Industrial Design BFA – RECOMMENDED FOUR-YEAR SEQUENCE SEE REVERSE SIDE GE 1000 Transition to Kean AH 1700 Art History I FA 2402 2-D Design TECH 1200 Intro to Comp. Aided Drafting ENG 1030 Composition SPRING FA 2404 Drawing I FA 2300 Visual Thinking FA 2403 3-D Design IND 1308 Introduction to Industrial Design GE ED Core Req. GE MATH 1000 Algebra FALL DSN 1001 Drawing for Designers AH 1701 Art History II TECH 3220 Computer-Aided Design I IND 2300 Industrial Design Fundamentals GE Core Req. Social/ Behav. Science Elective IND 1308 History of Industrial Design GE Core Req. Science Elective IND 3330 Advanced CAD Systems GE Core Req. Social/ Behav. Science Elective GE Core Req. Social/ Behav. Science Elective FALL 1 2 SPRING FALL 3 SPRING FA 2404 IND 2301 Model Design IND 2302 Design Delineation IND 2308 Industrial Design Studio I IND 2300 DSN 1001 IND 1308 AH 3740 History of Modern Art TECH 2421 Materials and Automated Processes TECH 1200 PED 2500 Intro to Biomechanics FA 3277 Sculpture: Modeling and Casting FA 2402 FA 2403, 1231 TECH 2410 Comp. Animation and Rapid Prototyping TECH 3220 DSN 3001 Design Internship FA 3288 Furniture Making I Humanities Elective Social/Behavioral Science Elective Free Elective IND 4310 Portfolio for Industrial Design IND 4308 Humanities Elective Social/Behavioral Science Elective Free Elective AH 1701 IND 3308 Industrial Design Studio II IND 2308 FALL IND 4308 Studio III 4 IND 3308 SPRING TECH 1200 DSN 4000 Critical Perspectives in Design 6 credits of Art or Design History TECH 3220 IND 2308 Industrial Design Course Sequence Guide Every effort should be made to follow this recommended sequence. It was developed to help you to succeed in your major, develop the strongest entry-level professional portfolio, and begin your career with the greatest potential for success in your profession. Faculty advisors will not approve a student's course schedule unless all prerequisites for courses have been completed with a grade of C or better. Any student seeking an exception to this sequence must obtain authorization from both the Department Chair and Program Coordinator prior to registration. Exceptions are granted for legitimate educational reasons ONLY. IMPORTANT NOTE This Course Sequence averages 15 SH each semester. This does not total the required 130 SH at the conclusion of the fourth year. In order to graduate in four years the student must earn summer school credits and/or exceed 15 SH for some semesters. Prerequisites are noted in italic 06/’05