William Pengelly Cave Studies Trust The Trust was established in 1962 for the study of caves and to promote the conservation of the cave environment. The Trust’s cave studies center is located at Buckfastleigh, Devon, close to Dartmoor and the South Devon coast. It is part of a larger property designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest. There is accommodation for 22 residents, and a wide range of educational and research facilities. The Centre is used by primary and secondary school groups, and by students from further education. Occasional public courses and tours are arranged, and the Centre is open to visitors at various times of the year. The Elephant’s Tooth – part of the bone deposit in Joint Mitnor Cave. Caves at the Centre Higher Kiln Quarry Russets Lane Buckfastleigh Devon TQ11 0DY www.pengelly.org info@pengelly.org The Centre is in a long-disused quarry, with several caves, including: Reeds Cave – one of the most richly decorated Devon caves, though only accessible by arrangement; there are other important caves close to the Centre. Joint Mitnor Cave – contains an important and extensive deposit of fossil bones from the Last Interglacial Period of about 100 000 years ago. Rift Cave – houses an important bat colony, and has been grilled with the assistance of the Worldwide Fund for Nature. Research The Trust supports a wide range of research at the Centre. There has been a variety of large and small projects in areas such as cave water percolation, cave location techniques, cave paleontology and bat studies. A Greater Horseshoe Bat in flight. This is a species found in the area around the Centre. Conservation Much of the work of the Trust is concerned with conserving caves. The displays in the museum at the Centre demonstrate aspects of this work, and introduce visitors to many aspects of speleology. Through its members the Trust links to other organizations concerned with aspects of conservation in the cave environment. Visiting the Centre You can visit the Centre by arrangement, or take part in one of the guided walks, which are advertised locally during the summer months. There are good facilities for small residential and day courses, which include activity and teaching rooms. The museum houses a range of exhibits dealing with most aspects of cave studies. There is also a range of booklets and other materials dealing with aspects of cave studies at the Centre and elsewhere. Copies of all publications can be purchased at the Centre or through the membership secretary (see trust membership application). Measuring Airflow in the entrance to Rift Cave at the Centre. This picture is from a paper on diurnal temperature variations within the cave by Duncan Worrell, which appeared in Studies in Speleology. The Trust has a website, giving more details about the Trust and the Centre, with links to other sites which deal with cave science and conservation. The address is www.pengelly.org. For information about use of the Centre contact David Jean, 13 Tor Road, Plymouth, PL3 5TE. Tel: 01752 700293. Membership is open to all those who support the aims of the Trust, and wish to help in its work. Members receive the publications of the Trust and have preferential use of the Centre. If you would like to join the Trust, please complete the membership application form. Name ……………………………… Address…………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ………………………………………… I wish to apply for: Full membership - £10 Family membership - £12.50 Junior/Student/Senior Membership - £5 I enclose a cheque for: £ Payable to – William Pengelly Cave Studies Trust You can increase the value of your subscription to the Trust by completing a Gift Aid Form. Please tick here for details. You can reduce our costs by paying by Direct Debit. Please tick here for a form. William Pengelly Cave Studies Trust Membership Application Form The Trust publishes a biennial Journal, Studies in Speleology, which include papers on a wide range of speleological topics, written for the general reader as well as for the specialist. A Newsletter is produced several times a year, with news of the work of the Trust and of its members, and articles of general interest. Please detach and send to the Membership Secretary, 95 Finch Road, Earley, Reading, Berks, RG6 7JX. Tel: 0118 926 9328 Publications