BUFR template for presentation of SYNOP data with supplementary

This template is proposed to be used for representation of surface observation data from both
automatic stations and manned stations. This template is also suitable for SYNOP observation
data, by including parameters covering periods longer than one hour.
Entries from the SYNOP BUFR template TM 307080 are indicated by an asterisk * in the column
S. Entries from the AWS BUFR template TM 307091 are indicated by an asterisk * in the column
Entries used by both templates are not marked.
The very recent modifications and additions are written in blue and bold.
TM 307096 - BUFR template for representation of SYNOP data with supplementary
information on one-hour observations
3 07 096
3 01 090
3 01 089
0 08 010
3 01 091
3 02 084
3 02 085
0 33 005
0 33 006
Sequence for representation of SYNOP data with supplementary
information on one-hour observations
Fixed surface station identification, time, horizontal and vertical coordinates
National station identification
Surface qualifier (for temperature data)
Surface station instrumentation
“Instantaneous” data of sequence 307096
“Period” data of sequence 307096
Quality information (AWS data)
Internal measurement status information (AWS)
This BUFR template further expands as follows:
3 01 090
3 01 004
0 01 001
0 01 002
0 01 015
0 02 001
3 01 011 0 04 001
0 04 002
0 04 003
3 01 012 0 04 004
0 04 005
3 01 021 0 05 001
0 06 001
0 07 030
0 07 031
3 01 089
Surface station identification; time,
horizontal and vertical co-ordinates
Surface station identification
WMO block number
WMO station number
Station or site name
Type of station
Latitude (high accuracy)
Longitude (high accuracy)
Height of station ground above mean
sea level
Height of barometer above mean sea
* National station identification
Unit, scale
Numeric, 0
Numeric, 0
Code table, 0
Year, 0
Month, 0
Day, 0
Hour, 0
Minute, 0
Degree, 5
Degree, 5
m, 1
m, 1
0 01 101
0 01 102
0 02 180
0 02 181
0 02 182
0 02 183
0 02 184
0 02 179
0 02 186
0 02 187
0 02 188
0 02 189
0 08 010
3 01 091
3 02 084
3 02 031
3 02 001 0 10 004
0 10 051
0 10 061
0 10 063
0 10 062
0 07 004
0 10 009
3 02 072
0 07 032
0 07 033
0 12 101
0 12 103
0 13 003
1 03 000
0 31 000
1 01 005
3 07 063 0 07 061
0 12 130
0 07 061
1 01 000
0 31 000
3 02 069 0 07 032
0 07 033
0 33 041
0 20 001
0 07 032
State identifier (see Note 1)
National station number (see Note 1)
Surface qualifier (for temperature data)
Surface station instrumentation
Main present weather detecting system
Supplementary present weather sensor
Visibility measurement system
Cloud detection system
Type of lightning detection sensor
Type of sky condition algorithm
Capability to detect precipitation
Capability to detect other weather
Capability to detect obscuration
Capability to discriminate lightning
“Instantaneous” data of sequence
Pressure data
Pressure reduced to mean sea level
3-hour pressure change
Characteristic of pressure tendency
24-hour pressure change
Pressure (standard level)
Geopotential height of the standard
Temperature and humidity data
Height of sensor above local ground
Height of sensor above water surface
Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
(scale 2)
Dew-point temperature (scale 2)
Relative humidity
Delayed replication of 3 descriptors
Short delayed descriptor replication
Replicate one descriptor five times
Depth below land surface
Soil temperature (scale 2)
Depth below land surface (set to
missing to cancel the previous value)
Visibility data
Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
Short delayed descriptor replication
Height of sensor above local ground
Height of sensor above water surface
Attribute of following value
Horizontal visibility
Height of sensor above local ground
(set to missing to cancel the previous
Code table, 0
Numeric, 0
Code table, 0
Code table, 0
Flag table, 0
Code table, 0
Code table, 0
Code table, 0
Code table, 0
Flag table, 0
Flag table, 0
Flag table, 0
Flag table, 0
Pa, –1
Pa, –1
Pa, –1
Code table, 0
Pa, –1
