NHS Lanarkshire - Vacancy - NHS Scotland Recruitment

NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack
POSITION: Consultant Physician in Respiratory & General Medicine
Hours / PA’s
Salary Scale
Closing Date
Quote on all correspondence
Monklands Hospital
10 PAs per week (Part-time may be considered)
Noon Friday 29th August 2014
Thank you for expressing an interest in the above post within NHS
Lanarkshire. Please find all the relevant information attached to begin the
application process.
Should you require further information regarding this post you can contact the
Medical Staffing team or make informal enquiries with the department using
the contact details below.
To ensure we can process your application as easily as possible please
complete all the information required within the Application Pack and email
with your CV.
Contact Details
01698 377735
To apply, please email your CV to the above, along with the attached
completed Application Pack.
Application Pack .doc
Lanarkshire NHS
Informal enquiries regarding this post will be welcomed by:Dr. S Baird
Consultant Respiratory Physician
Dr. N. Kennedy
Clinical Director
Mrs. R Roberton
Director of Hospital Services
Date when the
post is Vacant
The post is vacant immediately and a start date will be agreed with the
successful candidate.
For further information regarding NHS Lanarkshire and it’s hospitals, please
visit our website:- www.nhslanarkshire.org.uk
01236 712760
01236 712245
01236 712443
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NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack
POSITION: Consultant Physician in Respiratory & General Medicine
The Post
NHS Lanarkshire is seeking to recruit a Consultant in Respiratory and General
Medicine based at Monklands Hospital. The appointee to the post will join Dr L
G McAlpine, Dr R Syyed and Dr S Baird in providing and developing specialist
Respiratory Medicine services based at Monklands Hospital. The appointee will
share responsibility for providing acute medical receiving with the other
Physicians. The rota for acute receiving duties is based around a Physician of
the Week model, supported by Acute Physician input and also a Physician of
the Day.
Area services in Respiratory Medicine are being expanded and actively
Specific clinical interests and an interest in research will be encouraged.
The job is offered as a full-time post on an initial 10 PA basis (9 DCC and 1
SPA). Additional EPAs may be available to undertake additional outpatient
and/or procedure sessions. 1 SPA is offered initially, but extra SPA sessions
may be available to support defined professional activities (see below).
Department of
The Department of Medicine has 127 beds. Acute admissions are channeled
through an Emergency Receiving Unit (34 beds) which opened in 2000 as part
of the hospital’s redesign of emergency care. There is a Coronary Care Unit of
8 beds and a medical HDU with 4 beds. Additionally, there is a Clinical
Haematology / Oncology Unit with 14 inpatient beds and an associated day
treatment unit. The Renal Unit has 17-25 beds located in attractive new
building. The Communicable Diseases Unit has 20 beds separately.
Consultant Physicians’ inpatient responsibilities are arranged in specialty
groupings and each medical specialty has a defined allocation of beds. This
has allowed the development of specialist care in the wards.
The Department of Medicine is managed within the Medical Directorate along
with Geriatric Medicine, A&E, Clinical Haematology, Communicable Disease,
and Dermatology.
The Department has over 13,000 acute admissions annually and approximately
5,400 new outpatient referrals.
The Medical Unit is involved with undergraduate teaching in all years of the new
curriculum at Glasgow University.
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NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack
POSITION: Consultant Physician in Respiratory & General Medicine
Medical Staffing: The Respiratory Medicine service will be provided by four
Consultant Physicians with support from a full-time Staff Grade Physician in
Respiratory Medicine. There may also be a ST3 in Respiratory Medicine or ST3
trainees from other specialties rotating through respiratory medicine as part of
their general medicine training. There is an FY2 and two CMT trainees attached
to the Respiratory Medicine. There is an FY1 trainee attached to the
Respiratory ward.
Specialist Nursing: There are three Respiratory Nurse Specialists – one
leading on Asthma, one on COPD, and one on Lung Cancer and they crosscover their duties during periods of leave. There is also a part-time Associate
Lung Cancer Nurse. There is a full-time Smoking Cessation Nurse Specialist.
Inpatients: The Respiratory Physicians are based on Ward 17 (24 beds) which
is the focus for inpatient respiratory care. The majority of acute admissions with
respiratory illness are triaged from the Emergency Receiving Unit to Ward 17
and clinical responsibility transfers to the Respiratory Physicians. Elective
respiratory admissions are to this ward. Nursing staff have undergone training
in Respiratory Nursing, provide a nurse-led NIV service by protocol, and are
trained to take arterial blood gas samples.
