General Journal Purpose The General Journal program enables journals to be created, edited and posted. Procedure The program uses a single screen to enter general journal details. Entered journals must balance before they can be posted. A journal which does not balance will be HELD and cannot be posted. If a journal batch does not balance, the user may leave it in a HELD state and rectify it later. The system also checks for entity balance. The General Ledger shape information is read to determine the entities within the General Ledger. The accounts entered in the journal which form part of an entity are checked for balance before leaving data entry mode. Journal batches that balance are considered READY and may be posted immediately after entry, or may be individually reviewed and posted or all READY journals can be posted at one time. If the config GLVERAPPBOX is set to YES the user will be prompted to enter in approver details when posting a GL journal. Journals may be posted to any open period within the current General Ledger year. Two types of journals may be entered with this program, Normal journals and Reversing journal. Reversing journals will automatically create a journal at the beginning of the next period that reverses the posting. The next period must be opened for auto-posting of reversing journals before the running the Period End/Year End function. If the config GLJNLEFLOW is set to YES the eFlow approval process is active. This approval process is used to obtain electronic approval of an individual GL General Journal Batch prior to posting. Add To add a new general journal, select the Add option from the menu. After entering a journal header, select OK to accept. Abort entry by selecting Cancel and return to the ring menu. Entry of the transaction line items in the journal is entered into a scrolling array. Upon accepting the entries, the system checks whether the journal line item entries balance. If the journal balances, the system prompts the user to set the journal to READY status. If the journal is set to ready, the system prompts the user to post the journal. If the journal is set to hold, the cursor returns to the ring menu and the status is set to HELD. If the config GLJNLEFLOW is set to YES a batch will be set to Ready, and the user is prompted to request approval for the journal. If No is selected the journal stays in a READY status, if YES is selected go into Waiting Approval status, and authorised approvers are notified. Approvers are maintained using the Hierarchy Maintenance program. Authorised users can then select all journals with the status of AWAITING APPROVAL to authorise for posting. Page 1 For bulk entry of line items where each account code is similar, the Mask function allows mask of the account code. Enter the mask for the account code and line description, then select OK to accept or Cancel to abort mask entry. Example: For account codes where the beginning of the code is B-1-111-, then enter B-1111-????, and select OK. Then when entering account codes, the user only enters the last four digits of the code, the system then displays the account code based upon the mask and the last four digits entered by the user. Update To update and existing general journal, select the edit account Update option from the menu. In update mode, all unposted journals, in READY and HELD status, may be updated. However, all posted journals cannot be modified. Delete To delete and existing general journal, select the Delete option from the menu. Deletion of posted journals is not permitted. However, the Detail Trial Balance reports require the existence of the journals for the periods in question, and missing or deleted journals are identified by these reports. Other The Other menu option displays the Other menu offering the user the following options. Current post The Current post option allows the user to post the currently displayed journal if it is not in HELD status. All post The All post option allows the user to post all READY journals currently selected. Selected post The Selected post option allows the user to post all READY journals that match the enteted critera. Select the Selected Post option, enter the selection criteria to post and select OK. The journals that have a Readys status that match the selection criteria are posted. Journal Print The Journal Print option allows the user to print journals. Journal must have a status of READY, POSTED, APPROVED or WAITING APPROVAL to be printed. This option is only available when config GLJNLEFLOW is set to NO, and the config GLVCRFMT is defined. Page 2 Approval Request The Approval Request option allows the user to request approval of the current Journal record using workflow. This option can only be selected for Journals that have a READY status. This option is only available when config GLJNLEFLOW is set to YES. Authorise Journal The Authorise Journal option allows the an authorised user to authorise the current journal for posting. The Journal must have a status of AWAITING APPROVAL to be available for authorisation. This option is only available when config GLJNLEFLOW is set to YES. Workflow Information The Workflow Information option allows the user to view the workflow process of the currently selected journal. This option is only available when config GLJNLEFLOW is set to YES. Upd Password The Upd Password option allows the user to change the password that is required for allowing posting of journals which are using control accounts. Set input mask The Set input mask option allows the user to set a General Ledger account code and/or journal description mask for bulk entry of journal line items. Reversal The Reversal option allows for reversal journals to be created from already existing journals. These reversal journals are not automatically posted but are set with status READY. Notes The Notes option allows the user to display any notes stored against the current journal. The Note Pad function is available in the Journal Operations program. Select the Notes function while in insert or update mode to enter information on the journal currently being entered. Load Journals Selecting the Load Journals option will allow the user to enter an journal batch that has been prepared in an Excel Spreadsheet or an XML file. The user will be presented with a screen to enter the name of the file to load in (See Journal Load Screen below). The structure of the file is outlined below. Once the user accepts the filename, the program proceeds to load and check the data in the file. The program checks for each line to ensure : o Page 3 The GL company exists o o o o The GL company is the current company The batch ID does not already exist (if the batch ID is not 0) Account code is valid Period for the year/period is Open If any of these checks fail no batches will be loaded into the system and the user will be given the option to print an errors report. When loading the Journal batches, a separate batch is created for each line of the load file. The source of this batch will be EXT=External. Loaded batches are placed in Held state. Once the load completes successfully, the system selects the loaded batches for the user to view and then manually post each batch using the Post - Current