NHD Work Cited FDR: “Stimulus” of the Great Depression Senior Division Group Exhibit 1 NHD Work Cited Works Cited Primary Sources: 18 Feb. 2009 <http://haysvillelibrary.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/franklin-delano-roosevelt1933.jpg>. This is a photograph of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. We used this picture on out exhibit. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://www.businessweek.com/the_thread/hotproperty/archives/Hooverville2.jpg>. This is a photograph of Hooverville. We used this picture on our exhibit. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://www.onbeingablacklawyer.com/wordpress/wpcontent/uploads/2008/11/acoffee.jpg>. This is a picture of men waiting in line at a soup kitchen during the Great Depression. We used this photograph on our exhibit. 18 Feb. 2009 <https://wikis.nyu.edu/ek6/modernamerica/uploads/Reform.TheNewDealAndDomesticP olicy/3.jpg>. This is a picture of an NRA advertisement. We used this picture on our exhibit. 1934. Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial. 22 Dec. 2004. National Park Service. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://www.nps.gov/fdrm/memorial/challenges.htm>. This is a photograph that was taken in 1934 of a women putting up an NRA emblem in a restaurant window. We used this picture on our exhibit. 1937. University of Washington Libraries Digital Collections. About.com. 28 Jan. 2009. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://uspolitics.about.com/b/2009/01/28/wordless-wednesday-then-now.htm>. This is a photograph of Hooverville. We used this picture as our big background on our exhibit. "$5,476,000 Federal Aid Allotted To Farmers in Drought Region." The New York Times 02 June 1934: 01+. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87118&rendition =x-articleimage&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B94535968&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3BP QD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B94535968>. This is a newspaper article from The New York Times on June 2, 1934. The article discussed the relief and actions taken by President Roosevelt to help aid people 2 NHD Work Cited affected and living in the Midwest and other areas affected by the Dustbowl during the Great Depression. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show some of the actions taken by President Roosevelt to help aid people affected and living in the Midwest and areas affected by the Dustbowl. Apr. 1934. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/98/95698-0043532F904.jpg>. This is a photograph of the New York City mayor, La Guardia, and other raising the NRA flag at the National Recovery Administration office in New York City in 1934. We used this picture on our exhibit. Bromley, Dorothy Dunbar. "WOMEN VICTIMS OF DEPRESSION PRESENT A HUGE NEW PROBLEM." The New York Times 14 Jan. 1934. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87129&rendition =x-articleimage&start=26&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP %3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B93746752&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3BP QD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B93746752>. This is a newspaper article from The New York Times on January 14, 1934. The article discussed the conflicts women faced during the Great Depression as compared to their male counterpoints. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit which discussed the prospects of the CWA. Christian, Rena. "Where Boys Become Men." The Christian Science Monitor [Boston] 09 Oct. 1935. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87127&rendition =x-articleimage&start=26&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP %3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B301626092&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3B PQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B301626092>. This is a newspaper article from The Christian Science Monitor on October 9, 1935. The article discussed about the knowledge that the men who joined the CCC have learned from working in America’s forests. The article also briefly acknowledged the CCC as a success and discussed the CCC future. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show the success of the CCC and to show the future of the CCC. "CLOSING RALLY VIGOROUS." The New York Times 30 Oct. 1929. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87117&rendition =x-articleimage&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-article3 NHD Work Cited image%3B96008280&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3BP QD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B96008280>. This is an article from The New York Times on October 30, 1929. The article discussed about the stock market crash of 1929 and its affect on the economy. We used a portion of this article on our exhibit to show the status of the American economy and stock market which was one of the factors that helped to spark the Great Depression in America. "FINDS 2,800,000 MEN ARE REEMPLOYED." The Wall Street Journal [Washington] 28 Sept. 1933. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87126&rendition =x-articleimage&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B107694652&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3B PQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B107694652>. This is a newspaper article from The Wall Street Journal on September 28, 1933. The article discussed the decrease in unemployment and the increase of employment in multiple occupations and trades. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show the success of Roosevelt’s programs during the Depression. "Grown-up Worries." Letter to Mr. Roosevelt and Mrs. Roosevelt. 1936. The Depression and New Deal: A History In Documents. New York: Oxford UP, 2000. 108-08. This is a letter written by a 12 year old boy from Chicago to FDR and Mrs. Roosevelt about the status and quality of life that his family is experiencing. We a part of this letter on our exhibit to show the quality of life and problems that Americans faced at the beginning and during the Great Depression. Hagerty, James A. "OUR 'WIDEST EXPERIMENT'" The New York Times 03 Feb. 1933: 01+. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87127&rendition =x-articleimage&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B99208930&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3BP QD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B99208930>. This is a newspaper article from The New York Times on February 3, 1933. The article discussed the purposes, intentions, and goals of the TVA proposed by FDR. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show the purposes, intentions, and goals of the TVA proposed by FDR as a way to give especially agricultural aid to people affected in the Tennessee Valley. Hornaday, Mary. "TREES." The Christian Science Monitor [Boston] 24 Jan. 1934. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87127&rendition 4 NHD Work Cited =x-articleimage&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B301473132&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3B PQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B301473132>. This is a newspaper article from The Christian Science Monitor on January 24, 1934. The article discussed the actions and accomplishments of the Civilian Conservation Corps especially their actions with the revitalization the American forests. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show some of actions and accomplishments of the Civilian Conservation Corps in forestry. "HUGE DUST CLOUD, BLOWN 1,500 MILES, DIMS CITY 5 HOURS." The New York Times 12 May 1934: 01+. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87118&rendition =x-articleimage&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B94525611&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3BP QD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B94525611>. This is a newspaper article from The New York Times on May 12, 1934. The article discussed the Dustbowl and how it choked hundreds of miles of farmland and clouded cities for hours as well as the affects the Dustbowl was having on the U.S. agriculture, climate, and the country’s citizens. We used the headline of this article and a chart of the Dustbowl’s path on our exhibit to show the affect that the Dustbowl had on American agriculture and how the Dustbowl helped cause the Depression. I.R.H and friends. Letter to Senator Robert F. Wagner. 31 Mar. 1933. Down & Out in the Great Depression: Letters from the Forgotten Man. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina P, 1983. 217-18. This is a letter to Senator Robert F. Wagner thanking the politicians in Washington especially FDR for everything that they have done to help aid the people affected by the Great Depression. We used a part of this letter on our exhibit to show that people were very grateful for FDR’s actions of trying to help those affected by the Depression and to show that people were very grateful for his programs because they were a success. "Jobs at Once Are Promised By Roosevelt." The Christian Science Monitor [Boston] 21 Mar. 1933: 01+. