ACU IRB # ____________ Date of Approval __/__/____ Date of Expiration __/__/____ Abilene Christian University Institutional Review Board Committee & Departmental Research Review Panel Continuing Review Form Complete the Request and send as an e-mail attachment to Include any appendix materials, as applicable, and the signed Investigator assurance/signature form. Allow up to 3-4 weeks for the requests to be processed. Many members of the committee are unavailable to review proposals during the summer or holiday months. Submission during the fall or spring term is highly recommended. Title of Project: Protocol #: Date of Request: Principal Investigator: Faculty Advisor (If PI is a student): Investigator Assurances Form Department / Affiliation: Phone: **Note: Faculty Advisor MUST read and sign the Degree/Credentials: Email: Address or ACU Box: Point of Contact, if other than PI (Name, phone, email): Are you requesting an expedited review (please see HHS Chart 9)? briefly justify qualification for expedited review based on Chart 9: Were any changes made since the last review? Yes If yes, were they all previously approved by the IRB? Yes No If yes, No Yes No Please summarize the approved changes that were made: Date of Amendment: Summary of Change: Date of Amendment: Summary of Change: Date of Amendment: Summary of Change: Were any unapproved deviations reported to the IRB as noncompliance? Yes No N/A Explain: (If no and the deviation is serious, please include an Unanticipated Problems/Noncompliance Report. Serious is defined as adversely affecting participant safety, increasing risks to participants, or violating participants’ rights and welfare) Did any of these unapproved changes place participants at a greater risk of harm? Yes No N/A Explain: ####_PI_ContinuingReview_######## ACU IRB # ____________ Date of Approval __/__/____ Date of Expiration __/__/____ What has been done to prevent reoccurrence of unapproved deviations: You may make very minor changes at this time to include updating study personnel and/or contact information. Do you wish to include any changes? Yes No If yes, summarize the changes and include any revised forms in the appendix: Please describe the current status of the study related to enrollment (e.g., have not started enrolling participants or collecting data/speciments, are actively enrolling participants or collecting data/speciments, have temporarily or permanently halted/completed enrolling participants or collecting data/specimens): Participant Enrollment How many participants: Were originally approved for screening And for enrollment Have been screened Have been enrolled Have completed participation Have withdrawn/been withdrawn Please provide a description of each withdrawal, including who initiated the withdrawal (e.g., participant or PI) and why (e.g., adverse event, non-compliance, no longer met eligibility criteria, etc.): Was consent obtained for all enrolled participants, as described in the initial protocol? Yes No N/A Explain: Did all participants receive a copy of the signed consent form? Yes No N/A Explain: Are research procedures currently being performed on participants or will they be in the future? Yes No Please summarize the progress on the study: Have any problems occurred? Yes ####_PI_ContinuingReview_######## No If yes, please summarize: ACU IRB # ____________ Date of Approval __/__/____ Date of Expiration __/__/____ Were these previously reported to the IRB? Yes No Explain: Were any of these problems unanticipated and probably related to the research? Yes No N/A Explain: Were any of these problems serious or did they suggest a greater level of risk than originally anticipated? Yes No N/A Explain: Did the occurrence of any of these problems require a revision of the consent form? Yes No N/A Explain: Have any participants made any complaints about the study? Yes No Explain: Describe any recent literature that has come out since the last review related to this research: Does the recent literature suggest any new risks or benefits that should be considered? Yes No Explain: Is there any other new information related to the risks and benefits of this research? Yes No Explain: Does the study have a safety monitoring plan? summary report: Yes No. If yes, please provide a APPENDIX Identify which items are included in the appendix Signed Investigator assurance/signature form (required) NIH Protecting Human Subject Research Participants Training Certificates of Completion for any new research team members. **NIH Training will be required of all research team members beginning January 1, 2016. It is highly encouraged prior to then. Current Consent Form (required) Requested Revised Consent Form Unanticipated Problems/Noncompliance Report Form Other: ______________________ ####_PI_ContinuingReview_########