The ward has 4 BiPAP non-invasive ventilatory support machines and 4 TOSCA
machines to allow monitoring of transcutaneous CO2. Tuberculosis patients are
admitted to the infectious disease unit (Ward 2) and those patients from the
Monklands catchment district are looked after by the Respiratory Team. Ward
based chest ultrasound is also available in ward 17 to improve the safety of
pleural procedures and there is a dedicated ultrasound machine housed in the
ward for this purpose.
Outpatients: There are out-patient clinics for general respiratory medicine,
airways disease, and lung cancer – with space for emergency new referrals
each week. There is a fast-track lung cancer service with nurse assessment,
dedicated CT slots and programmed investigation supported by a Lung Cancer
Tracker. The new consultant appointment will allow redevelopment of the clinic
profile and reduce overall waiting times. The development of subspecialty
clinics and Area specialty services in collaboration with colleagues at Wishaw
and Hairmyres Hospitals will be discussed and encouraged.
Chemotherapy: chemotherapy for small cell and non-small cell lung cancer is
given in the Haemato-oncology ward (in-patient and day case), this is
undertaken by Medical Oncology.
There are nurses trained in the
administration of intravenous chemotherapy in that area.
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NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack
POSITION: Consultant Physician in Respiratory & General Medicine
Bronchoscopy and related procedures:
this is carried out in a purpose
designed endoscopy suite with the support of endoscopy nursing staff. There is
space for 8 day-cases. The endoscopy rooms are spacious and equipped with
modern video facilities. There is an Nd-YAG laser for both endobronchial and
gastroenterology use.
Transbronchial lung biopsy is carried out under
fluoroscopic screening in the Radiology Department. EBUS has recently been
purchased and will be delivered in this setting starting in July 2014.
Medical Thoracoscopy: this is carried out in the day surgery unit with the
support of theatre nursing staff who are well versed in this procedure. There are
2 semi-rigid video thoracoscopes and this service takes referrals from across
Lanarkshire. This service has enhanced the investigation of pleural disease
within Lanarkshire.
Respiratory Investigation Centre: This unit opened in January 1998. The
Centre comprises a comprehensive Respiratory Function Laboratory with 3
patient test rooms, a consulting room, an office for Respiratory Nurse
Specialists, and the respiratory physiologists’ office. There is a patient waiting
room with television and video for education purposes. The majority of the
equipment is SensorMedics and includes 2 test stations for full lung function,
whole body plethysmography, and facilities for histamine challenge and
mannitol challenge.
Exercise tests are carried out in an air-conditioned exercise laboratory - both
treadmill for exercise spirometry, and full progressive exercise testing
equipment with cycle ergometer, metabolic cart, 12-lead ECG monitoring,
oximetry, and transcutaneous blood gas monitoring. The equipment is linked by
a file server to a reporting station. There is a blood gas analyser. There is a
computerised analyser for overnight pulse oximetry studies. High quality sleep
study diagnostic facilities (home-based Embletta) are available. Skin prick tests
to assess atopic allergy are carried out. A nebuliser service and a Long Term
Oxygen Treatment assessment service are run from the Centre. A flight
assessment service is also available. The Centre is staffed by 4 Respiratory
Physiologists. There is some secretarial support to the Laboratory.
Physiotherapy: There is a full-time Senior Respiratory Physiotherapist. She
delivers an inpatient service. She has an outpatient service including a clinic for
hyperventilation/ breathing control problems.
She runs the Pulmonary
Rehabilitation Programme with the respiratory nurses.
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NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack
POSITION: Consultant Physician in Respiratory & General Medicine
Radiology: The radiology support is excellent from two radiologists with a
specialist interest in respiratory medicine, Dr McGhee and Dr Smart. A CT
guided biopsy service and other interventional procedures including SVC
stenting are available. Nuclear medicine is on-site and is comprehensive. There
is a new MRI scanner on site. There is a weekly Respiratory Radiology meeting.
Thoracic Surgery:
There is a weekly Thoracic Surgery Clinic at Monklands
Hospital (Mr A N A Jilaihawi). Thoracic Surgery is undertaken at the Golden
Jubilee National Hospital at Clydebank with all other West of Scotland
cardiothoracic services.
