Presentations - Helsingin yliopisto

Presentations (selected, international and domestic 2009–2005):
Novemeber 2009. “Moderni koulutus ja eurooppalaiset verkostot”. Suomen ja Euroopan vuorovaikutusluentosarja. Helsingin yliopisto.
October 2009. “Girls and Gender – Girls` Studies as an Approach to Historicising Girlhood”. In
International Conference: Why Gender? – Miksi sukupuoli? University of Jyväskylä.
September 2009. “Care and Control? Leisure Time of Young People in Finland, 1917–1940”. Human
Faces of Power. X Conference in Methodologies and Theories in History. Univeristy of Turku.
August 2009. “`I Never Felt Having Youth`. Emotions and Narrating of Young Age in Modernizing
Finland, 1920–1940”. The 31st Nordic Ethnology and Folklore Conference. University of Helsinki.
February 2009. “Muistitietohistoria ja paikallisuus. Lähtökohtana Doreen Massey”. Paikallisuus
historiassa-luentosarja, University of Helsinki.
September 2008. ”Friendship Between Girls. Making Gender, Power, and Spaces in the Working Class
Community, 1917– 1940”. An International Conference: Power: Forms, Dynamics and Consequences.
University of Tampere.
August 2008. ”Girls and Agency, 1917– 1940: Citizenship as Gendering Process in the History of
Modern Politics”. Det IX nordiska kvinnohistorikermötet, Islands universitet, Reykjavik.
May 2008. “´The Otherness Within Ourselves`: The Moral Struggle for Cleanliness in Modern
Education”. Meeting the Other: European Encounters with the Wider World from the Classical Period to
the Present. Renvall Institute & Department of History, University of Helsinki.
March 2008. “Tytöstä siivoksi äitikansalaiseksi – kysymys sukupuolittavasta historiapolitiikasta”.
Luentosarja Kansalaisia? Sukupuolen kansalaisuuden ja kansallisuuden kysymyksiin, Helsingin
yliopisto. 31.3. 2008.
March 2008. “From Agrarian to Modern Youth: Young People in Transition in Northern Ostrobothnia,
Finland”. SASS (Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study) the 98. Annual Meeting.
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska.
January 2008. ”Ruumiinfenomenologinen näkökulma historiantutkimukseen”. Suullisen perinteen
representaatiot- Praktikum, University of Helsinki.
February 2008. Chair for the session “Miinat ja Minnat – historia ja tyttötutkimus”. Valtakunnalliset
tyttötutkimuspäivät. Tieteiden talo, Helsinki.
November 2007. “The Dialogue In-Between. Phenomenoplogical Perspective on Women´s Interviews”.
Oral History – The Art of Dialogue. International Oral History Conference. Jagiellonian University,
Krakow, Poland.
September 2007. “Historiantutkimuksen narratiivisuus: miten esittää faktat kertomuksina?”. Historia,
tieto ja valta, University of Turku, Finland.
August 2007. "Women and Girls as Writers of History in Finland. Production of Gendered National
History". Women, Gender and the Cultural Production of Knowledge. Conference of the International
Federation for Research in Women`s History. University of Sofia, Bulgaria.
June 2007. "Living and Telling of Modern Youth. Reminiscences of Youth and Writings in Youth
Organizations, 1917-1940". The 3rd Tampere Conference on Narrative Knowing, Living & Telling.
University of Tampere, Finland.
June 2007. ”Ääni ja kosketus. Fenomenologinen näkökulma kasvatukseen”. Kasvatuksen historian
kesäpäivät. University of Helsinki, Finland.
February 2007. "Yhtenäistä vai eriytynyttä opetusta?". Suomalaiset VIII historiapäivät, Lahti.
November 2006. “Keeping Her Apron Clean: Modernization of Agrarian Childhood and Youth by
Means of Feminine Narration”. Memory and Narration. Oral History Research in the Northern
European Context, University of Helsinki, Finland.
October 2006. “A Hundred Years for Equal Citizenship in Finland: An Introduction of the Website”.
Suffrage, Gender and Citizenship. International Perspectives on Parliamentary Reforms, University of
Tampere, Finland.
March 2006. “ Scars – Embodied Experience as a Site of Narration and History of One´s Youth”. The
European Social Science History Conference, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.
May 2006. “Memories of Childhood and Youth in Agrarian Peripheries of the Century Europe”.
National Histories and Memories - Joint Seminar for Irish and Finnish Scholars, University of Cork,
May 2006. Chair and editorial discussant for the anthology “Oma pöytä. Naiset historiankirjoittajina
Suomessa” (“A Table of One´s Own. Women Writing History in Finland”). Women in the Academy –
Seminar upon Women Scholars in Finland and Germany, Finnland-Institut in Berlin, Germany.
January 2006. “Transformations in Age-Related Transitions of Youth During Modernization – Rural
Finland as a Case Study”. The 9th Nordic Youth Research Information Symposium, Södertörn University
College, Stockholm, Sweden.
September 2005. “´When I Became as Strong as my Dad`. Modernization of Agrarian Youth by Means
of Masculine Narration”. Rethinking Inqequalities. 7th Conference of European Sociological Association.
Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torún, Poland.
August 2005. “´A Table of One`s Own` and Women as Writers of History in Finland: An Introduction of
the Historiographic Project”. Nordic Women´s and Gender History Conference, Gender and Knowledge
– Gendered Knowledge. University of Turku, Finland.
May 2005. “Fictional Texts or Experiental Stories? Modernization of Youth in Rural Communities”. Text,
Interaction and Community. Qualitive Approaches to Society and Social Action. University of Tampere.
April 2005. “From Working Hands to Clean Hands. The Encounter Between Rural Minors and
Compulsory Education Through Aesthetics of Hygiene”. ISA Research Committee on Biography and
Society RC38 Interim Conference Narrative, memory and knowledge: representations, aesthetics and
contexts The University of Huddersfield, UK.