Publications by B - radiation

Publications by B. R. Scott:
1. Scott, B.R.: A Biological-Based Model that Links Genomic Instability, Bystander Effects, and
Adaptive Response. Mutat. Res. (2004), 568: 129-143.
2. Scott, B.R.; Walker, D.M.; and Walker, V.E.: Low-Dose Radiation and Genotoxic Chemicals
Protect Against Stochastic Biological Effects. Nonlinearity in Biology, Toxicology and Medicine
(2004), 2: 185-211.
3. Scott, B.R.; and Guilmette, R.A.: Radiation Toxicology, in Encyclopedia of Toxicology, edited by
P. Wexler et al (San Diego, CA: Elsevier Press) (in press).
4. Scott, B. R.: Low-dose Radiation-induced Protective Process and Implications for Risk
Assessment, Cancer Prevention, and Cancer Therapy. Nonlinearity in Biology, Toxicology, and
Medicine (accepted for publication).
5. Tokarskaya, Z.B.; Zhuntova, G.V.; Scott, B.R.; Khokhryakov, V. F.; Belyaeva, Z.D.; and Vasilenko,
E.K.: Influence of Radiation and Non-radiation Factors on the Incidence of Malignant Liver
Tumors among Mayak PA Workers. Health Physics (submitted).
6. Okladnikova, N.D.; Tokarskaya, Z.B.; Scott, B.R.; Zhuntova, G.V.; Khokhryakov, V.F.; Syrchikov,
V.A.; Grigoryeva, E.S.: Chromosomal Aberrations in Lymphocytes of Peripheral Blood Among
Mayak Facility Workers Who Inhaled Insoluble Forms of 239Pu. Radiation Protection Dosimetry
(2004), 0: 4171.
7. Walker, D.M.; Walker, V.E.; Seilkop, S.K.; and Scott, B.R.: Modeling of Low-dose Stochastic
Effects for a Prototypic DNA-alkylating Agent, Ethylene Oxide: Improved Characterization
using Nonlinear Models. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis (submitted).
8. Scott, B.R.: Health Risks from High-Level Radiation Exposures from Radiological Weapons.
Radiation Protection Management (accepted for publication).
9. Meng, Q.; Walker, D.M.; Scott, B.R.; Seilkop, S.K.; Aden, J.K.; and Walker, V.E.:
Characterization of HPRT Mutations in cDNA and Genomic DNA of T-Cell Mutants from Control
and 1, 3-Butadiene-Exposed Male B6C3F1 Mice and F344 Rats. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. (2004),
43: 75-92. Abstract available online:
10. Walker, D.M.; Seilkop, S.K.; Scott, B.R.; and Walker, V.E.: HPRT Mutant Frequencies in Splenic
T-Cells of Male F344 Rats Exposed by Inhalation to Propylene. Environ. Mol. Mutagen. (2004),
43: 265-272. Abstract available online:
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11. Aden, J.; and Scott, B.R.: Modeling Variability and Uncertainty Associated with Inhaled
Weapons-Grade PuO2 . Health Phys. (2003), 84, no. 6: 726-736. Abstract available online:
12. Schull, W.J.; Boecker, B.B.; Brill, A.B.; Carter, M.W.; Clark, S.B.; Crouch, E.A.C.; Friedman, S.M.;
Higley, K.A.; Lederer, S.E.; Levenson, M.; Paretzke, H.G.; Scott, B.R.; Shore, R.E.; and Stram,
D.O.: Exposure of the American Population to Radioactive Fallout from Nuclear Weapons Tests.
A Review of the CDC-NCI Draft Report for the Feasibility Study of the Health Consequences
to the American Population from Nuclear Weapons Test Conducted by the United States and
Other Nations, Committee to Review the CDC NCI Feasibility Study of the Health
Consequences from Nuclear Weapons Tests. (2003), Washington, DC, National Academy Press.
13. Scott, B.R.; and Peterson, V.L.: Risk Estimates for Deterministic Health Effects of Inhaled
Weapons Grade Plutonium. Health Phys. (2003), 85, no. 3: 280-293. Abstract available online:
14. Scott, B.R.; Walker, D.M.; Tesfaigzi, Y.; Schöllnberger, H.; and Walker, V.: Mechanistic Basis
for Nonlinear Dose-Response Relationships for Low-Dose Radiation-Induced Stochastic Effects.
Nonlinearity in Biology, Toxicology and Medicine (2003), 1, no. 1: 93-122.