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87127&rendition =x-articleimage&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B304634592&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3B PQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B304634592>. 5 NHD Work Cited This is a newspaper article from The Christian Science Monitor March 21, 1933. The article discussed the purpose and goals of the CCC which President Roosevelt proposed the establishment of during the Great Depression. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show the goals of FDR and his attempts to help right America’s economic crisis by creating employment for many Americans. Kluckohn, Frank L. "ICKES INTENDS TO MAKE PUBLIC WORKS PERPETUAL." The New York Times 26 Aug. 1934. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87124&rendition =x-articleimage&start=26&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP %3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B102292840&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3B PQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B102292840>. This is a newspaper article from The New York Times on August 26, 1934. The article discussed the accomplishments and future progress of public works and that it was considered to be a permanent part of the government. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show some of the accomplishments and future progress of public works as actions taken by President Roosevelt to help aid people affected during the Depression. Mackaye, BENTON. "THE TENNESSEE RIVER PROJECT: FIRST STEP IN A NATIONAL PLAN." The New York Times 16 Apr. 1933. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87127&rendition =x-articleimage&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B105387784&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3B PQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B105387784>. This is a newspaper article from The New York Times on April 16, 1933. The article discussed the possibilities and possible positive outcomes of the TVA as well as discussed of the TVA’s purpose and goals. We used the headline of this article and a map of the area being aided by the TVA to put onto our exhibit to show the effort taken by FDR to help this area of the country. Miller, Rex. "Behind the Headlines." The Christian Science Monitor [Boston] 26 June 1939. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87124&rendition =x-articleimage&start=26&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP %3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B291904292&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3B PQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B291904292>. 6 NHD Work Cited This is a newspaper article from The Christian Science Monitor on June 26, 1939. The article discussed the happiness and thankfulness of the citizens of New York City for the accomplishments and projects completed by the WPA. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show that people were very happy of the outcome of many public works projects and wanted the workers to stay and fix many more problems. The article shows that the program had many respected and needed accomplishments and was thought of as a good thing in the eyes of America’s citizens. Mills, Edgar M. "Camp Facilities Built by CCC Attract Many." The Christian Science Monitor [Boston] 26 Aug. 1939: 00+. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87127&rendition =x-articleimage&start=51&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP %3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B292060872&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3B PQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B292060872>. This is a newspaper article from The Christian Science Monitor on August 26, 1939. The article discussed the recreational work in Massachusetts completed by the CCC and how it is widely used by the residents of the area. We used the headline of this article on our exhibit to show the success of the CCC. Monitor Bureau. "Congress Ready To Take Orders From Roosevelt." The Christian Science Monitor [Boston] 07 Mar. 1933. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87123&rendition =x-articleimage&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B315980422&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3B PQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B315980422>. This is a newspaper article from The Christian Science Monitor on March 7, 1933. The article discussed that Congress is ready to take orders from FDR and that they listen to what ever he has to say. The article shows that Congress supports FDR very much. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show that Congress is ready to take orders from FDR, that they listen to what ever he has to say, and is willing to do anything because they support the president so much. Morgan, Arthur E. "TENNESSEE VALLEY BECOMES LABORATORY FOR THE NATION." The New York Times 25 Mar. 1934. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87127&rendition =x-articleimage&start=26&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP %3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B94506271&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3BP QD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B94506271>. 7 NHD Work Cited This is a newspaper article from The New York Times on March 25, 1934. The article discussed the purpose of the TVA as well as the accomplishments and progress of the construction work and establishment of several dams in the Tennessee Valley that would greatly affect agriculture and power in the area. We used a map from this article to put onto our exhibit to show the vast area being aided be these TVA projects. Owen, Russell. "OVER THE NATION THE BLUE EAGLE WINGS." The New York Times 30 July 1933. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87124&rendition =x-articleimage&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B90635704&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3BP QD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B90635704>. This is a newspaper article from The New York Times on July 30, 1933. The article discussed the aspects of the National Recovery Administration and its goals, purposes, and the article also discussed gains in different fields of industry. Lastly, this article provided two charts which showed an increase in industry, production, and employment. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show some of the actions taken by President Roosevelt to help aid people affected and living in the Midwest and areas affected by the Dustbowl. Owen, Russell. "WHERE DROUGHT SEARS LAND AND PEOPLE." The New York Times 15 Feb. 1931. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87118&rendition =x-articleimage&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B98321161&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3BP QD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B98321161>. This is a newspaper article from The New York Times on February 15, 1931. The article discussed the affects that the Dustbowl and drought in the Midwest had on many Americans. We used the headline of this article on our exhibit to show affects that the Dustbowl and drought in the Midwest had on many Americans as well as to show how the Dustbowl was one of the many factors that helped contribute to the Great Depression. Perkins, Frances. Address. 1935. The Depression and New Deal: A History In Documents. New York: Oxford UP, 2000. 54-56. This is a radio address by Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins in 1935. She discusses the purposes, intentions, goals, and system of FDR’s new social security program. We used a portion of this article on out exhibit to show the purposes, intentions, goals, and system of FDR’s new social security program, and to show that it was thought to be a great new feature that would solve many social security problems during the Depression. 8 NHD Work Cited "Plans Are Rushed For Enlisting Big Army of Workers." The Christian Science Monitor [Boston] 31 Mar. 1933. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87127&rendition =x-articleimage&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B295885552&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3B PQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B295885552>. This is a newspaper article from The Christian Science Monitor on February 18, 1933. The article discussed the purpose and goals of the CCC and that Roosevelt had signed the Reforestation Bill that created the Civilian Conservation Corps. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show the goals of FDR and his attempts to help right America’s economic crisis by creating employment for many Americans as well as show the purpose and details of the CCC. Porter, Russell B. "TVA'S EMPIRE GROWS AMID CONTROVERSY." The New York Times 17 Apr. 1938: 01+. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87127&rendition =x-articleimage&start=26&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP %3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B96816312&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3BP QD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B96816312>. This is a newspaper article from The New York Times on April 17, 1938. The article was written during the TVA’s firth anniversary and discussed the original intentions and goals of the TVA and the accomplishments achieved throughout its first five years. The article also discussed about the future plans of the TVA as well. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show the original intentions and goals of the TVA and the accomplishments achieved throughout its first five years, as well as some of the TVA’s plans for the future. "President Starts Recovery Program, Signs Bank, Rail and Industry Bills; Wheat Growers Will Get $150,000,000." The New York Times 16 June 1933. On This Day. The New York Times. 13 Jan. 2009 <http://www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/big/0616.html#article>. This source is a newspaper article from June 16, 1933, the date FDR signed many acts as part of his new Deal program that were to help the situation of the Great Depression in America. The site not only contains a transcript of the article but a picture of the article in the newspaper it was published in. We used parts of this newspaper and pictures on our exhibit to help explain all of the steps including acts and administrations and agencies that were being created in order to help America’s great economic crisis. "Public Opinion On AAA." The Washington Post 05 Jan. 1936. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87128&rendition 9 NHD Work Cited =x-articleimage&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B240157302&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3B PQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B240157302>. This is a newspaper article from The Washington Post on January 5, 1936. The article discussed the public’s opinion of the AAA. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show that the AAA was thought very highly off and was believed to be a success. "PWA FUNDS BUILD 'USEFUL PROJECTS'" The New York Times 01 Dec. 1933. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87124&rendition =x-articleimage&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B90658172&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3BP QD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B90658172>. This is a newspaper article from The New York Times on December 1, 1933. The article discussed the progress, usefulness, and accomplishments of the PWA. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show some of the progress, usefulness, and accomplishments of the PWA which was helping communities across the U.S. and supplying employment to many citizens. "ROOSEVELT ACTS HERE TO PUT NRA INTO FULL SWING." The New York Times 04 Oct. 1933: 01+. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87124&rendition =x-articleimage&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B90638827&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3BP QD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B90638827>. This is a newspaper article from The New York Times on June 2, 1934. The article discussed the relief and actions taken by President Roosevelt to help aid people affected and living in the Midwest and other areas affected by the Dustbowl during the Great Depression. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show some of the actions taken by President Roosevelt to help aid people affected and living in the Midwest and areas affected by the Dustbowl. "ROOSEVET HAILS GOAL." The New York Times 17 June 1933. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87124&rendition =x-articleimage&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-article10 NHD Work Cited image%3B105145175&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3B PQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B105145175>. This is a newspaper article from The New York Times on June 17, 1933. The article discussed the purposes, goals, and setup of the National Recovery Administration the FDR had signed that day. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show some of the purposes, goals, and setup of the National Recovery Administration as one of the many actions taken by President Roosevelt to help aid people affected by the Great Depression in America. "Roosevelt Outlines Vast Benefits of Hoover Dam at Dedication." Los Angeles Times 01 Oct. 1935. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87127&rendition =x-articleimage&start=26&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP %3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B393922181&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3B PQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B393922181>. This is a newspaper article from the Los Angeles Times on October 1, 1935. The article discussed the benefits of the Hoover Dam and how the new dam would greatly affect industry and agriculture as well as safety in the surrounding and nearby areas. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show the benefits of the Hoover Dam and how the new dam would greatly affect industry and agriculture as well as safety in the surrounding and nearby areas as an action taken by President Roosevelt to help aid people affected by the Great Depression. "ROOSEVELT SETS SECURITY FOR HOMES, JOBS, OLD AGE AS NEW DEAL'S OBJECTIVES." The New York Times 09 June 1934: 01-02. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87125&rendition =x-articleimage&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B94539269&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3BP QD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B94539269>. This is a newspaper article from The New York Times on June 9, 1934. The article discussed the purpose, goals, and intentions, as well as the possible benefits of the social security for elders, homes, and employment. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show the purpose, goals, and intentions, as well as the possible benefits of the social security for elders, homes, and employment as one of the actions taken by President Roosevelt to help aid people affected in America by the Depression. "Roosevelt Shows His Skill In Making Congress Act." The Washington Post 20 Mar. 1933. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87123&rendition =x-article11 NHD Work Cited image&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B236521932&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3B PQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B236521932>. This is a newspaper article from The Washington Post on March 20, 1933. The article discussed that FDR’s great leadership and likeability has made Congress enact many laws which normally would have taken a much longer time. The article discussed FDR’s political tactics to make Congress work and like him. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show some that FDR’s great leadership and likeability has made Congress enact many laws which normally would have taken a much longer time, and how his political tactics to make Congress work and like him. "ROOSEVELT SIGNS FOREST JOBS BILL." The New York Times 01 Apr. 1933. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87123&rendition =x-articleimage&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B105122202&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3B PQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B105122202>. This is a newspaper article from The New York Times on April 1 1933. The article discussed that FDR had signed the Forest Jobs Bill creating the CCC and that the TVA was announced. The article also had an interview with Mr. Butler of the American Forestry Association where he praised the actions of FDR and the establishment of the CCC. We used the headline of this article to put onto our exhibit to show one the actions taken by President Roosevelt to help aid people affected by the Depression. "ROOSEVELT TO ASK 3 SOCIAL MEASURES." The New York Times 08 Jan. 1935. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87125&rendition =x-articleimage&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B93664485&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3BP QD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B93664485>. This is a newspaper article from The New York Times on January 8, 1935. The article outlined FDR’s plans and intentions, and goals of his social security program. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show FDR’s plans and intentions, and goals of his social security program. "Social Security Bill Is Signed; Gives Pensions to Aged, Jobless." The New York Times 15 Aug. 1935: 01+. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87125&rendition =x-articleimage&start=26&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP 12 NHD Work Cited %3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B93476203&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3BP QD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B93476203>. This is a newspaper article from The New York Times on August 15, 1935. The article discussed the scene of FDR signing the Social Security Bill into law and it also provided statements from FDR after signing the bill. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show that the FDR’s social security program was passed as well as his statements about how and what the program will do for Americans. Stuart, Robert Y. "NEW WORKLINES IN FORESTS REDUCE BREADLINES IN CITIES." The New York Times 09 Apr. 1933. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87127&rendition =x-articleimage&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B105124798&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3B PQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B105124798>. This is a newspaper article from The New York Times on April 9, 1933. The article discussed the success of the CCC and the accomplishments and projects being currently done. The article also outlined the CCC’s project goals and how the CCC operates. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show the success of the CCC and outline the CCC’s project goals. "Texts of Roosevelt Speeches Urging Public Operation of Power Plants." The New York Times 19 Nov. 1934. Historical Newspaper. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87127&rendition =x-articleimage&start=26&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP %3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B97143546&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3BP QD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B97143546>. This is a newspaper article from The New York Times on November 19, 1934. The article provided the transcript of FDR’s message to the people of Tupelo, Mississippi and Birmingham, Alabama on the success and change that the TVA has brought to the people and land of the Tennessee Valley. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show success and change that the TVA has brought to the people and land of the Tennessee Valley and that the citizens of this part of the country were extremely grateful and appreciative of the TVA’s accomplishments and work. “The N.R.A. Prosperity March.” The Depression and New Deal: A History In Documents. New York: Oxford UP, 2000. 51-51. This is The N.R.A. Prosperity March which was written when the NRA was established. The purpose was to advocate the importance of the new administration and 13 NHD Work Cited show that the NRA was a success. We used this march on out exhibit to show the popularity of the NRA and that people thought it was a great business aspect and was a big success to the American economy. Tuttie, Frederic B. "Idle Youth Given Haven With Nature." The Washington Post 11 Apr. 1937. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87127&rendition =x-articleimage&start=26&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP %3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B119701034&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3B PQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B119701034>. This is a newspaper article from The Washington Post on April 11, 1937. The article issued on the CCC’s fourth anniversary discussed the accomplishments and progress of the CCC’s first four years especially on its reforestation work and positive affect on the young Americans who worked on the CCC projects. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show some of the accomplishments and progress of the CCC’s first four years especially on its reforestation work and its affect on the men who worked for the CCC. Von Lewinski, Karl. "Social Utopia A Boomerang, Heiman Warns." The Washington Post 17 Feb. 1935. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87125&rendition =x-articleimage&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B251179812&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3B PQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B251179812>. This is a newspaper article from The New York Times on February 17, 1935. The article discussed the two views on the social security program and also discussed of the goals and intentions of the social security program as well as the positive increases in the life insurance business. The article outlined the recent success of several top life insurance companies after FDR’s social security program went into affect. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show the recent success of several top life insurance companies after FDR’s social security program went into affect. "WHEAT FORECAST DIPS 170,000,000 BU. UNDER AVERAGE." The New York Times 11 May 1934: 01+. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87118&rendition =x-articleimage&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B93626551&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3BP QD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B93626551>. 14 NHD Work Cited This is a newspaper article from The New York Times on May 11, 1934. The article discussed the conditions of the agriculture in the Midwest and how the drought has ravaged the area. The article also provided a detailed list of the condition and number of acres of farmland from 1919 to 1934. We used the headline of this article on our exhibit to show the affect that the drought had on American agriculture, the condition of American farmland, and how the Dustbowl helped cause the Depression. "WHITE HOUSE HAILS BANK REOPENINGS." The New York Times 14 Mar. 1933: 01+. Historical Newspapers. ProQuest Company. 18 Feb. 2009 <http://hn.bigchalk.com/hnweb/hn/do/document?set=topic&subtopicid=87131&rendition =x-articleimage&start=1&inmylist=false&urn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP% 3BPQD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-articleimage%3B99297868&mylisturn=urn%3Aproquest%3AUS%3BPQDOC%3BHNP%3BP QD%3BHNP%3BPROD%3Bx-citation%3B99297868>. This is a newspaper article from The New York Times on March 14, 1933. The article discussed the success of the bank reopening allowed by FDR and what these reopening will do to improve the American economy. We used a portion of this article to put onto our exhibit to show one of the actions taken by FDR, this one on banking to revive the economy, has become a great success. W.P.A. worker 81058. Letter to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 19 Feb. 1936. Down & Out in the Great Depression: Letters from the Forgotten Man. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina P, 1983. 226-26. This is a letter to FDR thanking him for everything that he has done to help aid the people affected by the Great Depression. We used this letter on our exhibit to show that people were very grateful for FDR’s actions of trying to help those affected by the Depression and to show that people were very grateful for his programs because they were a success. Secondary Sources: "A Photo Essay on the Great Depression." Welcome to English & laquo; Department of English, College of LAS, University of Illinois. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/depression/photoessay.htm>. This source provided us with many pictures from the Great Depression that depict the poverty associated with the economic decline. This source was helpful as we were able to use some of the pictures to place on our exhibit to help explain the situations present during this time in history. ABC-CLIO. "Background Essay." American Government. 2009. ABC-CLIO. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.americangovernment.abc-clio.com>. 15 NHD Work Cited This site provided a big article that discussed everything about the Great Depression. The article was very informational and provided details on many of the acts and government agencies that were established by FDR’s First and Second New Deal programs. We used this source as a resource for information and widening our own background on the Great Depression. "America From the Great Depression to World War II." American Memory from the Library of Congress. 15 Dec. 1998. 13 Jan. 2009 <http://lcweb2.loc.gov/fsowhome.html>. This source provides over 160,000 black and white and color pictures from the Great Depression that depicts the many aspects of the Great Depression. This source was helpful because we were able to use some of the pictures to place on our exhibit to help explain the situations present during this time in history. American History Documents II: 1930s: Emergency Banking Relief Act of 1933." 09 Apr. 2002. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://tucnak.fsv.cuni.cz/~calda/Documents/1930s/EmergBank_1933.html>. The source was a transcript of the Emergency Banking Relief Act of 1933. This act was established to help revive and protect the banks that were in extreme economic crisis during the Great Depression. This source was helpful to our project because it provided us with a background of the economic issues associated with the Depression. "About the Great Depression." Welcome to English & laquo; Department of English, College of LAS, University of Illinois. 15 Dec. 2008 <http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/depression/about.htm>. This website talks about the most economically hit areas of the Great Depression in the United States and elsewhere around the world and what was done to help each area. The source also explains why certain areas were affected more than others and it gave a summery of the Great Depression. We used this source as a resource for information and utilized parts of this source on our exhibit when trying to show the economically hit areas of the U.S. and the many economic problems caused by the Great Depression. "Americans React to the Great Depression." American Memory from the Library of Congress. 