Session Minutes 8-25-14 - Bellevue Presbyterian Church

1717 Bellevue Way Northeast
Bellevue, WA 98004-2853
August 25, 2014
The Session gathered for an Executive Session at 5:45 PM in S150.
The Moderator Kendy Easley called the regular monthly meeting of the Session to order
with prayer by Emily Mitchell in room S141 at Bellevue Presbyterian Church at 7:15 pm.
Brian Lindgren gave his Lay Witness, followed by a prayer and worship time. The
meeting had been preceded by a fast. A quorum was present.
Ruling Elders Present: Aeschbacher, Blake, Carpenter, de Vries, Fortin, Garza,
Lindgren, Los, Metz, O’Brian, Satterlee, Stone, Stratton, Taylor
Ruling Elders Absent/Excused: Bohling
Ministers Present: Easley, Mann, Renshaw, Robeson and VanHorn
Ministers Absent/Excused: Dudley, Leatherberry, Rood, Smith Patman
Others Present: Linda Mauzy, Clerk, Nancy Eastham, Admin Assistant to Senior Pastor;
Scott Burbank, Church Business Administrator; Pastoral Residents: Annie Duncan,
Emily Mitchell and Daniel Triller; Collin Bennett, Center House Associate; Mona Chicks,
Admin Assistant, Caring Ministries; Megan Valdee, Volunteer Coordinator, Caring
Ministries; Taylor Hallgrimson, Intern
Ministry Reports
1. Caring Ministries (others to follow after Pastor’s Report)
1. Staff Highlights. Danna introduced Megan Valdee, Volunteer Coordinator, and
Mona Chicks, Administrative Assistant. Megan and Mona focusing on the
experience of the Holy Spirit through prayer. Steve Aeschbacher is doing a 9month Seminary Internship. Pat LaBaron is our Parish Associate and serves as
Chaplain and gives bereavement support. See Annual Report handout.
2. Homebound Support Ministry, serves people no longer able to come, or for a
season cannot come to church. There are 18 homebound ministers – they are
deacons and elders who serve communion. 31 sites served every 2 months.
There is a need is to increase the number of Homebound Ministers as bringing
the church home to people is life changing for those served and those serving.
3. Anointing Prayer ministry has a team of 71 ministers who each serve 3x a year.
Megan keeps a record of numbers; they are increasing as people see how
frequently it is offered. We have a need to fill 14 open positions. AP leadership
provides recruiting, training, and staffing. Megan feels there is a barrier to
increasing the number of people seeking prayer and we may have plateaued. We
want prayer to be integrated in worship; we want to be a praying church. Danna
asked session for ideas about how to increase both numbers of ministers and
people who are coming up. Colin Robeson reported Re:New leaders were on
Anointing Prayer teams and felt blessed by it.
4. Memorial services and weddings spread the gospel to unbelievers. The
challenge is for space as the needs arise. The Memorial Garden is a wonderful
way to remember a loved one. Every memorial service has a visual
presentation, often with music. Light prevents quality viewing of screens. We
need to deal with and apply technology. Air conditioning is a challenge in the
afternoon for weddings. Danna recommends we apply funds for air conditioning
when we have the next capital campaign.
5. Danna noted that seniors programs are not well attended. The demographic is
active and not coming regularly. We can serve by extending communities offsite.
Pastor’s Report/ Word on the Street
1. Candidate for Ministry – Collin Bennett
Colin Robeson introduced Collin Bennett as a Candidate for Ministry. Session’s
role in this shared process is to begin a new relationship with Collin; we discern
his relationship with Christ, his gifts and readiness for ministry. Collin felt called
to be a pastor from age 11. He feels that his gifts match up with a particular call
to love the unlovable. Collin has been a Center House Associate, and other
intern roles at BelPres. Colin Robeson, who has guided and helped Collin in
discernment, will serve as Session Liaison. Collin is excited to be moving away to
study at Fuller in Pasadena.
MSP approving that Collin Bennett be taken under care of the Session of
Bellevue Presbyterian Church, and recommended that the Presbytery of
Seattle’s Committee for Preparation in Ministry enroll him as an Inquirer seeking
2. Family Life Ministry Staff Update
Lars Rood will be on study leave and medical leave for a total of 8 weeks starting
immediately. Colin Robeson will step in as FLM Interim Director; Daniel Triller
will stay through May 2015, serving as Interim High School Director. Lars returns
Nov 1 at earliest. We had a busy family Life middle school camp with 80+ kids.
FLM is looking for home(s) to house two interns for middle school leadership.
The need remains for leaders who are good with students; kids relate well to
seniors. Danielle will continue as an intern under Daniel serving Senior High, and
then returning to Kendy in November. Kendy needs a volunteer for her areas of
3. Youth Matter – on retreat
A video with inappropriate content was viewed by several youth while on retreat.