15. Schöllnberger, H.; Aden, J.; and Scott, B.R.: Respiratory Tract Deposition Efficiencies:
Evaluation of Effects from Smoke Released in the Cerro Grande Forest Fire. J. Aerosol Med.
(2002), 15, no. 4: 387-399. Abstract available online:
16. Schöllnberger, H.; Scott, B.R.; Stafford, M.; and Osovets, S.: Analytical Solutions for
Mechanistic Model for Neoplastic Transformation. Radiation Safety Problems (Mayak
Production Association Scientific Journal, Russian Federation Ministry of Atomic Energy) (in
Russian) (2002), 3: 37-43.
17. Tokarskaya, Z.B.; Scott, B.R.; Zhuntova, G.V.; Okladnikova, N.D.; Belyaeva, Z.D.; Khokhryakov,
V.F.; Schöllnberger, H.; and Vasilenko, E.K.: Interaction of Radiation and Smoking in Lung Cancer
Induction Among Workers at the Mayak Enterprise. Health Phys. (2002), 83, no. 6: 833-846.
18. Gerde, P.; and Scott, B.R.: A Model for Absorption of Low-Volatile Toxicants by the Airway
Mucosa. Inhal.Toxicol. (2001), 13: 903-929. Abstract available online:
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19. Johnson, J.; Anspaugh, L.R.; Bier, V.M.; Boecker, B.B.; Brown, S.L.; Bussod, G.Y.; Gesell, T.F.;
Lipoti, J.; Mangione, E.; Poston, J.W.; Roessler, G.S.; Hornung, R.W.; Scott, B.R.; and Watson,
J.E.: TENORM: Evaluating Occurrence and Risks - An SAB Advisory. A Science Advisory Board
(SAB) Advisory on EPA's Proposed Approach for Evaluating Occurrence and Risks of
Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (TENORM). EPA-SAB-RACADV-01-001. 2001. Washington, DC, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Science Advisory
Board. (2001).
20. Johnson, J.A.; Anspaugh, L.R.; Bier, V.M.; Boecker, B.B.; Brown, S.L.; Bussod, G.Y.; Gesell, T.F.;
Hornung, R.W.; Lipoti, J.A.; McFarland, M.J.; Medina-Metzger, M.; Poston, J.W.; Roessler, G.S.;
and Scott, B.R.: Radionuclides in Sewage Sludge: An SAB Advisory. Review of the Interagency
Steering Committee on Radiation Standards (ISCORS) Sewage Sludge Subcommittee Report,
Radionuclides in Sewage Sludge: Dose Assessment, Dose Modeling Report. EPA-SAB-RAC-ADV01-003. 2001. Washington, DC, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Science Advisory Board.
21. Johnson, J.J.; Anspaugh, L.R.; Bier, V.M.; Boecker, B.B.; Brown, S.L.; Bussod, G.; Gesell, T.F.;
Lipoti, J.; Mangione, E.; Roessler, G.S.; Hornung, R.W.; Lung, W.S.; Milford, J.; Scott, B.R.; and
Watson, J.E.: An SAB Report: GENII Version 2 Environmental Radiation Dosimetry System - An
SAB Advisory. EPA-SAB-RAC-ADV-01-002. 2001. Washington, DC.
22. Schöllnberger, H.; Scott, B.R.; and Hanson, T.E.: Application of Bayesian Inference to
Characterize Risks Associated with Low Doses of Low-LET Radiation. Bull. Math. Biol. (2001),
63: 865-883.
23. Claycamp, H.G.; Okladnikova, N.D.; Azizova, T.V.; Belyaeva, Z.D.; Boecker, B.B.; Pesternikova,
V.S.; Scott, B.R.; Shekhter-Levin, S.; Sumina, M.V.; Sussman, N.B.; Teplyakov, I.I.; and Wald,
N.: Deterministic Effects from Occupational Radiation Exposures in a Cohort of Mayak PA
Workers: Data Base Description. Health Phys. (2000), 79, no. 1: 48-54. Abstract available
24. Johnson, J.; Anspaugh, L.R.; Bier, V.M.; Boecker, B.B.; Brown, S.L.; Bussod, G.; Gesell, T.F.; Lipoti,
J.; Mangione, E.; Poston, J.W.; Roessler, G.S.; Hoel, D.G.; Hornung, R.W.; and Scott, B.R.: An
SAB Review: Assessment of Risks from Radon in Homes. Review of the Draft Assessment of
Risks from Radon in Homes by the Radiation Advisory Committee (RAC) of the Science Advisory
Board. EPA-SAB-EC-00-010. 2000. Washington, DC, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Science Advisory Board. 2000.
