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Senior Data Analyst
Applications are invited for the above full time post in Systems Administration in the
Registrar’s Office. Working under the direction of the Systems Administrator, the
appointee will manage the process of data validation in conjunction with Office
Heads. S/he will be responsible for preparing statutory returns to the Higher
Education Authority (HEA), including student Full Time Equivalents (FTEs), from
data held in the student information system (supplied by Integrated Tertiary Software
(ITS)). The post holder will be required to work closely with the HEA as well as
internally with central offices and academic units in successfully discharging the
responsibilities of this post.
The successful candidate will have an honours primary degree and/or a postgraduate
qualification in the IT area. He/she will have 3 years relevant administrative
experience preferably in a third level institution. It will be essential to demonstrate
experience in extracting data from large databases. Excellent analytical and
interpersonal skills, good communication skills and high level organisational ability
will be required. Knowledge of reporting tools such as Oracle Discover/Toad Quest
Software/Brio Explorer will be essential as well as experience of using XML.
Interface with the Higher Education Authority (HEA)
 Responsibility for student statistical returns to the HEA including the
provision of control systems.
 UCC representative dealing with the HEA on new data requirements.
 Maintain data translation tables.
 Assign International Standard Codes of Education (ISCED) to programmes
and subjects. Negotiate with HEA and colleges/schools/departments with
reference to these assignments.
 Prepare and upload files to the HEA student records system.
 Prepare all other returns to the HEA e.g. postgraduate and undergraduate
 Prepare reports and documentation as required by HEA audits and follow up
issues arising.
 Prepare ad hoc reports for the HEA e.g. reassessment of unit cost using
previous year’s data.
 Prepare reports for input into Recurrent Grant Allocation Model
(RGAM).e.g. Student Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) by programme and
price group.
 Respond to issues and queries raised by HEA.
Government departments
 Prepare returns related to undergraduate ESF funded programmes for
Department of Education and Science (DES)/HEA.
 Meet with EU auditors re undergraduate and postgraduate funded skills
National University of Ireland (NUI)
Provide graduate returns to the NUI by subject and level.
Student Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) and Resource Allocation Module (RAM)
 Responsibility for the calculation of Student FTEs.
 Ensure that FTE extract program from ITS for staff portal is working
correctly. Update data structures for non-modular programmes.
 Ensure that all module/subject splits for modular and research programmes
are set up on ITS.
 Ensure that FTE allocations per year of study, category of student are
 Liaise with departments, placement officers re allocation of projects and
 Liaise with Finance department on issues relating to interface between FTEs
and the Resource Allocation Model (RAM).
 Advise on the calculation of FTEs and meet Heads of Departments to
discuss same.
 Prepare additional ad hoc reports for HEA/Finance dept/Heads of
 Specify for Computer Centre additional FTE reports for publication on the
Staff Portal.
University Management and Strategic Planning
 Prepare student projections required for operational purposes and strategic
Quality of Data
 Manage the validation of student data.
 Liaise with Heads of Office with respect to “ownership” of data fields.
 Advise offices on validation procedures to be followed.
Liaise with appropriate departments concerning new codes and argue case
for change e.g. new category for EU funded non EU research students.
Assist in the transfer of reports from Systems Administration to Admissions,
SREO, QA/QI etc.
Any Other Duties
 Any other duties required by Registrar or nominee.