2 - Suffolk County Community College





Read the questions carefully and select the best answer of the choices given and record your answers on the answer sheet.

Multiple Choice (2 pts)

1 In plants, eggs (ova) are produced by ____ a) ovule b) pollen grain c) the stigma d) anther e) filament

2. In flowering plants, pollen is released from the___ and binds to the _____ a) anther; stigma c) carpel ; sepal b) pollen tube; anther d) anther; filament

3. In flowering plants, the pollen grain: a) Produces two diploid gametes and a haploid pollen tube b) Produces one generative cell and a tube cell by meiosis c) By mitosis produces two sperm nuclei and one tube cell nucleus d) is easily dehydration

4. Which of the following is a true statement concerning angiosperms?

a) two sperms fertilize the egg; another combines with the polar nuclei b) sperm cells have flagella for locomotion to reach the egg c) the gametophyte is diploid and undergoes mitosis d) one sperm fertilizes the polar nuclei giving a triploid endosperm

5. In the life cycle of an angiosperm, germination is due to: a) increase in the production of gibberillic acid in the seed b) increase in water and osmotic pressure within the seed c) appropriate environmental conditions to allow for the seed coat to be broken d) all of the above

6. The endosperm: a) contains nutrients and is diploid b) lacks nutrients but is used to prevent dehydration of the seed c) may be absorbed by the cotyledons or digested by enzymes to provide nutrients d) is produced in the anther

7. The radicle of a plant embryo gives rise to the: a) leaves b) cotyledon c) stem d) root e) style

8. Sexual reproduction:

a) is most advantageous when the environment is stable b) increases genetic variation c) decrease genetic variation d) produces clones e) all of the above

9. Parthenogenesis occurs in some insects and is when a) an organism produces both sperm and egg b) regenerate of missing parts occurs by meiosis c) an egg develops into an embryo without a sperm d) an organism is first male then a female

10 In animal embryos, the yolk: a) is the site of stored nutrients b) is only found in bird eggs c) is the site of stored nitrogenous wastes d) is not found in frog and bird eggs but not mammalian eggs e) is converted to cotyledons

11. Birds produce amniotic eggs: a) for protection during internal development b) for protection from dehydration c) because they have embryonic development in an aquatic environment d) for external fertilization e) all of the above

12. The chorion is used for: a) gas exchange with the envirornment through the bird’s egg shell b) in the mammalian embryo for nutrient/waste exchange with the mother c) the formation of the placenta in placental mammals d) all of the above

13. Which is NOT an accurate description of the vertebrate male reproductive system? a) semen consists of sperm produced in the testes and seminal fluid produced by the prostate and seminal vesicles b) the urethera transports semen and urine at different times c) the testes in warm-blooded vertebrates are located in the abdominal cavity d) male sex hormone, testosterone is produced by the testes e) pituitary hormones FSH & LH regulate reproduction

14. Oogenesis (egg production) involves meiosis and the production of: a) 4 ova with equal cytoplasmic divisions c) 2 ova within the follicle cell b) 1 ovum and three polar bodies d) 3 ova and 1 polar body


15. In mammals, fertilization occurs in ______ and development occurs in ______ a) the uterus; the vagina b) the oviduct; the vagina e) none of the above c) the oviduct; the uterus d) the ovary; the uterus

16. Which accurately describes hormonal control of reproduction in animals? a) pituitary gland controls the hypothalamus which releases estrogen b) the hypothalamus regulates the pituitary gland which regulates the gonads c) the gonads contain neural tissue that stimulates the hypothalamus d) all hormones affecting reproduction are produced by the gonads e) none of the above

17. Which of the following is a function of the acrosome during fertilization? a) blocks polyspermy b) penetration of the egg by the sperm c) propels the sperm d) trigger meiosis in spermatogenesis

18. Which of the following is a function of Cleavage in an animal embryo? a) produces cells for differentiation b) restores the somatic cell size of the diploid cell c) produces an embryo with smaller cells than the fertilized egg d) increases the ratio of surface area to volume of the cells e) all of the above

19. Which developmental sequence (from first to last) is correct? a) cleavage, , blastula, gastrula b) gastrula, cleavage, blastula c) cleavage, zygote, gastrula d) blastula, gastrula, cleavage e) none of the above

20. After gastrulation, the germ layer that is closest to the future gut (archenteron) is the: a) meristem b) endoderm c) ectoderm d)mesoderm e) none of the above

21. Which of the following is mismatched ? a) mesoderm – notochord – organization of the embryo b) endoderm – archenteron – lining of the gut c) ectoderm – neural tube – formation of the nervous system d) ectoderm – somites – formation of the urinary system