25. Scott, B.R.; and Schöllnberger, H.: Introducing Biological Microdosimetry for Ionizing
Radiation. Radiat. Prot. Dosimetry (2000), 91, no. 4: 377-384. Abstract available online:
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26. Scott, B.R.: Letters to the Editor: Transformation of C3H 10 T ½ Cells by Low Doses of
Ionizing Radiation. J. Radiol. Prot. (1999), 19, no. 2: 177-179.
27. Scott, B.R.: "Respiratory Tract," in Biological Effects and Exposure Limits for "Hot Particles",
NCRP Report No. 130 ed. (Bethesda, MA: National Council on Radiation Protection and
Measurement, 1999), 120-147.
28. Scott, B.R.; and Fencl, A.F.: Variability in PuO2 Intake by Inhalation: Implications for Worker
Protection at the US Department of Energy. Radiat. Prot. Dosimetry (1999), 83, no. 3: 221-232.
Abstract available online:
29. Guilmette, R.A.; and Scott, B.R.: Radiation Toxicology, in Encyclopedia of Toxicology, edited by
P. Wexler et al. (San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1998), 5-18.
30. Osovets, S.V.; and Scott, B.R.: Non-monotonous Character of Dose-Response Relationships.
Viniti (1998), 1, no. 4: 645-698.
31. Scott, B.R.; Lyzlov, A.F.; and Osovets, S.V.: Evaluating the Risk of Death via the Hematopoietic
Syndrome Mode for Prolonged Exposure of Nuclear Workers to Radiation Delivered at Very Low
Rates. Health Phys. (1998), 74, no. 5: 545-553. Abstract available online:
32. Scott, B.R.: Estimating Lethality Risks for Complex Exposure Patterns. AFRRI Special
Publication 98-2, C2-C5. 1998. Bethesda, MD, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute.
33. Scott, B.R.: Letter to the Editor: Ultraviolet Radiation Effects upon the Eye: Problems of
Dosimetry. Radiat. Prot. Dosimetry (1998), 76, no. 4: 277-278.
34. Hoover, M.D.; Newton, G.J.; and Scott, B.R.: Worker Protection Issues for Monitoring
Airborne Plutonium, in Plutonium Futures - The Science, LA-13338-C (Los Alamos, NM: Los
Alamos National Laboratory, 1997), 267-69.
35. Scott, B.R.: Probabilistic Accident Consequence Uncertainty Analysis, Early Health Effects
Uncertainty Assessment. Expert B. Haskin, F. E. Harper, F. T. Goossens, L. H. J., and Kraan, B. C.
P.; NUREG/CR-6545, EUR 16775, Vol. 2 Appendices, C-31. 1997. Brussels-Luxumberg, A Joint
Report by U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and Commission of European Communities.
36. Scott, B.R.: A Mechanistic Model for Neoplastic Transformation of Cells by High-LET
Radiation and its Implication for Low Dose, Low Dose Rate, Risk Assessment. Radiat. Prot.
Dosimetry (1997), 72, no. 2: 105-117.
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37. Scott, B.R.; Hoover, M.D.; and Newton, G.J.: On Evaluating Respiratory Tract Intake of High
Specific Activity Alpha Emitting Particles for Brief Occupational Exposure. Radiat. Prot.
Dosimetry (1997), 69, no. 1: 43-50.
38. Muggenburg, B.A.; Guilmette, R.A.; Mewhinney, J.A.; Gillett, N.A.; Mauderly, J.L.; Griffith, W.C.;
Diel, J.H.; Scott, B.R.; Hahn, F.F.; and Boecker, B.B.: Toxicity of Inhaled Plutonium Dioxide in
Beagle Dogs. Radiat. Res. (1996), 145, no. 4: 361-381. Abstract available online:
39. Scott, B.R.: Biophysical and Biomathematical Adventures in Radiobiology, in Proceedings of the
Fifth Annual College of Sciences' Symposium, Versatility and Wonders of Physics (Baton Rouge,
LA: Southern University and A&M College, 1996): 19-56.
40. Radu, C.B.; Scott, B.R.; Grace, A.; and Butler, C.R.: ITRI Hot Ponds Soil Remediation Based on
DOE RESRAD Code. 1997. Available electronically from Scan/Fax Systems. 8-13-1995.