Management reviewed what occurred, investigated, and initiated the process of
how we respond to issues. Kendy recommended we all talk more with students
about what they are watching, and engage material that students are being
exposed to. Youth have access to content through phones that might be blocked
by other security programs.
4. Congregational meeting October 7
The meeting will include a taco dinner and a dessert pot-luck, with a focus on the
big picture 2020 vision covering the next 5 -10 years. September session
meeting will be a cue up for engaging the conversation in October. Deacons will
be part of the congregational meeting. Pastor’s salaries are on agenda, plus
Fiscal Year 2015 budget. Fiscal year begins September 1, performance reviews
due mid-September, session will agree on pastor’s salaries at September
session. Nominating Committee might need to have another person nominated
to serve on the committee as someone resigned.
Focus Ministry Reports – continued
2. Facilities Report
Elder Deneen Blake reviewed the interior project, especially the savings from furniture
donations (see annual ministry report). “Tidy Tuesdays” are days non-custodial staff
take responsibility for their own cleanup, in support of our custodial staff. Facilities held
back expenses due to budget shortfall, put some things off, for example, not resurfacing
hard wood floors. Now are looking to improve the video screens, and the bus
3. Leadership Development Report
Elder Steve Aeschbacher shared that LD includes a lot of areas where leadership is
occurring, including Session, Nominating Committee, Lifelong elders, School of Ministry,
Get Connected, Presbyterian relations, First Impressions, and Jesus Column. We are
improving processes. Leadership Summit was a big success, 400 people attended
including 165 from BelPres and 235 from other churches. See link to session summit
video. In addition, the GA communication was managed well.
4. School of Ministry Report
1. Elder Steve Aeschbacher described a terrific year with strong candidates hired in
School of Ministry and Re:New. The Pastoral residency program had a great first year four residents served in four departments as we invested in emerging leaders. The
timeline for implementing the second year will be FY 2016 due to recruiting investment
time. We are growing in capacity to be a teaching church; residents are getting good
training and learning to collaborate
2. Colin Robeson described Re:New as having experienced a period of transition. UGM
continues as a funding partner but is no longer operating partner. Assessing roles that
UGM held, how it impacts staffing. House parents are both full-time focused on living in
the houses. FLM stepped in as a partner this summer. Fundraising gap - working with
grant from Legacy Foundation, and are optimistic will make August 2015 targets. Colin
asked session to pray for transitions as new students are adjusting in the homes. There
are four boys in the boys’ home and two girls in the girls’ home. All Re:New staff retreat
end of September. God answered prayers with more than Colin could have asked for.
Clerk of Session’s Report
MSP approving the Consent Agenda, including the Regular Session Meeting Minutes,
with edits, of June 23, 2014; and the Statistical Report for July 2014. Two edits were
approved - Warren Berger resigned as a member and Austin Tru Schultz, born 8/11/13
is the daughter (not son) of Ty and Jenny Schultz. Accidental reference to Alcoholics
Anonymous on the Consent Agenda will be removed.
BelPres Statistical Report for June 2014
Membership Total
June 1, 2014
Additions [G-10.0302a]
New Members
Ki Lan
Reaffirmation of Faith
Reaffirmation of Faith
Letter of Transfer
Letter of Transfer
Letter of Transfer
Reaffirmation of Faith
Reaffirmation of Faith
Reaffirmation of Faith
Reaffirmation of Faith
Reaffirmation of Faith
Letter of Transfer
Letter of Transfer
Reaffirmation of Faith
Profession of Faith
Reaffirmation of Faith
Reaffirmation of Faith
Letter of Transfer
Letter of Transfer
Letter of Transfer
Letter of Transfer
Letter of Transfer
Reaffirmation of Faith
Reaffirmation of Faith
Reaffirmation of Faith
Letter of Transfer
Restored to Active Roll after being Removed (personal Request)
Doris J. Bower, RB# 6523
Reactivate from Inactive Membership roll (By Activity/request)
Reactivated from moved and unknown status [G-10.0302b (6)]
Reactivate from nonresident Inactive Roll
Removals [G-10.0302b]
Letters of Transfer (1)
Catherine A. Scheibner, RB# 5284 to Overlake Park Presbyterian Church
Karen Sue Robbins, RB# 6952 to Chapel Hill Presbyterian Church
Kenneth B. & Anne H. Pyle, RB#s 1526 & 1527 to University Presbyterian
Melinda Mitcham Creamer, RB# 7310 to First Presbyterian Church, Roswell,
Joseph N. & Helen E. Karl, RB#s 4826 & 4827 to Whitworth Community
Presbyterian Church
Requests Termination (3)