Clinical Oncology: 2 Clinical Oncologists and 1 medical oncologist from the
lung team at the Beatson Oncology Centre (Glasgow) visit one day per week for
the Lanarkshire joint oncology lung cancer clinic and to run the on-site
chemotherapy service for lung cancer patients. There is a weekly lung oncology
MDT meeting to plan management of lung cancer patients. All radiotherapy is
given at the Beatson Oncology Centre (12 miles distant).
You will be answerable to Clinical Director, who will agree your job plan.
Health and
You are required to comply with NHS Lanarkshire Health and Safety Policies.
Junior Medical You will be responsible for the training and supervision of the Junior Medical
staff who work with you, and you will be expected to devote time to this on a
regular basis. In addition, you will be expected to ensure that staff have access
to advice and counseling. If appropriate, you will be named in the contracts of
Doctors in training grades as the person responsible for overseeing their training
and as the initial source of advice to such Doctors on their career.
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NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack
POSITION: Consultant Physician in Respiratory & General Medicine
The following resources are available:Consultants
Consultant Physicians
Medicine for the Elderly
Special Interest
Cardiology, Respiratory Medicine,
Gastroenterology, Diabetes & Endocrinology,
Renal, Communicable Disease.
Care of the Elderly
Support and Training Grade Staff:
The department is staffed by trainees in Core Medicine, ACCS, and General
Practise, which cover Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, Cardiology, Renal
Medicine, Infectious Disease, Geriatrics and Haematology. Monklands
Hospital is recognised for Higher Training in Medicine and a number of
medical specialties (including Respiratory Medicine) with ST3 trainees and
Specialist Registrars in various specialties in the West of Scotland Deanery
being attached to the Department of Medicine.
There are Speciality Doctors in Respiratory Medicine and Renal Medicine
and there are clinical assistant sessions in Diabetes, Cardiology and
The junior medical staff have a high success rate in the MRCP(UK)
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NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack
POSITION: Consultant Physician in Respiratory & General Medicine
Work Programme
As required under Section 3 of the Terms and Conditions of Service,
the duties and responsibilities are supported by a job plan and work
programme detailed as follows:
Job Planning/Programmed Activities
The job plan will be dependent on the successful candidate’s
subspecialty training and interests. A minimum of 1 SPA will be
included in the job plan. Additional SPAs (up to 2.5 in total) can be
incorporated into the job plan depending on the time required to
support the successful candidate’s professional activities and the
needs of the service.
NHS Lanarkshire is supportive of applications from individuals with
well developed ideas for improving services who are able to
demonstrate a commitment to quality improvement, patient safety
(including human factors training), Medical Education and Research
& Development. Applicants should discuss proposals with the
identified Lead contact and Service Medical Manager (Associate
Medical Director or Divisional Medical Director).
On taking up post a Job Plan will be agreed between the person
appointed and the Clinical Director/Associate Medical Director. The
Job Plan will be reviewed informally after 3 months in post and then
again on a formal basis after 6 months in post.
GM Emergency Work
Supporting Professional Activity
Ward Rounds
MDT & X-Ray Meetings
Clinical Administration
Ward Referrals
Procedures & USS
Clinical Prep
No of PAs
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NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack
POSITION: Consultant Physician in Respiratory & General Medicine
In addition, other
activities not
occurring at fixed
Reviewing new admissions on rota basis.
Discussing patient management/reviewing patients with Junior
Medical & Nursing Staff out with formal ward rounds
Seeing Ward referrals on rota basis.
Discussing referrals (in patient & out patient with colleagues).
Discussing management/investigation of patients with colleagues
in other appropriate Clinical Support Services
Discussing management/ investigation of patients with colleagues
in Radiology and other appropriate Clinical Support Services.
Discussing results with patients
Discussing patients with GPs.
Vetting Fast Track clinic referrals/ allocating appointments.
Attending meetings in relation to duties as member if Respiratory
CPD and Appraisal
Teaching & Training
Review of the Job This job plan is subject to review at least once a year by the post
holder and the Clinical Director/Clinical Lead as noted in the terms
and conditions. The procedures set out in the ‘Terms & Conditions of
Service’ must be followed if it is not possible to agree a job plan,
either initially or at an annual review.