41. Lundgren, D.L.; Haley, P.J.; Hahn, F.F.; Diel, J.H.; Griffith, W.C.; and Scott, B.R.: Pulmonary
Carcinogenicity of Repeated Inhalation Exposure of Rats to Aerosols of 239PuO2. Radiat. Res.
(1995), 142: 39-53. Abstract available online:
42. Scott, B.R.; Langberg, C.W.; and Hauer-Jensen, M.: Models for Estimating the Risk of Ulcers in
the Small Intestine After Localized Single or Fractionated Irradiation. Br.J.Radiol. (1995), 68:
49-57. Abstract available online:
43. Scott, B.R.: A Generic Model for Estimating the Risk of Deterministic Effects of Partial Organ
Irradiation by Hot Particles. Health Phys. (1995), 69, no. 6: 909-916. Abstract available online:
44. Boecker, B.B.; Hoover, M.D.; Newton, G.J.; Guilmette, R.A.; and Scott, B.R.: Evaluation of
Strategies for Monitoring and Sampling Airborne Radionuclides in the Workplace. Radiat. Prot.
Dosimetry (1994), 53, no. 1-4: 69-71.
45. Scott, B.R.: Additional Evidence for Errors in DS86 Neutron Kerma for Hiroshima Based on
Biological Dosimetry and Implications for Radiation Protection and Attributable Risk Evaluation.
Radiat. Prot. Dosimetry (1994), 55, no. 2: 87-92.
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46. Abrahamson, S.; Bender, M.A.; Boecker, B.B.; Gilbert, E.S.; and Scott, B.R.: Health Effects
Models for Nuclear Power Plant Accident Consequence Analysis. Modification of Models
Resulting from Addition of Effects of Exposure to Alpha-Emitting Radionuclides. Part II:
Scientific Bases for Health Effects Models. (Washington, DC: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, 1993).
47. Evans, J.; Abrahamson, S.; Bender, M.A.; Boecker, B.B.; Gilbert, E.S.; and Scott, B.R.: Health
Effects Models for Nuclear Power Plant Accident Consequence Analysis. Part I: Introduction,
Integration, and Summary. Rev. 2, Part I. ITRI-141. 1993. Washington, DC, U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission.
48. Henderson, R.F.; Hotchkiss, J.A.; Chang, I.Y.; Scott, B.R.; and Harkema, J.R.: Effect of
Cumulative Exposure on Nasal Response to Ozone. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. (1993), 119: 59-65.
Abstract available online:
49. Scott, B.R.: Hazard Functions for Estimating Whole-Body Doses of Ionizing Radiation from
Chromosomal Damage. Radiat. Prot. Dosimetry (1991), 37, no. 2: 103-109.
50. Scott, B.R.: Health Effects Model for Nuclear Power Plant Accident Consequence Analysis.
Modifications of Models Resulting from Recent Reports on Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation.
Low LET Radiation. Part II, Addendum 1. LMF-132. 1991. Early Occurring and Continuing
51. Brooks, A.L.; Newton, G.J.; Shyr, L.J.; Seiler, F.A.; and Scott, B.R.: The Combined Effects of
Alpha Particles and X Rays on Cell Killing and Micronuclei Induction in Lung Epithelial Cells. Int.
J. Radiat. Biol. (1990), 58: 799-811. Abstract available online:
52. Scott, B.R.; Hahn, F.F.; Snipes, M.B.; Newton, G.J.; Eidson, A.F.; Mauderly, J.L.; and Boecker,
B.B.: Predicted and Observed Early Effects of Combined Alpha and Beta Lung Irradiation.
Health Phys. (1990), 59: 791-805. Abstract available online:
53. Scott, B.R.; and Dillehay, L.E.: A Model for Hematopoietic Death in Man from Irradiation of
Bone Marrow During Radioimmunotherapy. British Journal Radiol. (1990), 63: 862-870. Abstract
available online:
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54. Yaniv, S.S.; and Scott, B.R.: Revised Nonstochastic Health Effects Models, in Proceedings of
the Seminar on Methods and Codes for Assessing the Off-Site Consequences of Nuclear
Accidents, edited by G.N. Kelly and F. Luykx (European Communities/Union, 1990): 773-91.
55. Filipy, R.E.; Lauhala, K.E.; McGee, D.R.; Cannon, W.C.; Buschbom, R.L.; Decker, J.R.; Kuffel, E.G.;
Park, J.F.; Ragan, H.A.; Yaniv, S.S.; and Scott, B.R.: Inhaled 147Pm and/or Total-Body Gamma
Radiation: Early Mortality and Morbidity in Rats. NUREG/CR-5353, PNL-6891. 1989.
