PEOPLE, LAND MANAGEMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE (PLEC) KENYA SUB CLUSTER FINAL PLEC PROJECT REPORT – PHASE 1 1998 - 2002 R..R.C-Embu, P.O Box 27, Embu, Kenya Tel: 0161-20116 E-mail: Compiled and edited by J.N. Kang’ara Ezekiah Ngoroi Charles M. Rimui PLEC PROJECT FINAL REPORT KENYA SUBCLUSTER By J.N. Kang’ara , E.H. Ngoroi, C.M. Rimui , Kajuju Kaburu and B.O.Okoba Executive summary EAPLEC was one of the five fully funded cluster by GEF of UNEP through United Nation University (UNU) Tokyo. The Kenya sub-cluster had selected two sites based on ethnic communities, richness in biodiversity, Agro-ecological zones (AEZ) and socio-economic factors by 1998. After initial characterisation of the sites through PRA methods and biophysical survey, the Kenya sub-cluster reorganized its activities on advise of the PLEC technical advisor. This involved discontinuing of the Kiambu site and scaling down the 45 km long Embu site to a focal area of about 11 km2 , instead of spreading thinly with minimal coverage of the landscape. Therefore demonstration site was confined to Nduuri as the Kenyan site which lies between 0 25South and 37 33 East in the upper midland 2 (UM2) Agro-ecological zone (AEZ) as classified by Jaetzold and Shmidt (1983) within the Kirimiri-Karue catchment. Administratively Nduuri falls under Mukuuri sub-location, Kagaari South location, Runyenjes’ Division, Embu District of Eastern Province. Mukuuri sub location has a total population of 5978 inhabitants (CBS 1999), comprising 2928 male and 3050 female. This was followed by a focused PRA to identify and monitor good indigenous farming practices adopted by individual farmers. The indigenous technologies’ scientific rationale was studied and farmers with successful technologies selected as experts to teach others. Therefore farmer to farmer visits were encouraged and field days organized to facilitate the dissemination. In areas where researchers found a production gap , new production technologies compatible to their land use system were demonstrated in the area and the farmers made the choice on what to try on their farms. The biodiversity and agro diversity data was collected and database established for this area as well as characterisation of households. Other focused survey on fruits and vegetables, botanical knowledge gap and home gardens were conducted and information obtained from this survey was discussed with the cluster members on how to solve some of the problems identified in farmers workshops. The principal production constraints in the area were identified as: declining soil productivity due to continuous cultivation without adequate soil nutrient replenishment, declining soil productivity due to cultivation of steep slopes without adequate soil and water conservation measures, shortage of livestock feeds especially during dry season and inadequate tree-crop interactions. Some of the identified technologies include incorporating fig tree in coffee plantation and addition of farmyard manure to enhance soil fertility. Terracing and mulching is also practised to control soil erosion. Other technologies demonstrated included indigenous technical knowledge to control coffee stem borers, top working on Ruiru 11 disease resistant coffee onto older susceptible varieties, enhancing biodiversity in coffee field to increase land production and strategic horticultural production under irrigation. 1. Section one EAPLEC has been one of the five fully funded cluster by GEF of UNDP through United Nation University (UNU) Tokyo. After re-organisation of EAPLEC in 1998, two multi-disciplinary teams were formed to carry out PLEC activities in two different ethnic communities in different Agro-ecological zones (AEZ) in Kenya viz. Lari division of Kiambu district of Central Kenya and the Embu and Mbeere districts of Eastern Kenya. 1 The Kenya Sub-cluster started with a country planning meeting in July 1998 held at the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) Headquarters under the chairmanship of Dr. R. Kiome the EAPLEC Cluster co-ordinator. The activities and the work plans were discussed and implementation started immediately 1.1 Site selection The choice of the site was based on the population pressure, ethnic communities, richness in biodiversity and AEZ which is also based on agricultural potential, soil types, climatic condition and agro-biodiversity. Also considered in site selection was socio-economic factors and proximity to the market. Initially a quick reconnaissance was made to the areas which had met the selection criteria. In Embu this included two sites with high biodiversity viz. from Njukiri forest down to Gachoka traversing 5 AEZ and the Kirimiri forest down to Gitaru and Kamburu Dams on Tana River. The Kirimiri Tana river site was finally selected for PLEC activities. The Kiambu site is located on two Transects in Lari administrative division of Kiambu district. The division lies between 3635’and 36 43’East and 0 50’ and 1 40’south. One of the transects ran along the Kamae forest/Kijabe axis while the other started at Kimende to Maai Mahiu on the old Nairobi-Naivasha road. The division is between 1760 m and 2610m above sea level (masl). The average annual rainfall varies between 700 mm and 1400 mm. The soils are Ando-calcaric Regosols, Ando luvic Phaeozems, Lithisols, Chromic Acrisols and humic Nitosols according to Jaetzold and Schmidt (1983). The Embu-Mbeere site, which initially was to cover a large transect running from the lower Kirimiri volcanic footridges (1790 masl) in Manyatta and Runyenjes Divisions, Embu district, to the Gitaru and Kamburu dams on the Tana river in Gachoka Division, Mbeere district (793 masl), was later scaled down and limited to the northern end of the transect to include only Mukuuri sub-location where the demonstration site was eventually located. 