Audit and research The successful candidate will be expected to participate in audit
processes and there is an active clinical audit department available to
assist. An interest in research will be supported with additional SPA
time if required and as agreed at the Job Plan Review by the Clinical
Study leave is available within the terms and conditions of service with
the approval of the Clinical Director/Clinical Lead. The appointee will
be required to fulfill such demands for continuing professional
development as the Royal College of Physicians (or other relevant
bodies) may make.
Academic Status
If involved in undergraduate teaching status can be applied for.
Applications can be made via the Hospital Sub-dean and then to the
appropriate academic department within the University.
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NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack
POSITION: Consultant Physician in Respiratory & General Medicine
MBChB or equivalent.
MRCP(UK) or equivalent.
Higher degree in respiratory medicine MD/PhD
Current full registration with GMC
with a licence to practice.
On Specialist Register for General
Medicine & Respiratory Medicine
or within 6 months of CCT or
CESR (CP) at interview.
Extensive experience in the Subspecialty expertise within an area
management of acute medical and of Respiratory Medicine.
respiratory patients.
Ability to take full and independent
responsibility for clinical care of
patients with general medicine and
respiratory illness.
fibreoptic Advanced bronchoscopy skills.
Level 1 competency
Research/Audit Experience in organising
undertaking clinical audit.
and Research and publications relevant to
Presentations relevant to General Publications or presentations at
or Respiratory medicine.
national meetings relevant to General
or Respiratory medicine.
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NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack
POSITION: Consultant Physician in Respiratory & General Medicine
Previous involvement in the Interest in and commitment to teaching
delivery of undergraduate or and training.
postgraduate teaching.
Experience of providing problem-based
Experience of providing supervision and
or mentorship.
and Skills
Excellent communication skills
Interpersonal skills
Organisational skills
Teaching experience
Ability to lead, teach and relate to
patients, relatives and other
hospital staff and to work as part of
a team.
Recognised teaching skills course.
Evidence or possession of management
skills and of experience of management
within the NHS.
Ability to motivate and develop
junior medical staff and other
If there is any reason why a disabled person
should not be considered suitable for this
post, please provide details:
The post requires physical dexterity.
Uncorrected visual or hearing defect
would be incompatible with the nature of
the work.
Prepared By:Approved By:Dr. S Baird/ N. Kennedy
June 2014
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NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack
POSITION: Consultant Physician in Respiratory & General Medicine
This appointment is offered on the Terms and Conditions of the new Consultant
Additional NHS Lanarkshire Policies which support the Contract are listed below and are
available on request:
Additional & External Duties
Fee –Paying Work in the New Consultant Contract
On-Call Availability and Payment of Supplement
Generic Objectives
Resident On-Call Duties
This appointment is superannuable under the NHS Superannuation Scheme, which
is contracted out of the State Earnings Related Pension Scheme (SERPS). New
employees commencing employment from 1 March 2013 onwards will automatically
be enrolled in the pension scheme and your remuneration will be subject to
deduction of superannuation contributions.
To opt-out, you must contact the Scottish Public Pensions Agency directly on Tel:
01896 893000. Should you choose to opt-out in accordance with these changes you
will be enrolled into the scheme again every 3 years (June 2016, 2019 etc) when the
same process will apply.
For further information on the benefits of the scheme, please contact an advisor of
The Scottish Public Pensions Agency (SPPA) Tel: 01896 893100, or download/view
a member’s guide at www.sppa.gov.uk/nhs/forms.htm.
The employment is subject to 3 months’ notice on either side subject always to the
appeal and other provisions of paragraphs 10.4 & 10.5 of the Terms and Conditions of
Service of Hospital Medical and Dental Staff and Doctors in Public Health and the
Community Health Service Consultant Grade.
Reimbursement of certain telephone charges may be payable on application to NHS
Lanarkshire. The successful candidate must be contactable throughout any on-call
The successful candidate, if not already employed by the NHS Lanarkshire, will be
required to complete a medical questionnaire to obtain medical clearance from the
Occupational Health Physician.
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NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack
POSITION: Consultant Physician in Respiratory & General Medicine
The successful candidate will be required to complete a disclosure Scotland PVG
(Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme) form. No approach will be made without
written permission of the successful applicant who will be asked to sign and complete a
Disclosure PVG application, giving authorization for the check to be undertaken.
