Institutional Biosafety Committee Administered by the Office of Research Integrity and Outreach 7 Chamberlain Ave. Portland, ME 04101 Phone (207) 228-8279 Fax (207) 228-8405 IBC Annual Continuing Review (for Active Projects) IBC Revision/Amendment to Protocol IBC Study Completion Notification Check All That Apply: Study Completion Notification Request for IBC Annual Continuing Review (for Active Projects) Request for IBC Revision/Amendment Handw ritten Submissions are Not Accepted MANDATORY SECTION 1. Study Title: 2. IBC #: 3. Principal Investigator (PI) Information Email address: In what capacity are you submitting: (Check One) Faculty Staff Undergraduate Graduate Postdoctoral Other: Campus Phone: Fax: Name of PI: Campus Mailing Address: Department: 1 Section I: Status Of Your IBC Protocol 1. This study is: Active Completed or Discontinued 2. Brief summary of work done, findings obtained, adverse safety events (if any), and any other information pertinent to the IBC: Are you making any changes to your original submission? YES NO If “YES”, please complete Section II: Request for IBC Revision/Amendment. If “NO”, hand write your initials in the box below and go to Section III: Signatures. If your study is Completed or Discontinued, please go to Section III and complete the Signatures section. Section II: Request for IBC Revision/Amendment 1. Are you changing, adding, and/or deleting any of the following from your study? If “YES” check all that apply: YES* NO Transgenic animals Controlled Substances/Other Drugs Radioactive Materials Hazardous Materials/Chemicals Biological Agents (Use of Risk Group 2, 3, or 4 agents) Change requiring occupational health review/assessment CHEMICALS & OTHER MATERIALS – if applicable: Use of agents requires approval of a separate review committee(s) or department listed below. Attach documentation of approval for the use of recombinant DNA or potential human pathogens. Please fill in table below, if applicable: Check Category of All That Name of Material Material Apply *Risk Group Category Approving Committee Radioactive Materials /////////////////////////////// RSC Recombinant DNA //////////////////////////////// IBC Hazardous Materials/ Chemicals ///////////////////////////////// CES&H Biological Agents 1 2 3 4 Date of Approval Committee Tracking # IBC **DEA Schedule # Drugs 1 2 3 4 5 IACUC 2 To view the CDC *Risk Group Classifications or **DEA Schedule, press Ctrl and click on the link below. *Risk Group Classifications **DEA Schedule Describe the practices and procedures required for the safe handling and disposal of contaminated material associated with this study in the space below. (Cell will expand) Description: SOP #: SOP Title: Additional safety considerations: (Cell will expand) REVISION/AMENDMENT: 2. Briefly describe, and explain the reason for the revision/amendment. Include a copy of the affected study pages, with specific changes highlighted, including any changes in the use of controlled substances, transgenic animals, and biohazards. (If any new substances (previously noted) have been added to your study, you must request IBC approval prior to making any changes.) (cell will expand) Section III: SIGNATURES Original or Electronic signatures are required. The application will not be processed until all signatures are obtained. SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR(S): The undersigned accept(s) responsibility for the study, including adherence to any federal or state regulation; IBC policies and procedures; requirements of the granting agency (if applicable); and all USM policies regarding research conduct, safety and security. In the case of student studies, the faculty supervisor and the student share responsibility for adherence to policies. Print Name: Signature: Date: Print Name: Signature: Date: Print Name: Signature: Date: Return Signed form via USPS or intercampus mail AND an electronic copy via email to: Office of Research Integrity and Outreach 7 Chamberlain Ave. Portland, ME 04101 Email: For questions call: (207) 228-8279. 3