option on the other menu. The load file is a tab delimited file consisting of the following columns: FIELD MAXIMUM WIDTH NOTES Journal Number CHAR(8) Journal number must be unique in the system. Set to 0, if journal number is automatically generated by the system. Journal Date DATE If journal date is not entered by the user, system will load the journal in using the current system date Status CHAR(1) Journal can be loaded into the system in R=Ready or H=Held state Header Description CHAR(70) Description of the journal. If this is not entered by the user, system will load the journal description as Loaded Journal {journal date}. Type CHAR(3) NRM=Normal REV=Reversing. Account CHAR(20) Must be a valid Account code Account Description CHAR(50) If GL account description is not entered by the user, system will copy the description of journal header (column 4). Journal Amount DECIMAL(15,2) Debit – positive amount. Credit – negative amount Currency Code CHAR(3) Must be a valid Currency code Currency Rate DECIMAL The currency rate for the journal. Screens Page 4 Screen: gl_jnlent JOURNAL OPERATIONS - Screen: gl_jnlent FIELD TYPE USAGE Journal INPUT The Journal field is used to enter a unique journal identifier of up to 6 characters. If the config GLAUTOJNL is set to YES this field will be system generated. Date INPUT The Date field is used to enter the date for the journal. This field will default to the current system date but may be overwritten. Entry of this field is mandatory. Type INPUT This field is used to enter the journal type. Valid options are Normal, or Reversing. Entry of this field is mandatory. Year INPUT The Year field is used to enter the year into which the journal will post. This field will default to the current GL year but may be overwritten. Entry of this field is mandatory. Period INPUT The Period field is used to enter the period in to which the journal will post. This field will default to the current financial period but may be overwritten. Entry of this field is mandatory. Description INPUT The Description field is used to enter a description for the journal of up to 70 characters. Entry of this field is mandatory. Source DISPLAY The Source field is used to display the source of the journal. This field is automatically set to MAN=Manual by the system. Currency INPUT/DISPLAY The Currency field is a 3 character field used to enter the currency for the journal. If UTMULTICURRENCY is set to N=No this field is a display field and will default to the code for local currency. If UTMULTICURRENCY is set to Y=Yes, selection of currency is possible. The Zoom facility is available to select valid currency codes. Rate INPUT/DISPLAY The Rate field is used to enter the exchange rate that will be used for foreign currency transactions. If the config UTMULTICURRENCY is set to N=No this field is a display field and will default to 1. If UTMULTICURRENCY is set to Y=Yes this field displays the current exchange rate for the selected currency. This field may be overwritten. Status DISPLAY Page 5 The Status field displays the current status of the journal. Status' include NEW, HELD or POSTED. If the config GLJNLEFLOW is set to YES a journal may also have a status of AWAITING APPROVAL and APPROVED. Postdate DISPLAY The Postdate field displays date the journal was posted. this field is system generated. Debits DISPLAY The Debits field displays the debits of the journal, being the sum of all debit transaction entries. Credits DISPLAY The Credits field displays the credits of journal, being the sum of all credit transaction entries. Balance DISPLAY The Balance field displays the balance of journal, being the sum of the debits and credits in the journal. Notes INPUT The Notes check box is used to indicate if there are any user defined notes attached to the current record. If the field is ticked, this indicates Notes are present. To view the Notes select the Notes menu option or Notes from the options menu. Procedures INPUT The Procedures check box is used to indicate if there are user defined procedures for entering a General Journal record. To view the Procedures select the Help menu then Procedures. Account The Account field is used to enter the account code to allocate against. The Zoom facility is available to select from all valid entries. The field is mandatory and must match with the previously defined account shape. INPUT Description INPUT The Description field is a 30 character descriptive text field. This field will default to the journal description but on by entering an equal sign the system will display the account code description, or the previous line's description inserted by entering a period. Alternatively, the user may enter a unique description. If the config UTMULTICURRENCY is set to Y=Yes and the account description is sourced with the equal sign, the currency for the journal will also appear as apart of the description. DR/CR INPUT The DR/CR indicates the debit side or the credit side to which the transaction line item belongs. This field will default based on the nature of the account entered. Debit INPUT The Debit amount of the journal line item is a decimal field. This field must be entered if and only if the debit/credit code is DR. Credit INPUT The Credit amount of the journal line is a decimal field. This field must be entered if and only if the debit/credit code is CR. Screens Screen: gl_jnlentapp Page 6 EFLOW APPROVERS - Screen: gl_jnlentapp FIELD Name TYPE USAGE DISPLAY The eFlow approvers screen is used to select an authorised user who will be notified that a General Journal has been entered and is awaiting approval. All authorised users will be displayed on the screen. Screens Screen: gl_jnlenteflow WORKFLOW - Screen: gl_jnlenteflow FIELD TYPE USAGE Process DISPLAY The Process field is used to display a description for the journal approval process. Status DISPLAY The Status field is used to display the current approval status for the journal record. Last Update DISPLAY The Last Update field is used to display the date and time the last update was performed on the journal record. Reference DISPLAY The Reference field is used to display a descriptive reference for the journal approval process. Request By DISPLAY The Request By field is used to display the login for the user who requested approval for the current journal record. Request To DISPLAY The Request To field is used to display the login for the user who received the approval request. Start Date & Time DISPLAY The Start Date & Time field is used to display the date and time the approval process began. Finish Date & Time DISPLAY The Finish Date & Time field is used to display the date and time the approval process was completed. Status DISPLAY The Status field is used to display the current eFlow status of the general journal. Screens Page 7 Screen: gl_jnlentload JOURNAL LOAD - Screen: gl_jnlentload FIELD Load Filename TYPE USAGE INPUT The Load Filename field is used to enter the path and file name for the file to be loaded into the system. Load Format INPUT The Load Format field is used to select the format of the file that is to be loaded into the system. Options are Standard CSV or Standard XML. Error Messages Refer to Appendix D - Standard Error Messages Page 8