NHS Lanarkshire does not negotiate salary placements. On commencement the salary
will be in line with paragraph 5.1 of the terms and conditions of the new consultant
contract. Appointees start on the scale minimum except in the circumstances of
paragraphs 5.1.2 – 5.1.7 of the terms and conditions of service.
From 1st April 2014 the starting salary for the post is £76,001 per annum (based on 10
Programmed Activities per week). The successful candidate’s total salary will be
dependent on his/her previous service history. Remuneration for any extra
programmed activities will be dependent upon the job plan agreed at the time of
Dependent upon present place of residence, NHS Lanarkshire may require
successful candidate to undertake to remove home to a distance acceptable to NHS
Lanarkshire, normally within 10 miles of the base Hospital, in which case removal
expenses will be payable in accordance with NHS Lanarkshire Policy. In some cases,
however, a residence more than 10 miles distant from the base hospital will be
acceptable and in this case removal expenses will be subject to the prior approval of
the Associate Medical Director for such a residence. The position will be made clear to
the successful candidate on application
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NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack
POSITION: Consultant Physician in Respiratory & General Medicine
The following should be used when completing DECLARATIONS/ CONVICTIONS within the
application pack.
Registration with the General Medical Council or General Dental Council imposes on doctors
and dentists the duty to provide a good standard of medical care and to behave appropriately,
towards patients. NHS Employees also have a duty to ensure that patients receive a good
standard of medical care and ensure as far as possible the safety of patients. We therefore
need to establish if you have been found guilty of a criminal offence, been bound over or
cautioned or are currently the subject of proceedings which might lead to a conviction, an
order binding you over or a caution, in the UK or any other country.
Applications for posts in the NHS are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.
Application forms will include a declaration for applicants to complete declaring any previous
or pending prosecutions or convictions, including those considered “spent” under the Act.
Forms will also include a declaration of any cautions or bind overs.
We also need to establish if you have been the subject of any fitness to practise proceedings
in the past, or if any fitness to practise proceedings are being contemplated, by a licensing or
regulatory body in the UK or another country and this is also reflected in the declaration.
This information will be treated in confidence and will not debar you from appointment unless
the selection panel considers that it renders you unsuitable for appointment. In reaching such
a decision we will consider the nature of the conviction/action, how long ago it took place and
any other factors which may be relevant
Failure to disclose a criminal offence, having been bound over or cautioned or that you are
currently the subject of criminal proceedings, which might lead to a conviction, an order
binding you over a caution, or fitness to practice proceedings undertaken or being undertaken
by an appropriate licensing or regulatory body, may disqualify you from appointment, or result
in summary dismissal/disciplinary action and referral to the General Medical Council (General
Dental Council) for consideration if such a discrepancy came to light.
If you would like to discuss what effect any previous convictions, police investigations or
fitness to practice proceedings taken or being taken either in the UK or by an overseas
licensing or regulatory body might have on your application, you may telephone: Marlene
Fraser (01698) 377752 in confidence, for advice.
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NHS Lanarkshire – Information Pack
POSITION: Consultant Physician in Respiratory & General Medicine
Doctors and
Changes to
Impact of
For the purpose of immigration status, overseas doctors and dentists are
those who, regardless of where they obtain their primary medical/dental
qualification, are not nationals of the European Economic Area (EEA). A
list of EEA countries is attached.
On 7th March 2006 the Department of Health announced changes to the
immigration rules for postgraduate doctors and dentists. The changes
came into effect on 3rd April 2006 and mean that all doctors and dentists
who wish to work in the UK from outside the EEA will need to meet the
requirements of an employment category such as the work permit
provisions. New applications for permit-free training visas will no longer
be granted for doctors undertaking training posts
Non-EEA doctors and dentists will still be able to come and train in the
UK and are still eligible to apply, in open competition for training posts
provided all the other eligibility criteria is met. However, training posts
will now be considered employment for immigration purposes. Work
permits will only be issued where there is a specific post for the
overseas doctors that cannot be filled by someone from the EEA.
The changes in immigration requirements for trainee doctors and
dentists are a result of a Scottish Executive Health Department
announcement and immigration issues are the remit of the Home Office.
Clarification and further information can be accessed from the following:Home Office
Work Permits
EEA Countries
The Netherlands
Republic of Ireland Portugal
Czech Republic
NB – Switzerland is not in the EEA, Swiss Nationals have the same
rights as EEA nationals.
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