1 - Nanyang Technological University

I.Y.Soon, S.N.Koh and C.K.Yeo, “Noisy speech enhancement using Discrete
Cosine Transform”, Speech Communication, 1998
Rolf Vetter, Nathalie Virag, , Philippe Renevey and Jean-Marc Vesin, Single Channel Speech
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Hegger R, Kantz H, Matassini L, Denoising human speech signals using chaoslike features,
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I.Y. Soon, S. N. Koh, “Low Distortion Speech Enhancement”, IEE Proceedings-Vision Image and
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Hegger R, Kantz H, Matassini L, Noise reduction for human speech signals by local projections in
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Rolf Vetter, Philippe Renevey, Jens Krauss, Dual Channel Speech Enhancement using Coherence
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Rolf Vetter, Single Channel Speech Enhancement Using MDL-Based Subspace Approach in Bark
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I.Y. Soon, S. N. Koh, “Speech Enhancement using 2D Fourier Transform”, IEEE Trans. on
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Saeed Gazor, Wei Zhang, Speech Enhancement Employing Laplacian-Gaussian Mixture, IEEE
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I.Y. Soon, S. N. Koh, “Low Distortion Speech Enhancement”, IEE Proceedings-Vision Image and
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I.Y. Soon, S.N. Koh, Yuan ZX, Selective Magnitude subtraction for noise reduction, Journal of
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I.Y. Soon, S. N. Koh, “Speech Enhancement using 2D Fourier Transform”, IEEE Trans. on
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Subtotal : 13
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Hu YC, Chang CC, An Effective codebook search algorithm for vector quantization, Imaging
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Subtotal : 5
I.Y. Soon, S. N. Koh, “Low Distortion Speech Enhancement”, IEE Proceedings-Vision
Image and Signal Processing, vol. 147, Issue 3, pp. 247-253, Jun 2000.
袁波涛, 蔡汉添 - 通信学报, 一种基于听觉掩蔽模型的语音增强算法
I.Y. Soon, S. N. Koh, “Speech Enhancement using 2D Fourier Transform”, IEEE Trans. on
Speech & Audio Processing 11(6), pp. 717-724, 2003
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S. Gazor, Employing Laplacian-Gaussian Densities for Speech Enhancement, Proceedings of
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Wei Zhang; Aboulnasr, T., A recursive speech enhancement system employing Laplacian speech
model, pp. 135- 139, 3rd IEEE Int. Workshop on Haptic, Audio and Visual Environments and
Their Applications (HAVE), 2004.
Saeed Gazor, Wei Zhang, Speech Enhancement Employing Laplacian-Gaussian Mixture, IEEE
Trans. Speech and Audio Processing, 2005
张玲华, 邓立新, 郑宝玉,一种改进的自适应算法及其在语音增强中的应用
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Subtotal : 7
Chen, G., Koh, S.N., and Soon, I.Y.: ‘Enhanced Itakura measure incorporating masking
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Chen G, Parsa V, Bayesian Model Based Non-Intrusive Speech Quality Evaluation, Proceedings
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Subtotal : 5
C.K. Yeo, S.C. Hui, I.Y. Soon, and G. Manik. Unified Messaging : A System for the
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Subtotal : 3
I.Y. Soon, S. N. Koh, “Speech Enhancement using 2D Fourier Transform”, IEEE Trans.
on Speech & Audio Processing 11(6), pp. 717-724, 2003
M Mischi, AHM Jansen, AACM Kalker, HHM Korsten, Identification of ultrasound contrast
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I.Y. Soon, S. N. Koh and C. K. Yeo, "Wavelet for Speech denoising," Proc. TENCON,
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Subtotal : 4
Ing Yann Soon, Soo Ngee Koh, Chai Kiat Yeo, "Selective Magnitude Subtraction for
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Subtotal : 2
I.Y. Soon, C. K. Yeo, “Bandwidth extension of narrowband speech using cepstral
analysis to improve received speech quality”, Proceedings of ISIMP 2004, pp. 242-245
I.Y. Soon, C. K. Yeo, “Bandwidth extension of narrowband speech using Soft-decision Vector
Quantization”, Proceedings of ICICS 2005, Bangkok, pp 734-738.
S. Jaisimha, I.Y. Soon, “Bandwidth extension of narrow band speech using Cepstral
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R. V. Cox, D. Malah, D. Kapilov, Improving upon toll quality speech for VOIP, Asilomar
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Subtotal: 1
I.Y. Soon, S.N.Koh, C.K.Yeo, "Speech Enhancement using Discrete Cosine Transform,"
Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Signal and ImageProcessing, pp.39, 1996.
I.Y. Soon, S. N. Koh and C. K. Yeo, "Wavelet for Speech denoising," Proc. TENCON, Dec. 1997,
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Ing Yann Soon, Kwang Jong Tan, Chai Kiat Yeo, "Speech Enhancement using Wavelet
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International Conference on Communication Systems (APCC/ICCS'98), vol. 1, pp 117-121.
I.Y. Soon, S. N. Koh, “Speech Enhancement using 2D Fourier Transform”, IEEE Trans. on
Speech & Audio Processing 11(6), pp. 717-724, 2003
Updated : 15 Mar 2006