Washington, DC, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
56. Hahn, F.F.; Boecker, B.B.; Muggenburg, B.A.; Scott, B.R.; and McClellan, R.O.: Irradiation of
Lymph Nodes After Deposition of Radioactive Particles in the Lung, in Low Dose Radiation:
Biological Bases of Risk Assessment, edited by K. F. Baverstock and J. W. Stather (London:
Taylor & Francis, 1989): 216-26.
57. Scott, B.R.; Filipy, R.E.; and Hahn, F.F.: Models for Pulmonary Lethality and Morbidity after
Irradiation from Internal and External Sources. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
NUREG/CR-5351, LMF-122. 1989. Washington, DC, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Division
of Regulatory Applications.
58. Scott, B.R.: Probabilistic Models for Early and Continuing Radiobiological Effects of Nuclear
Power Plant Accidents, in Proceedings for PSA '89 International Topical Meeting on Probability,
Reliability, and Safety Assessment (La Grange Park, IL: American Nuclear Society, 1989): 73237.
59. Scott, B.R.; and Hahn, F.F.: Chapter 2, Early Occurring and Continuing Effects. In Health
Effects Models for Nuclear Power Plant Accident Consequence Analysis, Low LET Radiation,
Rev. 1, Part II, NUREG/CR-4214, SAND85-7185, (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,
Washington, DC, 1989).
60. Filipy, R.E.; Decker,J.R.; Lai, Y.L.; Lauhala, K.E.; Buschbom, R.L.; Hlastala, M.P.; McGee, D.R.;
Scott, B.R.; Kuffel, E.G.; Ragan, H.A.; Cannon, W.C.; and Yaniv, S.S.: Inhaled 239PuO2 and/or
Total-Body Gamma Radiation: Early Mortality and Morbidity in Rats and Dogs. NUREG/CR-5198,
PNL-6586. 1988. (Washington, DC, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission).
61. Scott, B.R.: Response-Surface Model for Organ Dysfunction After Protracted Irradiation.
Math. Comput. Modeling (1988), 11: 1038-1040.
62. Scott, B.R.; Hahn, F.F.; McClellan, R.O.; and Seiler, F.A.: Risk Estimators for Radiation-Induced
Bone Marrow Syndrome Lethality in Humans. Risk Analysis (1988), 8: 393-402. Abstract
available online:
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63. Scott, B.R.; Hahn, F.F.; Snipes, M.B.; Newton, G.J.; Eidson, A.F.; Mauderly, J.L.; and Boecker,
B.B.: Early and Continuing Effects of Combined Alpha and Beta Irradiation of the Lung. Phase II
Report. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Report NUREG/CR-5067, LMF-119. 1988.
Springfield, VA, NTIS.
64. Scott, B.R.: A Radiation Protection Approach to Assessing Population Risks for Threshold Type
Radiobiological Effects. Health Phys. (1988), 55: 463-470. Abstract available online:
65. Scott, B.R.; Hahn, F.F.; Newton, G.J.; Snipes, M.B.; Damon, E.G.; Mauderly, J.L.; Boecker, B.B.;
and Gray, D.H.: Experimental Studies of the Early Effects of Inhaled Beta-Emitting
Radionuclides for Nuclear Accident Risk Assessment. Phase II Report. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission Report NUREG/CR-5025, LMF-117, NTIS, U.S. Department of Commerce,
Springfield, VA, (1987).
66. Seiler, F.A.; and Scott, B.R.: Mixtures of Toxic Agents and Attributable Risk Calculations. Risk
Analysis (1987), 7: 81-90. Abstract available online:
67. Scott, B.R.: Predictive Models for Potentiation of Cell Killing by Combined Exposure In Vitro to
Photon Radiation and BCNU. Mathematical Modeling (1986), 7: 1339-1352.
68. Scott, B.R.; Hahn, F.F.; Guilmette, R.A.; Muggenburg, B.A.; Snipes, M.B.; Boecker, B.B.; and
McClellan, R.O.: Use of Studies with Laboratory Animals to Assess the Potential Early Health
Effects of Combined Internal Alpha and Beta Irradiation, in Life-Span Radiation Effects
Studies in Animals: What Can They Tell Us?, edited by R. C. Thompson and J. A. Mahaffey,
1986): 578-91.
