Wagner Middle School MS 167 - MS 167, Robert F. Wagner Middle

Wagner Middle School
MS 167
Student Handbook
Ms. Jennifer Rehn, Principal
Wagner Middle School Contact Information
220 East 76th Street New York, NY 10021
phone: (212) 535 - 8610
(212) 472 - 9385
Staff Position/Duties
Phone Number
Ms. Mauceri
Ms. Torres
535 – 8246
535 – 6144
Ms. Niskanen
Ms. Bernstein
535 - 7528
734 - 9424
Ms. Kerr
Ms. Schwenzer
535 – 8242
734 - 9424
Mr. Eldridge
Mr. Husarek
535 – 8610
535 – 8610
Parent Coordinator
Ms. DeNicola
(347) 563 – 5121
Pupil Accounting
Ms. Fields
535 - 8610
6th Grade
Assistant Principal
Guidance Counselor
Assistant Principal
Guidance Counselor
Assistant Principal
Guidance Counselor
School Based Support Team (SBST)
Social Worker
Ms. Renz
Mr. Lecin
Ms. Stopak
988 - 3315
988 - 3315
988 - 3315
Attendance Officer
Lost & Found
Parents’ Association President
Mr. Silverberg
Ms. Walsh
Ms. Blake
Ms. D’Angelo
- 8610
- 8610
- 2095
- 2732
Wagner at a Glance
This handbook will help answer many of your questions regarding your daily life at Wagner and it will
also serve as a contract you will hold with Wagner during your time here.
What will my program be like?
For the most part, you will take the “core” subjects with your house teachers:
English Language Arts
Social Studies
7 - 10 periods
7 – 10 periods
5 – 6 periods
5 – 6 periods
Physical Education
2 periods
Students with ESL (English as a Second Language) mandates will receive ESL
classes, and Level 1 and 2 readers and mathematicians will have additional periods
of English Language Arts and Math.
In addition, most sixth-graders will have technology, art, foreign language, and computers, while others
(pre-selected) will be programmed for band. Seventh and eighth graders who are meeting standards in
math and science will receive four periods of French or Spanish. All non-band seventh-graders are
scheduled either for Drama and/or Art/Technology.
How will I keep track of all my assignments, tests, activities, etc.?
All Wagner students are required to purchase a school planner. The planner is available from homeroom
teachers for a nominal fee. These planners have a lot of room for you to jot down homework, due dates
for projects, quizzes and tests in all of your subject areas, as well as important school events. You will
hear your subject teachers say, “Take out your planners and jot this down.” If you follow that
direction, you will always know what you need to do and when you have to hand it in.
How long do I have to get from one class to another?
One bell will ring that marks the end of one class and the beginning of the next class. Although it may
seem impossible to travel that quickly, most of your classes are located right next to each other. If you
have a class that’s on another floor, you will need to find the shortest route to that class. It is
important that you arrive to class on time.
Is there a dress code?
As per the Chancellor Regulations, students may not wear anything that detracts from learning.
All outer clothing — jackets, hooded sweatshirts, etc. — must be secured in the coat closet during
homeroom. Hats and headgear (including bandanas), other than those worn for religious reasons, and
sunglasses are to be removed prior to entering the building. These items cannot be carried from class
to class and must also be secured in the closet.
Short-shorts, short skirts, tank or tube tops, half shirts and other abbreviated, tight or transparent
attire that reveals undergarments are not permitted. Tank tops must following the “three finger rule,”
meaning the strap is at least the width of three fingers. T-shirts must be worn under jerseys
If you do wear clothing of this kind, your parent or guardian will be notified and you will be given
something more appropriate to wear for the rest of the day (such as a long t-shirt or sweat pants). Of
course, someone can bring a change of clothing to the school for you.
What should I do if I need to leave the classroom?
If you need to use the bathroom or get a drink of water, you need to ask your classroom teacher for
permission to leave the room. You must sign out with your teacher, have the classroom pass, as well has
having your individual hall pass signed to leave the room. It is Wagner’s policy that students leave the
classroom a maximum of three times per week. A specific pass is given to students for this purpose and
must be signed by their teacher.
