General Assembly Meeting Minutes

Madison College Student Senate
General Assembly Meeting Minutes
Janurary 13, 2011
I. Call to order
Jacob Weigandt called to order the regular meeting of the Student Senate at
5:03 on January 13, 2011 in 142 B.
II. Roll call
Jennifer Johnson conducted a roll call. The following persons were absent:
Christina, Clifton. The following persons were tardy: Emily, Ali, Nathan S.
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting
Kevin moved to postpone the approval of the minutes from the December 9th,
2010 meeting. Daniel seconded.
IV. Public Comments
Addressed the assembly. She is responsible for the revision of Madison College’s
student retention plan. She asked the Senate questions regarding their experiences on
campus. This input is valuable to her as members of the Senate are the only elected
students on campus.
V. Officer Reports
a) President: Jacob attended the District Board meeting and Madison College is
very well liked within the Madison community.
b) Vice President of Admin and Finance: Jennifer has begun work on the
2011-2012 budget. She has sent the goals sections of the budget to the
committee chairs responsible for updating these sections.
c) Vice President of Communications: Katrina has updates that she will
include in the committee reports.
d) Advisor: Jackie was absent but left Jennifer with a list of topics to discuss
with the senate.
1. ROLE SELF-ASSESSMENTS for FALL 2010 officers should soon get
their stipend check in the mail senators, please stop-by my office to pick-up
your stipend in the form of a madison college gift certificate
note: gift certificates are prepped only for those who completed their senator
Daniel is the only Senator who has not turned in his self-assessment.
2. NEW STUDENT E-MAIL SYSTEM will start at madison college. ea.
senator / officer should take many of these information packets to give-out
and talk to their classes about. good PR for senate-peeps to tell students that
they advocated for new student e-mail at the college...and here it is. work-it!
3. SCHEDULE MEETINGS all officers & the transportation chair should set
a weekly standing one-to-one meeting time with me. chairs and leads of
initiatives are encouraged to meet with me whenever to help with direction,
resources, etc.
4. RECEIPTS FOR FOOD when senate personnel use the senate credit card
for restaurant chow....all receipts MUST be itemized or the financial service
dept. won't process them. so remember to ASK FOR AN ITEMIZED
RECEIPT at every chow-joint!
VI. Committee Reports
a) Budget Committee: The budget process with the Student Activities Board
begins next week. The officers are in process of editing the three year plans
goal section
b) Communications Committee: Kevin is working on a DVD for the shuttle
bus. The Student Senate shirts have arrived and are available to be picked up.
c) Textbook Committee: Jacob is still collecting signatures for the opensourced textbook campaign.
d) Transportation Committee: There was no update about the transportation
committee from the members of the committee. Jackie’s email included this
a. the signature campaign is still live to get student signatures in-support os a
shuttle between dt and west. all senate encouraged to read and sign, if so
inclined. (don't know what i'm talking about? the link to the survey has been
mailed to all MC students several times, along with the Student Bulletin.)
b. the shuttle between truax and dt has extended hours for a TRAIL PERIOD
jan. 10 - 28th. student activities board will vote next friday to fund - or not
fund - the extended hours. they will make this decision based on student
usage of those 4 extra runs made by the shuttle each day. HERE IS THE
PROBLEM....senate did nothing to publicize the extended hours / trial students may not know there are extended hours, nor do they
know that it is a
USE IT, OR LOSE IT situation. in light of this, i have: (1) created signs
which have been put-up at dt and truax; (2) provided info for the hallway
monitors at truax and dt; (3) asked kevin to put the info on the DVD screens
on the shuttle; (4) made hand-flyers that all senate personnel should take to
their classes and talk to student about the shuttle with (these are on the senate
work-table or nathan brought them to today's meeting.); (5) asked that an allstudent e-mail blast get sent-out to students ALL SENATE PERSONNEL
should be talking about this so students are award and using those 4 extra runs
of they need them.
c. daniel is compiling the info about "what-to-name" the shuttle. the decision
(either by the transportation committee or if they bring it to the whole senate)
will then go to madison college marketing...who is waiting to go to work on
words and images to brand the shuttle and all shuttle signage. another
company in town has been waiting for the same, so they can do some cool
entrance-area branding for the shuttle.
d. the reg. sized shuttle (37 passenger) is having it's wheel-chair lift serviced.
it will be back in late january. until then, kobussen is using a 57 passenger
shuttle, which cannot make the turn on the horseshoe drive at truax. so they
use the metro bus stop on wright st. there was conflict this week. metro didn't
like that the shuttle was in the way. the matter has been resolved and MC
personnel are clearng more snow from that area to accomodate a bus and a
shuttle temporarily.
e. no concrete agreements were worked-out for faculty and staff to start using
the shuttle this spring semester. i've been talking to union presidents and the
onecard folks. i'll partner with the transportation committee to make this
happen, sooner rather than later. when faculty and staff ride...this will add
cash-flow to the shuttle program.
f. the spring semester will see BIG action from the transportation committee
leading up to a referendum question going to students in the
future of the shuttle and bus and para-transit program will be funded. the
$$$$ runs-out as of the end of spring 2012. so in-order to have a plan for fall
2012, the work must be done now. more later from your transportation crew.
VII. New Business
a) Commuter Fair: Jackie’s email included this information. COMMUTER
FAIR the commuter fair was scheduled for jan. week. since
there is no plan, what will the plan be to bring transportation info to thousands
of commuting students....many, many new students?
Jacob said that the Transportation Committee missed out on the opportunity to
host this fair and that it would be great if we could still provide students with
an event this upcoming semester.
b) Transportation Committee Chair: It has been unclear who is currently in
charge of the Transportation Committee. This roll is very important and
someone needs to fill the vacancy. This person will be responsible for the
committee and will need to attend EC meetings and schedule one-on-ones
with Jackie. Jacob asked who would be interested in covering as
Transportation Committee chair during the Spring semester. Kevin was
interested in this position.
c) Janurary 21st, 2010 Wisconsin Student Government Meeting: It’s been
unclear who was responsible for the WSG meeting without Eric involved in
the Senate. Jennifer asked who was planning the trip (including transportation
and hotels) and who was planning to go. Emily took responsibility for
planning the excursion and found that Ali, Cory and Daniel were interested in
d) Office Manager Position: In 2010, the Student Senate voted to add an Office
Manager position. This position is funded by federal work-study money until
mid-February. The Senate needs to make the decision of whether or not to
continue to fund this position through May out of its own budget. The Senate
held discussion and was unable to come to a conclusion based on lack of
information. Kevin moved to postpone the decision and Nathan seconded.
e) Student Senate 50th Anniversary: The Student Senate will be having it’s 50th
anniversary during the 2011-2012 school year.
f) VP State and Local Nominations: The nominations for Vice President of
State and Local were still open. Kevin nominated Ali for the position and
Daniel seconded. Nominations were closed and voting was opened.
Discussion was held. Members of the Senate were able to ask questions to
both candidates, Emily and Ali, and the candidates had three minutes to
respond. A closed vote was then held and Ali Channa was elected into the
position of Vice President of State and Local Government.
VIII. Adjournment
Jacob Weigandt adjourned the meeting at 7:30pm.
Minutes submitted by: Jennifer Johnson