University of Pennsylvania Institutional Review Board 3624 Market Street, Suite 301 South, Philadelphia PA 19104-6006 INSTITUTIONAL REVIEW BOARD SELF-ASSESSMENT FORM FOR HUMAN RESEARCH PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: PROTOCOL TITLE: PROTOCOL #: EXPIRATION DATE: REVIEW BOARD: SPONSORING AGENCY: IRB Quality Improvement through Self-Assessment for Human Research Purpose: There are six (6) key areas that are addressed in this quality assurance project which is designed to elicit responses that provide a snap shot of your research. Please bear in mind this is an effort to address a broad range of social behavioral science research studies. Consequently, some of the materials may not be applicable to your particular project. We may follow up with you on some of your responses. Self-Assessment Form for Human Research I. Informed Consent Process: Recognizing that informed consent encompasses much more than a form or document there are a number of methods employed to educate a potential subject as to what is involved in a particular research project. The forms used are one method for documenting the informed consent process. 1. Is written informed consent required for this project? If YES, are the individual consent forms available for review? 2. Is written HIPAA authorization required? If YES, are the individual consent forms available for review? Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No II. Confidentiality of Research Data: Confidentiality- the treatment of information that an individual has disclosed in a relationship of trust and with the expectation that it will not be divulged to others in ways that are inconsistent with the understanding of the original disclosure without permission. This can be addressed via locked files, password protection, coded data. 1. Does data collected for this project include private identifiable information? Yes No Yes No Yes No 45 CFR46.102(f)(2) If YES, check all that are in place to protect this information: a) Paper-based records: secure location with limited personnel access b) Computer based files: Limited access privileges, passwords and encryption c) Access and storage procedures described in consent procedure d)Participant’s names and private identifiable info are stored separately 2. Did any breaches of confidentiality occur during the most recent approval period? If YES, was the breach reported to the IRB? Page 1 of 3 Request for Continuing Review (SBS) April 2010 Template Version: 1 University of Pennsylvania Institutional Review Board 3624 Market Street, Suite 301 South, Philadelphia PA 19104-6006 If a breach occurred and was NOT reported the IRB, please provide an explanation: 3. Is there a process for checking data accuracy after data are entered into an electronic database or spreadsheet (i.e. a process to check for data entry errors)? Yes No If YES, please describe the process: If NO, please provide an explanation: III. Unanticipated Problems including Adverse Events: The IRB requires reporting of events that are: (1) unforeseen and (2) indicate that participants or others are at increased risk of harm. If yes to both, the problem is considered an unanticipated problem involving risks to participants or others. Each protocol can address unanticipated problems via a safety review or monitoring procedure. There are many valid methods to address the requirements for an appropriate level of review dependent on the specifics of the protocol. Social and Behavioral research is less likely to involve an experimental therapy in the biomedical context. However, social and behavioral research may involve risks of psychological, social, economic, or legal harms or may involve the risk of breaches of confidentiality. Please refer to the following website for some examples of unanticipated problems: 1. Have there been any unanticipated, study-related problems that posed risk to subjects or others? Yes No If YES, how were unanticipated problems identified and how were they addressed? Also please provide a brief description of the reporting mechanism The remaining three areas are designed to consider the study on a continuum. Much like the continuing review information provided on an annual basis these areas provide a window into the study progress. IV. Withdrawal/Accrual Data: 1. How many participants have withdrawn from the study in the last approval period? 2. For withdrawn participants, are the reasons for withdrawal recorded? Yes No Yes No If NO, please provide a brief explanation 3. For withdrawn participants, do the reasons for withdrawal suggest any issues with the consent process or monitoring? Page 2 of 3 Request for Continuing Review (SBS) April 2010 Template Version: 1 University of Pennsylvania Institutional Review Board 3624 Market Street, Suite 301 South, Philadelphia PA 19104-6006 If YES, please provide a brief explanation/comment: V. Protocol Documents 1. Are records for the following maintained and available? IRB communications (e.g. IRB approval letters) Yes No Protocol (All IRB-approved versions) Yes No Has your study enrolled pregnant women? Yes No If YES, was the study initially reviewed under Subpart B? See supplemental forms: Yes No Has your study enrolled prisoners? Yes No If YES, was the study initially reviewed under Subpart C? See supplemental forms: Yes No Has your study enrolled children? Yes No If YES, was the study initially reviewed under Subpart D? See supplemental forms: Yes No If NO to either of the above questions, please provide a brief explanation/comment: VI. Vulnerable Populations: 1. If the study was NOT initially reviewed under Subpart B, but is enrolling pregnant women, please contact the IRB so we may assist you in addressing the special requirements concerning this research population: 215-898-2614 2. If the study was NOT initially reviewed under Subpart C, but is enrolling prisoners or a participant has become a prisoner while enrolled in the study, please contact the IRB so we may assist you in addressing the special requirements concerning this research population: 215-898-2614 3. If the study was NOT initially reviewed under Subpart D, but is enrolling children, please contact the IRB so we may assist you in addressing the special requirements concerning this research population: 215-898-2614 Please attach any additional documentation you consider relevant to the self-assessment Page 3 of 3 Request for Continuing Review (SBS) April 2010 Template Version: 1