DARTMOUTH TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of the Town Council Meeting 2nd September 2013 At the Guildhall, Dartmouth Present *The Town Mayor (Councillor P F Allen) - Chairman *The Deputy Mayor (Councillor R M Lyon) - Vice-Chairman *Cllr L M Barnes *Cllr A C Carter *Cllr D J Cawley *Cllr R E Chilcott *Cllr R W I Cooke #Cllr I Dohoczki *Cllr T de Galleani *Cllr D M Gent *Cllr F J Hawke *Cllr C B Smith *Cllr F J Smith *Cllr S Smith *Cllr R Springett #County Cllr J Hawkins *District Cllr H Bastone #District Cllr B S Cooper *District Cllr M Stone *Denotes attendance #Denotes apology for absence Also in attendance 6 members of the public. 66 88. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Cllr de Galleani declared a personal interest in agenda item 17 External redecoration of the Market. 89. REPORTS. District and County Councillors’ Reports. Cllr Bastone began by thanking the Mayor and Deputy Mayor for their help and attendance at events during Dartmouth Regatta, he also thanked Father Will Hazlewood and the members of the Town Council for their input. The Mayor wished to meet with officials from the Regatta Committee to discuss some issues that had been raised; this would be arranged after the Regatta Committee meeting on 6 th September 2013. Cllr Bastone informed the meeting that the Local Government Boundary Commission for England had published its draft recommendations on revised warding arrangements for South Hams District Council. Town and Parish Councils had until 11th November 2013 to provide their comments to the Commission on these proposals. Town and Parish Council representatives were invited to attend a Super Cluster meeting at the Watermark, Ivybridge on Monday, 11th November 2013 at 6.30 pm. Agenda items already scheduled for this meeting included a Devon County Council budget update from Cllr John Hart and an update on the ‘Dementia Friendly Parishes Around the Yealm’ project. With regard to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme, Cllr Bastone explained that an eight week consultation period had begun on Monday 12th August 2013 and more information was available on the District Council website. Following the first round of Town and Parish Cluster meetings, local Councils were being asked to ensure that applications for this year’s TAP fund bidding round were submitted to Amanda Harvey 67 (amanda.harvey@southhams.gov.uk) before 5.00 pm on Friday 10th January 2014. The government had published ‘Planning Practice Guidance for Renewable and Low Carbon Energy’ and this document could be found via the following link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/planning-practiceguidance-for-renewableenergy Defra had written to the South Devon AONB Partnership inviting a dialogue about reviewing the South Devon AONB boundary. The context was that Defra had reissued its criteria for all nationally designated sites and had dusted off historic requests over the last 30 years to amend National Park and AONB boundaries. Given that there were anomalies in the South Devon AONB boundary, including the line at Brixham, the designation along the foreshore and the extent of the inland boundary, Defra had written to the partnership to see if partnership members (which included South Hams, Torbay, Plymouth and Devon Councils) wished to have the boundary reviewed. A boundary review should not be undertaken lightly and would have a wide range of potentially significant implications. Nevertheless, if the boundary was inconsistent with the national criteria there would be justification for reviewing elements of the boundary. Although Defra initially asked for a full response by the end of July 2013 (giving four weeks’ notice) they had agreed that a more measured response was needed and thus officers at South Hams District Council were proposing that the following take place. 1. That any consultation on the potential for a boundary review be run in tandem with, and on the same time scale, as the current review of the AONB Management Plan. 2. That this would allow full participation by the public and an overview from the AONB partnership. 3. That the Environment and Economy Scrutiny Panel had already established an AONB task and finish group (to consider the management plan) and it was proposed that this group also take on the role of reviewing and making recommendations in relations to the boundary review. 68 The Mayor asked if all separate sources of finance would be joined up with the help of South Hams Business Development officer. Cllr Bastone replied that Carol Trant would manage and co-ordinate all avenues of funding. Cllr Gent asked the District Councillors if they had any news of the management of St Barnabus Trust. Cllr Bastone replied that the restaurant which had been leased by a trust had ceased trading and had been sold on to one of the trustees; the homeless accommodation was still being operated, he would investigate its current status. 90. QUESTIONS TO THE MAYOR. Mrs Kidd asked the Mayor why double decker buses had used Victoria Road during Dartmouth Regatta. Through the Mayor Cllr Hawke replied that due to lack of buses the 90 service and 93 had used double decker buses for Regatta only. More information would be sought from Cllr Hawkins. Mr French asked the Mayor if he was aware that Devon County Council had posted the notices for the Traffic Regulation Order during Regatta. Through the Mayor Cllr Chilcott replied that members of the public had 3 weeks until 20th September to make observations or objections; all Councillors had received details of the Traffic Regulation Order and these would be passed to Mr French. Dr Boughton asked the Mayor if he could now record Town Council meetings following a recent statement by Eric Pickles MP, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. The Mayor replied that Mr Pickles ruling had only been aimed at District, County and Borough Councils, and permission to record Town Council meetings would not be granted. Dr Boughton asked the Mayor if the Town Council had received any contact from Cllr Cooper concerning the West Dart Development since the Full Council meeting on 30th July 2013. The Mayor replied that no information had been received from Cllr Cooper. 