Joins another Church (4)
Howard & Sharon Patrick, RB#s 6990 & 6991 to Westminster Chapel
Robert C & Ethel Li, RB#s 7663 & 7662 to Montecito Covenant Church
Add to Nonresident Inactive Roll (5)
Moved and Unknown (6)
Add to Inactive Roll (7)
Deaths (8)
Inga Bolang, RB# 878, June 23, 2014
Removals from the Inactive Rolls [G-10.0302b (7)
Joins another Church
Membership Total
June 30, 2014
People served communion in JUNE
1st Sunday of month
6 PM Service each week
Special meetings
First Time Visitors
Interested in Membership
Average Worship Attendance
2,169 (includes aver online of 485)
Baptisms [G-10.0302c (2)]
Senna Suneh Paik, born 8/29/10, daughter of Richard and Alex Paik
Ajay Krishna Desh, born 6/16/08, son of Chetan and Pradnya Desh
Desh Balen Ravi
Abigail Lee Weaver
Malcolm Isaac Weaver
Baptisms Performed
Austin Tru Schultz, born 8/11/13, daughter of Ty and Jenny Schultz
Quinn Morgan Spencer
Weddings Performed [G-10.0302c (1)
Karen Mason and Fred Mason, 6/7/14, Rev. Danna VanHorn
Talia Holm and Tim Keller, 6/14/14, Rev. Richard Leatherberry
Jana Prothman and James Lissiak, 6/14/14, Rev. Emily Mitchell
Stephanie Post and Hunter Bliven, 6/14/14, Elliot Stone
Sarah Kim (Hyo Jung) and Min Kyo Lee, 6/19/14, Rev. Danna VanHorn
BelPres Statistical Report for July 2014
Membership Total
July 1, 2014
Additions [G-10.0302a]
New Members
Restored to Active Roll after being Removed (personal Request)
Reactivate from Inactive Membership roll (By Activity/request)
Reactivated from moved and unknown status [G-10.0302b (6)]
Reactivate from nonresident Inactive Roll
Removals [G-10.0302b]
Letters of Transfer (1)
Requests Termination (3)
Joins another Church (4)
Add to Nonresident Inactive Roll (5)
Moved and Unknown (6)
Add to Inactive Roll (7)
Deaths (8)
Guy Dunkin, RB#3356, July 6, 2014
Ernest L. Anderson, RB# 5601, July 28, 2014
Removals from the Inactive Rolls [G-10.0302b (7)
Joins another Church
Membership Total
July 31, 2014
People served communion in JULY
1st Sunday of month
6 PM Service each week
Special meetings
First Time Visitors
Interested in Membership
Average Worship Attendance
Baptisms [G-10.0302c (2)]
Baptisms Performed
Abigail Lee Weaver
Weddings Performed [G-10.0302c (1)
Joyce Leung and Tyler Ernst, 7/4/14, Ryan Beattie
Presbytery Report:
Steve Aeschbacher gave a report and shared a member couple’s response to the GA
votes. Scott Mann indicated that PCUSA leaders and other churches are expressing
positive feedback for our leadership. Scott discussed the merging of the Fellowship of
Presbyterians with Presbyterian for Renewal to become the Fellowship Community.
Fellowship Community is within PCUSA while ECO is a different denomination than
PCUSA. The ramifications from GA are still falling out across country, and we are
getting a lot of interest on our website. Continue to direct questions to Scott Mann. The
next Presbytery meeting will be held in October.
Deacons Report:
No action. Ministering to congregation.
Treasurer’s Report
Scott Burbank reported that the figures for June and July, 2014.
Actual income for June was $606,940. Actual expenses for June were $590,387,
creating an excess of $ 16,553 for the month. Actual income for the year through June
is $7,018,002, (96%) and actual expenses are $6,004,785 (84%) creating a surplus of
$1,013,217 for the year.
Actual income for July was $530,785. Actual expenses for July were $662,801, creating
a shortfall of $ 132,016 for the month. Actual income for the year through July is
$7,548,788 (97%) and actual expenses are $6,667,586 (87%) creating a surplus of
$881,201 for the year.
The $297,000 hold back was met through donations and is available to release per
formula. Income is higher than the amount we held back.
Department Check-Ins and What’s the Big Thing
Caring Ministries
MSP approving communion at the Group Spiritual Direction September 19, Danna Van
Horn officiating. MSP approving the serving of communion at Tyler Ernst wedding on
July 4; Ryan Beatty officiated.
Christian Growth
No action.
No action.
Facilities, Equip & Tech
No action. Interiors project underway through 9/7. See earlier report.
Faith, Work and Culture
No action.
No action. Home meetings went well.
Family Life Ministries
Call out to find leaders, all ages welcome to connect with students, many roles available.
Send ideas to Colin Robeson.
Finance and Stewardship
No action.
Human Resources
No action
Leadership Development
No action. See earlier report.
Missions Movement
No action. Child sponsor week in September.
Music & Worship
No action. Looking into the wait list for the children’s choir.
School of Ministry/Re: New Homes
See earlier report.
Young Adult Ministry
No action.
New Business
The next Regular Meeting of Session will be September 22, 2014, starting in room S150
at 5:45 PM.
The meeting was closed in prayer at 9:30 PM by Daniel Triller.
Kendy Easley, Moderator
Linda Mauzy, Clerk