You may not leave the classroom to visit friends, see the guidance counselor in the middle of a lesson, or
use the public telephone. What happens in the classroom is very important, and when you are out of the
room, you may miss something you need to know. You can only be excused from a class with the
permission of the teacher whose class you are intending to miss. Even if you have received your
teacher’s permission to be out of the room, you are still responsible for all missed work and
assignments for that class.
What should I do if I am absent?
If you are absent due to illness, you are strongly encouraged to bring in a note explaining your absence
upon your return. This note should be given to your homeroom teacher after you’ve shown it to your
subject teachers. These notes are sent to the office and logged in so your absence can be entered into
the computer as an excused absence. If you have a long-term absence for medical or unusual family
reasons, you will need to ask your house teachers how you can make up missed work. Get the telephone
number or e-mail of at least two homework buddies whom you can contact for assignments when you
miss school.
If you know in advance that you will be absent on any given day (for a family event, school tour, or other
commitment), have your parent or guardian notify your grade assistant principal. The assistant principal
will then tell your house teachers, and assignments may be given for you to work on while you’re out. A
period of extended absence will result in a phone call, letter and/or visit by our attendance officer.
Note: Good attendance is a promotional requirement. You are expected to be here at least 90% of
the time, and many high schools deny acceptance to students who are absent more than ten days per
academic year.
What should I do if I’m late?
School begins at 8:00 AM for students involved in Wagner’s morning enrichment program and at 8:37
AM for all other students. All students are expected to be in your homeroom prior to the 8:43 AM bell
and return promptly after lunch. Latecomers will have to sign in at the front desk with the safety
officers. You will take this pass to your teacher and sign in late with them as well.
If you know in advance that you will be late (because of a doctor’s appointment, a family emergency, or
similar reason), have your parent or guardian write a note explaining your lateness and give this note to
your homeroom teacher. You will still be marked late, but the school will know that the adult you live
with is aware of this and enter a code for an “excused lateness”. Students who have excessive
unexcused morning lateness serve lunchtime detention in the cafeteria.
Note: As with absences, high schools look for patterns of lateness, and many schools deny acceptance
to students who are often late.
Sportsmanlike conduct is expected of our students at all athletic contests. We support our teams not
only by cheering them on, but also by cooperating with the teachers or coaches in charge. The decisions
made by officials should be accepted graciously. Treat them, other visiting students, your opponents,
and spectators as respected guests.
How should I behave in school?
The Chancellor’s regulations support a rigorous learning environment. You are expected to behave in a
respectful and appropriate manner. Your teachers will define good classroom behavior at the beginning
of the year. You will be expected to cooperate with and respect all staff members in the building —
that means teachers, support personnel, the librarian, school aides, safety agents, custodians, and
administrators. Profanity or verbal abuse of any kind directed to a staff member will most likely result
in suspension from school.
Whether you act alone or as a member of a group, YOU are the person responsible for your actions.
We expect you to maintain a school climate that promotes learning, self-discipline, and respect for
others. Fighting or participating in any action that disrupts the order of our school or interferes with
the normal operation of our school day will result in disciplinary action, or suspension, if necessary.
The Discipline Code of the Board of Education describes all negative activities and their consequences.
Five of the more serious ones are:
• Possession of a weapon
Superintendent’s Suspension
• Fighting
Principal’s Suspension
• Disruption of class
Teacher’s or Principal’s Suspension
• Defacing school property with graffiti
Principal’s Suspension
• Cutting class and/or leaving the
Mandatory conference with
building without permission
parent or guardian
All unacceptable behavior, even if less serious in nature than the five activities listed above, will lead to
some form of disciplinary action, whether it be a reprimand, parental contact or conference, exclusion
from extracurricular activities, a referral to community agencies, or even transferring you out of this
What happens if a student disrupts the class?
Wagner is a school committed to creating a supportive learning environment for all students. Those who
seriously interfere with the learning process in any class will be referred to the dean. If there is a
pattern of negative behavior, it will be necessary to have those students who are disruptive serve
detention and meet with his/her parents/guardians for a pre-suspension conference. Extreme
behavioral incidents, both on and around the school premises, will result in a Principal’s or
Superintendent’s Suspension ranging from one to five days.