69 Dr Boughton asked the Mayor, if following the Full Council meeting on 30th July 2013 where it had been agreed that Cllrs Stone and Cooper would liaise with Cllr Barnes concerning seagull warning signs on the South Embankment, if this had taken place. The Mayor replied that Cllr Stone had taken action on this matter and had informed Cllr Barnes. Dr Boughton asked the Mayor if the valuations of the Guildhall had been carried out and when they would be presented to Council. The Mayor replied that details were awaited and would be dealt with by the Council according to its financial procedures. Mr Harris asked the Mayor if there was anything the Town Council could do to enforce the informal prohibition on scaffolding in the Town between April and September. Through the Mayor Cllr Gent replied that as Chairman of Planning he would write to Devon County Council concerning permissions for scaffolding in the Town. Dr Boughton asked the Mayor why the Town Council was considering remodeling the counter in the offices if the disposal of the Guildhall was being considered. The Mayor replied that the future of the Guildhall was part of a long term plan and the current counter arrangements needed modernising. 91. URGENT BUSINESS. There was none. 92. CONFIRMATION OF THE MINUTES Proposed: Cllr P F Allen Seconded: Cllr D M Gent Resolved: That the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 30th July 2013 be confirmed and signed as a true record. 70 93. CORRESPONDENCE. a) South Hams District Council public toilet service – financial information. Town and Parish Councils were asked to consider the realistic level of winter service required by the locality and if they should wish to pay for/precept for the service or suggest a third party to contribute. Councils were asked to suggest dates to meet with District Council officers to discuss this. Members would inform the Clerk of their availability. b) South Hams District Council notification of a Super Cluster Meeting at the Watermark Centre, Ivybridge on Monday 11th November 2013 at 6.30 pm. c) RNLI Newsletter Dart D’Tales. d) Local Government Boundary Commission for England – Electoral Review of the South Hams: Draft Recommendations (emailed to all Councillors); comments by 11th November 2013. e) South Hams District Council – Council Tax Reduction Consultation. Options for changes from April 2014. Comments were invited to 7th October 2013. Full details were available on line www.southhams.gov.uk/ctreduction f) South West Water: Water Future Proposals and Choices 2015 – 2020; the report was available in the offices, and feedback was welcomed by South West Water. Cllr Barnes asked that members could request hard copies of any reports that were emailed from the offices. 94. REPORTS. a) Corporate Property Committee. The Report and Recommendations of a meeting of the Corporate Property Committee held on 19th August 2013 were reviewed. Proposed: Cllr R Springett Seconded: Cllr R E Chilcott 71 Resolved: That the Report and Recommendations of the meeting of the Corporate Property Committee held on 19th August 2013, be received, approved and adopted. b) Planning Committee The Report and Recommendations of a meeting of the Planning Committee held on 21st August 2013 were reviewed. Proposed: Cllr D M Gent Seconded: Cllr R Springett Resolved: That the Report and Recommendations of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on 21st August 2013, be received, approved and adopted. 95. FINANCIAL MATTERS. The Clerk presented a report on payments made under Standing Order No. 56 (b). Proposed: Cllr D M Gent Seconded: Cllr C B Smith Resolved: That the Clerk’s actions in paying accounts totaling £73,457.06 for the months of July and August 2013 under Standing Order No. 56 (b) be endorsed. 96. DEEDS OF EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS OF BURIAL. Proposed: Cllr D M Gent Seconded: Cllr R Springett Resolved: That Deeds of Grant of Exclusive Right of Burial be issued in respect of Grave No. H331 at Longcross Cemetery, Dartmouth and the Town Mayor (Councillor P F Allen) and Deputy Mayor (Councillor R M Lyon) be authorized to sign the 72 Documents in accordance with terms contained in Minute No. 225 (3) 1975/6. 97. REPORTS. Police Report. A copy of the Police Report for the month of August 2013 had been laid round the table. Representatives on Public Bodies and Associations Cllr S Smith reported that he and Cllr Gent would be attending a meeting concerning the outdoor swimming pool on 18th September 2013. He noted that Mike Burden (Treasurer) and Sir Geoffrey Newman (Chairman) were both standing down. Cllr Smith would report back to the next meeting. Cllr Hawke told the meeting that the Finance Committee would continue to budget appropriately for the outdoor pool costs in 2014/2015. Cllr Cawley asked if any information had been received concerning the start date for the building of the indoor swimming pool, Cllr Hawke replied that at present problems with a technical matter concerning the specification were being resolved. Cllr F Smith noted that the Police report did not make mention of an incident 2-3 weeks previously in the Victoria Road area, she would take this up with Inspector Tomlinson. Cllr Chilcott reported that the BID had held business sector meetings in July where Marketing and Promotion, Parking and Access and Business Support had all been identified as important issues for businesses in Dartmouth. The BID team had completed a draft business plan which would be printed shortly. They were now working on a more detailed Marketing and Promotion Plan and the BID vote would take place in early November. 