Appendix S1 Construction and parameterisation of the transition matrices The Tachigali vasquezii population was divided into 15 size categories: 5 categories for seedlings and juvenile trees, 5 for pre-reproductive trees and 5 for reproductive trees. The transition matrix A describes the transitions between these 15 categories, following the life cycle graph in Figure A1. Each element aij of A is either the probability that an individual in category j (column) will move to category i (row) in one time step, or it is the number of new individuals in category j produced by individual in category i in one time step. These transitions can be grouped into progression (G - moving to the next category), stasis (P - remaining in the same category), attaining reproductivity (R - moving to the reproductive category with individuals of the same size), combined progression and attaining reproductivity (RG) and fecundity (F). Transition probabilities were calculated from the vital rates σ (annual survival probability), γ (annual probability of moving to next size category of a surviving individual), Pr (annual probability of becoming reproductive) and f (number of seedlings produced annually by a reproductive tree). The following equations were used to calculate transition probabilities: for categories 1-5: Gj = j j Pj = j (1-j) for categories 6-10: Gj = j j (1-Prj) Rj = j (1-j) Prj RGj = j j Prj Pj = j (1-j) (1-Prj) 1 for categories 11-15: Gj = j j Pj = j (1-j) Fj = fj The vital rate for category j is calculated from data on the observed mean growth rate (g, in cm y-1) of individuals in a category and the width (c, in cm) of that category: j = gj / cj . Vital rate fj is calculated as fj = init Sdj, in which init (y-1) is the fraction seeds germinating and surviving during the first year after seed fall and Sdj is the number of seeds produced by a reproductive tree in category j during one year. Values of vital rates for the T. vasquezii transition matrix are included in Table A1. The matrix for an imaginary polycarpic tree was also based on the above equations and using the same categories. In this transition matrix, those vital rates that differed between T. vasquezii and polycarpic species from the community were changed (Table A1). The most important difference between these matrices was in the survival of reproductive individuals ( in categories 11-15) which was 0.98 for the polycarpic tree and zero for T. vasquezii, causing G and P transitions to be 0 in the T. vasquezii matrix. Other vital rates that differed were growth, survival and seed production. 2 P2 1 2 R6 G2 3 4 P6 G6 5 F11 RG6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 P11 G11 Figure A1. Life cycle graph for T. vasquezii and an imaginary polycarpic tree. Text boxes indicate the type of transitions. Category descriptions are in Table A1. 3 Table A1. Characteristics and vital rates of size categories used in transition matrices for T. vasquezii and an imaginary polycarpic tree. Range is the size range of individuals in a category. Vital rates included are survival probability (σ), growth rate (g), probability of becoming reproductive (Pr) and number of seeds produced per reproductive tree (Sd). Size range and growth of categories 1-2 is expressed in cm seedling height; that for the other categories in cm diameter at breast height (DBH). Pr was not different for T. vasquezii and polycarpic matrices. Category Range σTachi σpoly [cm] [yr-1] [yr-1] gTachi gpoly [cm yr-1] [cm yr-1] Pr SdTachi Sdpoly [yr-1] [yr-1] [yr-1] 1 8-50 0.66 0.66 3.21 3.21 2 51-150 0.91 0.97 4.00 5.60 3 1-10 0.95 0.95 0.10 0.02 4 11-20 0.95 0.95 0.58 0.12 5 21-30 0.98 0.98 1.17 0.23 6 31-40 0.98 0.98 1.76 0.35 0.18 7 41-50 0.98 0.98 2.35 0.47 0.18 8 51-60 0.98 0.98 2.94 0.59 0.18 9 61-70 0.98 0.98 3.53 0.71 0.18 10 >70 0.98 0.98 11 31-40 0.00 0.98 0.35 5888 2165 12 41-50 0.00 0.98 0.47 9733 3578 13 51-60 0.00 0.98 0.59 14540 5346 14 61-70 0.00 0.98 0.71 20308 7466 15 >70 0.00 0.98 27037 9940 Seedling & Juvenile Prereproductive Reproductive 0.18 Values of vital rates for T. vasquezii were obtained from different sources. Survival and growth of seedlings in category 1 were obtained from 1362 seedlings around three reproductive T. vasquezii trees in the reproduction study described in the Materials and Methods (Seed production and 4 dispersal). Growth and survival of category-2 seedlings is as in Figure 3. The survival probability used for trees in categories 3-5 is an estimate based on the fraction of T. vasquezii trees surviving a 7-y period