May I use my cell phone or beeper in class?
It is understandable that your family may want to keep in touch with you. Nevertheless, you may not be
phoned, text-messaged, or beeped during the school day including after school activities, because
interruptions interfere with the concentration needed for learning. As per the Chancellor’s Regulations,
cell phones are prohibited at school. If your cell phone is seen it will be confiscated and a parent will
need to come to school to retrieve the device.
For safekeeping, it is suggested that you secure these valuable items inside your backpack. Keep your
backpack with you or locked securely in the classroom closet. Wagner is not responsible for lost or
stolen items so it is imperative for students to leave valuables at home.
What is a photo ID card and why must I carry one?
Safety in schools is an important issue. We want to ensure that all students and personnel are safe and
secure in and around Wagner. For this reason, you need to carry a photo ID card for identification
purposes. These cards will be issued to every student during our picture days.
Are there things I can’t bring to school?
Wagner is a very safe school that has very few safety issues. The following is a partial list of items
that are not allowed in New York Public Schools as per Chancellor Regulations. If you bring these items
to school, they will be confiscated, and your parent or guardian will be called to retrieve them.
Diskmen, iPods, electronic games, scooters, skateboards, all types of skates, laser-pointers.
cell phones, beepers, Sidekicks, Blackberries, etc
Needless to say, cigarettes, alcohol, illegal drugs, explosive materials or paraphernalia from these
areas in or around the school or at school related trips/functions are strictly forbidden. Any student
found with these substances will have a mandatory family conference and be suspended from school.
Though not as dangerous, stink bombs must also not be brought into the building.
You should be aware that weapons are defined as “any item used to inflict harm to another.” Therefore,
a pencil could be considered a weapon if used in a way to harm. If you have any question about whether
an item is a weapon or not, leave it home. The Chancellor’s regulations state, “All weapon incidents result
in automatic suspension.” However, students who bring dangerous weapons to school for any reason may
be suspended for up to a year. The police are notified and the weapon is confiscated. The severity and
duration of the consequence is determined by the Superintendent at a hearing.
What happens if I lose something or something is taken from me?
If you lose an item, ask your teacher to allow you to retrace your steps, if that doesn’t result in you
finding the item, get a pass to check the Lost & Found near the main lobby. You can also request that an
announcement be made about the lost item.
It is a terrible thing to have an item taken from you. This happens in all schools at some time or
another. For this reason, we encourage you to leave all valuables at home and never bring a large sum of
money to school. Should you need to bring a valuable item to school, it should be secured with your
Assistant Principal until dismissal time. The school cannot be responsible for the loss of personal
property. Theft of any property belonging to the school or to anyone else in this building will result in a
mandatory conference with your parent or guardian, replacement or restitution for the item you’ve
taken, and suspension.
Can I get messages from my family during the school day?
Although we understand that you may want to hear from your family during the day, our middle school is
structured in such a way that only emergency messages can be delivered to you. With over 1,400
students in over 45 different classes, it is hard to track you down for reminders about doctor, tutor, or
orthodontist appointments. Use your planner to keep track of your appointments after school.
May I leave the building for an appointment?
Since what happens in school is so important, we discourage families from making appointments during
the school day, but understand that this is sometimes unavoidable. We are committed to your safety
and have instituted the following policy to guarantee it:
• First thing in the morning, or better still, prior to the day of your appointment, bring a letter
from your family stating the reason you need to leave school.
• Show the note to your homeroom teacher who will then log your scheduled leaving time on the
section sheet so you won’t be marked as cutting.
• 6th Grade: A family-approved escort (name is present on your blue card) must sign in with
Security, meet you in the main office, and officially “sign you out”, noting your class and time
of leaving. It is helpful if your escort knows your official homeroom class.
7th or 8th Graders: You may sign yourself out at lunchtime in the Main Office. However, if
you need to leave at any other time of day, a family-approved escort (name is present on your
blue card) must sign in with Security, meet you in the main office, and officially “sign you
out”, noting your class and time of leaving. It is helpful if your escort knows your official
homeroom class.
May I use the school’s computers?