1.2 Initial Characterisation 1.2.1 Transect through the site In Embu, a PRA was conducted along the transect with the objective of having an insight of the attributes that characterize the agro-ecological zones (AEZ) from the upland, coffee-dairy midaltitude zone, to the low altitude semi-arid sorghum-millet extensive livestock zone. The goal was to inventory different land-use and management systems within each AEZ, using existing land-use maps, informants and observations while travelling through the area. Specifically the upper transect boundary, began with the identification at the upland mid-altitude area of a cover of an indigenous, well preserved existing forest, with a form of taungya/shamba system of cultivation (planted with exotic trees), and diverse land use systems down the altitudinal gradient. Further down various strategies were being developed by farmers, in light of the decreasing land sizes and increasing population. The boundary of the lower section of the transect was identified as the recently built Kamburu and Gitaru dams which were deemed to have had a great influence on the lifestyle of the people. Emphasis was to be placed on the dams’ influence on the surface hydrology and the influence of the fishing activities on the peoples livelihood - shifting from purely subsistence cultivators of land and extensive livestock keepers to supplementary fishing and horticultural farming by irrigation techniques. 2 The whole Embu-Mbeere transect area covered approximately 450 km2. The main NairobiMeru road crosses though the transect area in the north. The transect cuts across seven agroecological zones - the upper midlands (UM) 1, 2, 3, 4 under the coffee-tea, main coffee/dairy, marginal coffee, maize-sunflower land use systems respectively, and the lower midlands (LM) 3, 4 and 5 under the cotton, marginal cotton and extensive livestock-millet land-use systems respectively. Due to low economic returns, sunflower and cotton production in the area is of low priority. The boundary ran from Kianjokoma, Manyatta, Itabua, then along the Embu - Gachoka road to the Kianjiru Hills and into Thiba river and then ends at the Kamburu dam while the Eastern flank runs from Kirimiri hill to Runyenjes - Siakago - Igumori ending into Gitaru dam. In Kiambu, the PRA was conducted early 1999 in Lari division by researchers from KARI, extension personnel of Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development and the local community. The data was collected through observations and individual and group interviews along two transects traversing the whole division from the natural forest in the upper highland zone (UH0) through the cultivated and settled areas to another natural forest in the lower highland Zone (LH3). The interviewees were the local station forester, the water development officer, farmers, community leaders and prominent practising herbalists. The issues recorded were: household or personal data, socio-economic data, resource endowment, soil and water management, infrastructures, land use system trend lines on climate, land management, migrations, animals and plants change . 1.2.2 Biophysical characterisation At the same period when the PRA was being conducted, biophysical survey was initiated. The site evaluation was carried out within the transect in order to: characterize the site in terms of the soil, agro-ecological zones, landscapes and their management problems, and examine the biophysical status of land resources on each landscape and within each agro-ecosystem under different management and conservation practices. The characterization involved literature reviews, aerial photo interpretation and detailed analysis of biophysical land characteristics using conventional soil survey procedures. 1.2.3 Household characterization The Nduuri household family sizes are between 2 and 15, with a mean of 6.8. Most of the labour force comes from the family. However, it was found that 55 per cent of families hire labour to supplement family labour especially for coffee related operations. Family income is wholly dependent on farm income. Sixty four per cent of families are male headed. Household land sizes vary between 0.2 and 2 hectares (0.92 hectares as the average size). 1.3 Determination of focus sites In the next planning meeting, it was decided that Kiambu site be discontinued and concentrate on Embu site which was far much ahead of Kiambu in PLEC activities at the end of 1999. After a visit by Prof. Michael Stocking in 1999, the Embu PLEC team was advised to reduce the site which first covered Embu and Mbeere transect as this made the team too spread thinly and could not cover that area intensively. The team then focused on the upper part of the site at Nduuri sub-location Runyenjes Division Embu District as the demonstration site. A 3 reconnaissance survey was undertaken along the Kirimiri - Karue axis of this area with the aim of identifying the vegetation, major land use, land management practices, cropping systems and household characteristics at an exploratory level. The survey was conducted by researchers from Embu Regional Research Centre in collaboration with the extension personnel from the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), a forester, herbalists and the farmers in the area. 1.4 Progress of work and involvement of scientists and other collaborators The core PLEC team initially was made up of three scientists, an agronomist, soil scientist and a livestock scientist, and one technician. From time to time specialists from other disciplines were co-opted for a particular purpose. For this reason a soil surveyor was incorporated to do the biophysical characterisation in 1999 and a demographic specialist was co-opted (see Table 1). Similarly in 1999 PRA socio-economist, a veterinary officer, and two herbalist were involved. During the regular monitoring of farmer experiments/demonstrations a biometrician was involved. At the beginning of year 2000 the need for a home economist / nutritionist was felt and the first female member of the PLEC team was recruited. 