Precipitation Highly Resolved
Observational Data Integration Towards
Evaluation of the Water Resources
(APHRODITE Water Resources)
A. Yatagai
The BALTRAD radar data set and its use
for tuning and validation of satellite based
precipitation algorithms
A. Thoss
Inter-comparison of precipitation products
over Europe: experiences, results and
C. Kidd
Application of Multi-Satellite Precipitation
Analysis to Floods and Landslides
R. Adler
Session 6: Applications, Chair, TBD
1020 – 1040
High Resolution Satellite Precipitation Products
for Operational Regional Flash Flood
Guidance Systems
K. Georgakakos
1040 – 1100
Applicability of satellite based precipitation
data for near real-time flood forecasting
P. Hapuarachchi
Assessing the Use of High-Resolution
Satellite Rainfall Products for Monitoring
Desert Locusts
T. Dinku
A Step towards Narrowing the Gaps in the
field of Water Resources Management by
Satellite Estimated Rainfall Data
M. K. Akhtar
Evaluation of High-Resolution Precipitation
Products in the Little Washita Watershed
M. Gebremichael
1100 – 1120
1120 – 1140
1140 – 1200
1200 – 1330
Session 7: Error Metrics I, Chair, TBD
1330 – 1350
A Methodological Proposal of Validating
HRPP Against Raingauge Observations
D. Barrera
Validation of High Resolution SatelliteDerived Rainfall Estimates and Operational
Mesoscale Model Forecasts of Precipitation
Over Southern Europe
L. Bertolani
Errors in Satellite-Based Precipitation
Estimates Over Land
C. Peters-Lidard
1430 – 1450
Hydrologically Relevant Error Metrics
F. Hossain
1450 – 1520
1350 – 1410
1410 – 1430
Session 8: Error Metrics II, Chair, TBD
1520 – 1540
A. Ruane
1540 – 1600
An inter-comparison of five high resolution
satellite precipitation estimates with
three-hourly gauge data
M. Sapiano
1600 – 1620
Validation of Satellite Precipitation Products
With Use of Hydrological Models: EUMETSAT
H-SAF Activities
P. Struzik
1620 – 1650
Use of Climatological Downscaling for
Evaluation of Satellite-based Precipitation
Analyses over the Continental U.S.
M. Garcia
1650 – 1710
1710 – 1720
Overview for Next Day’s Activities
P. Arkin/J. Turk
Wednesday, 5 December 2007
0830 – 0840
Logistics, Agenda
P. A./J. Turk
Session 9: Working Groups
0840 – 1010
Working Groups meet
Chairpersons: Paul Kucera
Room X
Error Metrics
Room Y
Chairpersons: Faisal Hossain and George Huffman
Products and Applications
Chairperson: TBD
Room Z
1010 – 1040
1040 – 1210
Working Groups meet, continued
1210 – 1330
1330 – 1350
1350 – 1410
1410 – 1430
Presentation from Validation Working Group
Presentation from Error Metrics Working Group
Presentation from Products/Applications Working Group
1430 – 1500
Open Discussion and Plans for Next Phase