Computers in your classrooms are available for you to use with your teacher’s permission. You can also
often use the computers in our labs or library after school. In addition, the library computers are
available for use during library hours. The computers are for school use only. You may not use the
school computers to check your e-mail or play computer games. All computers must be used according
to the Department of Education guidelines. Students who do not comply with the rules and regulations
face serious consequences and may lose their computer privileges.
What do I do in the event of an emergency?
If you are in the building or in the yard, you will need to notify the nearest adult you can find. Do not
attempt to handle any emergencies on your own. If you are outside the building on the street, try to
locate an adult who works in our school. Students should always notify an adult of emergencies.
What do I do in case of a fire or shelter drill?
We are required to have a minimum of ten fire drills and three shelter drills each year. So when the
bells ring, stop what you are doing and line up quickly and quietly, waiting for your teacher’s directions.
You will be told exactly how to exit the building or proceed to a safe location. It is important to take
these drills seriously, making sure you follow all directives rapidly and in silence. Any student who
disrupts a drill or sets off a false alarm will be subject to disciplinary action, including suspension.
You are expected to exhibit proper behavior on trips and all other school-sponsored activities. All
school rules and regulations apply to any outside activity, regardless of the site. Students who do
not exhibit appropriate behavior while in school will not be permitted to go on field trips.
Can I get breakfast or lunch in school?
You may bring your own food from home or eat breakfast and/or lunch in the school cafeteria.
Breakfast is free for all students and is served from 7:30 to 8:15 AM. Lunch is served in two sessions:
6th graders eat during period 5, and 7th and 8th graders eat during period 6.
The full cost for lunch is $1.50. In order to qualify for a free or reduced lunch price, you must return
your lunch form, filled out and signed by your parent/guardian to your homeroom teacher. All students
must have a signed lunch application on file, even if you never plan on having a school lunch, for the
purpose of State mandates.
May I go out to lunch?
Sixth-graders eat lunch in the cafeteria, and then go out to the schoolyard.
Seventh-graders and eighth-graders have “out lunch” privileges. In order to maintain out lunch
privileges you must consistently demonstrate the maturity to act respectfully and responsibly. It goes
without saying that if you break rules consistently, your out-lunch privileges will be suspended. You must
remember, however, that the school can remove the privilege from any class or from specific individuals
who are not acting responsibly.
Guidelines for out-lunch in each grade are as follows:
1. Students must have their photo ID card with them at all times. If you cannot produce your
photo ID card upon request, out lunch access will be denied.
2. For safety reasons, all students who go out to lunch need to stay within these boundaries:
72nd – 79th Street and 2nd Avenue to Lexington Avenue
3. If you are found outside this area, your family will be notified and your out lunch privilege will
be suspended.
How long is the lunch period?
Lunch is only 44 minutes long, so if you go out to lunch, you have to factor in travel time back to school.
Sometimes it takes a long time to get your food in a restaurant or popular pizza store. It is important
to wear a watch so you can keep track of time. Students who are consistently or excessively late
from out lunch will be denied this privilege.
May I eat or drink in class?
No food, candy, or beverages (soda, juice, etc.) are permitted in classrooms except on special occasions
like parties, and then only with the prior consent of your assistant principal. You may, however, bring a
water bottle to class with you. Secure it in your backpack, and take it out only when you need a drink.
No gum is permitted in school. As tempting as it is to chew gum, gum and school don’t mix. Why? We
have gum stuck to the floors, furniture and books, as well as wrappers and bags, making it difficult for
the school staff to maintain a clean environment.
What do I need to do to be successful at Wagner Middle School?
There are several keys to success in middle school:
√ Daily, prompt attendance in classes. The Chancellor has a 90% attendance rate as a
requirement for promotion.
√ Study, completion all homework assignments and projects. Homework is preparation for
the next day’s work or a review of the previous day’s work. Late homework may receive partial
or no credit. Since studying is so important, you should get the phone numbers and/or e-mail
addresses of two reliable students in your class for an update on class work, projects,
scheduled exams, or homework when you must miss school.