4 Table 1. PLEC work progress and collaborators Date Activity Participants farmers 1994 1998 Start of EAPLEC PLEC team reconstituted with Embu and Kiambu sites July 1998 1st sub-cluster planning meeting at KARI Hq August 1998 1st reconnaissance for site selection August 1998 Transect identification and mapping November 1998 Demonstration site selection and characterisation December 1998 and PRA January 1999 1.Group meeting 2.Individual meeting February 1999 Demographic studies September 1999 Agrodiversity Characterisation February 1999-Nov 1999 Biophysical characterisation 1999-2001 Identification and monitoring of good practises by expert farmers Feb 1999-Aug 1999 Household characterisation July 1999 Farmers group tree nursery July 2000 Field day June 2001 Survey on vegetable distribution Feb 2000-July 2001 Data base development Dec 1999 Botanical Knowledge gap survey Oct.2000 home garden survey Jan. 1999-Nov 2001 Regular monitoring of demonstrations July 2001 Meru tour to area of high agrobiodiversity August 2001 Field day/Meru tour follow-up April 1999- Nov.2001 Farmer to farmer tours November 2001 PLEC Arusha workshop research extension Field asistant students Other collaborators 10 8 20 2 3 3 80 6 2 30 3 2 4 3 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 73 51 6 22 2 3 4 5 4 5 5 6 3 2 3 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 123 44 1 3 3 4 3 2 1 1 2 . Herbalists 1 5 40 26 53 43 5 5 1. Dr Mungai One of the main difficulties experienced was that of the scientists themselves due to KARI orientation on Farming Systems Approach to Research, Extension and Training (FSA-RET) where problems are identified, prioritized and intervention made either through research or just extension to solve the problem. Here, the scientist and the extension worker are the experts and the source of technology. This differed with PLEC approach as the roles were reversed: to appreciate the farmer as the expert, while the researcher and the extension worker were to learn from him and use him to teach other farmers. It took very long for the researchers and the extension officers from Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to adjust to the PLEC approach. Promotions for scientists are based on the number of scientific papers published in refereed journals and presented in the conferences from their hard science. Where the farmer is the expert and the scientist is a student, the fear was that papers emanating from this work may not qualify for publication in recognized journals and this may not contribute to career advancement of the scientist. However, KARI has developed an evaluation scheme which is now recognising such publications for advancement. The other problem is historical. Non governmental organisations (NGOs) have made extension by the government arm very difficult. This is because they issue handouts in form of tools, seeds, food and even money to the farmers as they disseminate technologies. This therefore, made the extension officers from Ministry of Agriculture who come after the NGOs have left to be ignored by farming communities since they had nothing to offer. It then became the policy of Ministry of Agriculture not to give any thing free to the farmer to discourage that dependency syndrome. So it was difficult for PLEC to break out of this policy and reward the expert farmers. This was not just a farmer but was an expert who rendered service to other farmers and to the scientists and needed to be encouraged or motivated to spend some of his farm time to teach others. This would have encouraged the expert farmers to do even more for the benefit of his/her community. We therefore had a very slow start with the expert farmer. 2. Section two – Sites 2.1 Location The Nduuri demonstration site is located at Nduuri village, 0o25’S and 37o33’E in the Upper Midlands 2 (UM2) Agro-ecological zone (AEZ) as classified by Jaetzold and Shmidt (1983) within the Kirimiri-Karue catchment. Administratively Nduuri falls under Mukuuri sub-location, Kagaari South location, Runyenjes’ Division, Embu District of Eastern Province. The nearest urban centre is Runyenjes town 3 kilometres east of Nduuri village while Embu town the provincial capital is 25 kilometres to the west. Two major landmarks dominate the area - the forested Kirimiri hill (1790m ASL) in the north and Karue hill (1591m asl) in the south (Figure 1). 2.2 Area and population Mukuuri sub location has a total population of 5978 inhabitants (CBS 1999), comprising 2928 male and 3050 female. Within an area of 11.2 square km Mukuuri has a population density of 534 inhabitants per square kilometre. There are 1235 households. The inhabitants of the area are the Embu ethnic group. 6 2.3 Physical characteristics The demonstration site is characterized by gentle slopes at the top of ridges to steep slopes of between 15 and 50% (see topographical map, Figure 1) The area is marked by ridges and valleys and is endowed with permanent streams originating from Kirimiri hill and Mt Kenya forest about 7 km to the north. Soils at the demonstration site are classified as humic Nitosols developed on tertiary basic igneous rocks. There is variation in soil type as one moves from one village sub-unit to another (Figure 2). They are well-drained, extremely deep, darkish brown with friable clay. Altitude ranges between 1200-1790 masl. Rainfall has a bimodal pattern with the amount varying between 1000 – 2000 mm per annum with distribution in March-April, long rains, and October-December, the short rains. The vegetation ranges from conserved natural forest to agro-forestry farmlands. Both exotic and indigenous trees make a dense cover of the landscape. 