26 Sept. 2002. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://memory.loc.gov/learn/features/timeline/depwwii/depress/depress.html>. This is a website from the Library of Congress which discusses how American reacted to the Great Depression. This site also supplied links to documents about this topic in history. We used this source as a resource for information and utilized its content to understand how the Depression had an impact on U.S. citizens and their thoughts about the country’s state. "Art and Entertainment During the 1930s." American Memory from the Library of Congress. 26 Sept. 2002. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://memory.loc.gov/learn/features/timeline/depwwii/art/art.html>. 16 NHD Work Cited This is a website from the Library of Congress which discusses the progress of art and entertainment during the Great Depression. This site also supplied links to documents about this topic in history. We used this source as a resource for information and the links proved valuable when gathering pictures the progress of art and entertainment during the Great Depression for our exhibit. "Biography of Franklin D. Roosevelt." The White House. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/fr32.html>. This is a website from the White House that discusses the life of president Franklin Delano Roosevelt. It supplied quick facts as well as a detailed biography of his life. While it was primarily be used for reference, key facts about FDR's accomplishments and presidency were used on the biography section of the exhibit. Campbell, Dan. "When the lights came on." USDA Rural Development. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.rurdev.usda.gov/rbs/pub/aug00/light.htm>. This is a webpage from the government’s rural development website. This website provided three different articles about the crisis of rural development and the measures taken to help America’s rural development during the Great Depression. The articles contained important quotes as well. We used this source for informational purposes regarding the crisis of rural development and the measures taken to help America’s rural development during the Great Depression. "CCC Brief History." Civilian Conservation Corps Legacy. 02 Oct. 2008. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.ccclegacy.org/CCC_brief_history.htm>. This website discussed the history of the Civilian Conservation Corps which was run by the U.S. Army. It shows how the CCC was established and some of its achievements and duties. We used this source as a resource for information and utilized its content for further research on the CCC and some of its achievements and duties. "Chronology: The making of The New Deal." American Studies @ The University of Virginia. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://xroads.virginia.edu/~MA02/volpe/newdeal/timeline_text.html>. This is a webpage that contained a chronological timeline of the Great Depression. The timeline began in 1932 and continued to 1939. It was used to place some of the New Deal’s programs in chronological order on our exhibit. "Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)." Travel and History. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.u-shistory.com/pages/h1586.html>. This is a webpage that talks about the CCC history, when it was established and some of its achievements and duties. The site also provides some information about a few of the projects that the CCC took part in. There are pictures of the CCC as well. We used this source for information about the history of the Civilian Conservation Corps, when it was established and some of its achievements and duties as well as some of the projects that the CCC took part in. 17 NHD Work Cited "Document Library." New Deal Network. 13 Jan. 2009 <http://newdeal.feri.org/texts/subject.cfm>. This source contains hundreds of journals and articles from the Great Depression. We chose articles, quotes, letters, and journals from this source to use on our exhibit. "Dust Bowl During the Great Depression." American Memory from the Library of Congress. 26 Sept. 2002. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://memory.loc.gov/learn/features/timeline/depwwii/dustbowl/dustbowl.html>. This is a website from the Library of Congress which discusses the Dust Bowl during the 1930s in America where the Great Plains became waste land due to overgrazing by livestock and cultivation. This site also supplied links to documents about this topic in history. We used this source as a resource for information about the Dust Bowl during the 1930s. "FDR's First Inaugural Address." National Archives and Records Administration. 13 Jan. 2009 <http://www.archives.gov/education/lessons/fdr-inaugural/>. This source is a webpage summarizing FDR’s first Inaugural Address in which he makes reference to the economic problems of the Great Depression. Quotes will be taken from the direct address to use on the exhibit. The source also contains various pictures from the Great Depression. "Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA)." UW Libraries Digital Collections. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://content.lib.washington.edu/feraweb/essay.html>. This site provided a detailed essay about the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. The essay included the history, objectives, and operations of the administration, as well as pictures and quotes from the time. We used this source for information and on the history, objectives, and operations of the Federal Emergency Relief Administration. This in turn helped us find other sources to be directly used on the exhibit. "The Federal Housing Administration (FHA)." Homes and Communities - U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). 06 Sept. 2006. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.hud.gov/offices/hsg/fhahistory.cfm>. This Q & A from the U.S. Department of Housing and Development’s webpage provided information about the history, objectives, and operations of the Federal Housing Administration. We used this site as resource for information when learning about the Federal Housing Administration. "Franklin D. Roosevelt - The second new deal." Presidents: A Reference History. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.presidentprofiles.com/Grant-Eisenhower/Franklin-D-Roosevelt-Thesecond-new-deal.html>. This site provided an essay about FDR’s Second New Deal and all of the laws and government agencies that were passed at that time. The essay discussed about the 18 NHD Work Cited history, affects, and operations of each of the agencies it presented. We used this source to gain knowledge on FDR’s Second New Deal. "Franklin D. Roosevelt Biography." Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. 15 Dec. 2008 <http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/fdrbio.html>. This source is a webpage from the FDR Library and it provides a biography of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s life and achievements. We found this source useful when creating the biography section for our exhibit. "Franklin D. Roosevelt Image Gallery - American Presidents." The History Channel. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.history.com/presidents/fdr/images>. This source provides various pictures of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt throughout his life. We will used some of these pictures on our exhibit with our quick biography of FDR and when explaining what he did to help right the Great Depression. "Franklin Delano Roosevelt." Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library, Hyde Park NY. <http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/research.html>. This is an online database containing primary sources as well as secondary interpretations of FDR’s documents, letters and speeches. These interpretations were useful in explaining some of the various documents for our own knowledge. From there, we could better use the documents on our exhibit. Ganzel, Bill. "CCC, Civilian Conservation Corps." The Wessels Living History Farm, the Story of Agricultural Innovation. 2003. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.livinghistoryfarm.org/farminginthe30s/water_12.html>. This site provided information about the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). The site included information about the establishment of the CCC and its operations and objectives. Along with the information, pictures of the CCC are included along with a commentary by someone who was personally affected by the CCC. We used this source to better understand the purpose of the CCC and how effective it was. Kennedy, David M., Lizabeth Cohen, and Thomas A. Bailey. The American Pageant: A History of the Republic-Advanced Placement Edition. 