Read at least 45 minutes per day. In addition to assignments, you are expected to read at
least 45 minutes each day. You may read an assigned book or choose your own from our
library or yours. Wagner’s reading standard is a minimum of 25 books a year. Students are
expected to carry a “book in your bag” at all times.
Planned use of your time. All students are expected to carry a daily planner, which can be
purchased from your homeroom teacher.
Ask for help when you need it. Many of our teachers will give you additional support if you
ask. There is after-school homework help available in the library, so if you need support while
doing your homework, it’s important to attend these sessions.
Meet with the guidance counselor. If you find you are having any difficulties or just need to
talk, ask the guidance counselor to schedule an appointment for you. Get some help in solving
personal problems that may be affecting your ability to do well. The counselors are here to
help you.
Get involved in extra activities, such as our after-school program. We have so many
wonderful opportunities for you to explore. Make sure you try at least one, as it will help you
make new friends and add an additional spark to your school life.
How will I know how I’m doing?
Wagner operates on trimesters, so you’ll be receiving three report cards a year. Each report card has a
grade that represents your academic performance as well as a behavior mark for each of your classes.
Grades are listed numerically, in increments of five from 55 – 90, and then increments of one from 90 –
100. The highest grade possible is a 100%. These are the equivalents:
90 - 100
A- to A+
80 - 89
B- to B+
70 - 79
C- to C+
65 - 69
55 - 64
“X” indicates that you are an ELL student and “Z” means “No Credit,” used for lack of attendance. In
determining your grades, your teachers will take your class work, quizzes, exams, projects, homework,
and any extra reports, as well as the effort and improvement you make, into consideration.
Conduct marks are listed as letter grades:
Needs improvement
In addition, students receive a standards-based grade according to performance levels in their core
Exceeds Standards
Meets Standards
Approaching Standards
Far Below Standards
A well-behaved student who has completed all his/her work might receive a grade of “95 E” or higher
(95 is the academic mark, E is the conduct mark). Poor attendance and lateness to class affect your
ability to participate and therefore, has a negative impact on your grade.
There is also a mid-cycle report, in the form of an “interim report.” This report details completed or
missing homework assignments, quiz and test results, and grades on projects. It may be a reminder to
continue to maintain successful habits or a reminder to get back on track. It may even indicate that a
family conference is necessary to discuss intervention strategies to support and improve your progress.
You are responsible for keeping your parents informed of your progress by bringing home any reports,
quiz or test results, letters, and communication from your teachers. This is a good way to share your
successes and challenges with your family. Another way to keep informed is to attend all
parent/teacher conferences with your parents.
How do I use the school library?
The library is open both lunch periods and after school several days a week. It’s a quiet place where you
can read or do homework or research. If you want to use the library during lunchtime, you need to get a
pass from the librarian before going to the cafeteria or outside. There are computers in the library
with Internet access, and the librarian is available to help you with your questions.
What is SP and how do I get into an SP program?
“SP” stands for our Special Progress program. To be eligible for the sixth grade program, we look at
your reading and math scores from the fourth grade. If you scored a level 3 or 4 or above on both
tests, you are eligible for the SP program. However, you must maintain an overall average of 85% or
above to stay in this program. Students who do not maintain this average are sent a warning letter as a
reminder of the requirements.
Students, who are in our Academic programs, are eligible for a SP class by consistently maintaining an
85% or above average and by scoring a 3 or 4 on your reading and math exams.
What is ARISTA and what do I have to do to be eligible?
Arista is the Middle School National Junior Honor Society. To qualify for admission into this society in
the spring of seventh and eighth grade you must have:
a cumulative average of 90% or above for the first two marking periods;
grades of 75% or above in all minor subjects;
E’s or S’s in conduct in all subject classes;
no more than 10 absences or 10 latenesses for the entire year;
complete twenty school and community service hours; and
demonstrate excellence in character, citizenship and leadership.
What should I do if I’m not doing well?
The first step in raising your grades is to ask for help. Your teachers will notify your parent/guardian
when you are at risk, and they can meet with you and your family during their common planning time to
discuss your specific strengths and weaknesses. Changing a pattern of success is not easy, but it is
definitely possible. Together we will work with you to help you reach your potential.