7 Figure 1. Topographical map showing the two land mark hills Scale 1:50,000 8 Figure 2. A sketch map of Nduuri Demonstration site showing streams and village sub units Kamugere area Kirimiri forest To Kevote 9 10 Karue Hill R. Ena 7 From Embu NEMBURE DIVISION 1 3 R. Kamiu gu, 5 R. Karii 8 Shops 4 2 11 Factory R. Nthu ngu Sch 12 NDUURI UNIT 6 Nthenge njeru Falls Nduuri C. Factory. R.Ena 9 Nthungu Falls KEY Feeder road Tributary Main River Boundaries Main River Tarmac Road Tarmac Road Village Sub-units Figure 2 Key: The village sub-units in the farmers’ resource map. (Soil types and topography as described by the farmers) 1) Kianjogu The soils are of two types. Some are mixed with sand and others are light soils due to long cultivation. The soils in the area are of medium fertility. The light soils have a good water-holding capacity. Some areas are sloped and others are flat. 2) Gaturi. The soils are red and not sticky and are medium in fertility. Some areas are sloped and others are flat. 3) Central Muthege. The colour is medium between red and dark-red but sandy towards river Ena. The land is moderately sloped. 4) Gichaki. The soils are of low fertility, which are red and dark in colour and are not sandy. The land is sloped with some flat areas. 5) Gachagori. One area on the eastern side has dark soils that are comparatively fertile than the eastern side soils that are reddish in colour. The upper side of the area is steeper on the eastern side. 6) Kagea. The soils are light and infertile. The area has steep slopes towards Ena River. 7) Kianjeru. The soils in the area are dark in colour but reddish infertile towards the Kamiugu River. The land steeps towards the river. 8) Lower Muthege. The soils are stony and sandy as well as light but fertile. The lower areas especially the valley-bottom near the river junction are quite fertile. 9) Upper Muthege. Like lower Muthege. 10) Kirimiri. These are sandy soils with ferns growing on them. They are poor and little maize grows there. The area is Hilly. 11) Karii. The soils are sandy depositions from Kirimiri and thus rendering the soils to be poor. Topographically, the area is flat. 12) Kiambogo. This area is covered with light soils that are infertile with the lower area being a little bit fertile. The area is hilly. 11 2.4 Land use system Most of the farmers have settled in the area for the last 40 years when land holdings were consolidated and registered. Prior to this period the community practised shifting cultivation. Significant changes have taken place in the cropping system as the years have passed. Whereas earlier the two main seasons (long rains and short rains) were predominantly for dolicos beans and millet/sorghum respectively, the introduction of coffee, maize and other short maturity legumes replaced the millets and dolicos beans. The second rains season is still referred to as the mbura ya mwere i.e millet season although there is no longer any millet grown. The predominant farming system is now mainly coffee/dairy, maize/beans. Maize and beans are now grown during the two seasons. A total of 33 cropping systems were recorded. Coffee was found inter-cropped in 40% of the crop combinations, for example as sole coffee, coffee-cassava, coffee-banana, coffee-sweet potatoes, coffee-banana-macadamia, coffee-cowpeas, coffee-tobacco, coffee-passionfruit, coffee-miraa-banana, and coffee-pumpkin (Plates 1 and 2). Other crops like maize and beans were inter-cropped with sorghum, cassava, bananas and macadamia. Miraa (Catha edulis) is a crop that is becoming prominent within the coffee fields. Macadamia is an established cash crop in the area. Cocoyams, sugarcane, bananas, kale and onions were concentrated in the valley bottoms. Sugarcane and cocoyams take the largest area of the valleys. Plate 1: Coffee variety Ruiru 11, intercropped with cassava and beans. 12 Plate 2: Coffee intercropped with bananas, tomatoes, and macadamia. Most of the income in the study area has traditionally been generated from coffee, dairy and sale of food crops such as maize and beans. As a result of poor coffee marketing and co-operative society management, returns from coffee sales have decreased and farmers are paying less attention to coffee management. In cultivated areas the indigenous trees have been replaced with exotic tree species such as Grevillea robusta. Of the farms visited 54 per cent had open stall type of cow sheds. Other than dairy cows, other livestock types included goats and pigs also kept in open stall sheds. Bee hives were generally found in valley bottoms. Traditional poultry was predominant and purely for home consumption. Timber and fruit trees are predominant in the farms. Grevillea was the dominant exotic tree followed by macadamia, mangoes (unimproved varieties) and avocados. Twenty agroforestry trees were identified. Seventeen indigenous trees were recorded, some of which are becoming very rare within the area. The predominant uses of the trees and shrubs included timber, fruits, medicinal purposes, and fencing. (Table 2) 13 Table 2 Agroforestry trees and shrubs Indigenous species Mururi Mukuyu Mutundu Muringa Mukwego Muu Mugumo Kariaria Mukambura Muvuti Mubuthi Murubaine Muthiriti Murerema Mukau Mubiru Muchakuthe % 14 12 10 10 10 7 7 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Exotic species Grevillea