69. Scott, B.R.; and Hahn, F.F.: Health Effects Models for Nuclear Power Plant Accident
Consequence Analysis. In Chapter 1. Early Occurring and Continuing Effects, NUREG/CR-4214,
SAND 85-7185 (Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC, U.S., 1985).
70. Scott, B.R.: Methodologies for Predicting the Expected Combined Stochastic Radiobiological
Effects of Different Ionizing Radiations and Some Applications. Radiat. Res. (1984), 98: 182197. Abstract available online:
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71. Scott, B.R.; Hahn, F.F.; Cuddihy, R.G.; Boecker, B.B.; and Seiler, F.A.: Hazard-Function Modeling
of Early Effects Mortality Risks Associated with Light Water Nuclear Reactor Accidents. PNLSA-13085, NUREG/CP-0063: 134-152. 1984.
72. Muggenburg, B.A.; Mewhinney, J.A.; Griffith, W.C.; Hahn, F.F.; McClellan, R.O.; Boecker, B.B.;
and Scott, B.R.: Dose-Response Relationships for Bone Cancers from Plutonium in Dogs and
People. Health Phys. (1983), 44: 529-536. Abstract available online:
73. Scott, B.R.: Theoretical Models for Estimating Dose-Effect Relationships after Combined
Exposure to Cytotoxicants. Bull. Math. Biol. (1983), 45: 323-345.
74. Cuddihy, R.G.; McClellan, R.O.; Griffith, W.C.; Seiler, F.A.; and Scott, B.R.: Potential Health
Risks from Increased Use of Diesel Light Duty Vehicles, in Toxicological Effects of Emissions
from Diesel Engines, edited by J. Lewtas (New York, NY: Elsevier Publishing, 1982): 353-57.
75. Hill, J.O.; Rothenberg, S.J.; Kanapilly, G.M.; Hanson, R.L.; and Scott, B.R.: Activation of
Immune Complement by Fly Ash Particles from Coal Combustion. Environ. Res. (1982), 28: 113122.
76. McClellan, R.O.; Boecker, B.B.; Cuddihy, R.G.; Griffith, W.C.; Hahn, F.F.; Muggenburg, B.A.;
Scott, B.R.; and Seiler, F.A.: Health Effects from Internally Deposited Radionuclides Released
in Nuclear Disasters, in The Control of Exposure of the Public to Ionizing Radiation in the Event
of Accident or Attack (Bethesda, MD: National Council on Radiation Protection and
Measurements, 1982): 28-39.
77. Scott, B.R.: Method of Analysis of Monotone Dose-Response Probabilities After Long-Term
Exposure to a Toxicant. Health Phys. (1982), 42: 305-315.
78. Scott, B.R.: A Dose-Response Model for Estimating Lifetime Tumor Risks When Cell Killing
Occurs. Bull. Math. Biol. (1981), 43: 487-501.
79. Cuddihy, R.G.; Seiler, F.A.; Griffith, W.C.; Scott, B.R.; and McClellan, R.O.: Potential Health and
Environmental Effects of Diesel Light Duty Vehicles. DOE Research and Development Report
LMF-82. 1980. Springfield, VA, NTIS, U.S. Department of Commerce.
80. Scott, B.R.: Proposed Estimates of the Probability of Inducing Pulmonary Injury Sufficient to
Cause Death from Radiation Pneumonitis and Pulmonary Fibrosis After Briefly Inhaling a
Mixture of Insoluble -Emitting Particles. Health Phys. (1980), 38: 635-642.
81. Scott, B.R. and Hahn, F.F.: A Model that Leads to the Weibull Distribution Function to
Characterize Early Radiation Response Probabilities. Health Phys. (1980), 39: 521-530.
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82. Scott, B.R.: A Model for Early Death Caused by Radiation Pneumonitis and Pulmonary Fibrosis
After Inhaling Insoluble Radioactive Particles. Bull. Math. Biol. (1980), 42: 447-459.
83. Scott, B.R. and Ainsworth, E.J.: State Vector Model for Life Shortening in Mice After Brief
Exposures to Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation. Math. Biosci. (1979), 49: 185-205.
84. Scott, B.R.: Hazard-Function Method of Resolving Radiation Dose-Response Curves. Health
Phys. (1979), 36: 323-332.
85. Scott, B.R.: Mechanistic State Vector Model for Cell Killing by Ionizing Radiation. Radiat.
Environ. Biophysics. (1977), 14: 195-211. Abstract available online:
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