Pa, –1
gpm, 0
m, 2
m, 1
K, 2
K, 2
%, 0
Numeric, 0
m, 2
K, 2
m, 2
Numeric, 0
m, 2
m, 1
Code table, 0
m, –1
m, 2
m, 1
0 20 031
Height of sensor above water surface
(set to missing to cancel the previous
Marine data
Delayed replication of 5 descriptors
* Short delayed descriptor replication
* Ice deposit (thickness)
0 20 032
* Rate of ice accretion
Code table, 0
0 02 038
* Method of sea surface temperature
* Sea/water temperature (scale 2)
* Direction of waves
* Period of waves
* Height of waves
State of ground and snow depth
Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
* Short delayed descriptor replication
* Method of state of ground
State of ground (with or without snow)
* Method of snow depth measurement
Total snow depth
Ground minimum temperature (scale
2), past 12 hours
Cloud data
Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
* Short delayed descriptor replication
Cloud cover (total)
Vertical significance
Cloud amount (of low or middle clouds)
Height of base of cloud
Cloud type (low clouds CL)
Cloud type (middle clouds CM)
Cloud type (high clouds CH)
Delayed replication of 5 descriptors
Delayed descriptor replication factor
Vertical significance
Cloud amount
Cloud type
* Attribute of following value
Height of base of cloud
Clouds with bases below station
Delayed replication of 5 descriptors
Delayed descriptor replication factor
Vertical significance
Cloud amount
Code table, 0
0 07 033
1 05 000
0 31 000
0 22 043
3 02 021 0 22 001
0 22 011
0 22 021
1 01 000
0 31 000
3 02 078 0 02 176
0 20 062
0 02 177
0 13 013
0 12 113
1 01 000
0 31 000
3 02 004 0 20 010
0 08 002
0 20 011
0 20 013
0 20 012
0 20 012
0 20 012
1 05 000
0 31 001
0 08 002
0 20 011
0 20 012
0 33 041
0 20 013
3 02 036 1 05 000
0 31 001
0 08 002
0 20 011
Numeric, 0
m, 2
K, 2
Degree true, 0
s, 0
m, 1
Numeric, 0
Code table, 0
Code table, 0
Code table, 0
m, 2
K, 2
Numeric, 0
%, 0
Code table, 0
Code table, 0
m, –1
Code table, 0
Code table, 0
Code table, 0
Numeric, 0
Code table, 0
Code table, 0
Code table, 0
Code table, 0
m, -1
Numeric, 0
Code table, 0
Code table, 0
0 20 012
0 20 014
0 20 017
1 01 000
0 31 000
3 02 047 1 02 003
0 08 002
0 20 054
0 08 002
1 01 000
0 31 000
3 02 048 0 05 021
0 07 021
0 20 012
0 05 021
0 07 021
3 02 085
1 05 000
0 31 000
0 20 003
1 03 002
0 04 024
0 20 004
0 20 005
1 01 000
0 31 000
3 02 175 0 08 021
0 04 025
0 13 155
0 13 058
0 08 021
1 02 000
Cloud type
Height of top of cloud
Cloud top description
Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
Short delayed descriptor replication
Direction of cloud drift
Replicate 2 descriptors 3 times
Vertical significance (7= low cloud, 8=
middle cloud, 9 = high cloud)
True direction from which clouds are
Vertical significance (set to missing to
cancel the previous value)
Direction and elevation of cloud
Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
Short delayed descriptor replication
Bearing or azimuth
Elevation angle
Cloud type
Bearing or azimuth (set to missing to
cancel the previous value)
Elevation angle (set to missing to
cancel the previous value)
“Period” data of sequence 307096
Present and past weather data
Delayed replication of 5 descriptors
Short delayed descriptor replication
Present weather (see Note 2)
Replicate 3 descriptors 2 times
Time period
(= -1 hour in 1. replication,
-x hours in 2. replication, x
corresponding to the time period of
W1W 2 in the SYNOP report)
Past weather (1)
Past weather (2)
Intensity of precipitation, size of
precipitation element
Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
Short delayed descriptor replication
Time significance (= 2 (time averaged))
Time period (= -10 minutes)
Intensity of precipitation
Size of precipitation element
Time significance (= missing value)
Precipitation, obscuration and other
Delayed replication of 2 descriptors
Code table, 0
m, -1
Code table, 0
Numeric, 0
Code table, 0
Degree true, 0
Code table, 0
Numeric, 0
Degree true, 2
Degree, 2
Code table, 0
Degree true, 2
Degree, 2
Numeric, 0
Code table, 0
Hour, 0