Macadamia Mangoes Avocados Pawpaw Guava Passion Castor Eucalyptus Cypress Croton Miraa Locquarts Nandi flame Euphobia Mulberry Lemons Calliandra Acacia Jack fruit % 16 14 12 11 8 6 5 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2.5 Production constraints The principal production constraints in the area were identified as: declining soil productivity due to continuous cultivation without adequate soil nutrient replenishment declining soil productivity due to cultivation of steep slopes without adequate soil and water conservation measures shortage of livestock feeds especially during dry season inadequate tree-crop interactions. With regard to these constraints the conventional measures recommended include: use of inorganic fertilizers, farmyard manures, and implementation of physical soil and water conservation measures stabilized by grass strips; use of fodder banks along farm boundaries; use of pure stand cash crop trees (coffee); and crop rotation to overcome the disease/pest effect on different crop combinations. Due to inability to adequately adopt the recommended measures, the farmers have modified and also introduced other measures that are compatible with their knowledge and ability. In addition cultivation and exploitation of the Kirimiri forest has adversely affected the water catchment for the Karii, Kamiugu and Nthungu streams. This could adversely affect the irrigation activities planned for the area. A government ban was imposed on further exploitation in 2000. Poor coffee price is the major constraint for the community who has always depended on the commodity. Crop and livestock pests and diseases are constraints resulting from the poverty 14 occasioned by the failure of the coffee industry. Occasionally, as in 2000, famine resulted from prolonged drought and many turned to the valley bottom for irrigated crop production. The young and educated have moved to the urban areas in search of opportunities leaving the older and least educated in the area. Teachers form the bulk of the more educated still living within the community. Work was started for a brief period at Mvangua village also in Embu in 1999. This was a site in the upper midland 3 (UM3) agro ecological zone. The area is a major maize producing area with more gentle slopes than Nduuri and with different soil management approaches. For example due to the relatively lower rainfall farmers predominantly use maize stover as mulch for Irish potato production. This site was closed down on recommendation of the technical advisor when it was realized that we lagged behind in setting up the first demonstration site. 3 Section three - Activities at the site The Nduuri demonstration site was started by first mobilizing the community by the local chief for a meeting with a multidisciplinary team of researchers, agricultural and forestry extension personnel, and renowned herbalists. Virtually all the farmers in the village turned up during this first meeting. This was an induction meeting at which the PLEC concept was explained to the farmers and other collaborators. A reconnaissance walk was undertaken along the Kirimiri - Karue axis of this area with the aim of identifying the vegetation, major land use, land management practices, cropping systems and household characteristics globally. From this survey we came up with a profile of several farmers, diverse vegetation and management techniques that the PLEC team was to monitor. 3.1 Collaborating farmers Among the first farmer practices to be identified were those using the fig tree as a shade tree and for soil fertility replenishment. From the initial three farmers more farmer practices were identified and the number of farmers rose to 32. By the end of the project PLEC had drawn together a cluster of 60 farmers with enthusiasm on the activities. During one of the activities investigating botanical knowledge gap between the age groups the whole of the Ndurri community was involved including the younger members. Other practices monitored were the use of irrigation for vegetable production, introduction of miraa into the cropping system, planting of indigenous trees, mulching coffee plantation with banana leaves and Grevillea leaves, intercropping coffee with irrigated vegetables (spinach, kale, onion, tomato), intercropping coffee with tomatoes (Plate 3), bananas, sweet potato and Irish potatoes, modifying bench terraces into basins for irrigation, and using maize and sugarcane stover, banana pseudo stems and leaves for fertility enhancement. Some farmers were also found to control soil erosion and maintain soil fertility by mulching without the use of bench terraces. Other farmers were using trash lines of banana leaves and banana pseudo stems for soil erosion control. 15 Plate No. 3: Tomatoes under mulch, intercropped with coffee. 3.2 Expert farmers Gradually expert farmers were selected after several visits to their farms and the farmers had demonstrated to PLEC that the practice was viable. Preliminary findings were reported to the farmers in one of the several farmer meetings held. In the meeting expert farmers described the practices they were demonstrating. After the initial meeting farmers were encouraged to visit and learn from those farmers whose practices had been selected. Expert farmers were each provided with a notebook for recording all visiting farmers who came on a learning mission. In this way PLEC could evaluate the extent to which farmers were exchanging visits. More contact was also achieved between expert farmers and the rest during seminars organized at Nduuri Primary School. 