in Permanent Sample Plots in El Tigre (PSPs; see Materials: Adult growth and survival). Survival of larger non-reproductive T. vasquezii individuals was taken to be equal to the community-wide survival obtained from the PSPs (Poorter et al. 2001). Growth of T. vasquezii in categories 3-10 was based on DBH measurements in the PSPs (1995-2002) and additional measurements in a neighbouring forest ("Verdum", 2000-2002; Total N=101). Annual DBH growth per individual was regressed against initial DBH and fitted using a logarithmic function (DBH growth (cm y-1) = 1.2* Ln(DBH(cm)) - 2.8; R2=0.35). Growth rate per category was obtained by substituting the midpoint DBH of the category in the equation. The probability of becoming reproductive (Pr) was obtained in a survey of reproductive status of 90 trees >30 cm DBH, carried out along transects and trails in El Tigre in August 2003. Of these 90 trees, 40 had been reproductive during the previous 2 years or were flowering or fruiting at the moment of the survey. Based on the degree of decay of the trunk and branches, experienced tree spotters were able to estimate whether trees had reproduced and died 0, 1 or 2 years before the survey. We calculated the proportion of trees that had reproduced 0, 1 and 2 years ago as follows: for 2 years this was 15/90 = 0.17 (15 reproductive trees, of a total of 90 trees); for 1 year this was 12/75 = 0.16 (12 reproductive trees, of a total of 90-15 trees); for 0 year this was 13/63=0.21 (13 reproductive trees of 90-37 trees initially). As the proportion of reproductive and nonreproductive trees did not differ between years (Chi-square test, χ2 =0.587, P>0.05, n=228), we used the average value of the three years as the probability of becoming reproductive (0.18). We also tested whether the probability of reproduction was related to size (DBH) for trees >30 cm DBH (the lower limit of reproduction), but no effect was found in a logistic regression (n=90; P>0.05). The lack of size-dependence in Pr was confirmed by the finding that average DBH for reproductive and non-reproductive trees in the sample of surveyed trees was not different (t=0.667, P>0.05, n=90). We checked whether these results agree with the expectation that 5 reproduction in monocarps should be delayed when a higher reproductive output is to be expected in future (when accounting for the additional mortality risk; in Metcalf et al. 2003). Using vital rates in Table A1, we found that delaying reproduction to the next size category would always yield a higher reproductive output than reproducing in the current size category (modified eq. 5 in Metcalf et al. 2003). Our observations of an even distribution of reproductive trees among size categories is not in accordance with the predicted delaying behaviour of this deterministic model. The onset of flowering therefore appears to be co-determined by other (partly stochastic) factors, such as differences in biomass or crown are among individuals that are not revealed by DBH, spatial variability in environmental conditions that trigger flowering, historical conditions of flowering trees, herbivory and genetic differences among individuals (cf. Metcalf et al. 2003). Our own field observations of groups of different-sized T. vasquezii trees at short distances that flower simultaneously also point to the importance of such non-deterministic factors. Seed production was based on the value per cm2 basal area of Figure 1. The probability of germination and initial survival during the first year (init = 0.034) was obtained from the reproduction study in El Tigre, using an initial amount of 6687 seeds (see Materials and Methods - Seed production and dispersal). Vital rates for the transition matrix of the imaginary polycarpic tree differed only from those of the T. vasquezii matrix if significant differences were found. In those cases, the median values for the polycarpic species group in the boxplots were used to represent an "average" polycarpic tree. This was done for seed production (Fig. 1b), sapling height growth and survival in category 2 (Figs 3b and c) and tree DBH growth for categories 3-15 (Fig. 4b). For the latter rate, the DBH growth rates for each category obtained from the equation mentioned above were adjusted, applying a factor-5 reduction in growth relative to the median of the polycarpic species. The probability of becoming reproductive (Pr) was not measured for polycarpic trees, but was found to have an extremely low impact on population growth () when changed between 0.1 and 0.9. 6