Code table, 0
Code table, 0
Numeric, 0
Code table, 0
Minute, 0
kg m-2s-1, 4
m, 4
Code table, 0
0 31 000
0 04 025
3 02 076
0 20 021
0 20 022
0 26 020
0 20 023
0 20 024
0 20 025
0 20 026
1 02 000
0 31 000
0 04 025
0 13 059
0 07 032
0 07 033
0 08 021
0 04 025
0 11 001
0 11 002
0 08 021
1 03 003
0 04 025
0 11 043
0 11 041
0 04 025
0 11 016
0 11 017
3 02 077 0 07 032
0 07 033
0 04 025
0 12 111
0 12 112
0 07 032
0 04 025
0 12 112
* Short delayed descriptor replication
* Time period (= - 10 minutes)
* Precipitation, obscuration and other
* Type of precipitation
* Character of precipitation
* Duration of precipitation (see Note 3)
* Other weather phenomena
* Intensity of phenomena
* Obscuration
* Character of obscuration
Lightning data
Delayed replication of 2 descriptors
* Short delayed descriptor replication
* Time period (= - 10 minutes)
* Number of flashes
Wind data
Height of sensor above local ground
* Height of sensor above water surface
Time significance (= 2 (time averaged))
Time period (= - 10 minutes, or
number of minutes after a significant
change of wind)
Wind direction
Wind speed
Time significance (= missing value)
Replicate next 3 descriptors 3 times
Time period
(= -10 minutes in 1. replication,
= -60 minutes in 2. replication,
= -60*3 or 60*6 minutes in 3.
Maximum wind gust direction
Maximum wind gust speed
* Time period (= - 10 minutes)
* Extreme counterclockwise wind
direction of
a variable wind
* Extreme clockwise wind direction of a
variable wind
Extreme temperature data
* Height of sensor above local ground
* Height of sensor above water surface
* Time period (= - 60 minutes)
* Maximum temperature (scale 2) at
height and over period specified
* Minimum temperature (scale 2) at
height and over period specified
* Height of sensor above local ground
(for ground temperature)
* Time period (= - 60 minutes)
* Minimum temperature (scale 2) at
height and over period specified (for
Numeric, 0
Minute, 0
Flag table, 0
Code table, 0
Minute, 0
Flag table, 0
Code table, 0
Flag table, 0
Code table, 0
Numeric, 0
Minute, 0
Numeric, 0
m, 2
m, 1
Code table, 0
Minute, 0
Degree true, 0
m s-1, 1
Code table, 0
Minute, 0
Degree true, 0
m s-1, 1
Minute, 0
Degree true, 0
Degree true, 0
m, 2
m, 1
Minute, 0
K, 2
K, 2
m, 2
Minute, 0
K, 2
0 07 033
3 02 041 0 07 032
0 04 024
0 04 024
0 12 111
0 04 024
0 04 024
0 12 112
1 06 000
0 31 000
0 07 032
0 02 175
0 02 178
1 02 005
0 04 024
0 13 011
0 07 032
1 03 000
0 31 000
0 02 185
1 01 002
3 02 044 0 04 024
0 02 004
0 13 033
1 02 000
0 31 000
1 01 002
3 02 039 0 04 024
0 14 031
ground temperature)
Height of sensor above water surface
(set to missing to cancel the previous
Height of sensor above local ground
(for temperature measurement)
Time period
Time period (see Notes 4 and 5)
Maximum temperature (scale 2) at
height and over period specified
Time period
Time period (see Note 5)
Minimum temperature (scale 2) at
height and over period specified
Precipitation measurement
Delayed replication of 6 descriptors
Short delayed descriptor replication
Height of sensor above local ground
Method of precipitation measurement
Method of liquid water content
measurement of precipitation
Replicate 2 descriptors 5 times
Time period in hours
(= - 1 hour in the first replication,
= - 3, -6, -12 and - 24 hours in the
other replications)
Total precipitation / total water
equivalent of snow
Height of sensor above local ground
(set to missing to cancel the previous
Evaporation data
Delayed replication of 3 descriptors
Short delayed descriptor replication
Method of evaporation measurement
Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times
Time period in hours
(= -1 hour in 1. replication,
= -24 hours in 2. replication)
Type of instrument for evaporation
measurement or type of crop
Evaporation /evapotranspiration
Total sunshine data
Delayed replication of 2 descriptors
Short delayed descriptor replication
Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times
Time period in hours
(= -1 hour in 1. replication,
= -24 hours in 2. replication)