3.2.1 Use of fig tree (Ficus sycomorus) as a shade tree in coffee (by Njue Ndungo, Francis Muriuki and Rweria Muruanjuki). Farmers in Nduuri have devised several methods of replenishing soil fertility by the use of sweet potatoes in rotation, use of farm yard manure, use of crop residues and planting fig trees (Ficus sycomorus) in coffee farms. PLEC initially identified 3 farmers who had planted fig trees in their coffee farms. The farmers claimed the fig tree modified the microclimate and improved soil fertility. Later six other farmers were spotted and included in the monitoring of this activity. Although the results of the observations indicated no significant difference in yield or soil quality under the fig tree or outside there was a strong indication of benefits especially during the severe 2000 drought. Coffee berries developed only under the fig tree canopy. Farmers using this practice are also contributing to the conservation of biodiversity. 3.2.2 Control of stem borers in coffee (by Mbaka Njuranio and Njue Ndungo) In the recent past coffee pests such as the white borer (Anthores leucotonus), black borer (Apate monacha) and yellow-headed borer (Dirphya nigricornis) have multiplied due to lack of spraying of the crop as a result of low financial proceeds from the commodity. Farmers have 16 devised a technique of plant to plant inspection and spot application of paraffin or other chemicals to destroy these devastating borers. They check for the symptoms such as yellowing of leaves, frass and tunnelling made by the borer at the base of the stems. Soil is excavated from the base of the stems of the suspect plants and when tunnels are noticed a piece of cotton wool soaked in insecticide or paraffin is inserted into the tunnel using a bicycle spoke and the larvae die on contact or through fumigative effect of the insecticide. This method of control was found to be effective in the control of these pests since there was a low rate of recurrence of the pest after treatment. This practice has been widely adapted by the farmers as their own invention. Spot application of the chemical according to the farmers is cheaper and also it avoids environmental pollution. 3.2.3 Top working Ruiru 11 onto SL34 coffee (by Bernard Njeru M’ Thungu) Successful coffee cultivation is dependent on control of three major diseases namely: Coffee Berry Disease (CBD) caused by Colletotrichum coffeanum, leaf rust, caused by Hemileia vastatrix, and Bacterial Blight of Coffee (BBC) by Pseudomonas syringae. CBD and Leaf Rust are fungal diseases while BBC is a bacterial disease. If not controlled field losses due to these diseases can be very high. Spray programmes using various fungicides have been recommended and the number of sprays can range from 8 to 14 depending on the prevailing weather condition and the type of disease being controlled (Coffee Booard of Kenya, 1996). Other recommended practices to reduce incidence of these diseases include pruning and use of shade trees. In Nduuri BBC does not occur and the farmers have only to contend with the fungal diseases. PLEC spotted one of the Nduuri farmers trying to deal with the problem by top working the CBD and rust tolerant Ruiru 11 onto the susceptible variety SL34. Four other farmers from Nduuri and its neighbourhood have started to adopt the technology from the first farmers but many are waiting to see the results before making a decision on adoption. 3.3 Farmer-to- farmer training Use of fig tree as a shade tree in coffee generated interest among farmers. Useful exchange took place between farmers and most agreed that the practice was beneficial to coffee. Expert farmers allayed fears expressed by their colleagues on the possible increase in coffee berry disease, leaf rust and coffee thrips as a result of shading. The participating farmers advised trimming away the lower branches of the fig tree leaving the canopy high over the coffee trees to reduce humidity. They observed that in July/August when the weather is cold and conducive for outbreak of coffee berry disease and leaf rust the fig tree will have shed its leaves thus leaving bear twigs. The shading effect will therefore be minimal. During one of the seminars, interested farmers requested fig tree seedlings which some of the expert farmers were willing to provide. Many farmers adopted the control of stem borers in coffee as PLEC expert farmers demonstrated that there was low recurrence of the borers after the treatment. Miraa cultivation as demonstrated by one farmer was found to be a good alternative source of income by the community in the prevailing low coffee prices. However adoption of the crop was subject to overcoming socio-religious complications since this stimulating drug was unacceptable to some members of the community. 17 From a visit to a farmer in another district farmers learned the use of various trees species for fruit, medicine and other specialized uses such as water purification. This experience acted as a motivation to the tree nursery team and they were eager to add more tree species to their collection. Initially only one farmer was identified intercropping pumpkins with coffee. By the end of the project there were 6 farmers using pumpkin as a cover crop in coffee and augmenting their farm income through sale of the pumpkins. In this technology, common beans (Phaseolous vulgaris) and the pumpkins were planted at the same time under coffee crop (Plate 4). As the season progressed beans matured fast providing a ground cover which enhanced water percolation, reduced soil and moisture loss and smothered weeds. Meanwhile pumpkins catch-up and started to spread on the surface just when beans were ready for harvesting. As soon as beans were removed pumpkin spread all over the coffee field and continued to provide ground cover. The farmer harvested 500 pumpkins from the coffee/banana/pumpkin