
Quiz for Field Biology - Fishes
_______ 1. The “Guidelines for the Use of Fishes in Field Research” were prepared by the American
Fisheries Society, the American society of Ichthyologists and herpetologists, and the
American Institute of Fisheries Research biologists primarily for use by ichthyologists
a. True
b. False
_______ 2. The investigator must have knowledge of all regulations pertaining to the animals under
study and must obtain all permits necessary for carrying out proposed studies.
Acquisition of permits from a management agency does not preclude IACUC review nor
does IACUC approval preclude the need to obtain permits
a. True
b. False
_______ 3. The research animal is a composite of a particular genetic make-up and all the
environmental influences acting upon it. These factors, whether controlled or not, must
be detailed for captive animal studies, but are of little relevance for a field study.
a. True
b. False
_______ 4. Instruction in telemetry requires IACUC review if live vertebrates are used in the training
a. True
b. False
_______ 5. Field collection activities and field research conducted by UAA faculty, staff, or students
outside of the USA need to be performed in accordance with the regulations of that
country but are exempted from IACUC review.
a. True
b. False
_______ 6. Zoonosis is an infection or infestation shared in nature by man and vertebrates.
a. True
b. False
_______ 7. Some cities, counties, agencies, and other organizations in the USA and foreign countries
have regulations regarding scientific use of wildlife on lands under their jurisdiction.
Compliance with these regulations is essential. Of equal importance, permission of the
owner, operator, or manager of privately owned land always should be obtained before
commencing field work
a. True
b. False
_______ 8. In general, field studies require a larger sample size than laboratory studies because field
investigators have less control over biotic and abiotic conditions that increase variance in
the results
a. True
b. False
_______ 9. Force fed telemetry devices must have a biologically inert coating, and they must be
small enough to pass through the gut without obstructing the passage of food or be
deployed in non-feeding fishes such as salmon returning to spawn
a. True
b. False
_______ 10. A project involving the use of archived serum or tissue samples collected from a previous
study does not require IACUC review
a. True
b. False
_______ 11. Under special circumstances, the IACUC might approve the euthanasia of small fish or
amphibians by direct immersion into formalin or alcohol thus allowing rapid death and
immediate fixation
a. True
b. False
_______ 12. Euthanasia techniques should result in rapid unconsciousness followed by cardiac or
respiratory arrest and ultimate loss of brain function. In addition, the technique should
minimize any stress and anxiety experienced by the animal prior to unconsciousness,.
Stress may be minimized by technical proficiency and humane handling of the animals
prior to euthanasia.
a. True
b. False
_______ 13. Procedures on fish that may cause more than momentary or slight distress need to be
performed with appropriate sedation, analgesia, or anesthesia except when justified for
scientific reasons by the investigator. For field research, the IACUC will consider logistic
constraints or difficulties if the research is adequately justified (for example death by
suffocation following trawling can be approved since there is no practical means of
humanely euthanizing thousands of fish on a boat deck)
a. True
b. False
_______ 14. Use of spear fishing to collect fish is considered inhumane and can not be approved by
the IACUC.
a. True
b. False
_______ 15. What is relevant for determining an adequate sample size for field biology studies?
a. Researchers need to obtain samples of sufficient size to permit them to answer
questions and test hypotheses
b. An adequate sample size may be defined as the number of specimens or other data
needed to ensure empirical and statistical validity.
c. The sample size required for a study will depend on the nature of the research and
the extent of variation in the organisms under study
d. Field studies require larger samples than laboratory studies because field
investigators have less control over conditions
e. For certain anatomical studies and cladistic analyses one or two specimens or
parts thereof may comprise an adequate sample size
f. All of the above
g. All but E and F
_______ 16. As a general rule, field captured fishes should be released only
a. At the site of the original capture, unless conservation efforts or safety concerns
dictate otherwise
b. If their ability to survive in nature has not been irreversibly impaired
c. Where it can be reasonably expected that the released animal will function
normally within the population
d. When local and seasonal conditions are conducive to survival
e. When release is not likely to spread pathogens
f. All of the above
g. A, B,C, and D only
_______ 17. In an effort to minimize distress, transport containers must protect from injury and
approximate natural conditions as closely as possible without excessive crowding.