13th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2006. This is The American Pageant text book. It provided extensive information on FDR’s presidency, the New Deal and many of its established laws and government administrations and agencies. The textbook also talked about banking, unemployment and bolstering employment, women, industry, labor, agriculture and farms, the Dust Bowl, business, TVA, housing and social security, and other aspects of this time in history. This source was used to get a broad understanding of the Great Depression, FDR’s presidency, the New Deal, banking, unemployment and bolstering employment, women, industry, labor, agriculture and farms, the Dust Bowl, business, TVA, housing and social security. 19 NHD Work Cited Marcuss, Rosemary D, and Richard E. Kane. U.S. national income and product statistics: born of the great depression and World War II. U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. <http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G1-161396368.html>. This online article contains statistics regarding the economic status of the American public during the Great Depression. These statistics, when we compared with those of later years, were useful in proving how FDR’s political accomplishments helped to solve the economic crisis of the Great Depression. Marcuss, Rosemary D., and Richard E. Kane. U.S. National Income and Product Statistics. Working paper. 32-46. This research article contains a great deal of statistics regarding the financial status of the United States in the years during and shortly after the Great Depression. The statistics were valuable on the final backboard when proving FDR’s influence on the US economy. McElvaine, Robert S., ed. Down and Out in the Great Depression: Letters from the Forgotten Man. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina P, 1983. This book contains hundreds of letters, quotes, and articles by Americans about the Great Depression and how it has affected their lives during the Great Depression. We chose articles, quotes, letters, and journals from this book to describe the situations of everyday people through the Great Depression. McElvaine, Robert S. The Depression and New Deal: A History in Documents. New York: Oxford UP, Incorporated, 2000. This book contains many letters, quotes, and articles by Americans about the Great Depression and how it has affected their lives during the Great Depression. The book also extensively discusses many of the aspects of the Great Depression; social, political, diplomatic, and economic characteristics. We chose articles, quotes, letters, and journals from this book to help prove our thesis. Mr. Greifer. Letter to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Letter to President Roosevelt. 11 July 2003. American Histories, 1936-1940. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://memory.loc.gov/learn/features/timeline/depwwii/depress/letter.html>. This source provides a letter to FDR that was written during the Great Depression. The letter praises FDR for his good work in trying to solve the country’s problems. We used this source as background knowledge on what people thought of government’s policies, new laws and acts, and agencies and administrations were working to help write the country’s economic crisis. Nardo, Don, ed. The Great Depression. San Diego: Greenhaven P, Incorporated, 2000. This book contains many letters, quotes, and articles by Americans about the Great Depression and how it has affected their lives during the Great Depression. The book also extensively discusses many of the aspects of the Great Depression including 20 NHD Work Cited how it impacted society, FDR’s political actions, and the New Deal. We chose quotes from this source to add to our exhibit. National Industrial Recovery Act (1933). Our Documents. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc_large_image.php?flash=true&doc=66>. This source provides two pictures, one of the actual National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 and one picture of a poster of the NRA. We used these pictures on our exhibit when explaining how the government tried to help the Great Depression and when talking about the NRA and National Industrial Recovery Act itself. "National Industrial Recovery Act (1933)." OurDocuments.gov. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?doc=66>. This site provided information about the establishment of the National Industrial Recovery Act, why it was established, and what the act called for. The act was passed to help revive the U.S.’s economy during the Great Depression and focused on industry. We used this source to better understand the National Industrial Recovery Act, which helped us when compiling information on to the exhibit. "NATIONAL INDUSTRIAL RECOVERY ACT." The History Channel. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.history.com/encyclopedia.do?articleId=217361>. This site provided information about the establishment of the National Industrial Recovery Act, why it was established, and what the act called for. Lastly, the site included information about how politicians and citizens reacted and thought of the new act. The act was passed to help revive the U.S.’s economy during the Great Depression and focused on industry. We used this source as a resource for information, with parts of this source helping when we want to discuss the establishment of the National Industrial Recovery Act, why it was established, and what the act called for, and how politicians and citizens reacted to it. "National Labor Relations Act." NLRB :: National Labor Relations Board. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.nlrb.gov/about_us/overview/national_labor_relations_act.aspx>. The source is a transcript of the National Labor Relations Act of 1935. This act was established to help the rights of workers throughout the U.S. during the Great Depression. This source was helpful to our project because we were able to use this source as common knowledge about some of the acts passed during the Great Depression. Nelson, Cary. A Photo Essay of the Great Depression. Rep. This photo essay of the Great Depression contains valuable photographs of the recession’s effects on the public. "New Deal." American Government. 2009. ABC-CLIO. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.americangovernment.abc-clio.com>. This site consists of large article discussing a wide variety of characteristics of the Great Depression. There article was very informational and provided details on many of 21 NHD Work Cited the acts and government agencies that were established by FDR’s First New Deal program. We used this source to determine several of the important agencies established by FDR as well as which ones proved to be more effective in strengthening the economy. Nishi, Dennis. Life During the Great Depression. San Diego: Lucent Books, 1998. This book contains many of letters, quotes, and articles by Americans about the Great Depression and how it has affected their lives during the Great Depression. We were able to use certain articles and quotes for our exhibit. "Our Documents: Franklin Roosevelt's Address Announcing the Second New Deal." Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/od2ndnd.html>. This site provides information about FDR’s Second New Deal program as well as a very brief background on his First New Deal. Some of the political moves that were included in FDR’s Second New Deal program included the establishment of the Social Security Act, the Wagner Act, and the WPA. We used this source for information on FDR’s Second New Deal. "Our Documents: Franklin Roosevelt's Address Announcing the Second New Deal." Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/od2ndst.html>. This site provides the transcript of Roosevelt's Address Announcing the Second New Deal. Some of the political moves that were included in FDR’s Second New Deal program included the establishment of the Social Security Act, the Wagner Act, and the WPA. We used parts of this transcript to gain knowledge about the status of the country at the time of the Second New Deal during the Great Depression and what FDR was proposing to do to help. "Our Documents: Franklin Roosevelt's Statement on Signing the Social Security Act." Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/odssast.html>. This site provides the transcript of Roosevelt’s statement on signing the Social Security Act. We used parts of this transcript to gain knowledge about the Social Security Act and the status of the country’s unemployed and employed citizens. "Our Documents: Franklin Roosevelt's Statement on the National Industrial Recovery Act." Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/odnirast.html>. This site provides the transcript of Roosevelt’s statement on signing the National Industrial Recovery Act. We use parts of this transcript to gain knowledge about the National Industrial Recovery Act and the status of the country’s revival of industry. 22 NHD Work Cited "Our Documents: Message to Congress on the Tennessee Valley Authority." Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/odtvaco.html>. This site provides the transcript of a message to Congress on the Tennessee Valley Authority and the true intensions of its establishment and the authority’s power and objectives. This source was helpful to our project because we were able to gain knowledge about the TVA and the true intensions of its establishment and the authority’s power and objectives. "Our Documents: National Industrial Recovery Act." Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/odnira.html>. This site provided information about the establishment of the National Industrial Recovery Act, why it was established, and what the act called for. The act was passed to help revive the U.S.’s economy during the Great Depression and focused on industry. This source also discussed the objectives and impact of the National Recovery Administration and the Public works Administration. We used this source for information on the establishment of the National Industrial Recovery Act, why it was established, and what the act called for as well as its the objectives and impact. "Our Documents: Photos of The Tennessee Valley Authority." Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. 13 Jan. 2009 <http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/odtvaph.html>. This source provides several black and white pictures of the TVA. "Our Documents: Social Security Act Photos." Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. 13 Jan. 2009 <http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/odssaph.html>. This source provides several black and white pictures of dealing with the Social Security Act. We used some of these pictures on our exhibit when explaining how the government tried to help the Great Depression and when talking about the Social Security Act and its impact. "Our Documents: The National Labor Relations Act (The Wagner Act)." Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/odnlra.html>. This site provided information about the establishment of the National Labor Relations Act, why it was established, and what the act called for. The act was established to give labor unions more freedom. Along with this, this source also discussed briefly about the National Labor Relations Board. We used this source as a resource for information when we wanted to discuss the establishment of the National Labor Relations Act, why it was established, and what the act called for and when discussing the National Labor Relations Board. "Our Documents: The Social Security Act." Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/odssa.html>. 23 NHD Work Cited This site provided information about the establishment of the Social Security Act, why it was established, and what the act called for. The act was passed to help the elderly with financial means. This source also discussed the objectives and impact of the Committee on Economic Security. We used this source as a resource for information when we wanted to discuss the establishment of the Social Security Act, why it was established, and what the act called for and when discussing the objectives and impact of the Committee on Economic Security. "Our Documents: The Tennessee Valley Authority." Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/odtva.html>. This site provided information about the establishment of the Tennessee Valley Authority Act, why it was established, and what the act called for. The act established the Tennessee Valley Authority which was created to deal with projects in the Tennessee Valley area. This source also discussed the objectives and impact of the TVA. We referred to this source when we discussed the establishment of the Tennessee Valley Authority Act, why it was established, and what the act called for, and the objectives and impact on society and the progress of the Depression. "Photo Library." New Deal Network. 13 Jan. 2009 <http://newdeal.feri.org/library/default.cfm>. This source provides hundreds of black and white and color pictures from the Great Depression that depict the many aspects of the Great Depression. This source was helpful because we were able to use some of the pictures to place on our exhibit to help explain the situations present during this time in history. "Photographs of the Great Depression." 20th Century History. 13 Jan. 2009 <http://history1900s.about.com/library/photos/blyindexdepression.htm>. This source provides many black and white and color pictures from the Great Depression that depict the many aspects of the Great Depression including the CCC, farms, the unemployed, soup kitchens, relocation, women and children, dust storms, and migration, and the life during the Great Depression. This source was helpful because we were able to use some of the pictures to place on our exhibit to help explain the situations present during this time in history. President Franklin Roosevelt's Radio Address unveiling the second half of the New Deal (1936). Our Documents-resident Franklin Roosevelt's Radio Address unveiling the second half of the New Deal (1936). 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc_large_image.php?doc=69>. This source provides two pictures of FDR’s actual speech he read during his radio address where he announced his Second New Deal to America. This was useful to us since it helped explain FDR’s motives and plans for the Second New Deal. This helped us when assessing how effective FDR’s political actions were. "Rural Electrification." New Deal Network. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://newdeal.feri.org/tva/tva10.htm>. 24 NHD Work Cited This site not only provided brief information about TVA, but it focused on the establishment of the Rural Electric Administration why it was established, and what the act called for. The REA was created to bring electricity to the Tennessee Valley area. This source also discussed the objectives and impact of the Electric Home and Farm Authority that was established by the TVA. The source provides quotes and pictures as well. We used this source as a reference when we compiled information about the Tennessee Valley authority and rural electrification onto our exhibit board. Schneck, Robert. "The Great Depression." Font of CyberEconomics. 13 Jan. 2009 <http://ingrimayne.com/econ/EconomicCatastrophe/GreatDepression.html>. This website contained discussed the unemployment rates, country’s GNP’s, and other economic statistics and facts throughout the Great Depression. It also gave reasoning to why some of these problems occurred. The site provided charts and graphs that made it easy to see the changes of the economic crisis during this time in history. We used this source as a resource for information and utilized some of the content on our exhibit especially when we discussed the unemployment rates, country’s GNP’s, and other economic statistics and facts throughout the Great Depression. Additionally it proved useful for the reasoning as to why some of these problems during the economic crisis of the Great Depression. "Shmoop: The Great Depression Statistics." Shmoop Literature: Summary, Analysis, Themes, Characters, Paper. 13 Jan. 2009 <http://www.shmoop.com/did-you-know/history/us/thegreat-depression/statistics.html>. This website contains dozens of statistics and fun facts related to the Great Depression. These statistics included such topics as unemployment rates, the country’s GDP and other important economic figures. Some of these were used on the exhibit to compare the United States’ economic status during the Great Depression to after the political actions of FDR took effect. Simkin, John. "Franklin Roosevelt." Spartacus Educational. 13 Jan. 2009 <http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/USArooseveltF.htm>. This is a website containing facts about FDR’s life in a timeline format. These facts and dates helped when compiling information into a biography section on FDR. The site also contains quotes from FDR and his cabinet members and interviews conducted about FDR, which were useful in addressing FDR’s political effectiveness. Social Security Act (1935). Our Documents- Social Security Act (1935). 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc_large_image.php?doc=68>. This source provides two pictures, one of the actual Social Security Act of 1935 and one picture of unemployed citizens applying for jobs and filling out benefit forms. We used these pictures on our exhibit when explaining how the government tried to help the Great Depression and when talking about the Social Security Act itself. Smiley, Gene. "Great Depression." Library of Economics and Liberty. 13 Jan. 2009 <http://www.econlib.org/library/Enc/GreatDepression.html>. 25 NHD Work Cited This is an article by an expert economist describing the causes, outcomes as well as the country’s economic status during the Great Depression. This information was valuable as it helped us understand exactly how each administration or act helped the nation’s economy. "Social Security Act." OurDocuments.gov. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?doc=68>. This site provided information about the establishment of the Social Security Act, why it was established, and what the act called for. The act was passed to create benefits for the elderly and it supplied unemployment insurance, and aid for dependant citizens. This source also discussed the objectives and impact of the Social Security Board. We used this interpretation as informational source for our exhibit, referring to it when discussing the establishment of the Social Security Act, why it was established, what the act called for, and the objectives and impact of the Social Security Board. Tennessee Valley Authority Act (1933). Our Documents. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc_large_image.php?doc=65>. This provides two pictures, one of the actual Tennessee Valley Authority Act of 1933 and one picture of the Douglas Dam which was a TVA project. "Tennessee Valley Authority Act (1933)." OurDocuments.gov. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?doc=65#>. This site provided information about the establishment of the Tennessee Valley Authority Act, why it was established, and what the act called for. The act established the Tennessee Valley Authority which was created to deal with projects in the Tennessee Valley area. This source also discussed the objectives and impact of the TVA. We used this source as a resource for information in regards to Tennessee Valley Authority Act, why it was established, and what the act called for, and the objectives and impact of the TVA. "The American Experience | Surviving The Dust Bowl | People & Events | The Great Depression." PBS. 15 Dec. 2008 <http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/dustbowl/peopleevents/pandeAMEX05.html>. This is a part of an article from the PBS website that talked about how the Great Depression was caused and the political measures that were taken to try to right the immense economic crisis in America (aspects of the New Deal program), Black Sunday on April 14, 1935, why many farmers abandoned their farms and property during the Great Depression, the massive drought and Dust Bowl during the Great Depression, about FDR’s political actions during the Great Depression and many of the aspects and results of the different acts and government agencies that were established as part of the New Deal Program, and the Works Progress Administration was discussed. It is a continuing article onto other web pages which covered different topics of the Great Depression. The source was helpful for our project as it provided us with a great deal of information from which we could branch out of. 26 NHD Work Cited The American Presidency Project. 13 Jan. 2009 <http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?month=&year=1933>. This source provides tons of transcripts of FDR’s speeches and announcements during his terms as president during the Great Depression. After looking through these transcripts, we were able to gain much needed knowledge about the status of the country during the Great Depression and what the federal government did to try to fix the economic and social problems. "The Depression in the U.S.--An Overview." Welcome to English &laquo; Department of English, College of LAS, University of Illinois. 15 Dec. 2008 <http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/depression/overview.htm>. This site provided extensive information about many aspects of the Great Depression in America. First, the site discussed about the Great Depression in general. It then moved on to discuss FDR and the New Deal. Continuing on, the site then talked about unemployment, agriculture, industry, and labor. It finished off with a discussion about the Second New Deal and the beginnings of WWII. The site provided some quotes from FDR. We used this source as a resource for information; broadening our knowledge of the Great Depression in general, FDR and the New Deal, unemployment, agriculture, industry, and labor, and Second New Deal. The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers. "Franklin D. Roosevelt." Teaching Eleanor Roosevelt, ed. by Allida Black, June Hopkins, et. al. (Hyde Park, New York: Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site, 2003). 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.nps.gov/archive/elro/glossary/rooseveltfranklin.htm>. This is a biography of FDR’s life and work as a politician, especially as president of the United States from the National Park Service website. We used the contents of this source when we discussed the key facts about FDR's accomplishments and presidency in the biography section of our exhibit. The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers. "The Great Depression." Teaching Eleanor Roosevelt, ed. by Allida Black, June Hopkins, et. al. (Hyde Park, New York: Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site, 2003). 15 Dec. 2008 <http://www.nps.gov/archive/elro/glossary/greatdepression.htm>. This webpage from the National Park Service provided a small article about the Great Depression. Along with a description of the events of the Great Depression, the article also included some pictures and economic facts of the economic status of the country during the 1930s. We used this webpage as a resource for information for a better understanding of key event during the Great Depression and the economic status of the country during the 1930s. The Eleanor Roosevelt Papers. "Public Works Administration." Teaching Eleanor Roosevelt, ed. by Allida Black, June Hopkins, et. al. (Hyde Park, New York: Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site, 2003). 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.nps.gov/archive/elro/glossary/pwa.htm>. 27 NHD Work Cited This webpage from the National Park Service provided a small article about the Public Works Administration (WPA) which was established to help bolster jobs and increases public welfare. The site discusses the actions and history of this government agency which was established in 1933. The site also included a picture of one of the WPA’s projects. We used this source for information on WPA and for the history of its accomplishments. "The Great Depression and New Deal, 1929-1940s." IWS.CCCCD.EDU - Faculty Web site Directory. 13 Jan. 2009 <http://iws.ccccd.edu/kwilkison/Online1302home/20th%20Century/DepressionNewDeal. html>. This source contains a background summary on the Great Depression and includes photographs, quotes and economic statistics from the time period. The statistics helped us to understand how each piece of legislation passed by FDR affected the economy. "Timelines of the Great Depression." Tom Huppi. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.huppi.com/kangaroo/Timeline.htm>. This is a webpage containing a chronological timeline of the Great Depression. The timeline began in the 1920s and continued to 1945. This site also included an economic timeline of the Great Depression as well. These were used to help organize our information on the exhibit chronologically. "Transcript of National Industrial Recovery Act (1933)." OurDocuments.gov. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?doc=66&page=transcript>. This source provides a transcript of the National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933. We used parts of this transcript on our exhibit when trying to explain about the National Industrial Recovery Act and the status of the country’s revival of industry. "Transcript of Social Security Act (1935)." OurDocuments.gov. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?doc=68&page=transcript>. This site provides the transcript of the Social Security Act. We used parts of this transcript on our exhibit when trying to explain about the Social Security Act and the status of the country’s unemployed and employed citizens. "Transcript of Tennessee Valley Authority Act (1933)." OurDocuments.gov. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?doc=65&page=transcript>. This source provides a transcript of the Tennessee Valley Authority. This source was helpful to our project because we used parts of the transcript on our exhibit to better explain about the TVA and the true intensions of its establishment and the authority’s power and objectives. "TVA: The Enduring Legacy." Tennessee Valley Authority. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.tva.gov/heritage/fdr/index.htm>. 28 NHD Work Cited This site from the TVA website described the history of the establishment of the TVA and how it came to be. We used this site as a resource for information in regards to the Tennessee Valley Authority and found it quite useful when interpreting its economic effects. Van Giezen, Robert, and Albert E. Schwenk. "Compensation from before World War I through the Great Depression." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. 30 Jan. 2003. 15 Dec. 2008 <http://www.bls.gov/opub/cwc/cm20030124ar03p1.htm>. This article from the U.S. Department of Labor talks about the economic features of the Great Depression. The article includes charts that show the progress of unemployment rates, wages, and union member rates throughout the Great Depression. The article extensively talked about all of these economic topics. We found it helpful when discussing the economic characteristics of the Great Depression including unemployment rates, wages, and union member rates throughout the Great Depression. "WORK PROJECTS ADMINISTRATION." The History Channel. 11 Jan. 2009 <http://www.history.com/encyclopedia.do?articleId=226129>. This source is an article on the History Channel website about the Works Project Administration which was established to replace the FERA. The article explains what the WPA did, why it was established, and how it impacted the Great Depression. Along with this, the article also explained a little about the FERA as well. This source was helpful when gathering background on what the WPA did, why it was established, and how it impacted the Great Depression. 29