inter-crop on one acre of land. These were then sold locally in a road-side kiosk or to buyers who took them to the capital city 150 km away. The pumpkin also had an added value of increasing the organic matter in the soil. Thus from a plot of land which originally only produced coffee the farmer was able to harvest 3 crops and enhance household food security and income and at the same time conserve soil fertility. Plate No. 4: Coffee intercropped with bananas, pumpkins, and beans. Another farmer practice among the Nduuri community was synchronizing the crops produced under irrigation in the coffee field with peak market prices. In this practice the farmer lopped coffee and planted maize in the off-season. The maize matured during a period of maize scarcity and was harvested green to fetch premium prices. The land was prepared immediately and planted with kale, tomatoes, chillies, spinach and onions in the middle of the rainy season. The 18 vegetables mature under irrigation during a period of scarcity in the local market to fetch good market prices (Plates 5 and 6). Plate No. 5: Heaped cattle manure from zero-grazing unit ready for vegetable growing. Plate No. 6: Continuously trimmed coffee, intercropped with onions, Catha edulis, bananas, and tomatoes. The experience from this farmer and as a result of a tour to Meru District the farmers formed the Nduuri water project. The objective was to use the Ena river for irrigation purposes. The farmers were motivated by the Meru farmers who had earned much from production of horticultural crops such as green beans and green maize. Farmers have developed interest in improving their soils using various methods that were monitored by PLEC. These included use of fig tree and mulching. These were adopted from farmer’s own innovations. PLEC has introduced diversity in crop production by exposing farmers to new crops and new crop varieties of bananas, maize, soybeans, climbing beans, sweet potatoes. These were 19 introduced to the community and the new crop utilization was demonstrated during a field day at the local primary school. 3.4 Agrobiodiversity assessment Several aspects of management and bio-physical diversity were looked at. The investigation revealed that farmers are important agents of biodiversity conservation. There is evidence of a community that has evolved into successful crop variety selectors especially of traditional food crops as depicted by presence of old varieties that have tolerated adverse biotic factors for many decades and that are used for specialized needs. 3.5 Investigation into botanical knowledge gap A study was made to assess whether there were differences in botanical knowledge between age groups among the Nduuri community. The study found that the Nduuri community had diverse ways of utilizing the species in their surroundings. Species serving very specialized uses are evident within the locality. The investigation revealed apparent gaps in general knowledge as well as in utilization of species. The study generated interest among the community and raised awareness on the need for a concerted effort towards conservation. Section 4. Biodiversity analysis Quantitative analysis is contained in the database with the summary in Tables 3-7. Table 3 shows the analysis of forest biodiversity. The Pinus plantation and Natural forests had a higher species diversity than the other forests with Magalef index (Dmg) of 0.28 and 0.23 respectively. The least diversity was found in the agroforest field attributed to deliberate weed control in the crops. The natural forest had higher heterogeneity Shannon index (H) 2.8 while among the plantation forests, Cypress forest allowed more plant species to flourish under it than the other kind of plantations. Eucalyptus forest had the least heterogeneity with H 1.58. Table 4 contains the analysis of fallow versus cultivated land. The fallow land had higher species diversity (Dmg 0.23) than cultivated land, but the home garden had higher heterogeneity (H 2.98 ) due to mans’ deliberate effort to bring useful plant species closer to his homestead. This was followed by fallow land. Table 5 presents the analysis of the coffee land-use system. Coffee under Ficus had a higher species diversity and also heterogeneity than the other systems. Probably due to inherent high organic matter from the fallen Ficus leaves. Table 6 contains analysis of the annual cropped fields. Higher species diversity was found in the maize fields which were often intercropped with beans. The high species diversity was attributed to various weed species. In fact some species are deliberately retained by the farmers to serve as vegetables and fodder for livestock. 20 Table 7 compares fallow lands and forest. The natural forests and the fallow land had higher species diversity than the agroforest land and the forest reserve which have been deliberately cleared by developers. While the natural forest had the highest heterogeneity and forest reserve had the least heterogeneity (H2.80 and 1.37 respectively). 