73 98. FESTIVE ILLUMINATIONS. The Chairman of the General Purposes Committee reported that a plan for Festive Illuminations in the Town had been presented to the July meeting of the General Purposes Committee for the installation lighting in all Dartmouth streets and letters had been sent to organizers of the main events in the Town requesting contributions to the cost. Dartmouth Business Forum had replied that were unable to help due to lack of funds and the Regatta Committee were to discuss the matter at a future meeting. As there were planning issues and difficulties with the supply of power for this scheme, Cllr F Smith proposed that this year’s budget of £8,000 was used to put LED lights in the Market Square car park tree adjacent to the Market Stores and in the 3 trees by the Boatfloat. This would still leave sufficient funds to purchase lights for the Christmas Trees in the Market and at Townstal Community Hall, and to light a 30ft Christmas Tree in the Royal Avenue Gardens. A local business had offered to pay for the lights in the 3 Boatfloat trees. The lights would be officially switched on at the Candlelit event although they would be lit from 23rd November 2013. Proposed: Cllr R Springett Seconded: Cllr D M Gent Resolved: That Cllr F Smith be authorized to arrange the new LED lights for the tree in the Market car park, the 3 Boatfloat trees, to purchase lights for the Christmas trees in the Market and Townstal Community Hall and for the provision of lighting a 30ft Christmas tree in the Royal Avenue Gardens up to a cost of £8,000. 99. MEETING WITH FIRST GROUP RE BUS SERVICES IN VICTORIA ROAD. Cllr Chilcott informed members that the TIC, Dartmouth and Kingswear Society, the Business Forum and the BID Team were all in favour of continuing the test of keeping double decker buses out of Victoria Road. He asked that the Town Council write to the Transport Team giving support for this measure. Cllr Gent added that a meeting 74 of the Transport Group with First Buses had been rescheduled for later in September. This would be added as an item to the October Full Council meeting. 100. QUESTIONS TO THE MAYOR Cllr Barnes asked the Mayor what stage the Council had reached with the sale of the Guildhall. The Mayor replied that valuations were currently being sought. Cllr de Galleani asked the Mayor if the Town Council was now secondary to the Dart Harbour and Navigation Authority following the change in the date of the December Full Town Council meeting. The Mayor replied that the change was to allow members to attend the DHNA annual public meeting on Monday 2nd December 2013. Cllr Hawke asked the Mayor if the Fire Officer had recommended a Fire Risk Assessment of the whole Butterwalk. Through the Mayor the Clerk replied that it had been recommended that a Fire Risk Assessment of the whole building should be undertaken in the future. Cllr Gent asked the Mayor what would be put in place, following the revoking of Masterplans and Development Briefs by the District Council. The Mayor replied that he would contact the Leader of South Hams District Council on this matter. Cllr Springett asked the Mayor if he would contact Cllr Dohoczki concerning his attendance at future meetings. The Mayor replied that he had already done this and Cllr Dohoczki was rearranging his shifts to allow attendance at future Council meetings. 75 Proposed: Cllr L M Barnes Seconded: Cllr R Springett Resolved: That in view of the confidential nature of business about to be transacted, it was in the public interest that press and public be excluded and that they be instructed to withdraw. 101. BOATFLOAT WALLS. Additional information from Paul Carpenter Associates concerning the work to be carried out to the Boatfloat walls was laid round the table. Proposed: Cllr R Springett Seconded: Cllr C B Smith Resolved: That the quotation from Torbay Stone Walling of £8,280.00 for the repairs to the Boatfloat walls be accepted. 102. REMODELLING OF THE COUNTER AREA IN THE COUNCIL OFFICES. Details of three quotations for the remodeling of the counter area in the Council offices were laid round the table. Proposed: Cllr R Springett Seconded: Cllr F Smith Resolved: That quotation 3 for £1,170 be accepted. 76 103. TENDERS FOR THE EXTERNAL REDECORATION OF THE MARKET. Details of 2 tenders for work to the exterior elevations of the Market were laid round the table. Members expressed concern over the costs involved as the Town Council had only budgeted to spend £35,000 on these works in 2013/2014. Proposed: Cllr D J Cawley Seconded: Cllr S Smith Resolved: That the Deputy Mayor and Clerk to meet to look at the possibility of splitting the work into smaller pieces in order that up to £35,000 of work could be carried out in this financial year. 104. QUOTATIONS FOR THE FIRE SAFETY WORK AT THE BUTTERWALK. The Clerk explained that although several contractors had been contacted, she was still awaiting a second quote for the safety glass to the railings at the rear of the Butterwalk. 77