Total sunshine
m, 1
m, 2
Hour, 0
Hour, 0
K, 2
Hour, 0
Hour, 0
K, 2
Numeric, 0
m, 2
Code table, 0
Code table, 0
Hour, 0
kg m-2, 1
m, 2
Numeric, 0
Code table, 0
Hour, 0
Code table, 0
kg m-2, 1
Numeric, 0
Hour, 0
Minute, 0
1 02 000
0 31 000
1 01 002
3 02 045 0 04 024
0 14 002
0 14 004
0 14 016
0 14 028
0 14 029
0 14 030
1 01 000
0 31 000
3 02 046 0 04 024
0 04 024
0 12 049
Radiation data
Delayed replication of 2 descriptors
* Short delayed descriptor replication
Replicate 1 descriptor 2 times
Time period in hours
(= -1 hour in 1. replication,
= -24 hours in 2. replication)
Long-wave radiation, integrated over
period specified
Short-wave radiation, integrated over
period specified
Net radiation, integrated over period
Global solar radiation (high accuracy),
integrated over period specified
Diffuse solar radiation (high accuracy),
integrated over period specified
Direct solar radiation (high accuracy),
integrated over period specified
Temperature change gr. 54g0sndT
Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
Short delayed descriptor replication
Time period or displacement
Time period or displacement (see Note
Numeric, 0
Hour, 0
J m-2, -3
J m-2, -3
J m-2, -4
J m-2, -2
J m-2, -2
J m-2, -2
Numeric, 0
Hour, 0
Hour, 0
0 33 005
0 33 006
1 01 000
0 31 000
3 02 083 0 04 025
0 08 023
0 10 004
0 11 001
0 11 002
0 12 101
0 13 003
0 08 023
Temperature change over period
specified sndT
First order statistics of P, W, T, U
Delayed replication of 1 descriptor
Short delayed descriptor replication
Time period (= -10 minutes )
First order statistics (see Note 7)
(= 9 (best estimate of standard
Wind direction
Wind speed
Temperature/dry-bulb temperature
(scale 2)
Relative humidity
First order statistics (= missing value)
Quality information (AWS data)
Internal measurement status
information (AWS)
K, 0
Numeric, 0
Minute, 0
Code table, 0
Pa, –1
Degree true, 0
m s-1, 1
K, 2
%, 0
Code table, 0
Flag table, 0
Code table, 0
The WMO international identification 0 01 001 (WMO block number) and 0 01 002
(WMO station number) shall be reported as mandatory if available for the particular
station. 0 01 101 (WMO Member State identifier) and 0 01 102 (National AWS number)
may be used to identify a station within the national numbering system. If the WMO
station identification is not available for the particular station, the National station
identification shall be used.
When reported, present weather shall be always represented by 0 20 003. When
encoding present weather reported from an automatic weather station, the sequence of
descriptors (proposed under 3 02 076) should also be used, if applicable.
Duration of precipitation represents number of minutes in which precipitation was
Within RA IV, the maximum temperature at 1200 UTC is reported for the previous
calendar day (i.e. the ending time of the period is not equal to the nominal time of the
report). To construct the required time range, descriptor 004024 has to be included two
times. If the period ends at the nominal time of the report, value of the second 004024
shall be set to 0.
Within RA III, the maximum day-time temperature and the minimum night-time
temperature is reported (i.e. the ending time of the period may not be equal to the
nominal time of the report). To construct the required time range, descriptor 004024 has
to be included two times. If the period ends at the nominal time of the report, value of
the second 004024 shall be set to 0.
To construct the required time range, descriptor 004024 has to be included two times.
Best estimate of standard deviation is counted out of a set of samples (signal
measurements) recorded within the period specified; it should be reported as a missing
value, if the measurements of the relevant element are not available from a part of the
period specified by 0 04 025.
Additional parameters required by regional or national reporting practices shall be
accommodated in a similar way as recommended in Regulations B/C 1.9 and B/C
1.14 – Regulations for reporting SYNOP data in TDCF.