21 Table 3: Forest biodiversity analysis Cypress Eucalyptus Pinus Grevillea Natural Plantation Plantation Plantation Plantation forest Forest Forest Forest Forest 27 25 22 21 35 Species Richness 243 155 74 166 349 Individuals 0.11 0.15 0.28 0.12 0.10 Margalef Index 1.73 2.01 2.56 1.63 1.87 Menhinink Index 0.11 0.16 0.30 0.13 0.10 Gleason Index 2.21 1.58 1.67 2.10 2.80 Shannon Index Descriptions Annual crops & trees 18.00 688.00 0.02 0.69 Agroforest Natural forest 46.00 646.00 0.07 1.81 17.00 70.00 0.23 2.03 0.03 0.48 0.07 2.38 0.24 2.36 Table 4: Analysis of fallow versus cultivated land Descriptions Species Richness Individuals Margalef Index Menhinink Index Gleason Index Shannon Index Annual crop 12 7567 0.00 0.14 0.00 0.82 Fallow Agroforest Bush Home Fallow Grass Valley Fallow Fallow shrubs dominated garden grass dominated bottom on grass dominated valley bottom 31 46 18 21 17 23 15 33 22 131 646 76 411 95 632 462 304 114 0.23 0.07 0.22 0.05 0.17 0.03 0.03 0.11 0.18 2.71 1.81 2.06 1.04 1.74 0.91 0.70 1.89 2.06 0.24 1.93 0.07 2.38 0.24 2.22 0.05 2.98 22 0.18 1.31 0.04 2.53 0.03 1.48 0.11 2.25 0.19 1.87 Table 5: Analysis of coffee land-use system Descriptions Species Richness Individuals Margalef Index Menhinink Index Gleason Index Shannon Index Coffee plantation Home garden 21 98 0.20 2.12 21 411 0.05 1.04 0.21 2.02 0.05 2.98 Coffee Coffee Coffee under under without Ficus 1 Mukuyu 2 Ficus1 20 31 23 110 107 228 0.17 0.28 0.10 1.91 3.00 1.52 0.18 2.18 0.29 4.20 0.10 2.06 Valley bottom Home garden Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffe Coffee with SW without under with without with PV cover cover crop Ficus 3 Ficus 4 Ficus2 pumpkin 19 21 22 23 34 17 433 560 757 507 547 316 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.10 0.91 0.89 0.80 1.02 1.45 0.96 0.04 1.78 0.04 1.94 0.03 2.10 Table 6: Analysis of Annual crop field Descriptions Species Richness Individuals Margalef Index Menhinink Index Gleason Index Shannon Index Maize field Annual Home crop maize garden 39 266 0.14 2.39 39 268 0.14 2.38 21 411 0.05 1.04 15 462 0.03 0.70 45 1208 0.04 1.29 0.15 2.88 0.15 2.88 0.05 2.98 0.03 1.48 0.04 2.47 23 Home Annual crop Annual garden crops & trees 41 12 18 415 7567 688 0.10 0.00 0.02 2.01 0.14 0.69 0.10 2.34 0.00 0.82 0.03 0.48 0.05 2.37 0.06 2.05 0.05 2.15 Table 6: Analysis of fallow land, Natural forest and forest reserves Descriptions Species Richness Individuals Margalef Index Menhinink Index Gleason Index Shannon Index Natural Reserve Agroforest Agroforest Natural Bush forest dominated Natural forest Fallow shrubs & grass 18 91 0.19 1.89 46 646 0.07 1.81 24 1587 0.01 0.60 17 70 0.23 2.03 18 76 0.22 2.06 35 349 0.10 1.87 31 131 0.23 2.71 0.20 1.59 0.07 2.38 0.02 1.37 0.24 2.36 0.24 2.22 0.10 2.80 0.24 1.93 24 Section Six Introduction of new technologies and promotion of existing better farming practices that PLEC has contributed to the demonstration site: 1. Due to very high incidences of potato blight, higher use of fungicide spray was a common and expensive practice. The PLEC team through a field day introduced new varieties of Irish potatoes – Asante and Tigoni – which are tolerant to late blight. This has resulted in increased potato production, and enhanced food security and livelihood. This technology is popular and is likely to continue beyond year 2002. 2. Introduction of several varieties of climbing beans which are high yielding, tolerant to bean fly and bean anthracnose, and because their expansion is vertical they occupy a small area and are suitable to smallholder farms. This technology is increasingly becoming popular and has increased bean production in the in the area and is likely to continue beyond year 2002. 3. Top-working: Popularizing the top-working of Ruiru-11 onto SL varieties. The resultant coffee plants come to production earlier and are resistant to coffee berry disease which incidentally had made coffee production very costly. To change directly to Ruiru-11 from seedlings takes a long time before realising any income because it may mean uprooting the established SL varieties. This technology is gaining popularity and is likely to continue. 4. PLEC has popularized increased agro-biodiversity in the coffee land use system with high value crops that were being planted by a few farmers in the area. But the impetus was enhanced when the farmers toured Meru and realized how the could profit by having a well organized self help irrigation group. This then has increased organisation ability to form Nduuri self help group in addition to the existing poorly run Kamiugu self help irrigation group. Also Kamiugu has started to improve its management after the Meru visit. This development is likely to enhance livelihoods and is likely to continue even when PLEC leaves. However, all the above fledging project technologies still need PLEC backstopping for better performance and up-scaling. References: CBS (1999). Central Bureau of Statistics Ministry of finance and planning, Nairobi, Kenya. 1999 population and housing census. Jaetzold R. and Schmidt, M. 1983. Farm Management Handbook of Kenya. Vol. 2, Ministry of Agriculture, Nairobi, Kenya. Coffee Board of Kenya (1996). Kenya Coffee Vol. 61 No. 722 pp.2345-2346 Reports 1. Mangale N., J.N. Mwangi, J.M. Miriti, J.N. Chui J. M Njoroge, W.Gikonyo and J.M. Njoroge. 1999. Participatory appraisal on People, Land use, Management and Environmental changes in Lari Division, Central Kenya. 25 2. Okoba, Barrack O., Ezekiah Ngoroi and Charles M. Rimui. 1999. Survey and preliminary evaluation report by 3. Muya, E.M. and R.M. Kiome. 1999. Analysis of biophysical constraints to agricultural production in Embu PLEC site 4. Ngoroi, E.H., J.N. Kang’ara, B.O.Okoba and C. M.Rimui. 2001. Botanical Knowledge gap between age groups in the Nduuri community of Embu, Kenya. 5. Ngoroi, E.H., B.O.Okoba, C.M. Rimui and J.N. Kang’ara. 2001. Effect of the fig tree (Ficus sycamorus) on the soil and yield of coffee. 6. Kang’ara, J.N., E.H. Ngoroi, J.M. Muturi. S.A. Amboga, F.K. Ngugi and I. Mwangi. 2001. The Role of livestock in soil fertility, biodiversity, land use, cultural and welfare change in Nduuri Embu, Kenya. 7. Kaburu, Kajuju, E.H. Ngoroi, J.N. Kang’ara, Seth Amboga, I. Mwangi and C.M. Rimui. 2001. The Vegetables and fruit biodiversity and seasonal distribution trend in Nduuri. 8. Rimui, C. M., E.H. Ngoroi, J.N. Kang’ara and B.O.Okoba. 2001. Household Diversity of the Nduuri community Embu Kenya. 26