Table Talks Mar 23, 2014: Defining Marriage 1 Corinthians 7: 1

Table Talks
Table Talks
Mar 23, 2014: Defining Marriage
Mar 23, 2014: Defining Marriage
1 Corinthians 7: 1 - 7
1 Corinthians 7: 1 - 7
Marriage is the most intimate and transformational relationship we enter
into on earth. There is only one relationship that is more intimate and
transformational and that is a relationship with God through faith in Jesus
Christ. Men and women are created in God’s image, but it is in a marriage
founded in Christ that the image of God is finally reflected more perfectly.
Husbands and wives must fight for and protect their oneness through
physical, emotional and spiritual unity. Too often we let the pressures of the
world and the temptations to put “self” first destroy this unity. Spouses
often get one another’s “leftovers” after their “best” has been given at work
or in some other area of life. The world needs marriages that have
discovered the secret of unity in Christ.
Marriage is the most intimate and transformational relationship we
enter into on earth. There is only one relationship that is more intimate and
transformational and that is a relationship with God through faith in Jesus
Christ. Men and women are created in God’s image, but it is in a marriage
founded in Christ that the image of God is finally reflected more perfectly.
Husbands and wives must fight for and protect their oneness through
physical, emotional and spiritual unity. Too often we let the pressures of
the world and the temptations to put “self” first destroy this unity. Spouses
often get one another’s “leftovers” after their “best” has been given at
work or in some other area of life. The world needs marriages that have
discovered the secret of unity in Christ.
Table Talk
 When have you seen couples serve one another only “leftovers”
after giving their “best” elsewhere?
 What factors, stresses or influences threaten the unity of in Christian
marriages today?
 If you are preparing for marriage one day, how may you change the
way you relate to the opposite sex in order to find the kind of
marriage God has in mind for you?
Table Talk
 When have you seen couples serve one another only “leftovers”
after giving their “best” elsewhere?
 What factors, stresses or influences threaten the unity of in
Christian marriages today?
 If you are preparing for marriage one day, how may you change the
way you relate to the opposite sex in order to find the kind of
marriage God has in mind for you?
Prayer: Dear loving Father, thank you for making us for one another. Thank
you for reflecting your nature most clearly in the marriage bond you
designed. Amen.
Prayer: Dear loving Father, thank you for making us for one another. Thank
you for reflecting your nature most clearly in the marriage bond you
designed. Amen.
Table Talks are designed for family devotions and are
based on the readings from Sunday morning. Find a
time in the next week to do this devotion with those
in your home.
Table Talks are designed for family devotions and are
based on the readings from Sunday morning. Find a time
in the next week to do this devotion with those in your