Name: Art and Architecture in The Roman Empire Create a

Name: _______________________
Art and Architecture in The Roman Empire
Create a PowerPoint Presentation
Below is a list of questions and statements (“Q’s” and “S’s” ) about art and architecture in ancient Rome. Your
assignment is to create a PowerPoint (or Keynote) presentation that includes answers to the questions and
support for the statements.
• Include the question or statement in the title or subtitle.
• All “Q’s” and “S’s” are to be included. Some can be described in one slide, others will need more than one.
• The “Q’s” and “S’s” may appear in any order within your presentation but should be grouped so that ideas
flow easily from one visual to the next.
• “Q’s” and “S’s” may be bundled together.
• Every slide must contain an image.
• Supporting text should be limited to main ideas only — three bulleted points per slide maximum — no
rambling text please!
• Fonts should be readable. Backgrounds and effects should not interfere with the information.
• All slides should be proofread for spelling and logic.
1. S: At its height, the Roman Empire was extensive (vast).
2. S: Roman artists and architects borrowed ideas from ancient Greece.
3. Q: How did Roman temples differ from Greek temples?
4. Q: Romans favored which Greek column capital?
5. Q: How did concrete create a revolution in architectural design?
6. S: Among the Roman’s greatest architectural achievements are the arch, dome, and vault.
S: Words such as amphitheater, gladiators, beasts, Christians, combat, contests, catacombs, spectators,
corridors, can all be associated with the Roman Colosseum.
8. Q: What was the Pantheon and how is it an example of extraordinary Roman engineering?
9. Q: What happened at the Circus Maximus?
10. S: The Roman Forum was a center of activity.
11. S: Roman bridges and aqueducts were actually a series of arches.
12. S: Roman citizens went to public baths for many forms of relaxation.
13. Q: How were the Roman public baths decorated?
14. S: Romans united their vast Empire with well constructed roads.
15. S: Drama in both Greece and Rome created the need for large open-air theaters.
16. Q: How did triumphal arches celebrate great Roman achievements and victories?
17. Q: How does Roman sculpture differ from Greek sculpture?
18. S: Frescoes and mosaics decorated the walls and floors of Roman villas.
19. Q: What happened in Pompeii and Herculaneum when Mt. Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD?
20. S: There are many examples of the influence of Roman art and architecture around us in America today.
Birkenshaw - Art I - Ancient Rome
Name: _______________________
← Ancient Rome
← PowerPoint Requirements/Criteria
✓ Originality
Present content and ideas in a unique and interesting way
✓ Sequencing
Organize information clearly and logically
✓ Content
Be accurate with no factual errors
✓ Text
Speaker support NOT a novel!
✓ Background
Do not let background detract from text and images Show consistency from slide to slide
✓ Images
Represent and support the subject
✓ Text – font choice and formatting
Plan carefully to enhance readability and content
✓ Spelling and grammar
Proofread, proofread, proofread!
✓ Sounds
Sounds should improve the content or “feel” of the presentation not detract from it
✓ Effectiveness
Demonstrate comfortable understanding of your topic
✓ Time limit / Slide limit
Presentation should not exceed 5 minutes –
limit your slide numbers, transition effects and special effects accordingly
✓ Save your file frequently!
✓ Print your PowerPoint
As handouts
6 per page
✓ Save your file on Mrs. Birkenshaw’s flash drive as YourNameRome
Birkenshaw - Art I - Ancient Rome