Holding and shipping containers will vary, but you must consider
a. Water quality
b. Light levels
c. Temperature
d. Feed
e. Timing of shipping
f. Labeling
g. All of the above
h. A, C, D, and E only
_______ 18. The selection of a method of marking should involve both the assessment of the
objectives of the study and the characteristics of the species being studied. Minimizing
the impact on the animal is of primary concern. Which of the following statements
regarding marking of fish is / are true?
a. Fin clipping is acceptable, but fins used for clipping or removal will depend upon
the species under study
b. Marking techniques involving tissue removal or modification (branding etc.)
should be preceded by local anesthetics followed by the application of a topical
c. Metal or plastic tags should be applied properly and should not burden the fish or
make it vulnerable to injury or predation
d. Implantation of passive integrated transponder tags must be done using aseptic
techniques, or the researcher may cause the spread blood borne pathogens
e. All of the above
f. A, B, and C only
g. A and C only
_______ 19. As for all vertebrate species, the primary component of protocol review for field research
on fish is the justification of the research objectives to an independent animal care
committee. To this end, the 3 Rs initially established for laboratory based research apply
equally to field research on any species. Interpretation of the 3 Rs for use of fish in field
research includes:
a. Reduction: Refers to the selection of appropriate sample size
b. Refinement: refers to the use of the more refined techniques available to conduct
the experiment
c. Replacement: the classic meaning in biomedical research is not applicable to field
biology. For the purpose of field research, this R refers to the replacement of
procedures that may cause pain and distress with those that minimize pain and
distress, and is therefore similar to refinement
d. All of the above
e. None of the above, the 3 Rs do not apply to field research
_______ 20. Occupational health and safety in field research requires a good understanding by all
project participants of the risks inherent in being in field sites and the risks associated
with the handling of animals. Issues of concern include but are not limited to
a. Inclement weather (exposure)
b. Endemic disease that is transmissible to humans
c. Potential to acquire physical injury such as cuts, bruises, bites, punctures, etc.
d. Knowledge of wilderness survival
e. When needed: knowledge in boat, aircraft, vehicle, and firearm safety
f. All of the above
_______ 21. The UAA IACUC “Assurance of Animal Care form” requires a considerable amount of
detailed information for live trapping protocols. Required information includes, but is not
limited to
a. Type and size of net, trap, or gear used
b. Time interval between trap checks
c. A plan to humanely euthanize injured fish
d. A description of likely non-target species and a plan to handle these fish
e. All of the above
f. A, B, and C only
_______ 22. The IACUC can grant approval of fish field studies utilizing small sample sizes if
a. Fish are being collected for certain cladistic studies
b. Fish are being collected for certain anatomical studies
The proposed work is a pilot study to assess a surgical procedure or technique
The fish are being used to assess environmental toxins
The proposed work is to assess feeding habits
None of the above
All of the above
A, B, and C only
_______ 23. Housing and maintenance of fish at a field study site is periodically required for certain
research objectives. Although specific requirements for housing will depend upon the fish
under study, which of the following are important principles or concepts that need to be
a. Fish restraint and ease of maintenance by animal keeper is of prime concern
b. Adequacy of housing and maintenance may be judged using performance
standards such as assessing changes in growth and weight, survival rates, activity
levels, and appearance
c. Frequency of cleaning of holding tanks or aquaria must be sufficient to reduce
disease occurrence but be balanced with the need to reduce stress in captive fish
d. Fish must be fed nutritionally balanced diet or, if possible, natural food may be
e. Natural light should be used following a natural photoperiod unless alterations in
these factors area part of the study design
f. All of the above
g. None of the above
h. Only B,C, D, and E
_______ 24. Which of the following statements about electrofishing is/are true
a. It is a suitable technique in water of appropriate conductivity
b. There is considerable variability in injury among different fish species subjected
to similar electrofishing techniques
c. Proper adjustment of current will temporarily stun fish allowing for complete
d. Care must be exercised to avoid excessive electric current that may injure or harm
e. All of the above
f. A, C, and D Only
_______ 25. Surgical implantation of telemetry devices into the coelom requires
a. That the fish must be anesthetized with the appropriate anesthetic
b. The use of sterile instruments and gloves
c. That the telemetry device be sterile
d. That the surgical procedures have been reviewed by a wildlife veterinarian
e. That the device is small enough not to interfere with the function of the
surrounding organs.
f. All of the above
g. None of the above