In the meantime, you can:
• continue to use your planner to keep track of due dates and exams
• do your homework every day, and jot down questions about the things you don’t understand
• meet with your guidance counselor to organize your after-school time
• sign up for homework help or peer tutoring after school
• get the names of organizations that provide tutoring in your neighborhood
How do I get promoted to the next grade?
You will need to fulfill two of the following three requirements in order to be promoted:
Attend at least 90% of the total number of school days
Complete the standards for successful mastery of all your major subjects
Score at least a Level 2 in both standardized reading and math assessments
You may have to attend summer school to fulfill these requirements. For some students, summer school
may not be enough time to meet these requirements and you will have to repeat the grade. Eighthgraders who fail even one of their courses must attend summer school; if they fail four or more
subjects, they must repeat the grade in an “8+” program at a location determined by the Region.
What should I do if I feel sick?
You may ask your classroom teacher for a pass to see the school nurse, whose office is in room 125
(across from the custodian’s office near the main lobby). She will assess whether you are well enough to
stay in school. If it is necessary for you to go home, you’ll have to wait for your parent/guardian to pick
you up. You may not go home alone.
What do I do if I have to take medication in school?
Although you probably take an aspirin or ibuprofen for headaches or body aches at home, you may not
take any medication in school without authorization. If you have to take medication on a regular basis
(including asthma inhalers), your family needs to fill out a 504-authorization form for taking medication
in school. You will need your doctor’s signature as well as a recent photo of yourself for identification
purposes. Medication is secured in the nurse’s office and administered to you at the times indicated by
your doctor.
How can I get a MetroCard?
Metrocards are distributed to all eligible students twice a year: once in September (usually within the
first five days of school) and once at the beginning of February. The cards are distributed to you by
your homeroom teacher. Eligibility for full-fare or half-fare train and bus passes is dependent on how
far you live from the school. Although you may feel you are entitled to a full fare MetroCard, the
Department of Education, not Wagner, makes the final determination. The formula is:
For 6th graders:
 full-fare for students living one mile or more from our school (20 blocks)
 half-fare for students living at between 1/2 a mile and one mile from school (10 - 19 blocks)
For 7th and 8th graders:
 full-fare for student living one and 1/2 miles or more from our school (30 blocks)
 half-fare for students living at least 1/2 mile, but less than one and 1/2 miles from school (10 29 blocks)
Ms. Pabon, in the main office, is in charge of MetroCard distribution and replacements. If you lose your
MetroCard your parents must complete a form, which is available with Ms. Pabon. It takes
approximately five school days to replace lost MetroCards.
What can I do to maintain the school environment?
Wagner is our home away from home. We spend much of our day here, and we all appreciate coming into
a clean building. Pleasant surroundings cannot be taken for granted. With more than 1,400 people in the
building every day, each of us has the responsibility of helping to maintain a healthy and attractive
Please do not litter! There are trash bins located in all your classrooms, as well as in the front of the
building and in the schoolyard. Now that you are in middle school the custodians and your teachers
should never have to pick up after you!
Graffiti and vandalism. You are forbidden to write on or deface the physical structure of the building
or any of the furniture and equipment inside. The Chancellor’s regulations state “students who deface or
destroy school property will be expected to provide full restitution for damage.” If you damage the
building or the equipment in it, your parent/guardian will be notified, and depending on the severity of
the incident, a meeting with the Dean and possibly a suspension will follow.
Aerosol sprays (perfume, deodorant, etc.) are not allowed in school. Although you may want to use
these after gym, before or after lunch, or in between classes to “freshen up”, many of our students and
faculty are asthmatic or highly allergic to fragrance.
Water fountains are for drinking only. Please do not dump other materials or spit down the fountain
drains and we’ll always have an available source of water when thirsty.
With everyone’s help, we can maintain Wagner as a place in which we enjoy studying,
playing, and working together.
Wagner’s Bell Schedule
2006 – 2007
Period 1
Period 2
Period 3
Period 4
6th Grade Lunch
Period 6
Period 7
Period 8
8:37 (late bell 8:43)
7th & 8th Grade Lunch
Period 5
(late 1:19)
(late 12:35)