22. Which of the following is present in avian embryonic development but not placental mammalian embryonic development? a) amnion producing amniotic fluid to surround the embryo b) yolk sac c) shell membrane d) allantois for nitrogenous wastes


23 Apical dominance ensures that a) primary growth to increase height b) plants become bushy (lateral growth) c) gray crescent produces the neural tissue d) secondary growth occurs

24. Most of the water and minerals taken up from the soil by a plant are absorbed by : a) taproots b) root hairs c) storage roots d) phloem in the leaves

25.Which of the following plant tissues are correctly matched to their functions? a) vascular – producing xylem & phloem b) meristematic – undifferentiated cells producing new growth c) mesoderm – producing ground tissue

d) epidermal – producing protective outer covering

26. Cells that regulate gas exchange through the pores on the leaf are called: a) xylem cells c) phloem cells b) stomata d) vascular cells e) guard cells

27. Indeterminate , life-long growth in plants is due to which of the following ? a) meristems b) taproots c) flowers d) phloem

28. Monocots have ____________, while dicots have ____________. a) parallel veins in the leaves; net veins b) fibrous roots; taproots c) one cotyledon in the seed; two cotyledons in the seed d) all of the above

29. Which macronutrient(s) will the plant use to form proteins and nucleic acids? a) Carbon b) Hydrogen c) Nitrogen d) a & b e) all of the above

30. Secondary growth in plants: a) causes growth rings in trees c) causes apical dominance d) only exists in avascular plants b) uses non-meristem cells e) all of the above

31. Mineral micronutrients: a) are required in large amounts and makeup all organic molecules in plant tissue b) are not required by plants and can be produced in photosynthesis c) are used as cofactors in enzymatic reactions d) include nitrogen; carbon & oxygen e) all of the above

32. A soil with air spaces would provide: a) Oxygen for cellular respiration in the root b) Anion exchange site c) Nitrogen for plants other than legumes d) all of the above


33. Which soil mineral is most likely to be leached away due to a hard rain? a) Na+ b) K+ c) Ca++ d) NO



34. Which of the following is a true statement concerning Insulin? a) It is a hormone released from the pancreas when the blood glucose level is high b) Insulin lowers the blood glucose level by increasing the movement of glucose into cells and the storage of glucose as glycogen and fats c) Insulin works with Glucagon, an antagonistic hormone to regulate blood glucose levels d) all of the above e) none of the above

35. The mutualistic association between plants and fungi to increase root development is: a) Rhizobium infection b) Mycorrhizae c) Nitrogen fixation d) Not present in land plants e) All of the above

36. Carnivorous plants have evolved mechanisms that compensate for soil that has a relatively low content of: a) Carbon b) water c) nitrogen d) phosphate e) potassium

37. Some nutrients are considered “essential” in the diets of certain animals because: a) only those animals use the nutrients b) they cannot be manufactured by the organism c) they are coenzymes d) only some foods contain them e) they are subunits of a polymer

38. If caloric consumption is less than caloric expenditure, then: a) fuel will be stored as protein b) the animal will lose weight c) glucose will be stored as glycogen and converted to fats d) the animal is an autotroph e) all of the above

39. Mechanical digestion _______ while Chemical digestion ____________. a) increases surface area; produces smaller molecules b) is hydrolysis; is dehydration synthesis c) only occurs in the mouth; only occurs in the stomach d) is done outside of the gut; occurs inside the gut e) all of the above

40. Which of the following has a gastrovascular cavity not an alimentary canal? a) earthworm b) hydra c) mammal d) sponge e) bird


41. In which group of animals would you expect to find a relative long cecum and teeth for grinding? a) carnivores b) herbivores c) autotrophs d) all of the above e) none of the above

42. In an animal with an alimentary canal _____ precedes absorption. a) elimination c) hydrolysis d) all of the above e) none of the above b) secretion

43. The layer closest to the lumen (where the food is located) in the alimentary canal is the: a) serosa b) muscualris c) mucosa d) submucosa e) phloem


(6 pts) 1. Evolution of plants required modification in structures allowing them to survive in a terrestrial (land) environment. a) Describe the roles of roots and stems in plant evolution. b) Describe symbiosis in the Nitrogen cycle and explain its importance in plant survival.

( 8 pts) 2. Terrestrial Animals have challenges in sexual reproduction and development. a) Describe how animals have evolved to deal with the problem of reproducing ( fertilization and development) in a terrestrial (land) environment. b) Be sure to contrast internal vs. external fertilization and development and the advantages/disadvantages of each.

