Curriculum Descriptors for School District 11 Secondary School Comprehensive and Developmental Counseling Plan Area/Grade (Possible Activities) Career 6 7 8 9 School to Career Link School to Career Link Career Awareness Career Awareness Linking Core Academic to Career Opportunity ** Career Fair Interest Inventories Personality Assessment Link to Career Possibilities Secondary to Post-Secondary Introduction to Secondary Introduction to Secondary The development of successful transitions between Middle School and High School and between High School and post-secondary education and the world of work. 3 Year Requirements and Opportunities Linking Performance in MS to Options in HS Link between Secondary and PostSecondary Introduction to PostSecondary Development of the necessary skills and attitudes for successful transition from school to work or post-secondary education. Counselor Guidance The coordination of ongoing systemic activities designed to assist individual students and groups of students in establishing personal goals and developing future plans. Guidance Academic Support Groups Academic Planning Student Data Folders Time Management Organization Diversity Awareness Safety: Mental and Physical Study Skills Introduction to HS Credits and Graduation Requirements 4 Year Plan Linking Performance in High School to Options after High School CCHE requirements Pre-Collegiate Programs for First Generation Students 10 Career Focus 11 12 Career Investigation Career Investigation Link Career to Further Education or Placement Career Fair AVP Shadowing ** Internships ** PostSecondary Focus and Investigation PostSecondary Investigation and Planning PostSecondary Planning and Execution College Visits and Investigation Through a Variety of Sources ** College Match In-State College Fair Out-of-Sate College Fair NCAA Registration Going-to-College Information Session College/Tech Schools Reps ** College Applications Resume Writing Recommendation Letters Workshops: Essay Writing Private Colleges Financial Aid Scholarships ** Career Interest Inventories and Exploration Career Fair ** Guidance Guidance Guidance Guidance Guidance Guidance ** ** GPA Transcripts Graduation Requirements Transcript Review Work with Credit Deficient Students: Recovery of Credits Dual-Enrollment On-Line and Correspondence School Placement Review ** ** 2nd Semester: Credit Deficient Student Review Summer School **Please note: As students increase in grade level all previous information and/or activities are consistently continued. While they are not explicitly stated in the table below, please expect them at each level. 7 Curriculum Descriptors for School District 11 Secondary School Comprehensive and Developmental Counseling Plan Area/Grade (Possible Activities) 6 Leadership Opportunities Leadership Opportunities Leadership Opportunities Leadership Opportunities Leadership Opportunities Leadership Opportunities Leadership Opportunities Leadership Opportunities In progress In progress Peer Mentoring and/or Tutoring Program (Leadership Level) Martin Luther King Jr. Day Dottie Lamm Scholarship Hugh O’Brien Scholarship Rotary Camp Nominations NHS Awareness Peer Mentoring/Tutoring Program (Leadership Level) Increasing Scholarship Awareness ** Orientation 5 to 6 Transition Orientation Orientation 8 to9 Transition Orientation Orientation Orientation Orientation Introduction to High School with emphasis on relationship building Peer Mentoring and/or Tutoring Program (Participant Level) Summer Programs Transitional orientation for new students to include transcript review and the transfer of credits and/or grades ** ** ** Advocating for all students to participate in diverse opportunities and reach their capacity to guide others. School Orientation The development of successful transitions between Elementary and Middle School and between Middle School and High School. Open House Peer Mentoring and/or Tutoring (Participant Level) 7 Peer Mentoring and/or Tutoring Program (Participant Level) 8 Open House Peer Mentoring and/or Tutoring Program (Participant Level) 9 10 11 12 **Please note: As students increase in grade level all previous information and/or activities are consistently continued. While they are not explicitly stated in the table below, please expect them at each level. 8 Curriculum Descriptors for School District 11 Secondary School Comprehensive and Developmental Counseling Plan Area/Grade (Possible Activities) Academic Advisement Attainment of rigorous academic goals through the selection of the most challenging coursework possible. Coordination and Disaggregation of Required Assessment Attainment of rigorous academic goals through National, State, and local assessment of academic progress. 6 Academic Advisement 5 to 6 Transition 7 Academic Advisement ** MS to Elementary Visits Elementary to MS Visits Parent Night(s) Includes HS and Post-Secondary Awareness 8 Academic Advisement 8 to 9 Transition 9 10 11 12 Academic Advisement Academic Advisement Academic Advisement Includes a Substantial Portion of Post-Secondary, Career, and Advisory Information ** ** HS to MS Visits MS to HS Visits Parent Night(s) C & D of Required Assessment C & D of Required Assessment C & D of Required Assessment Importance and Analysis of: ** C & D of Required Assessment C & D of Required Assessment C & D of Required Assessment C & D of Required Assessment CSAP/Terra Nova/MAPS: Importance, Analysis of Scores, and Goal Setting ** ** CSAP/Terra Nova Correlation to College Entrance Exams, PSAT/PLAN Information MAPS (Alternative Schools Only) Importance and Analysis of: ** PSAT/PLAN State and National ACT SAT ASVAB Relation to College Entrance **Please note: As students increase in grade level all previous information and/or activities are consistently continued. While they are not explicitly stated in the table below, please expect them at each level. 9